Blog post 20
I believe I have realized the whole truth about the world, and I have realized all the lies that the world power and rich elite use to murder us ordinary people with, on this planet. This is the most important and maybe the last blog post I will write, or maybe not. Before I start, I want to recommend that you go into your Anti-virus and Unblocks the Antivirus Parental Control which blocks viewing of illegal content, and which blocks the downloading of illegal content on your computer. I have (F secure) Anti-virus. Remember that everything that the governments of the world give us ordinary people, works in favor of the governments of the world. It (F secure) blocks these videos about Psychiatry as if it were something illegal. I cannot watch the video and when I visit that YouTube account, then the antivirus lies that all videos have been deleted by users, which is a complete lie. When I have turned off the blocking functions in (F secure) Parental Control, then I can watch the videos about psychiatry on a computer. No matter what Antivirus you have, if you have Antivirus Parental Control enabled, then Antivirus will block for you all the truth on the internet that can warn you of life dangers that the world power and rich elite have laid out before your eyes, so that you can be fooled to death together with your children. In this blog post here, I have really said almost everything, that I had to say. I can always add more shit that the world power and the rich elite mislead, manipulate, censor all of us ordinary people on this planet with, so that the ordinary people of the world do not realize that the world power and the rich elite together murder adults, young people and children of us ordinary people completely legal, but I think I have said everything that is important so that the civilian population of the world can realize the truth about what evil they are all together. I recommend that you do not be in a hurry to read this blog quickly. Watch all the videos very carefully, because it’s about whether you should step out of the world’s power and rich elite brainwash, or whether you should continue to be brainwashed. If you continue to be brainwashed by the media propaganda of the world governments, then you or your children will be deceived into death and then you will end up in the grave. I start where I left off last and that is my ongoing death in electrical damage, and I start with the extermination of the world’s civilian population in the death industry that the world’s power and rich elite call Psychiatry.
Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
In this video, Nazis in the old films are described as propaganda that has demonized people through psychiatry to make it look like a credible reason for them to be able to murder Jews along with all other peoples who were considered enemies, Germans who were political opponents and even Germans who were mentally ill. Regarding this, they are absolutely right but not only that. What 99% of the civilian population (ordinary people) on this planet do not know is that Psychiatry was a fraud from the first day of world power and the rich elite came up with the idea of founding psychiatry as a state institution. Psychiatry today is the most evil brutal consummate and well-designed system of extermination and torture of people to death. Through Psychiatry, the (government) state reaches the entire civilian population. They reach us ordinary people, adults, young people, and our children. Through psychiatry, the government has free hands to legally liquidate, lock behind closed doors and permanently remove from society. Through psychiatry government harms people physically, harms people mentally, demonizes, mutilates, disables, murders, and legally locks ordinary people into captivity while claiming mental health care depression. All the massacres of civilians hide all governments on this planet through lies where states through TV, Radio, internet, and such YouTube video clips market psychiatry as a care institution. In this video they claim to criticize psychiatry as a fraud institution, while through media propaganda lies in this video hide and camouflage the true reason that allows psychiatry to continue to lead the entire world population into death by tricking people into permanent fatal injuries. The creators of this video Psychiatry: An industry of Death, creators of the second video in this blog post ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy and all existing similar videos on the internet, present themselves as credible advocates of truth fighting psychiatry. But it is precisely they themselves who are the power of the world and the voice of the rich elite of psychiatry. They do not fight against psychiatry. This video is well-crafted untrue and falsely misleading world government outspoken media propaganda aimed at concealing mass murders committed by psychiatry on the entire civilian population on this planet. This video is an advanced psychological manipulation and deception of the entire civilian population of the world in the service of all existing governments on this planet Earth. This video is a further development of the work of the Nazis through false information full of lies about psychiatry that aims to lure people into psychiatry, where people always go to their deaths. This video is the Perfection of Contemporary Fascism that is conveyed through this false propaganda video that aims to conceal the truth that all existing governments on this planet together murder their own people and the mass murder they commit all the world governments together in the same way through entire state systems. The entire world population on this planet is similarly deceived by each government through mainstream media and entire state systems in the false sense of security, where people have been deceived into believing that people live in safety and security with their children, while in fact all of us ordinary people, regardless of race or religion, live in a world where we and our children are murdered by (government) state criminal scams that involve deceiving people to death. In modern fascism, the civilian population (ordinary people) is murdered by camouflaged marketing advertising lies about 9-volt electrical appliances sold claiming all possible uses for body needs and then destroyed body and destroyed body nervous system, deported injured person forcibly to extermination camp called Psychiatry and into inpatient psychiatric care, where the government executes the death penalty with the final execution of the death penalty method ECT treatment.
ECT treatment
When Josef Mengele murdered people by electric current in extermination camps, then at the end of World War II no one has laughed at it and then it was genocide (crime against humanity), while today when people are murdered by electric current then all governments market the world over it as something harmless and as care for depression. Now that people are talking
about dying from electrical injuries through implanted alleged electrical neurological devices, through Neurography, through thousands of different 9 volt electrical stimulation devices, through injuries caused by Teaser in police intervention, then all governments censor people who have been injured so that they should not even say that they have been injured at all, that the whole nervous system dies because of all this, that you lose feeling in the body, that you also lose your mind and that you die in the end. I see I’m dying. I feel like I’m dying and what has happened to me is not even a crime. From the day I was injured until now, I have never found on the internet a single person who says that it has been damaged by any of the 9-volt devices. Now it appears that I am the only person on the planet who has been injured and who openly writes about it in the blog. Then one realizes how powerful the world’s state censorship is. Everyone who has been harmed by the police is monitored and censored by every government on this planet Earth personally at their computer when they write about this, so that other people will not be told that all this is infinitely many times more serious, so serious that it always ends in death. The only thing that the world governments allow to be talked about in the media is about the damage that people have received from ECT in psychiatry, where people are misled by false information and outright lies about damage that ECT causes to the human brain. They reduce the severity of brain damage through ECT, and they explain it in a cocky and rude way, that it should be claimed to be harmless necessary most effective method to cure alleged dangerous condition called Depression. All different mental disorders occur due to severe traumatic events and problems in life that arouse guilt, shame, fear, sadness, anxiety, worry feelings and because of all this one becomes severely depressed. It is nature that has equipped us humans through evolution so that we can be driven to arrange problems so that we ensure continued life in safety and security for us and our children. If one does not fix this problem, then over time guilt, shame, fear, sadness, anxiety, and worry feelings, many times get worse and stronger. Life under such stress leaves its mark on mental health. The constant stress damages and transforms one’s personal identity and then one is crushed, vulnerable and abandoned as an individual in the end, completely unable to perform and succeed at anything in life. That is what the governments of the world are looking for. The governments of the world, through the police, chew people’s mental minds every night for over 20 years through various psychotronic weapons. It is even worse with young people, because when the parent is the government’s target, then the parents’ children are also the target for the government’s annihilation of the whole family, in order to cause as much psychological suffering as is only possible for the parent. Torture is not even the ultimate goal of world governments. The government’s ultimate goal is for people adults and young people to commit murder or suicide. In addition, they have set out in society deadly death traps that lead people to death by force. So, their ultimate goal is for the whole family to go to the grave.
The goal is for the whole family to go to the grave
Believe it or not, this is the world we live in. Government through the police chews the child’s psyche from the first day the child is born, every night unnoticed and all the way up to adolescence, so that the child does not develop. The child cannot concentrate in school and then the child does not manage school teaching and then the child fails throughout schooling teaching. It leads children later in life on the wrong path and without education it leads young people to unemployment. Without the opportunity to have a job, they lead the same children as young people in drug abuse and crime. When destroyed children as young people commit a crime, then the government is very quick to put young people’s mistakes in life up in mainstream media that are hung out through media lynching as demons that are a danger to society. But no one sees that the young people have been exposed to crimes that the government has committed against them through psychotronic weapons. Psychotronic weapons do not exist in public, while the whole fucking internet is filled with people all over the world who testify about their torture through Psychotronic weapons which in most cases end in people dying because of that torture. Even when the creators of Psychotronic Weapons testify to their creation, that Psychotronic Weapons exist, people still choose to believe what TV says and what TV says is that torture through Psychotronic Weapons is delusion, imagination, mental illness, and conspiracy theory. The
governments of the world are looking to destroy a person’s life that governments have as their target, in order to be coziness and that life should be unbearable and impossible to live and the government’s ultimate goal is for that person to commit suicide. This state where people have such problems, governments call Depression as people have fallen ill according to state media propaganda for no sensible and logical reason. They have become only mentally ill, and this is the image of prejudice that world governments have built throughout state systems through the human history of people who are depressed, so that thanks to these states have taken away the voice of the demonized mentally ill person. The human voice does not become credible. After this, the state can expose the person to crime after crime, while if the person starts talking publicly about the state criminal abuse, then that person is not believed by the rest of the population and that is the whole purpose of this demonization of people who feel mentally ill. This is how all the existing states in the world lead people to their deaths and take them out of society one by one, and this has been the case throughout the history of mankind, when they came up with the idea of creating Psychiatry as a state institution. The purpose of that government propaganda is to hide from its own people and to hide from all other ordinary people on this planet, the electric genocide that I am writing about in this blog. As I said, the electric genocide annihilation is possible only because all the governments of the world work together to deceive each other’s people into deadly bodily injuries that always end in death. People do not get to know the truth from their own government through mainstream media and if people watch foreign media, then people get to see the same identical media propaganda or rather the same identical lies that deceive us all together regardless of race and religion in false sense of security, where the only thing what we get to know about, is that we ordinary people live our lives in safety and security with our children. We get to know about conflict between countries. We get to know about conflict between religions, where it seems that we are constantly on the border of 3 world wars and what we get to see are our political leaders who protect us ordinary people. According to them, there are no life dangers to the existence of us ordinary people and our children. Dangers do not exist and have never existed and when you are mortally injured, then you realize that all humanity is based on lies that the whole world power and rich elite together serve and have served us all ordinary people since the first day we were born. Arrange problems in life and then you will be mentally healthy and recovered to 80%. You are never fully recovered because traumatic events in life have changed your personal identity, but you can become at peace in your mental senses free from guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, sadness and worry feelings. Once you have freed yourself from this problem in life, then automatic depression has ceased to exist. Only then can you regain your life as worthy of living. Medications can never cure depression. Medicines that psychiatric care gives to people are tools for all the governments of the world to punish each of their people by destroying the physical and mental body and health of people. Their task is to drug people, so that they age without living, that one cannot feel and experience life itself and that one should not have any success in life. These medications lower anxiety but they harm both physical and mental health. If you live close-knit for many years with the medication then you can be sure that you will be shaped as an individual after the drugged condition, because we humans are like a tape recorder. Conditions under which we live are what shape us humans as individuals. If you take medication for mental illness, then you are not really yourself. The abnormal condition under the influence of the medication is what is written in long-term memory and then you are directly changed as an individual. Instead of being cured of mental illness, you become mentally ill, because you do not know anything better. The power of the world and the rich elite lie to people about psychiatry. They advertise psychiatry as a care institution that helps people with mental illness. But psychiatry only leads people more and more into death. Their only task is to explain government crimes’ abuses of civilians such as mental illness, delusion, imagination, lies and conspiracy theory. Their care is that you as their patient should not be equated with anything, and you should not do anything. You should just continue to exist as a zombie with no hope and no meaning in life. In addition, all
medications seriously injure the body, and they also damage mental health. This is how it is when it comes to problems in life and when you have depression, this is what the whole world’s state crime genocide fraud propaganda about psychiatry and about depression is based on and it is communicated and served to us ordinary people through mainstream media and propaganda through whole state system, where people are tricked into seeing only this image of mental illness depression so that people should never see anything much more dangerous that involves death and that is the invisible electric annihilation. Governments are said to provide care to people through medicines so that people can be cured of mental illness and that is what people have become convinced through mainstream media and entire state systems through human history. The only thing states want is for people to continue to believe in each state (government) so that they can deceive people into what people do not see and that is electrical damage through the sea of all different electrical multi systems Holocaust massacre of ordinary people differently. When states have succeeded in deceiving people into electrical damage, then states have transformed the person into a permanently mentally ill individual who loses his body, his health, his mind, his social ability, his family, loses all the human in himself and man to end dies due to electrical damage. The way and conditions under which we live is what shapes us humans as individuals. If you have a secure upbringing and if you live surrounded by love and joy, then you will become a normal mentally fully functioning social person. In this group belong power and the rich elite. This group includes all employees in the Riksdag or Parliament, all employees in all existing media, all employees in the entire complete care, all employees in the police, military forces, and other security state institutions. To this group belong all employees in the school system, municipality, social services and so on. This group includes all religious leaders for all religions that exist and exist today on this planet. This group includes all public and popular personalities in radio, television programs, music, film industry and they all together lead us all ordinary people and our children to death no matter what race and religion we ordinary people may belong to, by giving us the false image of reality. Even if they know the truth, they still choose to keep quiet about it. In this group belong all the innocent happy ordinary people who have nothing to do with the state abuse of civilian population, but who governments exploit by letting them live their lives in peace and prosperity. Such people lift states up in the mainstream media as successful examples for the civilian population to see a false picture of reality, that even we ordinary people allegedly living in society where everyone can succeed in life, while people are not allowed to see people who states murder and then censor so that the false image of society is not revealed to the rest of the civilian population. People should continue with their activities. People should continue with their hobby. People should continue with their religious beliefs, where there is nothing to worry about. Government mainstream media propaganda gives us people a false sense of security that turns us into calm harmless peaceful sheep and rabbits that can be slaughtered without any resistance and doubt against the state. What all governments in the world show us ordinary people are people who commit crimes and, in this way, only the civilian population breaks the law. In this way, power, and the rich elite turn ordinary people against each other, so that we will be divided, that we will never unite against power and the rich elite, that we will see danger in each other, while we must never see infinitely many times worse and well-hidden camouflaged death traps in government systems that take the lives of us ordinary people and our children. Governments use Trojan camouflaged words like research, healthcare, technological advancement, religion, advertising, prosperity, success, and wealth to deceive the entire civilian population into death. It is impossible for ordinary people to realize the truth that the governments of the world are lying to their people right in the eyes of the people and that governments have been lying to their people throughout the history of all mankind. It is impossible for ordinary people to realize the truth that governments use claims of research, healthcare, technological advances, religion, advertising, prosperity, success, wealth and so on, to deceive people into fatal injuries that always end in death. Governments succeed in genocide state fraud to murder ordinary people, thanks to the fact that we
ordinary people have never heard from the first day we were born until now that people have ever died because of state systems. That we never have and that we will never know about it, is due to censorship that every single government on this planet uses to silence every single fatally injured individual in each country. Governments deceive and mislead us through the state censor so that we will never suspect that genocide is taking place where people are being murdered thanks to government lies that are conveyed through the mainstream media about everything in society. How can we know that we ordinary people are murdered in peacetime when we have never heard a single word about it anywhere? What the media does not talk about is what does not exist. People that the government does not have as its target, we see on YouTube, Instagram, various blogs where people write about makeup, fashion, training and so on. They are free from state censorship and that is the kind of information and entertainment the world governments want people to just see, because it occupies people’s thoughts and attention, and it convinces people in false sense of security when reading about innocent topics like is interested in. Of course, no one forces us to look at such things and everything looks like we ordinary people have a free will to look at what we want, but we must never see ordinary people who testify that they have been injured to death by government systems. Such people get hundreds of thousands and millions of followers while I do not get a single one. On my blog it says that I have 117 subscribers, but I do not see a single name of those subscribers. The Swedish government has written 117 of them on my blog through a censor to make it look like there are a few people who read my blog, but that my blog is not interesting for people to read about. The same thing happens with people who start reading this blog and when they see the number that I have 117 subscribers, then they think that no one follows this blog and then they think that the rest of the civilian population does not want to read that blog. People automatically begin to distrust the degree of credibility of the entire blog. The first thing that comes to their mind is that a blog about fashion or sports has hundreds of thousands of followers while this one has 117. When they also see that there are no comments under blog posts, then they think that blog must be a scam or intentionally written propaganda which is full of conspiracy theory. But this blog is not a scam. This blog is written by me, and I have paid with my life for it to be written. I have never received a single written comment from people on my blog posts. With this suggestive, the Swedish state reduces the importance and credibility of my blog, in order for people not to take my warnings, because I write about crimes that the Swedish state has committed on me and that crime is committed on all of us ordinary people on this planet and in the same way. I think that all the people who live their lives in happiness and joy have deserved to live such a life and I wish them all the best. That we get to see them but not people that governments have harmed through state systems, is how governments convince people that we live safe and secure with our children in democracy with human rights, while there are massacres of civilians around the world and every single one who being assassinated by governments, being censored, and silenced by all available means. It’s not about a million, it’s not about a few million people murdered by the electric Holocaust system that is the planet global Holocaust system multi-way to harm people with electric current on. It is about 100 million and perhaps more than so murdered people regardless of race and religion across the planet Earth in the last 80 to 100 years. From depression you can get out by arranging problems in life, while with electrical damage you have got 100 times bigger and worse problems than you have had originally in life and from this problem you can never get out. You go through a process of death and your ongoing death, where you eventually lose your mind completely, while you experience your body dying and only death can stop this suffering. You can never regain any life. So, the civilian population of the world is dying due to electrical damage and we all ordinary people together are being deceived by our own and all other governments on this planet through the criminal marketing and advertising of electrical Holocaust as something harmless which in reality ends in us ordinary people who are adults or our children dying. Through well-designed marketing and advertising of electrical appliances in endless shapes as something harmless, government gains access to our entire body, to our
entire nervous system and internal body organs. The governments of the world do not want to hurt us outside the body because those injuries are visible, and those injuries are easy to prove. They want to hurt us inside the body, because when they hurt us inside the body then injuries become life-threatening and in addition you cannot prove injuries that are not visible. To deceive people into electrical damage that always ends in death through marketing and advertising, while not saying a word about it for ordinary people is the highest culmination of the world’s power and the evil of the rich elite. They are the ones who do it to us ordinary people. The governments of the world murder us through various neurological devices, kill us through 9 volt devices, kill us through Neurography at a pain clinic, kill us through fatal injuries caused by Teaser during police intervention and the last and absolutely worst of all is the execution of the death penalty in psychiatric care through the destruction of the brain with ECT claimed treatment which is in fact an execution under the claim of care for mental illness Depression, which one could cure oneself by arranging problems in life. It is very controlled what the patients are allowed to say about the injuries they received through ECT in this video. I have written a blog about damage I received from a device of 9 volts, while they are allowed to testify about their damage caused by ECT for a maximum of one to two minutes. It does not just end in this ECT brain injury. Neurons and brain continue to die and thus brain function deteriorates, and it ends in death the moment when neurons die that control the heart, breathing and other body organs. When one has died, then the patient’s death is declared as heart attack. ECT is not a cure for depression, but it is a place where the government legally executes the population under the claim of care. People just have to realize the truth, and this is what is inconceivable for people to be able to understand. They kill us and our children, while we do not even suspect them as murderers. We love them because they are our leaders for our great religious and national identity, whether we are Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and so on. In addition, all the suffering I go through also goes through ECT injured patients as well and even worse than what I go through. For them it takes faster time to die, while for me it takes a little longer, but we will all die in the end. They are increasingly driven to insanity due to suffering caused by dying brains in electrical damage. The more brains die, the more their minds disappear and now psychiatry has captured them as slaves who are recruited by force to become loyal customers of the pharmaceutical industry medicines for mental illness which are produced as chemical weapons that destroy the body in various ways. Similarly, the government is forcibly recruiting people as customers to the pharmaceutical industry by harming people with 9-volt devices, harming people through neurography, harming people through neurologically implanted devices, harming people through Taser during police intervention, and so on. Due to electrical damage, they are slaves who are dependent on medication because now they have to take Seroquel or Zyprexa in order to be able to sleep at all. Seroquel or Zyprexa numbs the brain and pain a little, but it sleeps one down by force. Without the medication, they would not be able to sleep at all due to suffering in agony that the dying brain generates around the clock. Over time, pain and suffering become unbearable and then they and I have to take higher and higher doses of that medicine for them to have the same effect as the first day when pain occurred after about a year, when the patient got the ECT shock. The reason why psychiatry provides 20 ECT treatments in a row is to begin with, first the nervous system is damaged by devices of 9 volts in 5 to 20 minutes without even feeling any pain and then you get numbness on the injured part of the body, while injuries on neurons in the brain that occur during ECT shocks are damaged in a few seconds, beginning with the patient noticing immediately, long before the 20 planned treatments memory loss. In both cases with damage to the nervous system by devices of 9 volts and damage to the brain by ECT shock of 400 volts, begin to be felt really only after about a year and when neurons in the brain have begun to change and begin to die, then it is that day then pain occurs as a terrible headache that does not even resemble the usual headache and then the brain begins to die. While the brain withers, personal identity also begins to dissolve and ceases to exist as time goes on. Both ways by damaging the nervous system and damaging the brain through ECT shocks are one
and the same and both lead in madness, mental retardation, body decay and finally in death. But first you are locked up in a mental hospital before you have had time to die physically and there in captivity you have to die behind closed doors, far away from the eyes of other ordinary people. If psychiatry were to give only an electric ECT shock, then the patient would notice after a year that the patient has been injured and then the patient would not want to expose himself more to such horrible barbaric treatment. The purpose of ECT shocks is to injure the patient as quickly and as much as possible. With a damaged brain and with lost memories, you are already dead, while it takes some time for the body to die as well. The patient is not even capable of thinking basic daily chores tasks, not even talking about the patient being able to perform any planned action. The patient just dies more and more with each passing day. Therefore, psychiatry gives the patient many ECT shocks in a row until the patient has noticed memory loss and when it has happened, then psychiatry knows that they have destroyed the patient to death and then they are happy with their ECT treatment. After that, the patient suffers from agony until his death. That is why all governments on this planet have founded psychiatry, so that they can legally kill their people who have never committed a serious crime, under the guise of caring for depression. Guilty or innocent, it does not matter. Guilty, innocent, and even children are murdered through psychiatry and the murder of civilians is camouflaged and presented by the world power and the rich elite always as care for depression which they explain away with a laugh and a smile. In this way, all the governments of the existing world have an open door to kill their people legally without being guilty of murder. The world power and the rich elite, all existing political parties on this planet no matter what country it is about, together media propaganda spreads lies that deceive people into believing that all crimes that people are exposed to, are always sentenced by court to prison or to imprisonment Psychiatric care. The world power and rich elite broadcast through mainstream media propaganda lies on TV, radio, and the internet. They mislead and deceive people into believing in a false image of reality where only ordinary people commit crimes, while the power of the world (all existing governments) together with each of its rich elites never commits any crime. But the same world power and rich elite commit massacres of the entire planet’s civilian population through various Holocaust systems integrated into state systems such as Trojans, where they hide their crimes by committing murders, they commit on ordinary people instead of helping people. They present their committed genocide crime where they have murdered ordinary people on an industrial scale under the claim of care, research, technological progress and so on. The world power and the rich elite present their criminal acts which are exactly massacres of their civilian population as something legal and harmless. They present their crime against humanity (Genocide) as they commit on their own people as help to people and people do not realize that that help is a pure execution and execution of the death penalty. World power and rich elite mass murder of each civilian population, through many different Holocaust methods, looks ironic like this. Imagine a group of civilians abusing another civilian. They strike him with various blows, they cut him with various sharp objects, they destroy him to such an extent that he becomes dying and that he will die due to his injuries. In that case, that person has the legal right to defend himself and the right to fight for his life so that he will not be killed. People who watch the beating usually call the police, because it is wrong in people’s eyes for a defenseless person to be killed brutally without the opportunity to defend himself. Ordinary people have compassion, morality, and respect for human life, but the world power and rich elite have no compassion, morality, and respect for human life, and they have no respect for the person being abused. According to them, he could just as easily be murdered. Publicly, they call it a crime because they and their families must be protected from the common people by the same laws and rules. The power of the world and the rich elite have deliberately taught people to have morals, compassion and respect for human life for ordinary people to follow such laws and rules. The power of the world and the rich elite suggestively drive ordinary people to ordinary people to follow the laws and rules, where to the senses everything goes fairly, because with such an attitude ordinary people are
programmed that they will never even think about raising their hand to power and rich elite. The power of the world and the rich elite have provided security for themselves and their families by programming people’s brains through all the existing media propaganda that people have seen from their child’s age until now. The world power and the rich elite have taught people that people should have morals, compassion and respect for human life and that ordinary people should follow such laws and rules, but the world power and rich elite have not told the common people that they themselves do not follow the laws and regulations. They do not tell people that their laws and rules do not apply to the power of the world and the rich elite and that the power of the world and the rich elite have violated the same laws and rules always as standard throughout the history of mankind. Now imagine that the person who is beaten to death is still the same civilian person, while those who beat him are the power of the world and the rich elite who commit that beating on that person through public care, through psychiatric care, through the media, through the police, throughout the state system. Imagine that those who abuse him are police officers. Now if the abused person gets up and starts abusing them instead to death, then it’s a sudden crime. Then you are classified as a criminal who has violated the law and rules for what is allowed to be done in society according to the laws and rules that the civilian population follows which are compassion, morality, and respect for human life. This is not really a good description because in real life the police have the right to beat people to death on the street, while when people respond to them with a slap then they are convicted of violent resistance against officials. You even get jailed for it. It violates all logic. But the day when the entire civilian population of the world, regardless of race and religion, realizes the truth and the irony, then the power of the world and the rich elite will be severely punished by the wrath of ordinary people. They will lose the respect of all people, but here we have that crux. They do not even care if we believe in them or if we like them or not. They have media in their hands, and they impose on us the image they want us to believe in, regardless of whether we like it or not. It does not matter if we know the truth that the world power and the rich elite are mass murderers each its own civilian population. For them, it is important that not all people know the truth. For them, it is important that young generations do not know the truth so that the world power and rich elite can recruit new young generations for needs in state systems or for example in military forces so that young people become chess pieces who will sacrifice their lives for world power and rich the elite under false claim that they are going to war to defend the freedom of their people, their country and their religious and national identity, while other young people who are not as law-abiding and who are not as stupid in their heads will be murdered by various Holocaust systems implemented in government systems. It is the contradiction of what government claims to be when people are not harmed and when people believe everything the government says and it is the opposite of what government really is, where one can only see the true face of government at the expense of one’s own life, when one has been injured to death. When people say that people are tortured by psychotronic weapons while they are completely innocent, then I think people think that, if the police torture one then they are certainly guilty of some major crime. But just think of this. World governments murder innocent babies from 0 to 5 years in psychiatry with ECT shocks. Do you understand the extent to which the power of the world and the rich elite have made idiots of us ordinary people? Do you not realize the irony that they murder us adults and our children while they play on our feelings as race and religion so that we should in all eternity aim our anger and hatred at each other, even if we are murdered by each other’s power and rich elite? Due to censorship, ordinary people do not see the power and rich elite annihilation of civilian population. They have enacted laws that should always suit only them. Power and the rich elite always know best. Power and the rich elite are always right, while ordinary people are always wrong. They have enacted laws that will present crimes that they commit on ordinary people as care. They have made laws in such a way that the genocide they commit on ordinary people can never even be classified as a crime. Ordinary people who have been exposed to crime by the government get their hands tied in such a way that you cannot
even prove that you have been exposed to crime, because the whole world’s power and rich elite pretend as if they do not know that people damaged by death traps laid out in society. This is how power and rich elite protect the genocide of the civilian population from being exposed. Therefore, they can commit massacres on civilians without any court. When government kills people, then it is not crime. Psychiatry lies to the patient that the patient will feel better mentally after the ECT treatment just as states lie to people through the sale of 9-volt devices. As I said, what the patient notices first is memory loss and then the patient does not want more of ECT treatments. This is when the patient says STOP, but it does not matter that it was stopped because it is already too late, because then the patents have already been sentenced to death. The purpose of ECT shocks is the death penalty execution on the patient and that agenda comes directly from the Government and that from every single political party in the Riksmal or Parliament together. All the different political parties of all the existing governments on this planet together are involved in the death penalty of each civilian population that they suspect is guilty of any crime. Even completely innocent people are murdered in the same way. People who have committed crimes feel bad mentally. If it is impossible for the Police to prove a crime, then the police torture the person with Psychotronic weapons in order for him or her to admit their crime and then the person falls ill in a psychotic state with all the other symptoms of depression. Thanks to the mainstream media brainwashing that people should see psychiatry as a care institution, people go on the state fraud ECT treatment which is claimed by states to be the most effective method of care for depression. It’s all about fooling people to death. This is how people are murdered in peacetime. There is already a third world war going on that the world’s power and rich elite are committing against their respective civilian populations. People believe that war is only when people see tanks bombing around and when fighter jets fly around and drop rockets. That people shoot at each other, and that people get hurt and some murdered, is war for people. When people die because of it then people react, but maybe people react because everyone is affected and when it comes to one’s own life, then it is not ok to be murdered and injured to death. Then everyone has compassion for the suffering of such people because people can relate to the suffering of such people. When I say that the war in the former Yugoslavia cannot even be compared to the torture that Swedish police have subjected me to through Psychotronic weapons and through the electric destruction that is infinitely many times worse than Psychotronic weapons, then people think that it is not electrical damage which causes the suffering but it is the war that gives me trauma and it is thanks to this that I suffer now and feel mentally ill. In addition, they tell me that I should think positively that I should engage in various positive activities and interest in making me feel good again. So, I explain everything to them, and they still do not understand me. Then people try to question in case the device at 9 volts is perhaps not what has given me nerve damage. Instead, it may be a neurological disease. Even ordinary people sit on the side of the world power and rich elite agenda and that only because they themselves have not yet been injured to death by any of all government destruction system methods implemented in state systems. I understand them. Not even I myself had believed that such a thing is possible, because it is professionals who commit the genocide of the civilian population and then it is advanced when the government murders people. People are not meant to believe that this is possible. That’s why I’m writing this blog and it’s just for ordinary people all over the planet. It is not intended for the power of the world and the rich elite, for it is they who murder us. There are billions of intelligent people all over the planet who value their own lives and the lives of their children more than they value the lives of the world power and the rich elite, who are in the process of leading them and their children to death. Take care of your children. Everything in society is about crimes that ordinary people have committed. Even when people admit their crime like me, for example, the police still continue to torture me with Psychotronic weapons, V2K injected voices in the head.
Swedish and Western fascist dictator
They do not allow me, and they do not want to judge me in court, but they now want to torture me for over 20 years by force by restricting my dreams every night. I’m allegedly guilty. Ok, if I’m guilty, judge me. Why torture me? Why should I be
exposed to crime after crime by the Swedish government through the state system? Why do Western states call themselves a democracy when in reality dictators themselves are identical to dictatorial states? Why do governments in the West lie claiming to give freedom to people, democracy, and human rights, when in reality they are secretly murdering people in the same way that dictatorial states do. Why? There is no more, why? Through this blog, I have given all of us ordinary people answer to, why? The world power and the rich elite are the most well-organized criminal gangs in human history. Every country is a criminal gang, and every power and rich elite that proclaims itself as the political leadership of its people with the same religious affiliation is nothing but a criminal gang because they all mass murderers were their people through various Holocaust systems integrated into state systems under the assertion of care, research, technological advances, and other methods that cause the population to die as livestock slaughtered on an industrial scale. This applies to the whole planet and all countries with all existing religions use the same tactics to deceive their people into believing that government with its rich elite cares about its people, when in reality they are killing their civilian population which is ordinary people adults, young people and children. The world power and the rich elite classify criminal gangs that are ordinary people as criminal networks because they commit crimes of all kinds, while governments present themselves as the law, as the just, the humane, the one who never commits crime and instead punishes the common people who commit crimes. Here you see that they are lying. They are criminal networks because they murder people under harmless allegations so that they can never be punished for crimes they have committed against us ordinary people and our children. The world power and rich elite are the most well-organized mafia on this planet, and they have no guilt for hundreds of millions of murdered civilians across the planet through various extermination methods through the state system. They have no mercy for the civilian population. They have no regrets because they have caused the deaths of people through their frauds and their influence with their grand name that they use for ordinary people all over the planet to commit suicide unaware that they are going on scams precisely because of the name of the hyped rich elite. People believe that if the popular star, public personality, people’s idol, people’s hero says it’s research, advanced care, technological advancement, then people do not even question whether it’s in fact fatal execution. This is how people are tricked into safely guaranteeing death without return. Now I’m cheated in death without returning and it’s not a crime. What about my life? Is my life not worth anything? People believe that human life means something, but it means nothing to the governments of the world and the rich elite. The Swedish government has hurt me from the first day I came to this country, the thing is that I was not aware of this. I have come to Sweden as a refugee completely normal physically and mentally. They have subjected me to such advanced torture throughout my life here in Sweden. They have hurt me to such an extent that I cannot escape death now. It is the irony that the police investigate people for crimes by exposing people to infinitely many times worse crimes. They treat me as if I were a serial killer, or as if I were a war criminal who has been involved in the massacre of civilians, where I have been involved in the execution of thousands of civilian adults, young people, and children. But for God’s sake, you all children of God with a direct link to your gods and your different religions, I am one of those who have been murdered. The difference between them and me is that I have been murdered by Swedish civil society in peacetime. The Swedish government has tortured me through injected voices in my head just so that I will be deceived by the psychological torture in injuries with any of all 9-volt devices. Government is not happy with imprisonment. Even when you tell them you want to be convicted in court, they do not allow it. If you do not commit a crime yourself, then they commit a crime on you. They do not allow one to be convicted in court, while at the same time torturing one with inhuman psychological torture through psychotronic weapons. If you still do not commit a crime despite all that torture, then they use that torture to lead you by force with the help of government state lies about electric destruction as something harmless and then they have managed to carry out the death penalty on me anyway. They want me to die, to disappear
from society. That’s what’s happening to me now, until I too have disappeared from Swedish society in one of those damn Swedish cemeteries. Sooner or later, I will lose my mind completely and when it has happened, then they will impose ECT shock on me. The same thing has happened to every single injured person through the electric destruction on this planet and it will also happen to future generations of ordinary people regardless of the country in which they live. Because I know what fatal injuries, I have received only from the device 9 volts, so I now also doubt HEART STARTER. Heart electric starter (Defibrillators) emit an electric shock of about 200-1000 volts and the patient receives several such shocks. People I tell you; our governments are keeping quiet about electric destruction. People only die due to electrical damage. I do not know if Defibrillator causes the heart to start beating normally, but I do know that electric current damages nervous systems with high electrical voltage in a few seconds. If it causes the heart to function normally then it can be classified as care. But I am completely convinced that patients who have received defibrillators electric shocks have also had their nervous system in the chest area destroyed. I am convinced that they are suffering after a year when the nervous system has started to die in the same way that all those injured by electric shock are suffering. If defibrillators work on cardiac arrest, then the benefits of electric shocks outweigh the disadvantages, because you have not died directly from a heart attack. But keep in mind that lung and heart rescue may be enough and that defibrillators are there to destroy that individual. Believe me, there is nothing that can surprise me anymore, when it comes to the state. After everything that has happened to me, I do not believe in anything they say and great for. Like I said, all the politicians in the world make laws to control their own people. Then they have their tools which are mainstream media, public care, psychiatric care, police, school, public figures, film industry and so on which they use to manipulate, mislead, and murder through lies each their people legally without being guilty of massacres on their own civilian population. In civil society, people have always been murdered through human history. It has only nowadays been well hidden. They murder ordinary people under the guise of research, healthcare, technological advances and so on. People who have not committed crimes but who have received ECT shocks are acceptable loss of life, because the world governments still have plans to reduce the entire world population and for people to die before people have retired, so that the state does not have to provide care costs when people grow old, and those states do not have to pay pensions that people have honestly earned. Governments deceive us all ordinary people into believing that governments care about us ordinary people, but in reality, governments look at us ordinary people as pests. We ordinary people are pests, cattle, and rodents for the governments of the world and the rich elite of the world. It is self-evident that we are going to die because we are simply too many on this planet. Through government systems and through all existing media propaganda, they have targeted only us ordinary people and our children, while they themselves and their children live in safety and security because they are well informed about all the dangers of life that exist in society, while they at the same time does not allow us ordinary people that we should have access to the same information so that we and our children can be deceived into death. Thanks to the fact that we do not know the truth about what they are really doing and what they do to us ordinary people on this planet, we like them, and we admire them as our great leaders for our grand, religious, and national identity and cultural identity as the nation. We are deceived into believing that they are fighting for all the best for us and our children. If we all ordinary people had known the truth that we are murdered as pests, then we would have lynched them all together through the tool they use to lynch us with, which is the electric destruction. But, because we are not aware that they are lying to us and that they are cheating us to death, governments retain our blind trust and our loyalty to them as a power and rich elite who allegedly cares about us. Therefore, we do not suspect them of murdering us ordinary people. We admire them while realizing that they only kill us when we have been injured to death. But then we are censored for every step we take, so that other unharmed ordinary people will not have to know the truth that we are picked by the state as insects or livestock animals that are to be slaughtered
one by one. This is how this genocide is committed on us ordinary people, decade after decade throughout human history. The same thing applies with me and for every human being on this planet who has been harmed by the 9-volt electrical destruction. Also, further about Seroquel, only Seroquel without electrical damage causes deadly obesity, subdued emotions, subdued joy and subdued feelings of love, feelings of unreality, indifference, lack of empathy in part, inability to feel sad, some kind of deadly anxiety just after a few hours of taking it. Feelings of unreality, inability to feel sadness, indifference, lack of empathy are forcibly evoked by world governments through the pharmaceutical industry that has tailored Seroquel to evoke just such an impact on mental senses. The governments of the world have done this deliberately and completely consciously, with the aim of aiming and focusing on inducing precisely the specific mental states and they have done so well planned. It has a concrete result in medication with Seroquel for many years and it serves a direct purpose to facilitate work for the police. The police make people mentally ill with V2K Psychotronic weapons injected voices in the head or through physical and mental torture and manipulation through other Psychoytronic weapons in various ways. When you have fallen ill with a mental illness, then you are driven by the police straight into Psychiatry where you get Seroquel for your difficulties in being able to sleep. If you feel guilt, worry, fear, anxiety, depression then you have a big problem in life and then it is no wonder that you cannot sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, then it affects the brain in such a way that you fall ill with mental illness because the brain cannot recover. Concern, Anxiety, fear, shame, grief without medicine usually lead people to mental illness and straight to nervous breakdown. Seroquel alleviates guilt, worry, anxiety, fear, shame, sadness while evoking feelings of unreality, indifference, impaired ability to manage to think normally so that one becomes a little stupid in the head, lack of empathy, lack of ability to feel joy and love. This is just one part of everything that Serokuel evokes, and it plays its role in the impact on the human body and brain. To me, it seems that when pharmaceutical companies created that medicine, they tailored that medicine according to the world government’s instructions for that medicine given to people all over the planet. This is about the conversation they had when they were making that medicine. This ingredient that causes hunger, we will put in that medicine so that people will lose control of their eating habits, so that people will feel the craving for sugar and fatty junk food. People should feel great unnatural hunger for food so that people will eat food without control. With this ingredient, we will completely eliminate the body’s ability to burn calories, so that people will also be very overweight, which in turn will cause deadly body diseases that occur naturally in people, while we will induce them artificially through this medicine Seroquel or Zyprexa and when people have fallen ill, then they can not blame us but the health care will silence them with an explanation that they have only become ill because of their lifestyle or due to air pollution and pesticides in the food. In addition, we will influence them through this ingredient that will make them tired all day. When they get tired, then they cannot engage in sports and physical activity. Thanks to this, they cannot burn calories and then they cannot keep their body in good physical shape. Physical activity is a cure for mental illness. Physical activity we will take from them through this ingredient and this medicine we will give them as a cure for their mental illness and through mainstream media and the whole state propaganda machinery we will convince and deceive them that this medicine is the real cure for their bad mental state. For the most part, they will just sit on the couch. In this way, we have also deprived them of the ability to go out and spend time with friends, family, and acquaintances and then we have also succeeded in isolating them. The limited strength they have will only be enough for them to be able to work for their livelihood, so that we cannot be accused of making them completely disabled so that they do not lose their livelihood because of our medicine. With this ingredient that evokes subdued emotions, subdued joy and subdued love feelings, feelings of unreality, indifference, lack of empathy, inability to feel sadness, we will make people mentally paralyzed and indifferent, while the police through Psychotronic weapons dissolve all ties of the individual to his circle of acquaintances. We will deprive the targeted individual of all that is human in
him, so that he loses all ties to the people around him and through this ingredient we will get the targeted individual convinced in a chemical way that he will experience it as no great redeemed due to indifference, lack of empathy, subdued love feelings and so on. We must make people believe that they will receive care. While we poison them, they will never distrust us because of our all media that censors everything and everyone who has been led to death, we will make them blind so that even they themselves can be led to death in the same way. This is the real purpose of medication that psychiatry gives to people. You will not find this truth anywhere on this planet because it is a chemical weapon that the power of the world and the rich elite use against us ordinary people all over the planet. I give the truth to you ordinary people, because I have taken the medication and I who medicate with them, see best what side effects they cause me. Of course, everything I write is explained away by the power of the world and the rich elite such as delusion, imagination, conspiracy theory and lies. I have been registered as a patient who has received psychiatric help and thanks to prejudices that the power of the world and the rich elite have rebuilt mentally ill people through human history, I am directly stigmatized with delusion, imagination, and all that is for the purpose of my testimony not to be credible, that other peoples should not believe that I speak the truth. Actually, I have not and will never have any use for this that I write in this blog. For me it is already too late because I am dying, and I will die. This depends more on you all ordinary people life and life of all our children. What I benefit from this blog is reason enough that I should sacrifice my life for the safety of our children. I’m not really sacrificing my life because I’ll die anyway no matter what. I benefit from what I am writing because the power of the world and the rich elite also want to recruit our children to death through psychiatry, through the pharmaceutical industry, through electric destruction and there are more of the government’s deadly traps. Swedish state together with every single state on this planet has taken my life. I do not want them to kill you and I do not want them to kill our children. As you can see, the world power and the rich elite’s various methods of exterminating civilians are extremely advanced, so one must have gone through their abuses to realize how their methods of mass murdering civilians legally work. Seroquel leads me by force in this state. When you are in this state then the police through V2K injected voices in your head can easily manipulate, convince and deceive targeted individual in isolation, away from your family, friends, people, women and so on, because you are mentally affected by Seroquel and man are an emotionally cold person without the ability to feel partial empathy. It’s not literally the case that you cannot feel empathy completely, because those feelings are only subdued for the day as long as Seroquel works. But as you take it every day then it becomes the greater part of your waking state you feel the impact. As soon as you stop taking Seroquel all the emotions come back and then you wake up from that dream and then you see reality much more clearly. But over time, I think Seroquel also causes brain damage. Medication with Seroquel is the destruction of one’s body, and the destruction of one’s mental senses and the destruction of personal identity. If you live such a degraded life for so many years, then it is written as a degraded life in long-term memories. Then everything that one could not have adapted to, loses meaning and significance. It is the life that has built one as an individual for decades with that medicine and with it one has had personal identity changes because one has become accustomed to accepting that life in isolation. Thus, new personal qualities are created and then you are no longer the person you once were. The world power and the rich elite know very well that this is how they manipulate and change a person’s psychology. Without Seroquel you are normal and then you make completely different decisions in life. But the police talk to people every night without interruption and thanks to this they keep the cloud over your head where you are stimulated to feel mentally ill every new day after you have woken up. Their torture at night is an instruction to become mentally ill the next day. If you find a meaning in life that will pull you out of mental illness, then the police question the positive flash of light that you have struggled to find through V2K injected voices into your head, for you to lose the hope and the glimmer of light in your life that you have struggled to find. You fight to feel mentally good, and you succeed, but the
police crush the fight you have tried, and they push you back into mental illness and mental suffering through injected voices in your head, so that you just have to continue to take Seroquel for example. Then you again become an emotionally cold individual that the police keep away from family, friends, contact with people, contact with women and so on. They come into one’s mind through V2K injected voices in the head and it’s not just that they speak negatively to one. They speak more positively than they speak negatively to one. They strengthen your self-confidence, and it seems like they are your friends. But all this is negative because they trick you into staying in isolation with the hope of a better future. In the way that they talk to someone every night for 20 years, they only steal your life so that you have not done anything good in your life. All this is just preparation for people to be deceived in the wrong steps in life and for people to be deceived in the worst thing that is electrical damage through the electrical destruction. When one is injured by the electric catastrophe, then the state has managed to lead one to the grave and then even the death penalty has been enforced with the help of the police where one has enforced it with his own hands for the state with fraud electrical appliances. The same thing is happening all over the world on the civilian population, and it is always the same. They have committed suicide with their own hands through the power of the world and the criminal lies of the rich elite. I’ve never seen this before, but now I see it clearly, while I’m dying. Seroquel is a tailor-made medicine that I have received because it is suitable for the type of personality that I have in the police’s work to destroy myself in all possible ways for the Swedish police investigation against me to proceed. That I will die is a great success for the Swedish state, which they have succeeded in achieving through Swedish police, through Swedish care and through Swedish psychiatry. All the existing mainstream media has made all that invisible to me so that I did not see death before I went into it. Now it’s too late for me because I’m going to die. Not all different existing medications are given to people because they have a specific mental illness diagnosis. Every single one of them all medicines is suitable precisely for that individual to be manipulated by the police in an individual way. Medications for mental illness are complementary tools for the police. People who have not committed crimes may also die in the end because they are ordinary people, and their lives have no value for the power of that world and the rich elite. The power of the world and the rich elite have reduced the world’s population throughout the history of mankind, so if any innocent human being is destroyed by psychiatry, it is no problem for the world governments. Seroquel causes inhuman hunger for fatty foods and sugar and then you eat food completely without being able to have any control over how much you eat. It is food compulsion, and it is the purpose of such tailor-made medicines that are in fact chemical weapons given to people through psychiatric care, to make it easier to manipulate people, that people should be physically and mentally destroyed from the ground up and all that under the assertion of care for depression. These medications do exactly what they are supposed to do and that is that you should not be able to have any control over how much you eat, so that you are destroyed by obesity that causes cardiovascular disease that leads to heart attack, diabetes which will lead in amputated body parts and so on. The purpose of medicines that psychiatry gives to people is to destroy the body, which in turn leads to artificially induced body diseases. Body diseases cause mental suffering because you are aware that you have contracted a deadly disease. Seroquel eliminates metabolism completely, so that the body does not burn calories at all and in this way, you get overweight, which is constantly growing, and that medicine lowers the catastrophic ability to be able to think clearly. You get pretty stupid in the head, but you can still function in your everyday life. You can function normally, there is no problem with that, but you cannot, for example, write about anything. It also causes anger and all that together does not help one to feel better mentally and one does not feel at all good physically from being medicated with this medicine. Instead of feeling better, you experience that you partly do not exist and if you have problems in life that you feel bad because of, you are only mentally stunned, where you feel a feeling of unreality that you partly do not exist and thanks to this partly you cannot think of problems. You still have anxiety and all the suffering, but
you cannot worry as much. Without electrical damage and without the medicine when you only have problems in life that cause concern, anxiety, fear and so on, thoughts begin to spin faster and faster and because of this you end up in a psychotic state and nervous breakdown. With that medicine you become mentally numb and that is all the help that psychiatry gives to people. Taking that medicine without fixing problems in life, just prolongs agony with mental suffering, but what one is usually not aware of is that Seroquel and Zyprexa and all other anti-depressant drugs harm the body in all sorts of different ways. All such medicines are given to people by all the governments of the world through psychiatry as a punishment for harming people for the reason that people feel mentally ill because of which people are unable to talk about. Not everyone has committed a crime and those who have not committed a crime and who take the medication are acceptable human life loss. Yesterday I did not take Seroquel and right now I realize how much clearer, I think. If I want to write the next day then I have to skip taking Seroquel this day, but pain and suffering in agony due to electrical damage the next day is unbearable. But when I have not taken Seroquel, then the next day when it has cleared in my thinking, then I can control myself to a small degree so that I do not swear, but now it is the damaged nervous system that tortures me with full force and it is now pain which pulls all that anger and hatred out of me and it drives me to still write worse and worse words in this blog. Seroquel lowers a little pain and anxiety that the injuries cause around the clock, but it amplifies and pulls out of me the worst qualities such as anger, hatred, anxiety, hopelessness, despair, a terrible sadness and lots of other bad and thanks to this I can write almost what any bad in this blog. As I said through this blog when you are not harmed by electric destruction then you become with Seroquel mentally emotional cold with subdued ability to feel love and empathy. The only love you do not lose is love for your child because you are a parent. But when you get hurt with the electric destruction then you do not get back the normal worries, anxiety, love, empathy, sadness, compassion and so on. They are amplified due to electrical damage 1000 times more. It goes beyond what a normal human being can live with Then Seroquel does not affect one for electrical damage is infinitely stronger feeling of death itself. Seroquel has served its purpose while not being injured, as it was normal to be led to death by the electric annihilation. My condition is changing while I am writing this blog post. It’s getting worse by the day. It’s gotten so bad it doesn’t matter if I take it or not. There is nothing more that can reduce pain and suffering. I know who committed this crime against me. It is the power of the world and the rich elite that together expose the entire world population on this planet through this genocide crime and each person experiences that crime individually as having personally been the victim of the global massacre of all existing world states or governments together. This is how I experience, fully aware that I have been deceived into death by the power of the whole world and the rich elite and that is what I am writing about. I am writing to you all ordinary people on this planet, regardless of race and religion, about the power of the world and the crime of the rich elite, because this is a crime that they all together expose us ordinary people and our children to. They have exposed me to that crime through state systems. I have every reason in the world to write all the worst about them, because this is what they all do together against all of us ordinary people on this planet. Only the suffering without the medicine is so unbelievably strong that I cannot sleep more than a few hours the next night, as I have not taken the Seroquel the previous day. The suffering makes me tired physically and mentally and without Seroquel I would quickly break into a mental breakdown due to lack of sleep because then I cannot sleep at all with pain and the physical suffering in agony. Electrical damage creates negative body impulses because you have a problem, you die. When you are healthy, then it is easy not to smoke cigarettes, not to drink alcohol, but in such a ruined body I want to take poison barra to lower anxiety a little for the moment. As a dying person in electrical injuries, I get suggestive compulsive impulses to smoke cigarettes, to sniff nicotine, to drink alcohol, to drink Red Bull and I do all that except drinking alcohol when I work. I abuse all that impulsively, almost by force, as if all this should be able to lower anxiety, reduce physical and mental suffering and help me feel better for the moment. Keep in mind that they invented the
energy drink like Red Bull and all sorts of similar energy drinks. People die because of such energy drinks. At regular intervals, one hears from time to time that people have died due to energy drink in heart attack. I’m aware that it’s dangerous. Since nothing in my body works normally anymore, so when I take it all, it feels like I am filling the empty rum of dead part of body that I am missing. You can only understand this when you are damaged by electric current. People who are not harmed by its electric Holocaust can never even imagine this mortal suffering in agony and they can never understand this after they are unharmed. Thanks to this, they are normal. What I write is just words that describe the hell I am in. Words can never give the true picture of how deadly electric destruction is. People start believing in what I write about only when people get hurt themselves when people feel it through their own pain and suffering. The damage caused by the inhuman suffering has deprived me of life itself. I have been deprived of the ability to feel that I am alive. I don’t feel life in me, I feel my ongoing death. They have deprived me of my health because I have no more health. They have also deprived me of my sanity. They have pushed me all the way to the brink of death, just like a person who pushes me towards a deep ravine away from my life and I see my life behind the state Executioner or the Lieman who pushes me unstoppably right into death where I stand some centimeters from the ravine of death. Now it’s just needed a little for me to fall into death. Now it is Seroquel that through obesity will cause diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Cigarettes and Snus will cause cancer. Energy drinks can cause heart attacks. Even alcohol, gives me obesity and it destroys my life in all possible ways at the same time and thanks to alcohol I lose control of my behavior. But I suffer in pain so much that I cannot live normally and that is why I drink alcohol, usually beer, to numb pain, suffering, anxiety, and all that just for the moment. The purpose of electric destruction is that I should drink alcohol and that I should lose control. I’m supposed to be ashamed of the whole world’s population while I’m dying. As a dying person with physical and mental suffering due to torture, you must write about your suffering openly on the internet, so that the whole world can know who you are. This is how governments force one to talk about oneself quite openly. With electrical damage, you lose your mind and thanks to impaired cognitive ability that is in constant decline, you commit error after error and that without any control over your behavior. You do not commit a crime, but you are ashamed. Government destroys the whole family through psychotronic weapons. They cause anxiety, worry, grief and mental suffering in the parent by the parent seeing their child perish and they cause anxiety, distress, grief in the child by the child seeing his parent perish.
That’s why Psychotronic weapons exist
That is why there are psychotronic weapons. That is why there is the electric holocaust. Everything is there for people to be fatally injured physically and mentally, for people to lose control over their behavior. They drive people to murder, suicide or that people should be ashamed, and, in this way, you make your life a hell and that by force. The government’s various methods of torturing people have been going on for 20, 30, 40 years and their whole lives. One cannot remain normal when the government is torturing one psychologically every night for so many years. It is one thing to be tortured by various Psychotronic weapons or by the most used by the governments of the world and the one that is most devastating with the strongest psychological impact is V2K injected voices in the head, but it is a completely different matter when one becomes fatally damaged by electric current that leads the body and mental senses to death. Through both psychological torture through injected voices in the head and by fatally injuring people through electric death trojans, world governments lead people into abuse by force and this is how states hand out the last fatal blow. When you start to get violent, when you start talking about the government having driven you into death and into violent behavior then the police come to your home and then police say in front of TV cameras that they take this man or this woman to the psyche, where this man will get the help, he needs. According to them, psychiatry is care. It’s something positive and it’s something good. People get the help they need. People have lost their minds and as such they have no place in society. This is how genocide has been going on in the civilian population for over 100 years now. Through electrical damage, the government transforms people into
mentally ill patients for the rest of their lives. Due to injured body, I suffer in agony, day, and night and due to pain and suffering I have difficulty breathing. I breathe heavily because I am suffering physically.
Corona-Covid 19 infection
But not only that, but I have also become ill in Covid-19 infection. Thanks to Covid-19 pandemic virus, last year I became infected with Coronavirus among the first. Last year I had almost no serious symptoms, because then I still had that strength in my body from my previous life when I trained constantly. Last year I thought I had a strong immune system against diseases. But I cannot train anymore. I have been partially paralyzed in the body due to electrical damage. Now I have recently been infected with Coronavirus again for a second time. I had no fever. I had a little headache, a little stiffness in the neck and it looked like I had mild symptoms. I got a changed smell and sense of taste, but I thought I could handle it gallantly. I cannot do anything more, so I just sit at home on the couch or sit in front of the computer and write this blog. The electrical damage together with Seroquel has driven my body’s immune system to the bottom. Like I said the symptoms of Corona disease were mild and I thought I was strong. On the second or third day, the Covid-19 disease affected my lungs. I lost a catastrophic amount of ability to breathe. I thought I was going to die. Because I was infected, I immediately had to take the Covid-19 PCR test. I became positive about Corona virus and then I was on sick leave for two weeks. I never went to the hospital, so I went through that illness at home. Covid-19 disease in my opinion is extremely dangerous disease. It’s not about getting sick and recovering from Coronavirus. Every time you get sick with Corona virus, the body is damaged by that virus. If you have survived this year, then it is a good question if you survive next year when you become ill again. In addition, every time you get an infection with the Corona virus, the body is severely damaged more and more. I noticed that the virus has damaged both my lungs and my brain. Every time the moment I fall asleep I stop breathing and the fact that I have stopped breathing is what wakes me up in a panic. No matter how I turn around when I go to sleep, it always happens again and again. I wake up every time in a panic because I have stopped breathing. Had I continued to sit on the couch for more than those two weeks, I think I would have died. After two weeks I started working again and when I was going to start working, I got a strong dizziness in my head, but with time as I move it got a little better and even that to automatically stop breathing stopped happening even after about a month. I have not fully recovered the smell and taste yet and it has been over four months now. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get it all over again. Not only did I have difficulty breathing due to electrical damage, I also lost breathing capacity in my lungs due to Covid-19 virus infection. The thing about automatically stopping breathing is brain damage but I have also lost lung capacity due to Corona and that is something completely different. Now I have a hard time being able to really breathe. Now it has been maybe 7 months when I got sick with Corona virus infection. The thing about stopping breathing when I’m on my way to sleep has happened again last night. But this time I was more awake, as I could notice exactly what was happening to me. What I have noticed is that just at the moment when I go from awake state and into sleep, so is cut off contact between brain and lungs and just at that moment I have lost control of lungs. In the moment while I have almost fallen asleep deeply when the contact between brain and lungs has been cut off, lungs have stopped breathing automatically. As I am aware that it happens, I struggle to wake up and as soon as I have woken up, then I regain control of the lungs and then I start hyperventilating due to respiratory arrest and lack of oxygen. This is scary. This is a life-threatening condition and in addition to everything that has happened to me here in humane Sweden, I now also have this problem. Now I’m no longer so sure that only Corona has developed this. Corona has partially destroyed the lungs and brain, but it is Seroquel that causes respiratory upset. When I take 400 milligrams this happens while when I take 200 milligrams, I barely feel it and when I do not take Seroquel then it does not happen at all. But now I have to take it because of electrical damage has turned me into a slave of Seroquel. I have experienced that breathing pause earlier in my life, but it was almost impossible for me to be sure that it really happened while I was sleeping. But in any case, it has exploded when I was ill with Corona’s disease and now when it happens then it’s about
life and death. I literally risk dying in my sleep. What if the cause of this life-threatening condition is medication that psychiatric care has given me for decades and more? I think those medications cause brain damage. If they destroy the body to death in every other way, why should they not cause this life-threatening condition, for me to die. This is something I have discovered now, but the governments of the world and the rich elite know about this. All of them know very well that people are murdered through psychiatry and through the pharmaceutical industry companies that tailor medicines for mental illness so that people will eventually die. Here you see how the dangers of dangerous life come all the time in society, where people lose their health and all that together opens the way for us ordinary people into death. I’m injured by electric destruction, I am injured by Corona, and I am stuck in the abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, snus, and energy drinks for electrical damage is 100 times worse than what Corona disease is. I got to experience both and much more than that through my life. Covid-19 does what it is supposed to do. Covid-19 Coronavirus Kills People. I keep dying and now I have lost all control due to electrical damage. Now can anyone say why I do not stop abusing all this. It is impossible to stop now, because the injuries are death itself and everything I do now I do impulsively by force without my free will, because life is unbearable and impossible to live with the pain and lost feeling in the body. It’s stupidity and idiocy to think that all this has made me stronger. No, I’m writing this blog while I’m dying, and I’ll eventually die. People see me as an alcoholic now, but people do not understand that governments murder people through its electric annihilation and when you are injured by this, then you die as an addict who is isolated and trapped in his own dying body. You die in a protracted death, full of agony and suffering. I die bodily by force, I lose feeling in my body by force, I lose my mind by force, and I withdraw impulsively due to injuries to abuse by force. A few months ago, when I woke up, I drank some energy drinks when I was writing a blog and I had no more, so I thought of going to the store to buy all this again. But I did not even walk 50 meters before I became extremely weak in my body. I was cold sweating, and I was shaking all over. I could not breathe. My blood sugar has probably dropped. I was hairy from having a heart attack and instead I interrupted this plan and then I went to my family and ate there. Then after a long while it got a little better, but the constant feeling of my dying body holds me tight with one leg in my grave. I’m on my way to this grave. Nobody needs to kill me because I’m already dead. There you see that governments through all segments of society have added potentially deadly products to all of us and to our children. It is a thin line that separates our children from death. They only need to make one wrong decision at some point in their lives and that is to test the electric death trojans and they will be instantly dead in a few years. There you see how easy it is to lose your child. I write blogs about crimes I have been exposed to. I write blog that I am dying, and I will die. None of ordinary people even want to admit my injuries. People do not want to talk about this. It’s like I do not exist. Instead, people talk about criminals and about how criminals should be lynched and punished with the death penalty. In the moment when I hear it, my blood starts to boil with anger. They do not see that ordinary people are exposed to crime by the government. Although I have explained it in a good way, I think people do not want to feel the possibility that the world’s governments are committing genocide crimes against civilians. They do not see crimes that I have been exposed to. They do not see, and they do not want to hear a single word, that I suffer in the bed of my death suffering in agony, while they examine every single mistake, I make because of crimes I have been subjected to. People look at me like a comedy movie. The message that peoples give me kind of sounds like this. Ouuuuuuuu, do not become such a drama Queen. It can’t be that dangerous. People laugh at me, and people laugh at us all ordinary people who have been abused by the state, just because they themselves have not yet been. The power of the world and the rich elite have fixed for us and for our children death traps that are designed in different ways. States can say that no one is forcing us to take it as if we have a free will. We have no free will because the only thing we get is government lies about a world where we live safe with our children, while we are deceived into death. Through the injuries, they force me to either die due to injuries or that I
will commit suicide because it is not possible to live with this. When I do not take Seroquel and alcohol, I realize how devastated I am and then I experience the pain and constant suffering every second with full force. Only then do I really become aware of the extent to which my body is destroyed and then I see clear that I will die. It scares the life out of me because I am seriously ill physically in neurological bodily injuries and those injuries evaporate my brain, where I clearly feel disturbances in my thinking. I clearly feel that I feel bad physically and mentally for no reason. The only reason why I feel bad is injuries that produce the suffering along with the rest of my short life that I have left to live. I never feel good, not even for a second. Not even a single night have I dreamed anything positive. Even my dreams are torture to death, where even in dreams I am driven by force against my own will to think as if I were awake, due to injuries that produce suffering in agony. I always dream the same nightmare and it is that I die due to the electrical injuries because I suffer and feel that pain even when I sleep. If that pain had at least gone up and down, then I would have experienced moments where I sometimes feel better. But no, it’s a constant line of pain and suffering that only gets stronger with time. It drives me to think only of this and nothing else. It is another psychological torture to not be able to think about anything other than just injuries around the clock. I am mentally trapped in destructive thoughts that force me to ponder in states of the highest possible psychological stress level. I can ’t think of anything else but that I’m dying. Through this electrical damage, they have turned my life into a living hell on this planet Earth and that for the rest of my life. Even when it has cleared in my head without Seroquel, the feeling that my body is dying and the pain and suffering in agony is just too much and I cannot live with it. I really want to live but I cannot live with such enormous pain that has grown far beyond what I can handle, and it will also grow far above current suffering. It will become even stronger so the only thing that can stop the suffering is death. That’s why you go crazy in the end because you suffer so much that you should be dead. But you do not die yet. That is what governments punish us ordinary people with. As you suffer more and more, you see other people who are well. You also must pretend that you are feeling well so that you do not lose everything you have. You must function in society. There is no care for the crime that has been committed against me because these are the governments of the world that commit this crime together on all of us and they just pretend that it does not even exist so that it can continue to be committed on all of us and ours. children. There is no media that allows me to tell you about this crime because they are the most important part of that Holocaust. They do not allow me to tell you about it so that other people can be injured to death like me. The police want proof of my injuries and in that way my testimony is not enough for me to take it to court. If I had seen someone murder another person then my testimony would have been enough as evidence in court, while when I say that I have been harmed by electrical product of 9 volts sold as something harmless, then now suddenly my voice and my testimony is no longer credible as evidence of the crime I have been subjected to. My vote is not credible because I have fallen into the death trap of government and when the state kills people then it is not a crime. For me to prove my injuries, general care wants to send me to further destruction of my body through Neurography, where they want to damage my body again, by letting electric current flow through my already damaged body and nervous system. They lie to me right in my face by claiming that my damaged nervous system will be scanned with the allegedly harmless weak electric current for an hour and a half, without mentioning a single word that there may be any life danger in this care examination. Thanks to this, I should allegedly go for this one care survey because we all ordinary people believe in the state. This is where it breaks all logic. This is the invisible boundary that prevents us ordinary people from seeing the state as a criminal system. If I had not followed logic, as a normal human being, and since I know I have been damaged by identical death trojan apparatus on low electric current, then if I believe in state systems, I will go on this deadly fraud treatment again. Considering that I have been registered as an individual who has visited psychiatry, I am now branded as a mentally ill person for all ordinary people, because I have written about it in my blog. This is about the question; will I continue to
accept the care that Swedish state systems now offer me as dying of electrical injuries? Am I a more mentally normal person for ordinary people if I, as a stamped mentally ill patient, accept Neurography treatment as care? Am I now a paranoid mentally ill patient who claims that the government murders people by electric destruction? Do people look at me like a crazy person now because I do not accept treatment Neurography? If I had allowed it, then I would have been really stupid in my head and crazy. I have told a third general practitioner through telephone contact, in addition to the two who have wanted to send me to Neurography that I am supposed to scan my nervous system with electric current, that I will never go to the Neurology Clinic at Neurography, because I know I will be fatally injured a second time. When I told the doctor that, if I have been injured due to low electrical current through a 9-volt device, then it is logical to expect that I will be injured by low electrical voltage through Neurography for an hour and a half. When I said that Neurography damages the nervous system in the same way that I was injured by a 9-volt device, then he suggested to me the names of psychiatrists that I visited a long time ago before I was injured, without mentioning a single word that it is about the psychiatrist and that it is to psychiatric care he wants to send me to. I could have easily forgotten the name of that psychiatrist, but I knew who he was talking about and then the prescription for Seroquel had been moved back to psychiatry without my consent. Naturally, I told him, never in my life. They have led me in this death, and I never want in my life, to have anything to do with them again. But here I’m wrong. I said so because it’s the most normal thing I could say. The Electric Holocaust is sealed ticket into permanent lock-up in mental hospitals, due to electrical damage before you have had time to die, you completely lose your mind, due to pain and suffering in agony and damage to the brain that damaged nervous system damages the brain with. It is not the case that the mind is destroyed because of pain and suffering. The brain is literally damaged due to damaged nervous systems. Neurons in the brain are damaged due to damaged nerves that damage the brain with the disturbed nerve impulses to the brain. This is how the power of the world and the rich elite murder and permanently lock people into captivity. It is in this way; the power of the world and the rich elite permanently remove people from society. The only place they want to send me is to a psychiatrist and psychologist. My body is physically injured to death, and they want to send me to psychiatry, so I can talk to a psychiatrist and psychologist about my deadly injured body. About physical injuries to the body, you talk to general care. But the public health service does not even accept that I have been physically injured. They give me medication but as soon as I say that I have been the victim of a crime and that I want to take it to court, then they treat me immediately as if I were stupid in the head and then they urge me to go to a psychiatrist with all the anger and hatred that the power of the world and the rich elite have inflicted on me by injuring me to death through electrical fraud so that he can lock me in. The way they treat me is crime, but their treatment of me does not surprise me at all. This is something completely normal in this abnormal world. The world power and rich elite murder us ordinary people and our children and now only you other civilians should realize this truth, so that the world power and rich elite can no longer spew lies through mainstream media to us ordinary people how it suits them. If I had gone to a psychiatrist and if I had said all this that I have written in this blog, then he would say that I have become paranoid and psychotic, as I blame the state for harming me through state systems. He will then call the police where he will say that I am in great need of closed psychiatric care. Afterwards, the same day, the police would come to my apartment, together with monsters from closed psychiatric care and then they can lock me in a mental hospital with a fatally injured body and that by force. Then I get the help that I am in great need of according to state demonization of us ordinary people who are allegedly mentally ill. This is how it works when you have fallen into the state death trap electric annihilation. The state is always right while we ordinary people are always wrong. The same is with everything else. States punish people such as criminals while state criminal butchers in Danish Sinful have free hands to commit the crime even now and it is completely legal. They have been given the right by the government to murder us ordinary people and our children. I can barely write
more at all because of the pain. In addition, if I write under the influence of Seroquel, it numbs a little pain, but together with the injuries it intensifies anger, hatred, and desire for revenge. Not on anyone, but on those who have led me in this together. But they are too powerful for me and the government through the police protects them from those they have destroyed to death like me. In war anywhere on the planet, it is permissible to take up arms in one’s hands to defend oneself. It’s allowed, because world power and rich elites ass is in danger and we must defend them with our lives, while in peacetime when they have gained power in their hands, it is criminal to strike back at it guilty, when one has realized that the guilty is precisely the power of the world and the rich elite, they all pigs in every political party together in every country on this planet that together lead us ordinary people as our great political leaders for our imaginatively important religious and national identity. What is more valuable and important? Is it religion? is its national identity or is it our own life? If you try to take revenge, then you are for power and the rich elite, either a criminal or a murderer who is mentally ill.
Noah Green, 25 killed police officer Billy Evans
Here’s an example where Noah Green, 25, killed by car police officer Billy Evans to death at the US Congress. Media is not media at all. Their task is to explain the murders that all governments commit on ordinary people as mental illness and that people imagine that governments have led them to death. Here the media demonizes him for his committed attack to appear illogical. They ridicule him and they demonize him by writing: Now his confusing messages on social media have been revealed in recent weeks. He has written that he has been subjected to several burglaries, poisoned food, assaults, illegal actions in hospitals and thought control through psychotronic weapons. I have seen in video, and I have read in the testimonies of targeted individuals the same thing over and over again, that they too are all tortured in exactly the same way and even in a worse way than he has become himself. In addition, I myself have been led into death with V2K injected voices in my head. I have read and seen on video where targeted individuals testify about the same thing, over and over again, that when a targeted individual moves to another country and even to a country that is an independent state such as Switzerland, they are tortured there in exactly the same way. People are tortured and murdered by all states together by electric annihilation and people are tortured and murdered by all states together by Psychotronic weapons and so do all states together in the same way. All states cooperate with each other. Therefore, it does not matter if the targeted individuals move to another country, for their own country, always get permission from that country to use networks with Psychotronic weapons in that country and torture and psychological manipulation continue uninterrupted. Everything he has said about the government exposing him to is true, he imagines nothing. In addition, I have also read that targeted individual here in Sweden are subjected to torture through microwave radiation where they get inhuman pain in the head, pain in the rest of the body and internal body organs. This is not about torture through microwave radiation. Government harms the body of people through the so-called torture through Psychotronic weapons. It is microwave radiation that causes body damage and cancer to target individuals through radiation. Governments evoke death through psychotronic weapons. Governments’ intent is to kill people, and in that way, they kill people. Keep in mind that even such a country, Sweden, which claims to be a democratic state that fights for human rights, commits such torture on the Swedish population that can be compared exactly equivalent to North Korea’s abused torture on its own population. Here it is only well camouflaged by mainstream media lies about democracy and human rights that have never existed anywhere on the planet. Sweden is a brutally alleged democratic police state dictator. Majority of ordinary people have never even heard of targeted individuals because the media through news, television programs, film industry and so on propagates a completely false image of reality where government protects people, while in reality it is the governments of the world who are killing their own people, in infinitely many different ways at the same time and they mislead people in such a way that people should never see the real Executioner and lie man who is power and the rich elite who together cheat and murder each their civilian population.
Dr. Robert Duncan
The only thing we ordinary people get to see in media that are not media at all, are cases like
this where people are demonized and classified as misguided mentally ill killers, while the media does not write a word about Robert Duncan who has participated in the creation of V2K Voice of God weapon Technology- injected voices into people’s heads. When you search for Robert Duncan on Google then you cannot even find him in this way. You have to write Dr. Robert Duncan to find out who he is. How many people know that he is Dr. Robert Duncan? The small detail (Dr) is censorship that keeps him hidden from most people around the world. Another part of censorship is that a few thousand have watched his video, while in fact it can be about many millions. By reducing the number of visitors who have watched his video, the world’s population is manipulated in such a way that people see the video as less credible. This applies to everything and everyone who speaks against the government. Censorship exists so that people do not start believing in the truth and that people continue to be ignorant and unaware of the dangers of life that all governments have camouflaged and put on us ordinary people in front of our noses, that what we see in front of us is something harmless while when we have gone into it, then we realize that it was our death. Had this man died without revenge, no one would have heard of him, and he would have been a good American citizen. This is how states want people to die, without striking back. If this man is mentally ill according to the media, why then does the media never say a word about Dr. Robert Duncan. They do not want to talk about him because the false image of reality must be preserved. Is Robert Duncan lost and mentally ill? That Noah Green has clung to Islam is pure desperation because of the torture he has gone through. They also demonize the group he was part of for the media in this way preparing the destruction of that group first by demonizing in the media and now guilt for the deed he has committed is transferred to that group. Now police heroes will attack them, and they too will be imprisoned for or later or they will be murdered by the police on the street and all that will appear through the media as a state hero operation where killers have been removed from society and people go safer on streets. Do not torture him and then he will not kill police officers. He could not access those who have tortured him through injected voices in his head, but he could access them on the street, and they are not a symbol of the state. They are the state, and they also kill people, starting with Taser where they pretend that they have used something completely harmless, while they know that they have killed a person with the electric butcher knife. They know exactly what they did to a man they shot with a Taser. What I have written in this blog is what they have done to that person during police intervention. So, all governments on this planet kill people day and night and when people strike back at them, then you are a criminal, or you are mentally ill. It has cost to kill Noah Green. Government was about to kill Noah Green through psychotronic weapons, through poisoning, through hospital abuse and he had died sooner or later. Now he has killed police. When the state kills ordinary people then it is not a crime, while when ordinary people kill one of them then it is a crime. This has been the case throughout human history. We ordinary people just have to face the truth. Too bad that the other policeman had not also died, so that it had cost two lives out of the power and rich elite for a life of us ordinary people. It applies to the whole world. It is not just blacks who are murdered. Even whites and all other races of people are murdered in the same way and all sorts of other ways by states. Had Noah Green been locked up in a mental hospital, it would have been perfect for the government, because there they would have executed him with ECT, and it was completely legal under the claim of care for depression. But he was smart enough because I think he has realized the truth about what they all together are for something and therefore he has stayed away from that place of destruction of the civilian population so-called psychiatry. In addition, I think he was mentally well, but the mainstream media portrays him as mentally ill. Furthermore, what ECT injured patients go through is restlessness, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, anger, discomfort, loss of sensation throughout the head, neck and damage to the entire body’s nervous system, consciousness that ceases to exist and much more than that and all this will drive them back in psychiatry, where they are locked up for the short time they have left to live until they have died, because they cannot be able to become normal when the brain is damaged and destroyed by electric shocks. They will
be forced to take ECT again due to verbal outrageous behavior that they exhibit due to suffering from electrical injuries. Psychiatric care locks people into mental hospitals for violent psychotic behavior, but it is precisely governments that provoke that behavior by harming people through the system of electric destruction, where states deceive people into electrical damage, so that they have a reason to solve people into mental hospitals and people eventually die due to the injuries. The only thing is that people do not die immediately, although in the two videos they admit that many patients have also died directly on the spot, as they received an electric shock and yet states continue with this alleged treatment under the claim of care against Depression. ECT is, execution of the death penalty and psychiatry is a place where the government legally executes people for the reason that the patient feels bad mentally because of which the patient is unable to talk about. Governments have served electric destruction to their people as something completely harmless and the execution through ECT separates states on mental illness, with ridiculous prejudices that states have invented, to be able to access innocent people who do not commit crimes. In this way, states reach the entire population. How can Western states call themselves democracy when they have built a way to legally murder people through general care and through psychiatry. Dictator states do not ask, they murder people, and no one is allowed to utter a word against this abuse. The states of the world that pretend to be democracies that fight for human rights, murder people through public care and they murder people through psychiatric care, claiming that they give the people care. All such evil deeds hide states through mainstream media, where the media declares everything as something innocent and something that is not worth letting people know about, as it is only about states providing care to people who are depressed. They have all the tools they need to be able to legally kill anyone in the civilian population, which means there is no real difference between a dictator and a democracy. Both dictators and democracies each kill their people through the electric annihilation in the same way and in addition they cooperate with each other in the annihilation of their respective civilian populations through their common media silence, where they pretend not to be aware that it exists. They pretend to know nothing about this and that’s why it works. What they do not mention is what does not exist. They murder people through psychiatry and the state evil is also directed at those who are the most innocent of all people and that is children. It is our children they murder, children of us ordinary people while their own children live free in safety and security. Their children are allowed to grow up without being exposed to Psychotronic weapons, while our children are manipulated and destroyed by Psychotronic weapons from the first day our children were born. They will never harm their own children to death by the electric destruction genocide, but they will harm us ordinary people who are adults and they will harm our children to death. For the government to be able to lock us adults in and for them to be able to kill us in the only place that the government has where they can murder people is healthcare. It’s all about fooling people into electrical damage that you always end up dying from, under the assertion of care. They also kill people who have never harmed another person with forced ECT treatment, claiming that a locked mentally ill patient is not clear in their head according to their own minds, where the patient cannot make his own decision due to a seriously ill mental condition such as is a pure crime state fraud lie, only to harm a patient and make the mentally handicapped through ECT alleged treatment, so that the patient will die after a few years. When it comes to over 100 million murdered people across the planet in the last 70 years through it electric annihilation, then it’s genocide. It is the secret that people die because of the slightest electrical damage that governments hide from people, so that people never get to know about it so that people can continue to be murdered one by one.
Diagnos ADHD
For the governments of the world on this planet, should be able to access our children, then they have come up with a fantasy diagnosis ADHD. Diagnosis ADHD is an attack on our children. Diagnosis ADHD is a camouflaged attack on the whole family, where government through school, through health care, through the municipality and through laws commits attack and abuse on the whole family. Through claims of care for our children, the government is violating the human rights
of the whole family so that the government can exercise control and cause psychological pain to this child and the whole family. Hidden intent may also be that parents are targeted individuals for government. By destroying the child with medication or, in the worst case, depriving parents of custody of their child, the government has destroyed the whole family, claiming that the government is protecting the child. Sometimes children are in danger and then the state intervention is justified, but in most cases, it is state abuse where everything is hidden as in my case for example. My child and I are allegedly living in freedom, while in reality I am dying because of crimes that, according to all governments on this planet, do not exist and I see in my child that they are mentally tearing him to pieces. The unnoticed mental destruction always results in the decay of the physical body. He does not experience any of Psychotronic torture and my son does not even think about what I write about in this blog. But I see in him all the signs of the destruction of him physically and mentally as an individual. I look at him myself before the police started talking to me and I too have had bad times over and over again. For example, if you look at a young person now, the young person is already sentenced to death in 20 years. They damage the psyche of people every night for the rest of one’s life and it is not possible to fight against Psychotronic weapons. They do that to all the children of us ordinary people. The governments of the world, through security police and ordinary police, chew the mental senses of our children through V2K unnoticed injected voices in their heads, where they induce toxic suggestive messages that are direct instructions to negative acts of self-destruction. They also do it through other Psychotronic weapons. Government encourages our children to make the wrong decisions in their lives, which in turn leads them to their ruined lives and this is what the civilian population on this planet is not aware of. They want to do it and they have been doing it all the time for the last 70 years against all of us who are ordinary people. Just look at how they have driven me into death and bad wrong decisions in my life and that by force indirectly through state lies. It is the invisible genocide that all governments commit on their own people. In cases where the government, through social authorities, deprives custody of the child from parents, the state has also expelled parents to the point that they make the wrong decision after the wrong decision in their lives due to desperation, grief, and loss of their child. Governments also drive children to suicide through psychotronic weapons. Diagnosis ADHD is the dehumanization and demonization of fully healthy children so that governments can drag them to the only place where they can kill our children and that is again healthcare. If, for example, children have been bullied daily at school or beaten by other stronger class students, then children, thanks to mental strain and stress, have also had personality changes and then they have integrated the physical and mental abuse to which they have been exposed, as their own defense mechanism, where they themselves try to defend themselves by becoming angry and violent because the only thing they feel is mental pain. If someone beats and abuses a young individual at regular intervals, then the young individual defends himself by striking back and there is nothing strange about it. It works well on other ordinary people who abuse you mentally and physically, but it has catastrophic consequences when you behave this way towards state-employed snakes. I would give you all young people a piece of advice you should follow to the point. Government through any state institution will provoke you to say something verbally violent. No matter how the conversation between you and them goes, those state snakes are at first smarter than you because you are inexperienced children, while they are well-educated state snakes that always come into conversation with you. put yourself against the road, where you will never have a choice. They will always be right while you will always be wrong. Giving them a slap is exactly what they want you to do. It will put you behind locked doors and there they will torture you mentally to death. Remember and never forget it, government through state institutions is not out to lock people into captivity. In the first place, they are always out to kill you, to kill us all. When they chase you, it is against this death in electrical injuries they want to lead you in and towards the place where they can kill you and that is psychiatric care. You are not crazy; you are completely mentally healthy. When you talk to them, you should lie to them about how you
want to save the planet and save the world, because it is the rubbish of their media propaganda that they pretend to be. Always be calm without swearing words. To beat them, you must not do that under any circumstances. Do not aim at each other because you should be united, because only then will you become strong. Remember that we cannot all become friends because it is impossible physically, but the common interest is that we ordinary people should unite so that we can defend ourselves against the real enemy who is complete world power and rich elite together. They murder us by misleading, lying to us, deceiving us into death and all that they do through constant government media lies, as we see in the mainstream media. They brainwash us adults and they brainwash our children, so that we may believe in them, while they hurt us to death in many different ways at once. If you have had difficulties in school, you should not have to end up in prison for it. It is not school education that is happiness in life. All those who are well educated participate in the genocide of the civilian population, ordinary people. It is you who are the happiness. That you only live is the strongest sun that can warm your parents. You are valuable and your life is worth more than the life of the whole world’s power and rich elite together is. They’re killing you, while you’re just trying to survive. There is an employment service training of one year, where you learn more about the job you want to work with, than what you have learned throughout the school. You can make money by working and it is not difficult at all. Do not give them the reason they need for you to be driven to suicide or to be murdered in any of the government institutions. Stay away from drugs because with that you give a reason to the government to lock you in and they will kill you for this. They have psychotronic weapons that they can even lead you to drug overdose, murder, and suicide by just talking to you while you sleep, and you will not even notice that they have talked to you. What you remember are dreams where you think you have come to the realization of your life while you were dreaming. All that can be government and all that insight can be toxic messages injected through Psychotronic weapons that will lead you into death in 20 years. They can talk to you without you being aware of it. I believe that the entire population of the world ordinary people on this planet are targeted individuals. States have come into every human being’s dream at some point in their lives, just to let them know what people’s secrets are. They plant in your minds suggestive toxic sentences that directly affect your decisions in life. Just look at what they have done to me, and I have never even committed a crime here in Sweden. They want us to die, and I have at least saved your life if you have read my blog from the Holocaust, so you know that it is your certain death, if you go on this scam. The day you went on this scam is the day you will die. A child’s mind cannot compete with the rotten and evil government state system that has psychotronic weapons, where they can make a child sick and depressed in many different ways simultaneously with different psychotronic weapons. They can drive a young individual to commit suicide through voices in the head for some petty crime like the kid have committed and all governments have done so together on many millions of children across the planet. They do it even now and they will continue to do it in the future. People never protest against state abuse because people do not see the truth and that because of the mainstream media lying 100% about everything, precisely because people do not see the true picture of what society is for something. Those who are harmed by the electric destruction are those who realize the truth. When you understand that the governments of the world use electric destruction to intentionally murder civilians on an industrial scale, then you understand everything else. Now I see clearly all government lies. They can very easily drive a child or a young individual into a psychotic state so that children will lose all mood and become violent. When a young individual has become violent as a government is looking for a young individual to become, then the state has a legitimate reason to legally lock that child, either in inpatient psychiatric care, where they can do exactly what they want with this child and they can even kill that child through electric shocks, or they can lock that child in a youth home. Even in such a place, they kill a child. Here is an example of how the state through the state system drives a child to suicide:
Jasmine, 13, needed care – locked up and took her own life
When I watch this video then I get scared for life. The Swedish government brags through the mainstream media about how people must have basic living conditions and here they say that the toilet was broken in this isolation prison cell that this girl was locked in. If it is broken, then move her to another prison isolation cell where the toilet works. They have turned off the water to the toilet so that they can destroy the girl mentally in this way as well. They provoke feelings of shame in the girl so that she can form an image of herself as if she stinks when prison guards come to her room and in addition she is forced to sleep in such circumstances. If they themselves or someone from the power and rich elite, starting with politicians and so on had been locked in this rum with shut off water to the toilet, then it would have stunk infinitely many times more. But they will never be locked up in this place because they are the law, and they rule over us ordinary people. In this video, imagines the media as the voice of the people’s justice that reveals this case where the girl has died in such circumstances, but all this is just government theatrical performance because it is just a stationary example for the whole population and all young people who have committed a minor crime where message sounds like this. If you commit crimes, then we will kill you in this way. See how I have been murdered, because I will die, and I have not even committed any crime here in Sweden. That prison guard could just as easily have strangled her with a pillow. How do we ordinary people know what has happened in there. It is their way of describing the event, where they are always right, and we ordinary people are supposed to believe in them blindly and that only because they are the state. That’s true after TV has said so. First, they have tortured her psychologically for so many months that she should write in her diary that she wants to kill herself (commit suicide) so that they have an excuse and reason that they can explain the incident, in such a way that she is alleged has committed suicide. A child’s mind cannot compare with state torture systems that have evolved throughout human history. It is her childlike defense that she will take her own life in her belief that it will help her, thanks to the image that the mainstream media has brainwashed her with and the entire population in the belief that government cares about people, while government does just the opposite kill’s people. The important thing for government is that people do not know about this while people fall into the state death trap. This is a murder that the Swedish government has committed on this girl and also on the other girl mentioned in this video. I tell you all, the governments of the world are killing us and our children, under the assertion of care. They say she did not receive care. What fucking care can they give her? Locking her in this prison solitary confinement cell is no care. They restrain and punish her through isolation. It is a pure punishment. Why have they not given custody of her to the woman who wants to take care of her if they want to help that girl now. They have used the girl’s weakness which is her minor age, because she is a child, and they are alleged to take care of her through custody of her as a minor child. Sweden protects children according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but in reality, we see here that states kill children under the allegation of caring for a minor child. On the surface, government through the mainstream media propagates a propaganda image of society how the state protects children, while under the surface government through state systems kills children. The best evidence is that psychiatric care provides ECT to children. If someone thinks that it is not the murder of a child, where the care gives someone’s parent’s child ECT shock of 400 volts, then try to connect electric current from electrical outlet of 230 volts on the head of your own child. If people had done such a thing to their child, then the mainstream media would spread it
directly in the news and all the media would write about it. Ordinary people would call such a parent a monster, for it is only a monster that can commit such a crime and that has never happened either. There is no ordinary person who is so crazy to do such a thing to his child. But here you see how crazy the world governments are. When they commit such a crime, then people look at their execution of the death penalty as on something normal and acceptable. But why the hell do none of ordinary people react when electric current of 400 volts through ECT shock is given to children and young people in psychiatry. It is the claim of care that has blinded the civilian population across the planet so that governments can annihilate the population without all the existing governments of the world ever being guilty of murder under the claim of care. Governments are not only guilty of murder, but they are also guilty of genocide crimes against civilians. What governments together do to us ordinary people and to our children through the electric holocaust is precisely genocide crimes (crimes against humanity). Actually, if people had been aware of this truth, then would anger of ordinary people all over the planet have set this planet on fire and flames. But that is why there are mainstream media to calm the civilian population through media lies so that people do not protest while they and their children are led into the grave. When governments murder adults and children through health care, then it is something acceptable. People always think it’s about someone else. It should not happen to oneself. If the parent is the target of the government to be murdered by the government, then government throughout the state system also harms this parent’s child to death, only to provoke mental pain for the parent who will provoke anger and hatred in the parent against the government and the entire state system. Hundreds of millions of ordinary people across the planet have gone through the same thing right into death and always because of identical the same reason. They did not know that it harms the body. Through mainstream media people have been convinced throughout their lives that government state protects people and works for the good of the people, while when one is harmed throughout state systems one realizes that government through state systems kills its citizens. In order for governments to be able to pick a citizen out of society, governments are always out to provoke anger from people by fatally injuring either a parent or parent’s children and through that, they induce murder, suicide or imprisonment or mental hospitalization. Mental hospital is the place where they always want to lead people in the end, because in this place they have open hands to kill people without them being guilty of murder. This murder is classified as care for Depression and we ordinary people go on the genocide scam after it has not happened to ourselves. When all that well happens to us, then governments explain away such failures through prejudices that they have built from the beginning of civil society, that it is supposed to be about mentally ill people and the majority of ordinary people accept it as truth, because mainstream media and television have said so. People take on the criminal completely false government propaganda for truth, which is conveyed through mainstream media, public care, psychiatric care, prejudice by the police fighting criminals and violent mentally ill patients and so on, while police, healthcare and media are heroes who enlighten and protects people. The false image of reality is conveyed and advertised through all the existing mainstream media in the world, so that people do not see that people are murdered through psychiatry, that people are murdered through public care, that people are murdered through pharmaceutical companies, that people are murdered through lethal products, that people are murdered by the police, who harm people physically and mentally through various psychotronic weapons and lead people to death in one way or another and so it never ends. Here they say in this video: Psychiatry an industry of death: $ 40 million a year of tax money has been paid by the United States National Institute of Mental Health for Behavioral and Psychiatric Research, a total of $ 20 billion for all research since 1948. Juvenile Judge Rotenberg center where children have been connected to batteries that supply electric current up to 270 volts. Students were tortured through electroshock therapy for no other reason than to induce pain and this is exactly where this video is revealed as false state government fraud propaganda aimed at concealing the genocide that is going on today worldwide on the whole planet, completely
invisible without anyone from the power and rich elite ever uttering a single word that low electric current damages the body and the whole body’s nervous system to ashes and it leads to death in one way or another. Here they are literally lying when they say that students got 270 volts electric shock through the arm. An even worse lie is that they call it a 270-volt shock, for therapy. Therapy means suggestive care and something that is harmless. An electric shock of 270 volts through the arm would immediately give the students cardiac arrest and they had died instantly due to the torture. First and foremost, they are lying about the power with which those students have been tortured. They had not even managed pain as the highest voltage that the alleged electrical stimulation devices generate at 9 volts. They talk about torture with 270 volts, while electricity outlets in the way, delivers 230 volts to power electrical appliances in our homes. If you insert two nails into an electrical outlet with your hand, you will die in a flash in a few seconds due to 230 volts of electric shock, while in this video it is alleged that those students have been tortured with 270-volt electrodes connected to students’ arms for many minutes, where they claim that students had only pain. But they do not say a word that those students received bodily and nerve damage through that torture. It is the secret they want to hide so that people will never know the truth about it, so that the genocide where people are physically injured and disabled for life and eventually murdered, can continue to be passed on to new generations of young fully healthy people. According to them, people get brain damage from ECT electric shock, while students do not get, body and nerve damage when electrodes with 270 volts are connected to students’ arms. There is direct current and alternating current and different hertz frequencies and that information only confuses people because most of us are not electricians. The purpose of that video is precisely to confuse, deceive and mislead people. If you carry in your arm an electric shock of 270 volts, regardless of whether it is alternating current or direct current, you will die immediately in a few seconds. That people do not die on the spot from ECT shock, is because they always revive people with Defibrillator. With that, to draw people back to life, they use more of electric shock. It does not matter what video you see on YouTube that allegedly speaks against psychiatry, all they talk and warn people about high electrical voltage through torture of the students and therapy through alleged ECT treatment, but never about low voltage of 9 volts and less, as a danger to the human body. They talk about people who have ended up in closed psychiatric clinics and who have been harmed by ECT, but they do not say a word about how governments by tricking their people who live in freedom in their homes by stimulating devices sold to the civilian population on the whole planet as something completely harmless during all possible claims use purpose and the worst of them all claims that those devices are marketed is that 9 volt stimulation devices regenerate damaged nerves which in fact damage nerves and through this inconceivable crime fraud lie, where they lie for people through the lie that violates all logic, they deceive people into death and into confinement in mental hospitals. All existing governments on this planet fish young people and adults just to hurt people and when people have been hurt, then you are trapped in psychiatry like a slave. This is how governments capture people in psychiatry and force them into mental hospitals. They warn the world population of ECT treatment. They warn people of psychiatry who have murdered more people than people have died in World War II, but they do not warn people of the death trap that are 9 volt devices sold in every country on this planet Earth, under all possible uses purpose only for people to be deceived in body and nerve damage that leads the injured person in physical and mental suffering in agony, where you as damaged by the 9 volt devices are disabled physically and mentally as an individual and then, you become severely mentally disturbed and stuck in psychiatry like a slave. Through 9-volt devices, governments have forced ECT and mental hospitals into people’s homes. If you have been injured by devices of 9 volts, then you cannot escape the ECT shock of 400 volts that will be imposed by psychiatry later in life and that is how they drag people from their homes straight into mental hospitals in captivity, the rest of their life. People know that ECT damages the brain and yet it is heard through the media that ECT is given to thousands of people every year here in Sweden. In large countries, many more thousands of
people are murdered through ECT every year. Since the power of the world and the rich elite are lying about everything, then when they say that there are a few thousand injured people then it can be about a hundred thousand injured people. People lose their minds due to damage caused by devices of 9 volts and less. It is claimed that thousands who receive ECT every year are those who have been damaged by devices of 9 volts. Those who get ECT shock are the people the police have shot with Taser. Those who get ECT shock are people who have been tricked into injuries by all the various neurologically implanted devices. Those who get ECT shock are the people who have been injured by Neurography in pain and nerve clinic and so on. It’s always the same. Nerves start to die after a year and when pain has arisen then people also lose their minds and that is how every state on this planet drives people crazy and eventually kills its own people through psychiatry and public health. All people have at some point in their lives heard talk through the media about children who are born with mental disabilities or intellectual disabilities and who cannot live their lives normally later as adults, where they become dependent on others to cope with their daily lives. They are born with this mental disability. They are born with this degree of disability, and I do not think their disease condition gets worse than that. But all governments on this planet completely deprive healthy people of their bodies, their physical and mental health and damaged and altered nerves damage the brain in such a way that with those injuries one is mentally handicapped and with injuries to nerves, governments have by tricking people into injuries caused by mental disability in an artificial way by force through pure crime. The problem with these injuries is that you do not have a stable mental disability because for it worsens and multiplies more and more, the more nerves have had time to die. You were born healthy, and you lived your life as a healthy and normal person, until the day when you have been injured by the stimulation devices and after this injury you become more mentally handicapped than those born with mental disabilities are. But it does not just end there. In the end, you completely lose your mind due to lost sensation in the body which worsens and then you also lose healthy nerves in the body, due to this damage spreading like cancer through the body, where the whole nervous system dies more and more. In addition, instead of feeling your body through the damaged nerves, you feel the damaged nerves as an emptiness in the body and it is a terrible feeling where there are no words to be able to describe this living hell. One literally ceases to exist bodily in this real life. In addition, every second of your life you feel chronic pain that you suffer from and that gets stronger with time followed by, extremely constant terrible discomfort, restlessness, and sensation of hot, cold, and other body sensation signals that you have never felt as unharmed and as there is no word to be able to call it a sensation of someone sensation. In addition, one breathes hard day and night due to pain and all the suffering. One gets dizzy in the head because of the suffering in agony. It’s just that part of physical suffering and it’s much worse than I can describe in words, but now I’ll tell you about the mental suffering that physical suffering causes by nerve damage damaging my brain. In order for me to be able to explain how fatal and how serious the damage that the 9-volt device has given me in 15 minutes, where I have not even felt any pain when I tested that device, because it was on low current, so here is a short video about Rabies virus where people always die in the end:
The Devastating Effects of Rabies
In this video they say that Rabies is the most frightening disease and if you have got symptoms of Rabbis then you will die. The governments of the world have created an electric destruction system to murder each of their civilian populations by copying Rabbi’s disease. Rabbis can get anyone, while electrical damage gets people uninformed, and who are faithful in government. It’s about completely innocent people adults and young people, who have
simply gone on the deadly advertising scam. Electrical damage is directed at individuals who are deceived by mainstream media and who have been tortured for over twenty years by the police through V2K injected voices into their heads and thus led through psychological manipulation in body and nerve damage through 9-volt devices. Even people who have never had anything to do with crime are murdered if they are tricked into testing any of the electric death trojans. Their death is also somewhat successful for the (Government) state. The state does not have to bear the costs of care when they grow old and the state does not have to pay pensions to injured people, because they will never have time to grow old due to electrical damage. They will die. It is a perfect combination of invisible, hidden destruction systems of the civilian population through the advertising of seemingly harmless products. The police injure people mentally and physically at a long distance through Psychotronic microwave weapons. The governments of the world are tricking people into harming themselves with even more deadly products than microwave weapons, and it is electric destruction that all governments on this planet have served to their people through advertising as everyday harmless products for bodily needs. Governments cause deadly diseases to the civilian population through forced unnecessary examinations in health care that are presented to people as mandatory examination interventions in health care against various physical needs and diseases. In fact, all this together is discreetly silent mass murder of ordinary people, where people are not even aware that they have been murdered by the government under allegations of care. Governments mislead, influence, torture, and manipulate their people physically and mentally through V2K injected voices into their heads. Through Psychotronic Weapons and through one of all weapons that are V2K injected voices in the head, the world governments influence the decisions and actions of individuals who are subjected to government manipulation and abuse through Psychotronic Weapons, and these are weapons that do not exist publicly in real life. Through all the existing mainstream media on the planet and through all the available media information on the internet, the governments of the world are lying to people about everything. The governments of the world hold a tight grip on their people through censorship and psychological warfare, just so that people will not realize the truth before it is too late, when people have been deceived in fatal bodily harm in an infinite number of different ways. The governments of the world work, day, and night through media propaganda so that governments can convince us ordinary people all over the planet that we should believe that politicians care about us ordinary people. They have convinced us that we should believe that they care about us and our children. People believe that government cares about people and people believe that people live their lives in safety with their children, as long as people respect government state laws and rules in society. What ordinary people think is that people do not commit crimes. People follow government laws and rules and therefore people feel innocent. It is mainstream media propaganda that has tricked people into believing it. People believe that people are innocent. But such gullible people are guilty and even their children are guilty just because they live. They are guilty because they take up space on the overpopulated planet and that is why their lives should be shortened as much and as fast as possible. How can states manage to eliminate people without arousing people’s anger and riots in the streets? The governments of the world manage this through state lies served to people through the mainstream media through deadly death traps as the world power and rich elite are presented to people as harmless products and harmless interventions in healthcare which are in fact execution of death sentences on gullible citizens who are ordinary people. When we have been injured, it is only then that we realize how deep the government’s intention to kill us is. They are not just trying to torture people. They are looking for people to suffer, for people to lose their physical health, for people to lose their mental health, for people to go crazy and finally for people to die due to physical injuries that evaporate mental minds and completely obliterate the personal identity as an individual. All this achieves the power of the world and the rich elite by harming people by electric current. People are fooled into physical bodily and nerve damage through 9-volt devices that are sold as harmless products for bodily needs. When
people have been injured by devices of 9 volts, then it is electrical damage that leads people into mental hospitals by force, due to the loss of their body, their mind, their consciousness which in turn leads to completely destroyed, crushed and obliterated personal identity as an individual. When you have ended up in a mental hospital, psychiatry imposes ECT shock on people, claiming that people are in great need of ECT shock after people have had acute depression. Physically destroyed body and mentally destroyed mind by electric current, power and rich elite call mental illness or acute depression. They will never mention 9-volt devices that have deprived people of life itself, mind, mental and physical health, common sense, control over their behavior, peace of mind and so on. The world power and the rich elite injure people to death through devices sold under false claims. When people have ended up in mental hospitals due to injuries caused by 9-volt devices, then psychiatry can give people a high dose of sleep medicine and when people are knocked while people sleep deeply, psychiatry can give people, injection with muscle relaxants, which paralyzes the body. When people are paralyzed, then psychiatry moves the patient to the place where the death penalty is carried out by ECT shock and there, psychiatry imposes ECT shock on the patient, without the patient’s consent for this treatment. The next day when the patient wakes up confused with the realization that the patient is feeling mentally ill for the first time in his life, then psychiatry comes with explanations and lies that the patient has come there because the patient has already become mentally ill. This is how it goes in real life. What the governments of the world commit to their people through psychiatry is crime at the highest possible level that is identical to ethnic cleansing in war or various war crimes. It’s a crime against humanity, Genocide. The police see everything that is going on in there through Psychotronic weapons, but they do not care about it, because it is about ordinary people who they themselves have driven there through psychological and physical torture through Psychotronic weapons and ordinary people are the only target for government abuse. It is the police who make people mentally ill through psychotronic weapons. The police drive people into mental hospitals and psychiatry executes people covertly and discreetly, under the claim of care for depression. The police and psychiatry are one and the same thing. They are tools for the complete power of the world and the rich elite, to murder civilians on an industrial scale and all that while claiming care, so that the massacre does not arouse people’s suspicions against the government and thanks to this the world power and the rich elite avoid being lynched by crowds. Government calms us ordinary people through constant lies as media propaganda stimulates the minds of us ordinary people and thanks to this they pick and kill us ordinary people one by one, without us even being aware that we have been murdered. Psychiatry is the government’s modern executioner. Psychiatry does exactly what they want with ordinary people who are locked up in psychiatry and they have permission from the government so that they can do what they want with people in there. They are allowed to sexually rape women. They are allowed to have sex with minors. Sexual abuse comes to the attention of people through the media, only when criminals employed in psychiatry have left many criminal traces behind, so that it is no longer possible to hide that crime and that is when the government pulls a theatrical performance for people and then they investigate that crime through the police. They put plasters on the wounds of raped victims, and they put plasters on the wounds of the entire civilian population by publishing in the media about the abuse that has been committed in psychiatry. At the same time, they are blurring the eyes of the entire population through media lies that the government is allegedly taking care of crimes committed in psychiatry, so that people will believe that people who have been locked up in closed psychiatric clinics are safe in there and that their human rights respected. The purpose of this is not to weaken people’s distrust of care and to keep people calm, unaware and ignorant of what psychiatry really is. Rape is used as a method of punishment in war and rape is also used as a method of punishment in peacetime in civil society to bring about as much mental suffering as possible on locked-up patients in psychiatry. They’re allowed to kill people in there. Their only task is to destroy people to death, but that it should not look like murder and that is why they exist as alleged care
institution under alleged care for mental illness. One of thousands of fake government media propaganda examples is one of them all and it has been served by the government to ordinary people in order for people to believe that not even psychiatric care staff are supposed to know what they are doing. They are not supposed to be aware that they are harming people through ECT shocks. A theatrical performance’s alleged example is that psychiatry provides people, muscle relaxants that paralyze the body so that people do not get violent muscular spasm contractions during ECT treatments and thus ECT treatment looks less harmful to staff who assist psychiatrists with ECT shocks. All the governments of the world through media propaganda present a false image of psychiatry to ordinary people, that new staff in psychiatry are not aware that they are in fact harming people because that person is paralyzed and does not get violent muscle spasms. In this way, world governments remove all responsibility and blame from the entire staff of psychiatry and thus remove all responsibility and blame on all employees in psychiatry. They allegedly give people ECT shocks, simply because research has concluded that ECT shocks are the most effective method in curing depression. Words like research, are used as trojans so that ordinary people can be murdered completely legally. Research has said so and they are just doing their job completely unaware of what they are doing, as the government has proclaimed through care in psychiatry. Look at research on ECT and then you will realize that ECT shocks have no basis in research as a safe product and treatment that can be used on the human body. ECT shocks have not even been examined in cases where ECT is safe or not for use on the human body. You will find out about this information in this video and in the other video about ECT. ECT has not been scientifically examined in order for the world governments to create a legal gap where ECT is not regulated by laws on safety in use on the human body of the civilian population. Thanks to this, the government can commit crime after crime under the allegation of care. What the world governments are doing is presenting ECT as something less dangerous and then governments are fighting everything and everyone who testifies about their injuries through pure state lies and through media and internet censorship of people’s testimonies of their brain injuries. It is about electric destruction and ECT shocks are grounds for the fraud electric annihilation should be able to exist in front of the noses of ordinary people, without people seeing it as the annihilation of civilians on an industrial scale and all that under the assertion of care. Of course, they know they’re killing people for the state, under the assertion of care. All of them go to their workplace with the intention of killing people for the government, to carry out the death penalty and to keep people locked up while at the same time misleading people and tricking them all the way closer to ECT. Politicians go to their workplace in the Riksdag or parliament with the intention of killing the civilian population. Media journalists go to their workplace every day with the intention of killing civilians through media lies that present government lethal abuses of civilians under harmless and false claims. Police and psychiatric staff together go to their workplace every day with the intention of killing the civilian population through a well-developed system of psychological manipulation, torture and destruction of people’s health through medication. That system is so well developed that murder in the eyes of the people does not look like murder. Employees in complete other general care go to their workplace every day with the intention of providing care to people and at the same time killing the civilian population through general care and together with Psychiatry as the government has as its target. If you have mental health problems and if you take the help of psychiatry, then you are a criminal in the eyes of public health. Then they hurt you again and again during claims of care and they give you proof that they have fatally injured you through bodily injuries and wrong diagnoses, but if you try to say a single word about it, then you will appear crazy and then you will not be believed by other ordinary people on this planet. You should know that they have harmed you, but you have no evidence, and you can do nothing about it. The world’s rich elite, everything from researchers and all public popular personalities, all successful public personalities who have created wealth, Music and Film industry and so on, together capture our attention, so that we should see only this entertainment that is suggestively linked to joy, hope, and peace on
Earth. They convince us ordinary people in a picture of reality where civilians live their lives in safety and that people are injured to death, do not exist anywhere. On the other hand, they advertise death, which state systems have stopped in front of people like Trojans under false claims. They create a false image of reality that deceives us ordinary people into believing that we ordinary people live our lives in safety with our children so that all the governments of the world on this planet can kill us legally under false and innocent harmless claims and that it does not looks like murder. Religions are the most important tool for all the governments of the world so that people can be manipulated in such a way that we will never see our political leaders as murderers who take the lives of their own people. But more on them later. All the power of the existing world and the rich elite know that electric current at low current causes damage to the body and mental senses and that to death. The only thing is that ordinary people on this planet are not allowed to know about it so that people can be led into death just as I have suffered. Electrical damage fills a thousand different tasks in the destruction and removal of the injured person from this living world on this planet Earth. If you are removed from this living world, then you are automatically also removed from society, regardless of whether you are a targeted individual or not, it does not matter, because the government’s agenda is to lower the world’s population and those who are going to die are ordinary people. They participate in the destruction of a human being through ECT shock, while presenting psychiatric staff as unconscious and Unaware of what they are doing, the governments of the world mislead people into giving a false sense of security under a false claim that they are giving people care for mental illness. They execute people under the guise of care. In this way, power and the rich elite will not be guilty of murdering ordinary people. The whole of humanity ordinary people adults, young people, and children are fished in this electric massacre, just for people to buy medicines from the pharmaceutical industry while people die in electrical damage. With that, the governments of the world achieve the goal of harming people to death. They achieve the goal of making money on that person’s suffering thanks to medication for pain and suffering and finally they take the life of that person through the electrical damage because it always ends in death. The purpose of the existence of an electric destruction system is to lower the population on this planet, nothing else. You die of Rabbis, and you die of electrical damage that eventually destroys the whole body and the body’s nervous system. If Rabbis virus reaches the nervous system, then it is already too late. Rabbis’ virus changes nerves and in this way Rabies virus spreads to the brain. The disease course of altered nerves and infection of the brain by Rabies also damages brain function. Rabbis provokes restlessness, anxiety, fear, anger, insanity, phobia of water due to paralysis of the swallowing reflex, painful muscular contractions in the body and the patient becomes bound, due to Rabies driving the patient to insanity in such a way that patient wants to bite and tear himself and others to death due to suffering that Rabies causes. Electrical damage also causes restlessness, anxiety, fear, anger, insanity and much more than that. Rabbi’s infected patient is aware of how scared he is, and he can describe verbally at the beginning how he goes through the death process until the moment when he is silenced by accumulated saliva in his mouth where he is slowly suffocated. Rabbis infected is aware that he is dying and in the end he dies. Patient infected with Rabies virus becomes bound due to Rabies virus, while psychiatry binds people by damaging and destroying people’s brains through ECT electric shocks. Suffering from agony and death for me due to damaged nerves through 9-volt devices, is infinitely many times worse than what governments describe through all existing media about people who have suffered brain damage through ECT shocks. Governments lie about ECT shocks. All ECT injured patients die very shortly after receiving ECT shocks. Brain gets burned by electric shock. The immediate symptom after electric shock is memory loss due to neurons in the brain being destroyed and dying directly in ECT shock. As in the case of ECT shock it is about high electrical voltage that can drive large industrial machines, death process goes much faster than with damage to nervous system through devices of 9 volts. Already after five months and up to a year, damage begins to spread from dead to healthy neurons where even healthy neurons change and die. The
altered neurons evoke the same suffering I go through. It’s not just neurons that are damaged. Brain cells are also damaged. The brain becomes dehydrated more and more with time. All natural processes in the brain that are important for the brain to function normally deteriorate and eventually collapse. It is a burn that grows and spreads throughout the brain and in the end, it leads to brain tissue death that ends in necrosis. Governments through all the existing media propaganda deceive all the ordinary people of the world through such videos about psychiatry and videos about ECT that electric shock radiates straight through the brain from one electrode in the forehead to the other. Electric current is not a laser beam. High electrical voltage as low electrical voltage of 9 volts is lethal and it flows through the whole body, all the way to the fingers and toes. ECT damages the entire body’s nervous system. The only thing is that ECT injured people are unable to describe their suffering because their ability to think is destroyed due to electrical brain damage. In addition, patients in the two videos that testify about their brain damage are government propaganda models, so that governments can reduce the importance and severity of brain damage through ECT. The government’s propaganda wants to convince the world’s civilian population that those patients can continue to live after ECT shocks with memory loss and in this way, people see it as less dangerous and that is the intention of the false media propaganda. The purpose of this media propaganda is to frighten ordinary people so that people do not think of resisting the power and the rich elite. They scare people into silence and obedience by government. Keep quiet otherwise we will lock you in a mental hospital and there we will give you ECT shocks. People around the world are locked up in mental hospitals, just because they have said something negative about the government and the rich elite. Fully healthy people are locked up in mental hospitals claiming that they have said something illogical about the state. It is a witch hunt for the civilian population. Every verbal opposition to power and the rich elite is interpreted by governments as a sign of mental illness, delusion, and paranoia. It is the simplest way for governments to eliminate and liquidate us ordinary people. The world government is suffocating all resistance, immediately when people have uttered a single word that violates state laws and regulations, which are created just to be able to fight ordinary people on all levels before people have had time to pose a real danger to power and the rich elite. Politicians are the tools of the rich elite. The power protects the rich elite from ordinary people, while the rich elite helps the power to market annihilation to the civilian population through its hyped grand popular names in various ways and through technological advances presented by mainstream media such as harmless products, harmless treatments, harmless interventions, and technological advances, such as in fact, in reality takes the lives of ordinary people. People should not pose a threat to power and the rich elite and that is the sacred rule that people must follow. People are eliminated before people have become a real danger to power and the rich elite. The whole media propaganda that presents psychiatry as a care institution throughout the entire state system is nothing but a dictator who mass murders the civilian population adults, young people, and children on an industrial scale under the claim of care. Governments treat us ordinary people through the media propaganda about psychiatry as if we were naive children and as if we were stupid in the head. People understand that it is about murder when people are shot and when people die from gunshot wounds or if people are stabbed with a knife and die because of this. That people do not die immediately from ECT electric shock is all that is needed for people to believe that it is not about murder. When you have realized the truth that it is a pure execution, when the propaganda of the power and rich elite looks as if you have in front of you a person you know and when that person has put on a fake mustache, then suddenly we do not recognize it the person longer, because he has been disguised. So pathetic, is marketing and advertising about psychiatry as a healthcare institution worldwide. It would never have worked if the power of the whole world and the rich elite had not participated together in the deception and mass murder of civilians. They do it together and that’s why it works. People are devastated to death by ECT shock, but it is enough that they have not died on the spot for murders to be presented by governments as care for mental illness. The fact that people die later after a few
years due to electrical damage is what governments keep secret from people. You become mentally handicapped through the process where neurons in the brain change and die. The brain and nervous system throughout the body die more and more and it drives the injured to insanity and madness. That’s why they’re locked up in psychiatry for the rest of their lives. Nobody cares about people who have died due to ECT shocks, because in people’s eyes they are disturbed individuals and that is the whole purpose of the media propaganda about dangerous disease depression. The fact that governments lie to people through the media about just about everything, to make people believe that they live in safety with their children, is what enables governments to continue to murder their civilian population legally without the civilian population resisting power and the rich elite. Psychiatry with its medications and ECT shocks, is the medieval executioner, with masking mask on his head at public neck beheadings of people with guillotine in the square. World governments have developed public beheadings of people with guillotine, in such a way that the execution of civilians should look to ordinary people as care. In that time of public beheadings, people were aware that power and rich elite openly murder ordinary people and that is why the anger of the people has led to the riots and lynching of such power tyrants, oppressors, and despots. In this way, throughout human history, empires have fallen. It was always ordinary people who bring about change in society through human history. It was never power and the rich elite that changed anything for ordinary people to have a better life. In those days, the problem was not that people have poor living conditions. Problem was that power and rich elite have murdered civilian population adults, young people, and children. Nothing has changed, even today it is the same thing. Power and the rich elite murder us ordinary people and they murder our children. The only thing is that power and the rich elite have learned how to protect themselves from the anger and rebellion of the civilian population. Power and the rich elite have closed all gaps in such a way that the slightest sign of civil disobedience is classified as mental illness, delusion, paranoia lies or conspiracy theory. All existing power and rich elite on this planet have made a change in their tactics. Instead of using people’s fears in control of the civilian population through public beheadings in the square, power and the rich elite have begun to use psychological warfare where they pretend to care about the people. Public beheadings and oppression of the civilian population always led to people’s distrust of the government. Therefore, they came up with the idea of deceiving people into believing that power and the rich elite have given people freedom by proclaiming human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights through the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Hippocratic oath in health care that aims to deceive people into have confidence in the care while the care literally kills people in real life quite legally under the claim of care and so it goes on without the state crime ever ending. Crimes against humanity committed by the world power and the rich elite, each of its ordinary people, will never end and will continue to be committed as long as civil society exists on this planet. Governments violate all that through state systems under the assertion of care, under the assertion of fictitious diagnoses, under the assertion that people are not clear in their mental minds, under the assertion of research, technological advances and thus ordinary people become set against the road, where people have no choice. Government is always right, thanks to the perpetual media propaganda lie that government is said to care about people, while when people are dying because of government scams that cause bodily harm and artificially induced deadly diseases through the state system, then people are always wrong because people are censored and silenced by every government on this planet at his computer when people start writing about their injuries and about their artificially induced diseases on social platforms. That ordinary people, including their children, are murdered by every government on this planet and in the same way, is presented through mainstream media as delusion, untruths, false information, fantasies, lies, imagination and conspiracy theory. Governments are always right while ordinary people are always wrong. In this way, people are punished without the opportunity to prove the opposite of the government’s punishment and it is completely legal without any court hearing. Crimes committed by people are punished in court and crimes committed by
ordinary people appear in the media by the government, while crimes committed by governments on ordinary people where ordinary people adults, young people and children are literally murdered, are not even classified as crimes. It calls the world governments for care and care for each his people. We have all the evidence that we have been exposed to crime, which can only be compared to extermination camps in war, but you never get permission to utter a single word about it somewhere in the media. You can write a blog about this crime, but then you will be censored 100%. You literally do not exist as a citizen when you have been injured to death by the government. When you contact the media, they do not even want to respond. When you have written in a blog that it is about mass murder of civilian population that the world’s complete power and rich elite together commit on ordinary people, then other unharmed people who live a normal life believe that you imagine this, that you are lost, that you are lying and that you are crazy. But that’s how the world’s power and rich elite kill ordinary people by electric annihilation in such a way that you should die and at the same time that you should be branded as crazy so that people will not believe you when you tell about the living that is nothing but crimes against humanity and genocide, which is committed not only on a single ethnic group, but it is committed on all of us ordinary peoples across the planet regardless of race or religion. Here I write about crimes that I have been exposed to and that will end in my death, but the world’s civilian population still chooses not to believe in me and instead people believe in the state. People’s debate and conviction about society are always on the border between people believing in government and that government may have bad intentions towards the civilian population. People talk about government surveillance of civilians and people experience it as something terrible. People’s human rights are being jeopardized, while I am writing about 100% proven Genocide crime, mass murder of the entire world’s civilian population, where the entire world’s civilian population is mass murdered by every single fucking government on this planet. I have all the evidence through my mortally injured body. I will die and people look at my blog as stupidity, delusion, imagination, paranoia, conspiracy theory and lies. Mainstream media propaganda nowadays convinces people that the murder of civilians is healthcare. People who are injured by ECT, die, and point end. The ECT treatment is nothing but camouflaged lethal public execution or decapitation, which gives no visible evidence, when one sees whole on the outside of the body. The death process that ECT injured people go through is violent death with suffering in agony from hell. Electrical injuries cause pain that no human on this planet can live with. Thoughts are also painful because the brain is fatally damaged. People who have suffered brain damage in psychiatry through ECT shocks should not even be called patients. They are not patients because psychiatry is not a care institution and psychiatric care has never been a care. The police make people mentally ill through psychotronic weapons. Psychiatry through ECT shocks executes the death penalty on people, as the police have done mentally ill and the media, film industry, alleged scientists, rich elite, public and popular personalities convince people that executions on civilians by ECT shocks, executions on people through electrical appliances on 9 volts, executions on people through implanted neurological devices, executions on people through Elon Musk Neuralink, executions on people through Neurography and destruction of people’s health through medicines are research, technological advances and care for physical needs and mental illnesses. A handful of poops that is the power of the whole world and the rich elite controls, manipulates, misleads, and murders us all ordinary people and our children under the assertion of care, technological advances and under the assertion of research. Entire state systems are tools for power and the rich elite to murder us, and thanks to marketing where they imagine themselves as our saviors by smiling right in our face through the media, we ordinary people believe they love us. We believe that they care about us, and we also love and adore them. We idolize them as if they were some divine, magnificent higher human being who is superior to us ordinary people. We look at them as our heroes, favorites, stars. They are our idols. What we do not see is that they lead us and our children to death. They lead us into ignorance and false sense of security and safety. It always ends with us, or our children
dying under the claim of an accident or claim of care. They have convinced us that we should believe that they have higher morals than we ordinary people have. We ordinary people call them your majesty, your excellence, your royal highness. We call them gentlemen and ladies. We look at them as at higher human beings who are superior to us ordinary people with higher morals than we ordinary people have, and it is thanks to this delusion that we ordinary people never see them as murderers who participate in the genocide of civilian population through state systems. They play their part in the constant creation of the media propaganda authority image of the world power and rich elite as fair, noble, all knowing, humane and so on, so that ordinary people can believe that they care about people so that people will not see that thanks to this media propaganda they are in fact killing people. In order for the world power and the rich elite to be able to massacre civilian population, they need the people’s trust in power and the rich elite and with the help of religion, they get the people’s trust. They’re just part of it power and rich elite’s media propaganda image, which tricks us ordinary people and our children into death while we see them as our heroes and idols. In that belief, the mainstream media has convinced and tricked us into believing. People who are injured by ECT shocks can only commit suicide so that they can shorten and end their suffering before they die anyway. later when the body has begun to fail and cease to function. Government through psychiatry murders people and psychiatry drives people to commit suicide. The Rabies infected man dies in agony with altered brain and nervous systems that obliterate his body and mental senses. The only thing he can do while he is dying is to tell about how terrible the death process, he is going through is. It’s the same with me. I’m dying and I write in this blog about how scared I am and how terrible the death process I am going through is and I know I will die in the end. The only thing is that the Swedish state and every single state on this planet uses the weakness of all of us who are injured with devices of 9 volts, for injuries to lead us into mental hospitals under the claim that v has gone crazy, while our anger is caused by damaged nervous systems through electric current. My damaged nervous system causes the same symptoms as in the case of the Rabbis infected man who has died due to Rabies. I die slowly and I suffer in death’s suffering in agony, and I feel my numb body numb more and more. Even my toes and feet are numb now and it has never happened in my life before I was injured. It feels like I have pain inside my body organs and even that I have never experienced before in my life before I was injured. Now I have pain in the muscles of the body itself where the nervous system has been damaged and changed. Nervous system dies and without a fully functioning nervous system, muscles now also die. What I feel is the decay of the body while I am still alive. I think cells in muscles die a little here and there. The pain in muscles is something new that has started to occur now at the end after my nervous system has decayed and died to such an extent. Every part of the body that I have lost sensation in, I experience exactly as amputated. What I experience is as if someone cuts my body with a kitchen knife everyday piece by piece and that is exactly what electrical damage is for something. It is the slaughter of the human body by electric current. The slaughter of the body, is equivalent to injuries where people are physically injured by shooting, blows to the body or knife stabs and cuts wounds. All such damage is visible while electrical damage is invisible. Electrical damage never stops spreading throughout the body. I feel that I am more and more paralyzed in my body. Without a normally functioning nervous system, cells in the body cannot function normally. The electrical damage leads the body into necrosis and decay. I have lost so much strength in my body. I can barely function normally in my waking time. Dealing with everyday tasks is getting harder and harder for me. In the end, I will not be able to get out of bed because I will be completely paralyzed in the whole body in the end. After the nervous system has decayed and died, the body’s muscles also begin to die and then I approach death. I experience how my body fails and stops functioning normally. The lost feeling in the body, the inhuman pain, the discomfort, restlessness, stress, and all the various unnatural feeling sensations are the worst of all that remind me every second of my life to what extent I am injured and disfigured in the body. The fact that physical suffering also affects and damages my mental health to an
even greater extent makes it impossible for me to remain normal and to be able to live my life normally. I lose at the same time both my body and my mind. It is physical and mental disability and disability that I experience and feel. I clearly feel that I am no longer whole in my body and my mental senses. I feel that my body and my mental health are damaged, destroyed, mutilated, and maimed. My mental health is so much destroyed that I as an individual no longer exist. I constantly feel mental pain where it hurts to just think. People who are mentally ill but who are not harmed by electric current do not feel mental pain. Remember that I feel constantly day and night now for over 5 years without interruption, the feeling of unreality, depression, worry, anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, hatred, stress and all that at the same time along with the physical suffering where my body tortures me with lost feeling in the body, numbness, pain, discomfort, restlessness, the constant feeling that every moment of my life feels like the last, that I am dying right now and all that together is one and the same thing that evaporates my personal identity as an individual. I have already ceased to exist, and I disappear more and more with time. It is torture to death physically and mentally. That I have to take Seroquel in order to be able to sleep at all is madness. Even just that medicine lowers thinking ability and that medicine evokes death anxiety without harm. In addition to this, Seroquel gives me overweight without control which leads me into a lot of deadly diseases at the same time and then one understands that all this together is no care. It is a quiet and protracted execution of the death penalty. I would like to throw that shit of medicine, but what should I do? Through a 9-volt fraud device, the Swedish state has made me dependent on Seroquel. I have to take that medicine if I want to be able to sleep at all. Seroquel also causes some anger, but it forces me to sleep so that I do not collapse in a physical and nervous breakdown. All the condition I find myself in in such a ruined body is a nervous breakdown, which I experience again every day and night, around the clock over and over again. I cannot see the light in my life. I lack the ability to feel that I feel good both physically and mentally. I suffer so much that I constantly need alcohol for it to numb the suffering a little grand for the moment. When I drink, alcohol lowers a little all the pain and suffering and then I try, for example, to listen to music. Without alcohol, I cannot have any feelings of listening to music, while with alcohol so I get a little bit of pleasure and joy while listening to music. but the next day I still experience it as a traumatic event where there is nothing, I can call pleasure. Even alcohol can no longer numb the suffering that my dying body tortures me with. Before, Seroquel could lower pain a little, while now not even Seroquel can lower that pain and suffering. It just sleeps me down by force, while I continue to suffer even when I sleep. My dreams are traumatic just like my suffering when I am awake. In addition to this, the police continue to talk to me even now that I have almost died and then you understand that it is torture to death. All the hell that I have suffered since the first day when I came to Sweden and until now only shows how brutal the Swedish police state is against me and the entire Swedish people. All the governments of the world are exactly identically brutal. Even when I demand of them that they will judge me in court, so they do not allow it. Instead, they torture and injure me to death. All the Holocaust system where government can kill and injure people to death in many different ways, does not exist in public and this is what people do not know, that we ordinary people are murdered in a well-developed multi-annihilation system way that is infinitely many times worse than what war is. This is worse than war under the condition that you have not been shot to death in war. I suffer so much physically and mentally that the anger and hatred that injuries evoke around the clock affect my decisions and my beliefs. For example, while I have the anger and hatred that only the damage causes, I write all the worst about the Swedish state and about the power of the whole world and the rich elite. With this anger, I lack the ability to see the consequences of what I write and express in this blog. I know I’m right and I’m right. The crime they are committing on civilians now in peacetime by electric annihilation is infinitely many times worse than the crimes they have committed in war, on war crimes and the crimes they are committing now are nothing but genocide, mass murder of civilians. A few days ago, it happened for the first time since I was injured in an incident when I drank a few beers that
have reduced my pain a little and then without pain, mental mood is not so much affected. Then I regained to a small degree natural human ability to be aware of the dangers that every unharmed human being has by default. Then I got scared when I thought about the consequences of everything I have written in this blog. In that moment, I realized that I was setting a trap for myself by writing this blog. Then you can understand that electrical damage affects my logical thinking, and it is precisely logical thinking that the world’s power and rich elite want to deprive from the people so that people can be locked in captivity while claiming that people have gone mad. They are the ones who drive people crazy by exposing people to crime through electrical appliances that systematically destroy the body from scratch. The annihilation of people who get injured can only be compared to childbirth. Research and scientists can never create life. Scientists can never create a child in laboratories. They cannot even create a virus or bacterium in laboratories. They can only manipulate life. It is not religions that create a child. Children are born thanks to evolution on this planet. Billions of years of life development are the basis behind the creation of viruses, bacteria, animals, insects, plants, and humans. It is evolution that creates children. Children are born with amazing fully functioning bodies and mental minds. What the world power and the rich elite have discovered is to use electric current, which is a natural force, to destroy the human body from the ground up. Due to damaged nervous systems, one dies physically and mentally. The closer you get to death, the more you feel like a corpse. Now at the end of my life, I feel like I have died a natural death. It feels as if the Swedish state has exhumed my body from a Swedish cemetery and that they have revived me with Frankenstein electric shock. They have not given me life back; they have only given me a zombie body that has body movement but there is no life in my body. To exist in such a destroyed body is the worst punishment a person can be punished with. Of course, electric shock can never resurrect people from death and that Frankenstein Film propaganda has been just another suggestive advertisement that will mislead young children, young people and maybe even adults all over the world in such a way that people will associate electric shock on the human body with something. positive and it was just another advertisement for the electric holocaust. Electric current drives people crazy before people have had time to die. Usually, people die first and then the body begins to rot. But with electrical damage the body decays, dies and finally begins to rot before one has died. You testify and experience day and night without interruption your ongoing death in a protracted death process with physical and mental suffering in agony. The power of the world and the rich elite have convinced us ordinary people that we should believe that they care about us ordinary people and that they care about our children. But the truth is that they kill and have killed us ordinary people and our children no matter what race and religion we may belong to, and they have done so all along, throughout human history and they will continue to kill us until we ordinary people put a stop to it. They have invented psychotronic weapons that are classified as weapons of mass destruction. Psychotronic weapons are equivalent to nuclear weapons. The governments of the world only talk about mental illness, and they only talk about mental suffering. In their mainstream media propaganda, physical injuries have never been mentioned. In order for a human being to be destroyed mentally for real, the body must first be destroyed so that life becomes impossible for that individual to live. All children are physically healthy with normal mental senses. In order for the world’s power and rich elite parasites police officers to get their pay to provide food on the table for their gruesome bastards who are never exposed to psychological influence through Psychotronic weapons, police officers must, including with all other alleged security state institutions that use psychotronic weapons on ordinary people work for their pay. They work in three shifts. Depending on the extent of torture needed to crush an individual to drive a person to suicide or mental breakdown in order for them to lock adults and young people in a mental hospital, it will be different from case to case. Therefore, some targeted individuals hear voices day and night while others like me hear voices only while I sleep. Some people are more stable than others, depending on growing up from birth to adult life. Some have grown up in a safe upbringing and then more torture is needed in their case. Therefore, they hear voices day and
night, while others have had traumatic upbringing and then only voices while sleeping are enough. But the result will be the same. What you all ordinary people on this planet, regardless of race and religion, must know about, is that the entire world’s ordinary people are targeted individuals. The police have come into dreams of you all and your children. They know what you’re thinking, and they know all your secrets. People believe that if the police get to know the truth about a possible crime that the police will immediately arrest one. But that is completely wrong. They will come in your or your children’s dreams every night and it completely unnoticed throughout your life. Evidence of any crime that they receive through Psychotronic Weapons, they do not use as evidence in court. It gives them the truth because you cannot lie when you sleep. They ask you and you answer with truth. They can copy voices of our relatives, our friends, and acquaintances and through those voices they put a question to us. Microwave radiation emitted by Psychotronic weapons is experienced as a real event and it is real. Because it is a real event, you always remember this. You cannot repress those memories even if you want to because the words you hear in your head and thanks to this, foreign opinions are mixed with our own thoughts. Whether you want to or not, you will be driven to process the foreign opinions together with your own thoughts and that by force without any free will. As you hear their question, that raises you to a degree that they have determined by the level of microwave radiation through Psychotronic Weapon, you experience it as if someone is sitting next to you and asking you a question. In real life, when we are awake if someone asks us a question, then we have a choice to either answer them or not. But when you sleep, you respond automatically without the ability to use your whole brain. Thanks to this, we cannot think with our entire brain capacity. The only thing we do in sleep mode is to automatically answer questions without us being aware because we are sleeping and then the police have direct access to our memories. They ask a question about events from our lives, and we go directly to those memories, and we describe the event with truth without the opportunity to lie because we experience it as a dream. Therefore, you answer their question by unknowingly speaking loudly in your sleep and your words are heard through Psychotronic Weapons miles away through roads. It does not matter if you live in an apartment or in a house. They dot you from miles away and they do not need any installed eavesdropping bugs in your home. At a distance of kilometers, they can both ask you a question and they can also hear your voice. They do that to you as an adult. If you are to be punished, then they also intend to kill your child, in order to cause as much mental suffering as possible for you. But ordinary people are also murdered for no reason. Ordinary people are murdered just because people live and take up space on the overpopulated planet. Even ruined lives or a young individual’s ruined life begins with manipulation through Psychotronic weapons from the birth of a child. Psychotronic weapons are so advanced that you cannot even notice that you are exposed to them if the police do not want you to know about this. The power of the world and the rich elite have developed the torture of peoples through human history and until now to perfection. They know what a child is thinking. The first thing they do is disturb children’s sleep. They stress children with noise in the head that parents do not hear but that only the child hears. It’s easy to scare a child. Children cannot concentrate and the development of children is fundamentally destroyed without parents being aware of what is happening to their children. Then school care, which is a tool for power and the rich elite, starts an investigation and thanks to their intervention, the social worker may become involved while claiming that the child does not have a secure life. Social is an even more dangerous criminal government tool for government to attack the human rights of the whole family that have never existed in real life. In some cases, children are abused and then I also think they are right, but in most cases, it is about government abuse of families where the parent is the government’s target. Addition to this that parent does not even know that Psychotronic weapons exist, and additions mainstream media propaganda lies that convince us all ordinary people that power and rich elite care about us and then you do not become aware of what evil and what advanced weapon system you are exposed to. Some children choose governments to destroy completely through the police with
Psychotronic weapons to turn parents’ lives into hell and then such children are destroyed, first with Psychotronic weapons and later when they fail schooling, then they get an ADHD diagnosis and if parents are sufficiently uninformed and unaware of everything I have written in this blog, then they give the ADHD medicine to their children which further destroys them and that makes them drug addicts in the end and then parents have got even more of reasons for them to feel bad. It takes twenty years to just realize that you are a target for the government, and you would never realize it before you start hearing voices. Not even down you hear voices you realize that the government intends to kill you. Only when the body is mortally damaged by one of all the Holocaust state death traps is the moment when you connect everything and only then do one realize all the power and lies of the rich elite. When you have been injured by it electric annihilation, it is only then that one can very easily read of all the crimes that the world power and rich elite commit on civilian population. You clearly see all the lies of the government. Children and young people are extremely inexperienced due to lack of life experience. The governments of the world on the surface protect our children while in reality the police put their fingers in our children’s mental senses when our children play in the sandbox. Even in the fucking kindergarten when our children play with children of the rich elite and children who are not targeted by the government, they only target our child. If you are exposed to Psychotronic weapons, then you are beyond all rescues. There is nothing you can do about it. Then think about what will happen to a child who is developing. Children cannot concentrate in school and then children will fail in school altogether. It is a one-way ticket to failure in the life of the child. Without finishing school, children receive no education. Without any education, the child as a young adult will not get a job and unemployment can lead children into crime. All the blame is placed on the child in adolescence, while government abuse of that child through psychotronic weapons from birth, does not even exist in public in real life. The governments of the world have set deadly death traps and they are bombarding the minds of our children with a false image of deception about society where the state system is noble, just and something that can be believed. The world power and the rich elite manipulate the children from birth and throughout adolescence into adolescence every night through Psychotronic weapons with psychological influence and manipulation. In order for young people to be mentally crushed, they must be physically destroyed through accidents and other ways in which young people can blame the accident only on themselves. Through Psychotyronic Weapons completely unnoticed. The police raise the ego of young people in such a way that the police encourage negative qualities and negative behavior while the positive is displaced away by repeated suggestive negative stimulation and in this way government through the police builds criminal young individual through psychological manipulation. The next thing they encourage young people with is that young people should believe that they know best and that they should not allow parents to guide them with their advice. What do young people see through all the world’s existing media propaganda? They see wealth, money, high status in society, popularity and so on, but they do not see that you can be physically injured to death. Such information has been censored by all our existing political criminal leaders throughout human history. Young people are looking for excitement because they are healthy and unharmed in the body. Young people believe that they are omnipotent because they feel good physically and mentally. They have no idea that they can lose their health and their lives through the government’s various death traps. They know that they can be injured by an accident, but they have no idea that they can be stimulated by the police through Psychotronic Weapons to cause them an accident where they will get terrible bodily injuries that will transform their normal life in their ongoing death. If young people have started taking drugs, then the police can put in their mental minds a suggestive toxic message that a higher dose of drugs can feel many times more pleasant and then it may happen that the young individual takes an impulsive drug overdose. Police injected toxic messages through psychotronic weapons that evoke impulses in behavior that turn off logical thinking and it has ended in death for many adults, adolescents, and children. Many young people who have
committed minor crimes, with all the stimuli on the internet and mainstream media that are tailored to stimulate young people to make the wrong decision and when they have made a mistake in their lives and if they have started to hear the police also talk to them, when their mistake in life they experience as impossible to cope with and then the police drive them to suicide because they see no light in their lives anymore. Police have witnessed many suicides committed by young people. It is the police who have driven all young people to suicide, which is heard from time to time in news where young people have cut their hand veins, that young people have hung themselves, taken drug overdoses, taken sleeping pills overdose and so on. When they have hung themselves, then the police laugh at it with the realization that they have driven another child to suicide, a child of us ordinary people. Employees in government and state systems enjoy and feast on the pain of family as they have deprived children. The police are always looking to stimulate everyone they have as their target through psychotronic weapons so that adults and young people themselves can incur fatal bodily injuries. I am the best example for all of humanity. With me, you do not need to look further for evidence. I am the best proof that the governments of the world are not out to punish people with imprisonment. They’re just looking for to kill people. They are always just looking for that one should die. The power of the world and the rich elite, all our politicians present through the media only crimes that ordinary people have committed. It is only the crimes and guilt of ordinary people that are shown through the media to the rest of the civilian population. It is pure media lynching of ordinary people, for people to appear guilty. But what happens if you admit a crime and what happens down you demand that you be convicted and punished in court? I am a real ordinary person who has been exposed to crime after crime and when I am exposed to crime then it is not even crime, according to the Swedish government and the same thing happens all over the world. Regardless of race and religion, we all ordinary people are treated the same way. Regardless of race and religion, we all ordinary people share the same fate. We are murdered by our governments, and we are murdered in the same way by someone else’s governments by the same lies, while the world and our own power and rich elite sell us our religion, our religious and national identity that is more worthy, than what our life is. We believe in all that propaganda as long as we are not injured to death. As an uninjured, you are first and foremost not aware that you can be injured to death at all. When you are not injured, you believe everything that TV says. It’s hard to live with the realization that one has been harmed by the electric scam of the world’s population and it’s hard to see Swedish media lie to all ordinary people in our eyes through mainstream media and at the same time to see my own Bosnian political dirty pig power and rich elite lie in the same way to my own Bosnian people, where they too are led to death in the same way and not only that, for exactly the same thing is done against Serbian people, Croatian people, Kosovo Albanian people, Montenegro people, Slovenian people and all existing people on this planet. One can keep digging to name all the countries all day until one has mentioned every single state on this planet because it is the same thing that is done to all of us ordinary people on this planet regardless of race and religion and it is just too much for me. I can no longer live with the lie that leads the civilian population in the disappearance and annihilation of ordinary people adults, young people, and children. Living now for over 5 years as dying while I see how the world power and rich elite lie at the same time, is a psychological torture that I relive every day and night, over and over again. But it does not just end there. The power of the world and the rich elite sell us ordinary people a picture of the world where people with different religions are automatically enemies of each other. We ordinary people bite into that propaganda trap and we chew in this lie, as faithful rodents or fools livestock animals, while our politicians acquire wealth thanks to the religions of the people that automatically give the people the confidence of politicians. The power of the world and the rich elite divide us through religions into tribes and ethnic groups and they incite us through nationalism so that the hatred between peoples belonging to different religions is preserved, so that people do not realize that the world power and rich elite manipulate us through all existing so called journalists who shit lies out of their mouths to all
of us ordinary people, just so we do not see that their lies will cause the death of us and our children. Swedish police could not manipulate me through injected voices in the head and psychological torture for me to commit crimes and they have not even tried to do that either. They could not get me to hurt people, I do not even want to touch or hurt another human being either verbally or physically. I just want to live a normal life. They knew I would never commit a crime. That’s why they started talking to me. They said my life was in danger and they pretended to want to save my life. Thanks to my naive belief that I saw government as justice, I was deceived into death and here you see what they have led me in. If they have not managed to make me want to harm another human being, then they have added all of us the electric annihilation that physical suffering in dying body through electrical injury will drive people by force through anger, madness and hatred that people will want to harm the guilty, that people will commit suicide due to suffering, that people will do themselves to target to be murdered due to suffering in agony that drives the worst words out of the injured through deathbed suffering in agony and that one should die due to injuries when the body has failed and ceased to function. People who commit crimes hate the state and the police and such people want to harm people. That is why the state has a legal right to imprison the same people in prison, for their crimes committed. I’ve never in my life wanted to hurt people. Because I do not want to hurt people and because I do not want to commit crimes, then they cannot imprison me either because I do nothing. Electrical damage turns normal and the most peaceful people into bloodthirsty monsters who eventually completely lose their minds. If you do not want to kill someone then you have the choice to commit suicide so that suffering ends. If you choose to continue living then you go to hell of slaughter and mutilation of the body, the destruction of mental health and the destruction of personal identity before the body has failed and before the body has died. Death comes and it is impossible to avoid, and you die in the end. That is why there is electric destruction, in order to kill the guilty and that by force, without any free will and only then will you be sentenced in court to imprisonment either in prison or mental hospital, where they can carry out the death penalty through imposed ECT shocks. If you start to feel good, then you will not want to hurt any of those who are guilty. But the problem with electrical damage is that you only feel worse and worse until you have died. So, the governments of the world by electric destruction make people guilty by force. If you were not guilty, then you will be guilty of electrical damage and that by force. Through this blog, I am now guilty of coercion, against my own will, because the process of my ongoing death at the end of my life, along with that torture in a thousand different ways at the same time, is now driving out of me these nervous breakdowns written words, through this blog. Now I am dying because of the power of the world and the rich elite, under the allegation of insanity and mental illness. All crimes that they have exposed me to are not even crimes, while my testimony of the crime that they have exposed me through state systems is classified as a crime attributed to me that I will be locked up because of. I am guilty of crimes that I have been subjected to by the Swedish government through state systems and this is how guilt of the government’s criminal abuse is passed on to the civilian population. Here you see that they kill people. They have hurt me because I will lose that respect just because I have to make threats, so that they can declare me a danger to the Swedish kingdom. That’s what I’m saying that every damn government on this planet uses 9-volt devices and all the other electric destruction to drive people crazy by forcing them to trick people into death by lethal deception. They lock completely innocent people into the place where they kill people, and that place is Psychiatry. People who commit crime punish power and the rich elite with imprisonment, while people who do not commit crime expose the world governments to such a brutal crime that is worse than imprisonment and it is electric destruction, for people to lose all control over their behavior and when people have fought back on the power and rich elite, then you also get imprisoned or closed psychiatric extermination camp captivity in Psychiatry. But, since you are already registered as a patient who has received psychiatric care, then you will be imprisoned in a mental hospital and then they will say that you are not clear in your mental senses. The rest of the population ordinary
people will say, look at him, monsters have received care. He has TV, he has everything in there. He gets care. I would give you an isolation prison cell of a few square meters, so that you rot in there for the rest of your life. What people are not aware of is that you are infinitely many times safer in the solitary confinement cell of a few square meters than you are in a mental hospital. It is 100% certain that the government will execute one through psychiatry with ECT shocks. You will not even be asked if you want ECT shock. They force medicines to people in there without them telling people what medicine it is. For example, they give to a prisoner who is allegedly a patient, sleeping pills and then when you are anesthetized by sleeping pills, then they numb an even more muscle-relaxing injection that paralyzes the whole body. After that, they give the prisoner an ECT shock without even their own consent and all that is needed is a single ECT shock. After that, you die in advance. This is the real world we ordinary people live in. It is the truth that 99% of the world’s civilian population on this planet ordinary people, do not know about. They deprive people of their bodies and mental senses in order for people to have nervous breakdowns that provoke outbursts of anger, in order to express threat after threat due to constant painful suffering and then they have been given the legal right to classify a human being as a danger to oneself and others. Keep in mind that they say that you are not clear according to your own mental senses and then psychiatry can decide instead of one, when they have locked you in a mental hospital to carry out the death penalty through ECT shocks. Here you can well understand that it is the governments of the world that get reason by fatally injuring peacefully completely innocent people to provoke physical and mental breakdown through devices of 9 volts. By tricking people into fatal injuries through 9-volt fraud devices, they are forcing people crazy by force. Electrical damage with the least possible electrical voltage is madness that always ends in death and madness and that with coercion. If you have been injured by fraud devices of 9 volts and less than that, then it is not a question of whether you should be locked up in a mental hospital. You will be guaranteed to be locked up in a mental hospital, due to physical and mental suffering that causes the body to die and injuries to the body eradicate personal identity and understanding. In the end, there is nothing left of one as a human being. When you have been injured then ECT shocks are guaranteed, and you can not avoid it. All the various frauds on low electric current are the way that leads ordinary people in execution in Psychiatry with ECT shocks. All this is a one-way ticket for people to go into death under false claims of care for depression. World governments use fantasy diagnosis depression to classify innocent people as a danger to themselves and others, and their devices use them to kill people through ECT. What a well-crafted way to kill people, where government is always right while ordinary people are classified as crazy because they have suffered depression that has arisen for no reason according to the media propaganda around the world. It is a well-developed fraud system for lowering the world’s population. In addition, it is a way for power and the rich elite to purge people from the population who are naive and who are stupid enough in their heads to test any device of them all from the electric holocaust. Only the smart survives the Holocaust. But no one thinks that advertising is powerful. Everything that is advertised people also buy and test. The electric destruction works thanks to the world’s media censorship and complete media silence about electric destruction. It is never pronounced, and it has never been pronounced a single word about electric destruction being used to murder adults, young people and children. So, people do not know that it will lead them to death. Although I have written that I will soon die due to a 9-volt device that is sold to the entire world population as something completely harmless, which means that it is a fraud death trap, people are being warned right now. But we humans only remember the memories of our lives where we were either scared, where we had severe pain, where someone threatened us in some way, where our lives were in danger and so on. When people read this blog, people are first healthy with their body that is not damaged. So, there is no stressful moment to write this information in long term memories. This is just information for people because people cannot even imagine this horrific death process. People absolutely do not want to test any of the electrical appliances right now and people think it will be so for
life. Because people have not put this information in their long-term memory, people will forget all this in 20 years or 40 years. In 40 years, people will see the same advertising on electric destruction as something harmless and then people may have had problems with their health. People may have got pain in the body and then, people take over-the-counter pain relief medications and when people see that no medications are helping with pain, then maybe people will look on the internet for pain relief for pain in the body. This is when advertisements for pain relief electrical appliances pop up in front of their eyes and when people read the advertisement that electrical appliances recreate nerves, then people are tricked into testing the deadly appliances under allegations of false use. While people are waiting for pain to be numb, they burn their nerves to ashes and when people have been numb for 5 to 15 minutes, then people realize that they have been injured, but not even then are they aware of what they have become cheated in. What will happen to them is what I go through. Then they got a one-way ticket in Psychiatry and then they are direct slaves of Psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry state drug cartels, because then they have to be medicated with medicines that psychiatry gives to people just so that people get some pain relief and so that people can sleep at all. Those medicines exist only for people to be destroyed and for them to cause deadly diseases and bodily injuries that will lead those people to death in several years. Then people will realize everything I have realized so far, but even in 40 years it will be quiet in the world’s mainstream media where the whole world’s power and rich elite do not say a single word about the electric destruction, while they all together know about all this. Everyone from the power and rich elite and all public figures know about the electric destruction of the world’s civilian population, but they all keep quiet about it. Only they have access to such information, and they share that information with each other, while ordinary people can never access such information because we ordinary people are far away from government institutions. We only get the information from them that they want us to know about. So, you can be smarter than me because you have lived a normal life without psychological torture, deception, and manipulation by the police with psychotronic weapons, while I have been subjected to all that. But you and your children are already exposed to all the crime through the world media that it presents to you the whole electric holocaust as harmless. So, the electric annihilation is the annihilation of the entire world population in order to lower the world population. You may be smart, but your child was born with the internet and smart mobile phones, where every government on this planet stops advertising the deadly electrical products in front of all our children and young people. They do not want to test it now. But do you want your child to die in 40 years as an adult. Do you want to live in such a world where the power of the world and the rich elite kill us all ordinary people and our children? I’ve been through war; I’ve been through extermination camps, but it was not my death. On the other hand, what has happened to me here in Sweden is my guaranteed death. The bodily injury I have is identical to the injury that people have received by being injured by a bomb or a landmine in war. Those people lack limbs, but they have no pain, while I have connected body parts, but my nervous system is broken into small pieces and that is what leads me to death and causes suffering in agony that will only get bigger the closer I get to death. War victims will continue to live a normal life and they are allowed to talk about their injuries in front of TV cameras, while I will die very soon, and I am not allowed to speak anywhere in the media about injuries that have been caused by government crime fraud. My dying body and nervous system are physically torturing me. I feel physically generally ill in the same way that people generally feel ill when they have food poisoning or a severe flu. But it’s about more than just this that I generally feel physically ill. Electrical damage is madness by force. Electrical damage is life full of inhuman torture that causes physical and mental suffering, and that suffering leads me straight into a nervous breakdown. Every blog post I have written is a blanket for a bigger and bigger nervous breakdown. Everything in life has a beginning and an end. This injury has a beginning when you have gone on that scam, but it has no end. You stop suffering only after you have died. It is unnatural for me to accept suffering until my death. My mental mind cannot stand
suffering much. I suffer during the day, and I am tortured with pain and then comes the moment when I get that crash impulse, where my whole world collapses in one second. It is so inconceivable; on what physical pain and what terrible mental pain I feel. Crash impulse comes suddenly without warning and when it happens, then I feel dying at this very moment. At the same time, I feel a terrible hopelessness, sadness, anger, hatred, restlessness, fear, death anxiety and much more than that. I feel anxiety, a deadly numbing sadness. I feel depressed because I lack the ability to feel good physically and mentally. In that moment, I feel lost in time and space as if I do not exist and it only gets worse. Electric current damages the whole body and even every single cell in the body. I now also believe that electric current also damages DNA in the same way that radioactive radiation does. Both electric current and radioactive radiation are nature forces. Dying from electrical injuries is very similar to dying from radioactive radiation. The only difference is that radioactive radiation ends in the body becoming swollen blue and deformed when the whole body fails and stops functioning, while electrical damage ends in the body eventually failing to stop functioning and begin to rot. If electrical damage damages DNA, then it means that I will also get Cancer. That’s what I think, and I think I’m right. As long as damaged nervous systems send incorrect impulses to the brain, I can never be able to feel that I feel good and considering that my nervous system is connected to the brain, it means that I am permanently dying physically, and I am permanently mentally ill with mental suffering from hell and the grave. What is it that characterizes people as war victims? Those who are murdered in war are those who are dead, and they cannot talk anymore. But people who have survived the war crimes are the ones who testify to that crime, and I mean war all over the planet throughout human history. People are beaten by the opposite side in war conflict and that pain is felt by war victims thanks to their healthy nervous system which transmits pain on blows and bodily injuries to the brain. They are injured, for example, by shrapnel, but they have survived with amputated body parts and when the body has healed the injury, then after that they feel no pain and it is because of that that they can continue to live their lives normally. Losing body parts is terrible, but they will not suffer in pain. They will have anxiety because they have mutilated disabled bodies, but their mental health is intact. I, on the other hand, am not injured by shrapnel. My injury was one centimeter in diameter with only numbness and from the limited area damage has spread, to more than half the body. My whole body is about to be destroyed by the electrical damage. War victims will continue to live while I will die due to electrical damage. What has happened to them is genocide and crimes against humanity that they are allowed to talk about on TV, while what has happened to me is not even a crime and I do not get permission from the world government to say a single word about my electrical injuries in front of TV cameras. I have seen on TV testimonies of people who have been beaten and tortured all over the planet. I have seen people in Bosnia on all sides testifying to their torture through physical assault, in which people were beaten almost to death. World governments allow people who have been victims of war crimes to testify about their torture and their testimonies are presented by world governments as the worst possible crimes and abuses of civilians that can be committed in real life. In this way, the power of the world and the rich elite, all governments on this planet, create a delusion and false image of reality that convinces people in the belief that people can be injured to death only in war. The fact that the world governments censor and silence people who testify about crimes they have been subjected to in civil society in peacetime, crimes that are infinitely many times worse than the crimes that are allowed to be talked about in war crimes, is what makes it possible for the world power and rich elite to continue killing ordinary civilians’ adults, young people, and children in peacetime through state systems. Ordinary people are murdered completely legally, without the government being found guilty and punished for mass murder of their own ordinary civilian population. Thanks to this, people are lowering their defense guard, because they believe that they are living their lives in safety with their children, where words life threatening do not exist in all the world’s existing mainstream media and all available information on the internet. All that is censored for peoples and Western world countries that
pretend to be democracies are, in fact, dictatorial police states that are equivalent to totalitarian dictatorial states. Democracies lie just as totalitarian dictator states lie to their people. Democracies claim to give people human rights and the right to speak freely. Is it human rights that I have been deceived by the Swedish democracy in fatal injuries through outsourced electric death traps trojan? The Swedish state as just every state on this planet commits inhuman crimes by lying to people and by leading people through lying false marketing in that people should take their own lives with their own hands through deadly products that are sold to people under the claim of being harmless products. Is this what they call human rights, that you have the right to express yourself freely in democracy? The Swedish state has exposed me to public fraud execution through an electrical device of 9 volts and now they let me write a blog about the crime I have been exposed to. Is this freedom that I can express myself freely in my blog that is 100% censored? According to statistics in the blog that show from which country, people are reading my blog, there are only a few from Sweden, USA, Norway, UK, France, and a few more countries, while people from Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Russia has never read my blog. Only in Bosnia is one person per year reading a blog post. This is roughly how censorship of my blog works and it is always about the small number of people who read my blog. I have been injured and now I have to write a blog about my injuries. Is my life as a dying human, right? In this way, the governments of the world deceive people into believing that governments care about civilians. War victims believe that they have revealed the worst possible crime that can be committed, and they believe that there is someone who cares about their suffering. But there is no one who cares about either them or their suffering. Not even those in power who pretend to be the leaders of their great national and religious identity care about them or their children. Instead, the government tricks the same war victims and their children into certain deaths through well-camouflaged guaranteed death traps under false pretenses through government crime marketing and advertising, so that people can be tricked to death by pure state lies. Here you see that there is something infinitely many times worse than being physically beaten almost to death in war. By harming people to death by electric current, the world governments cause both physical and mental suffering that always ends in total physical and mental collapse and by harming people by electric current, damage to just one individual is equivalent to damage that hundreds of people have suffered. different ways. Injuries that hundreds of injured people have received in various ways are gathered in a body by injuring a single person with electric current. The body is damaged to such an extent that the body and mental mind gradually cease to exist. The problem with electrical damage is that it has no end. The body continues to decay, wither and eventually I think begins to rot. When the body has started to rot, you end up in hospital and then hospitals explain in the mainstream media that a man has come into contact with carnivorous bacteria. Of course, you die in hospital. This is what is inconceivable for people to understand that care gives people both care and the death penalty at the same time, while at the same time they always lie to the entire civilian population of the whole country. Healthcare discreetly imposes the death penalty on those who have fallen into the government’s death trap or the Trojan Holocaust system. It is in this way that governments explain away the damage that 9-volt electrical appliances cause to people. Electrical appliances will not even be mentioned as a cause of necrosis in mainstream media. It is in this way that worse massacres of civilians are concealed in peacetime than massacres of civilians are committed in war. I myself know what it is like to be physically abused. Once I was physically abused to such an extent that I became bloody with bruises all over my body. The blood flowed like water from my nose, my mouth and also partly from my body because I was injured all over my body. That night after that assault, I could not sleep due to bodily injuries. I had unimaginable pain all over my body. I’m not talking about war. I’m talking about an event when I was young. It was not me who wanted trouble and I did not know better, as I was inexperienced as a young man and knew nothing about life and people. The same is true of the people’s view of power and the rich elite who lead people through religion. There is a lot of love in people’s beliefs about the
collective community as an ethnic group, thanks to religion, national identity, and mainstream media propaganda about politicians as our great political leaders. With the help of religion, people have been deceived into believing that power and the rich elite care about them, that people have an alternative political party that suits them as people and their interest, and that it is precisely the politicians who are right. who will lead them? People think they have a political party to vote for, but they do not. I have seen very young politicians all over the world, who state in the media that they are the new political alternative that nurtures democracy and equality among the people. They claim that it is they who will change the world for the better. They are supposed to be a cure for old politicians, as they want change in society. But that’s just a lie, because they are just another pure political crap, which is equivalent to the political old predators. If they are the new politicians who make a difference, then they must tell people that people are murdered by electric destruction, and they have never mentioned that, and they will never do it. No matter what political party on this planet it may be, so all the different political parties in the world together kill us all ordinary people no matter what race and religion we may belong to. It does not matter if it is about Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and so on. It’s always the same. They are said to care about people. They let people testify about their torture in war crimes but see here what they are not talking about. They lure the same victims of war into death through its electric destruction and through other deadly methods presented to people such as healthcare, research, technological advances and so on. When people have been injured, people die isolated and censored by all the governments of the world. For all of us we are alike with pests or livestock animals that do not deserve to live. Once we have gone into their death trap annihilation system, then even death on the surface looks like an individual event because injured people have been prevented from coming into contact with each other. Governments prevent the injured person from coming into contact with other people who have been harmed in the same way by the electric catastrophe and the heinous crime is silenced by a computer censor when people write about their injuries on social platforms. If people were allowed to get in touch with each other, then crowds of injured people would have formed. There is a big difference when hundreds of thousands of injured people gather in a group and take to the streets where they say they have been injured to death by the world governments through deadly electrical fraud. Then they would be believed by all mankind who are ordinary people and then the truth would be revealed on the crime that the power of the world and the rich elite commit on us all ordinary people and our children. But as an individual you can do nothing. This time as a civilian victim of the government’s deadly fraud or as a war victim who has also gone on to the current deadly electric fraud, one must not comment on his injuries in the media and so the annihilation of ordinary people is going on now for over 80 years. I have been beaten beyond recognition. I’ve been to extermination camp. I’ve been through dangerous places in war in this former Yugoslavia. It’s weird that I went alive from there. I thought I went through a hell, which was to a scale of 100%. But now everything that has happened to me, the abuse and everything that I have gone through in war in the former Yugoslavia together is on a scale of less than 10% while electrical damage is over 100%. What has happened to me is brutal and inconceivable evil that makes it difficult for a normal human being to understand that this is even possible and even worse that it is going on in real life. This is my death. When I say this is my death, I’m telling the truth. The beatings I received, the injuries all over my body that I had, I thought the body would never heal. The very next day I was able to sleep painlessly. In a few weeks, all the bruises on the body disappeared. So, the body is built to be able to heal physical injuries, but the body is not built to be able to heal electrical injuries throughout the body. The body does not even heal electrical damage. Evolution and nature have created us humans and electric current is the force of nature that pulls us apart to death. That is what the power of the world and the rich elite use to take the lives of us ordinary people. Not feeling my body creates an image for me as if I am not good enough as a human being. I feel like I walk naked among people because it is an unpleasant feeling to walk with so much disfigured and degenerate body. In addition,
electrical damage also causes discomfort in the body around the clock for no reason other than the actual damage that causes it and then it gets infinitely many times worse. When do people feel discomfort in the body? Almost never. Maybe when you are sweaty or if you have got glass wool on the skin that sticks in the skin. In addition to discomfort, I feel the stinging sensation in the damaged nerves and in this way, there is double torture suffering. You do not have to be smart to understand that glass wool is not useful to get over the skin. It is the body that warns through discomfort that something is not good for the body. Only discomfort can drive me insane and to madness. Numb body, lost sensation in the body, discomfort, and the inhuman pain in the body along with mental suffering from the grave, gives me one available choice that I have left to make and that is to either kill any of those who have done all this against me, or to commit suicide so that suffering ends. Since electrical damage is a condition where damaged nervous systems provoke anger and hatred for no reason, even anger and hatred are directed at those who have exposed one to that crime. But over time, it gets worse and worse. You also have the natural reason to direct your hatred and anger at those who have exposed you to that crime, because you are destroyed to death. You have lost your body and your mental health. As the suffering never ends, you become angry again, more and more. As soon as pain has come then the mental mind is directly damaged and fragmented into small pieces. One feels that one’s mental thinking, is fragmented and divided into pieces. You get a suggestive impulse need to write about the suffering after that it is far too terrible suffering that it is not even possible to imagine, and it is impossible to live with. One’s life is over when one is unable to have a normal life. You are tortured to death and that is what drives another violent outbreak all the time. For example, I get tortured and the suffering itself ends in a mental breakdown where I write a blog post. It calms me down for the occasion. But after I wrote that blog post, nothing has changed. My suffering continues to torture me further with even greater force for injuries getting worse all the time. Through torture, I am forced to ponder my ruined life and then I write about what I have not written about before. I know I repeat the same thing all the time, but it’s the same damage that changes with new bodily injuries that occur and that I have not had before. Had I been a killer then I would never have written a blog. I had instead gone to the government’s criminal criminals who have tricked me into that bodily injury with intent to harm them in the same way they have harmed me. But this injury tortures me beyond all limits that a human being can handle. This torture is equivalent to the torture of people in war, where people are beaten daily and sooner or later you come to a turning point where you are prepared to kill the person who abuses you. This suffering in electrical damage is infinitely many times worse, because one’s body is damaged even inside the body. You have lost your body that you live in. Over time, the more you lose the body, the more you are driven to the breaking point where you finally decide to execute your threats to actions. Once one has realized that it is the power of the whole world and the rich elite that commits the crime together on us ordinary people and it is completely legal, then there will be another new psychological torture. That is when one has realized all the power of the world and the lies of the rich elite. With electrical damage, one cannot avoid abuse. Pain is so unbearable that one has to numb pain with alcohol, cigarettes, energy drinks, snus and so on. Other people who are injured by electric annihilation ends up in drug abuse. So, I smoke cigarettes one by one, and I know I’m going to kill myself through all that addiction. The only thing I can do is write about the suffering before I die. To look now at those who have sold me the deadly product, to look at how they have not even been warned and even less punished for the crime they have exposed me to and to look at how they continue to sell it on to people, while government protects them through the police from people, they have harmed like me for example, is again new way of psychological torture of me. It is torture and annihilation of the entire world’s population ordinary people, and it is torture of all of us that government tortures with Psychotronic weapons. Not only am I fatally injured, and I will die soon, they continue to talk to me even now when I sleep. They do not torture me with words they could have done, but I do not want to listen to them at all. I do not want to listen to them at all ever again in my life again. They
talk very little and sometimes some nights almost not at all. But as soon as something happens in my life during the day, then they comment on the whole event very much until they have forced me to have an opinion about that event and that they get to know what I think about it. I cannot lie when I sleep, so I always tell the whole truth and it works that way all over the planet. I’m not trying to hide anything either.
I have asked the police that the court will judge me
All my guilt has disappeared the day I went to the police station and down I demanded that I be convicted in court. That’s the secret of how the world’s governments get the truth out of people through the police. This is how the police investigate crimes. They only comment on my events during the day by force, whether I like it or not. I mean, what the hell! I have confessed to the crime. I have asked the police for a court to sentence me either to prison or to freedom, so that I end the dark chapter of my life once and for all. But they did not allow me to do this. They said I was not even reported for crime while at the same time torturing me through V2K injected voices in my head that I could not fight against. Instead, they kept talking to me by driving me crazy for over 20 years and finally they led me to death. They are the ones who have led me in these injuries that I have now. By constantly talking to me, they torture me to death. Through their constant talk to me, they have stolen over 20 years of my life from me. All life for over 20 years with their constant talks every night to me, is not my life. That they continue to keep on getting on my nerves even now when I am physically and mentally injured to death, only shows what brutality the Swedish western dictatorial police state exposes me to. So, they physically torture me by exposing deadly deception that has destroyed my body and mental mind and now they continue to torture me mentally through Psychotronic weapons and that to death. How will I be able to become normal considering everything that has happened to me through my life and especially considering what has happened to me here in Sweden from the first day I came to this fucking country until now. Everything in society is just government fraud that leads people to bodily harm and artificially induced diseases that in turn always lead people to death. On the surface, through the media propaganda of the complete whole world existing people are protected by government, while below the surface in real life we ordinary people are exposed to crime after crime and whoever commits that crime against us ordinary people is fucking the whole world’s complete power and rich elite together. The governments of the world are the ones who commit the crime against us ordinary people. That they lie through the mainstream media about everything and that they censor the entire internet so that people do not realize the truth before people have fallen into the death trap, is the annihilation and psychological torture of the world’s ordinary people regardless of race and religion. You die while the governments of the world do not even acknowledge that you have been fatally injured. The fact that one can be injured to death in peacetime in civil society is what gives the greatest psychological torture suffering imaginable. Here you see that the governments of the world are driving people to suicide. They drive people crazy where people approach the breaking point where they are ready to commit murder on those who have committed the crime against you. But that is why they have done it in such a way that the products are sold from another country, so that you cannot access the government’s criminal criminals so easily. The governments of the world, through all the world’s existing police, are protecting from us ordinary people whom they have subjected to permanently fatal crimes. Also, when one has realized that healthcare is the main death industry that murders adults, young people and children is a shock when one has realized this. Once one has realized the truth that they too are part of the genocide crime and that healthcare also kills people in the same way, then one realizes how great the government’s fraudulent electric destruction on the civilian population is. When we have been injured, then down we have started talking about it, we are branded as lost, paranoid and mentally ill. The police are said to protect people while in fact they are protecting people who murder civilians and who are part of the world power and rich elite human slaughter industry on civilians, and it is completely legal. Here you see that governments create killers, by harming people with electric current. Most shootings around the world are committed by people who have been harmed by governments with electricity. This is how the governments
of the world lower the world’s population through electric annihilation where they murder adults, young people and children through government lies and lies throughout entire state systems. Through psychotronic weapons, they manipulate people into killing people and they get the same result by harming people through electric destruction. When people have murdered each other, police heroes pile up on the TV screen claiming that they are investigating and solving crimes and they will find murderers where they are even hiding. The governments of the world murder people in many different ways. In many ways, governments always drive people to murder, suicide, or insanity, which ends up losing their freedom and ends up locked up either in prison or in a mental hospital where they always die in the end due to fatal injuries. That one should die is always their final plan. In this way, people are removed from civil society, even if you are innocent, it does not matter. We are all guilty of them because we ordinary people are the critical mass that poses a threat to the survival of humanity due to overpopulation on this planet. Someone has to die and the one who is going to die is us ordinary people and our children. The governments of the world target us ordinary people through technological advances, through healthcare, through mainstream media and so on. The pain I have affects my mental senses. Out of pain, I have sometimes felt dizzy in my head. My body can no longer regulate heat in the body. I feel like I’m in an oven, where I’m slowly being roasted to death. Even healthy nerves copy the unpleasant feeling and, in this way, I feel the damaged part of the body as something bigger than myself. This is killing me. All the physical suffering along with that pain strikes at my psyche. Every moment of my life feels like the last and it is terrible both physically and mentally suffering at the same time. I experience that I am constantly dying. I constantly have a feeling that this is the moment I will die. When you are not injured, you fall ill with mental illness due to anxiety, fear, sadness, shame, guilt, and anxiety. Because of all this, thoughts go up at high speed where thoughts go into ever greater spin. You exactly testify and you feel that you lose your mind because of this state where you think and ponder over your ruined life. It is increasingly difficult to sleep in peace and therefore you can never be rested. It is not just mental illness with problems in life, which causes a nervous breakdown as governments present through psychiatry and all mainstream media propaganda. It is lack of sleep that leads to mental illness and nervous breakdown due to the fact that the brain needs time to rest and recover through sleep. Deprived of sleep you are mentally crushed and then you get a mental breakdown. Without sleep, one can even die because of. This is why you get a nervous breakdown when the government tortures people with injected voices in the head through V2K Psychotronic weapons. People fall into severe nervous breakdown because their sleep is deprived by voices that wake them up all the time, so that you can never sleep deeply to be able to rest and recover. Government cannot just pick a civilian individual and start torturing him verbally because then it would be classified as torture. But therefore, they can do it from a distance through microwave Psychotronic weapons in people’s homes and then there is no evidence that it is going on in reality. That you are told about voices that drive you to commit suicide, is explained away by the governments of the world by saying that you are mentally ill and so the circle is closed, where the government is always right while people are always wrong. In case of problems in life as an uninjured person, you have a reason to feel bad mentally, but the moment when you are injured by the government’s state-sponsored crime through the electric destruction, then it is electrical damage that drives your thoughts to go into everything higher and higher revs, for no reason other than the damage itself that causes it. It is a completely abnormal condition where the connection between the brain and the rest of the body is destroyed, and damaged nervous systems make life impossible to live normally because you die really slowly but surely. As uninjured, I had a steady mental vision. It has all unharmed people, but I do not have it anymore. As an unarmed man, you have your basic everyday plans, and you feel good. You fall asleep and when you have woken up the next day, you continue where you have stayed. You feel that you are whole physically and mentally and that is why you are normal. One thinks of a whole as a normal unharmed individual as a whole human being. For me, everything I have planned ends in a crash, where I get the
feeling that I have had enough and my whole perception of reality is crushed and falls apart again and again many times a day. Even when I sleep, I feel the same. My life is shattered into small pieces even in my dreams while I sleep and that is why I suffer severely mentally even when I sleep. I can only sleep thanks to Seroquel who sleeps me down by force. I lack the ability to feel good. I can ’t feel like I’m alive. I feel like I’m already dead. I also feel the pain of just thinking. My thoughts are painful. Just thinking hurts. All the suffering together makes me feel that my consciousness disappears and ceases to exist. I feel that I am fading and whitening away physically and mentally. I get the feeling that my life and my existence have collapsed. All plans are crushed in a second, over and over again. If there is any hope, then the crash impulse crushes that hope. I have no hope anymore. I have nothing to hope for because I am literally dying for real. The crash is the same thing that gives me the feeling that every moment of my life feels like the last and the feeling that it is right now that I am dying, keeps me constantly day and night between the border of life and death. During the day I am tortured to death and when I have fallen asleep then the torture continues with inhuman pain and suffering, so what happens is that I suggestively feel as if I have died and the next day when I wake up, I feel like I have been resurrected from death for the torture of me to be repeated another day. Every time I wake up deprived of all the human in me, I feel as if I had been released into the desert completely confused with no connection to this living world. My existence in the living world is meaningless because I cannot feel that I am alive because I am really already dead. I normally think like anyone, and I can also naturally love, hate, get angry, get worried, feel hope and so on. These injuries evoke the crash impulse that scraps all the positive in me that I think. What I think in my head does not matter. It is injuries that determine that I should feel bad physically and mentally and that by force. In the early first year of pain, the crashing pulse came in the distance between a few days. Now I feel it every second. It does not affect me in such a way that I do not cope in my daily activities. It just shatters my hope, my self-confidence, my personal identity as an individual, my image of me as a human being, my existence, my relationship to people, my relationship to women, my relationship to my family, because now I am so much mutilated and maimed physically and mentally that I am not even can be called a man anymore. I’m not even human anymore. I’m not even a human being. The person I was as uninjured from the moment I was born until the moment before I was injured no longer exists. I’m not me anymore. I’m a collection of memories from a life that Vahid had. My soul or consciousness has gradually ceased to exist, and I continue to disappear and disintegrate more and more. How will I then be able to become normal down my mind evaporates more and more? This is an ongoing mantle and physical death that ends in a nervous breakdown. This is the real mental illness that ends in madness before it ends even in physical death and keep in mind that this is not even a crime. That I can never ever have a relationship with a woman hurts the most. I am simply physically and mentally handicapped and degenerate person now. No matter what aspect it may be in human life, my image as a living organism and human being is erased distorted and disturbed, as my mind is disturbed due to damaged nervous systems. The only thing I’m talking about is that I’m dying. Which woman wants to listen to it? Besides the fact that I no longer work as a man, that’s what hurts the most. The humiliation and shame that I am not physically fit for a woman as a man, is the worst shame and humiliation imaginable for me. I am physically and mentally disfigured. I exist but I do not live. I exist and I look like a man, but I’m not a human being. I can love women, but I no longer have a body that works normally. The power of the world and the rich elite have turned me into the world’s greatest clown. When I think about the fact that I have been exposed to crimes that are explained away by the governments of the world, claiming that we and I were personally mentally ill already and that all this that I write in this blog is supposed to be the culmination of the mental illness and that it was not crime that has damaged my body and mental senses, then I will be psychologically tortured in another new way. To see that world’s power and rich elites walk in their fine clothes in that world’s media propaganda where people look at them as if they were the superior justice authority of the Highest that protects us ordinary people, gives
us human rights and freedom, while realizing the truth as dying because of their criminality, that they are the worst criminal monsters and government fascist mafia on this planet. They do not look like criminals, they do not look like a danger to ordinary people, while it is precisely, they who harm ordinary people more than what criminal ordinary people have ever done. It is the power of the world and the rich elite in their fine clothes who have committed this crime against me and that crime they commit against all of us ordinary people and even worse they commit the crime against our children. They have turned me as a human being into a mortally injured and humiliated ashamed individual who the power of the same fine world and rich elite laughs at now and everything that has happened to me through my life they will use as a weapon against me. They have turned me into a walking humiliated dying stain of shame, as there is nothing left of me that can be called a human being. I am not good enough as an individual and I am not good enough as a man for women. I can no longer even live in a relationship with a woman. I can never have a family. Even just thinking one’s thoughts, of trying to get in touch with women is scrapped by the constant feeling that I am not whole in my body and my mind. It will be anyway, none of it. Even though I have enjoyed getting into a relationship with a woman, I’m not a man anymore and it will never work. That’s why I don ’t even thinks about it anymore. I do not even want any more relationship. I have worse problems than this. I’m dying. I feel that I am not even good enough anymore as a father to my child, because I feel that I cease to exist. Everything is ok, but I feel like dying physically and mentally and therefore I feel that I partly do not exist and therefore I lack that ability, to feel life and to feel joy and appreciation for the time I have left to live with my child, my family, with people, and so on. I want to live I would like to feel that I feel good physically and mentally, I would like to feel happiness in life, I would like to feel hope for the future, but I have been deprived of that ability through the electrical damage. The only thing I have left as a choice in my life is to commit suicide so that suffering ends. That is why people commit suicide as described in the two videos about psychiatry and about ECT. Now you understand what a crime it is and that crime protects the power of the world and the rich elite from letting people know that it is going on in real life. Through crime, the power of the world and the rich elite have deprived me of the basics with which we all humans are born. They have deprived me of the right to live. Walking on the street and feeling numb is equivalent to being amputated. Injuries shatter every aspect of my life imaginable. It shatters my hope for the future because I have nothing to hope for anymore. Suffering in pain and disfigured damaged body affects my breathing, it affects my mental state for electrical damage is anxiety, worry, sadness, anger, hatred, insanity and so on. The electrical damage I have affects the meaning and conviction in me. Even though I am injured, I still have natural hope for the future. It does not matter to me whether I think positively or negatively in order for my hope to be shattered. It’s injury that spits me right into my face or more precisely it hits right into my brain every second of my life, that feeling of scrapped hope for the future without me thinking about it myself, is what gives me a deadly anxiety and sadness. Also, it’s not just electrical damage that kills me. As I have already said, I got nerve damage on my left leg while I was at war in Bosnia. It was not dangerous at all in the beginning. But over time, that nerve damage gradually spread from the knee slowly up to the hip. When I had surgery at a hospital in Uddevalla for groin hernia, so already in the first weeks I have felt an explosion of burning pain inside my left leg how the injury continues to spread up to the hip even faster. Before I had surgery, all the time from the day I was injured in the war until I had surgery, I only had numbness in my legs, but I had no pain in my legs. After I had surgery already at the end of the first week, I also started to feel burning pain in my leg. Electrical damage is death itself, but the physical damage to my left leg has spread to the entire hip now. The pain is different from the pain that electrical damage causes, and it is also stronger than the pain that electrical damage causes once it has started to hurt the leg. Electrically damaged part of the body dies in its own way, while the damage I received in war on my left leg, dies in another way. I think my left leg has reduced blood flow and that’s exactly how I feel the injury. Now the electrical and physical damage have been mixed together, but I still feel a clear difference
between them. As usual, I constantly feel the pain that electrical damage causes, but now for several days I had so much pain in my left leg and whole hip that I can barely sit still. It hurts so much that I believe I have got cancer in the leg muscles or the leg bark. Ordinary painkillers over-the-counter medications can not reduce pain that electrical damage causes. Only Seroquel can do it a little so that I fall asleep in suffering and agony by force, while Seroquel cannot lower the pain in my left leg at all. When I take painkillers without a prescription, it lowers the pain in my left leg and hip. So, now I have become addicted to various painkillers by force. Both injuries to me are caused by crime. When the governments of the world destroy people, they do so at the same time through the police, healthcare, psychiatry, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and entire government systems. They physically destroy people, and they fight and neutralize people through psychological warfare in peacetime. For the crime they are committing on people now, they have already planned in advance how that crime will be explained away in the future, in such a way that you make yourself neutralized by being injured and manipulated through the course of events where you get proof that you have been exposed to crime, but you have no evidence and then you get confused and then when you have said that you have been injured by the care, you appear paranoid and completely crazy in people’s eyes. So, one neutralizes oneself for the state. The world’s civilian population commits suicide by electric destruction to the state only because the world’s governments have deceived people that electric Trojans are harmless. If that annihilation is possible then the murders that the world governments commit on civilian population through complete care are also reality we live in and then there is no imagination, no paranoia thoughts, and no conspiracy theory. From the day the police started talking to me, they have made great efforts to convince me in a picture of reality that they are allegedly saving my life, that the state cares about people and thus they care about me too, so that I will have a false sense of security and safety, while through injuries I get proof that they are killing me slowly and so all the governments of the world are killing their own people. When I was going to have surgery, I was already damaged by the electrical fraud and even then, I was suspicious. Then I would have put only those who have sold me the device as the culprit, while I believed in the state, health care and so on. Who would even think that the care is intended to injure someone through surgery? In blog post chapter 1 I have explained all about that event. The healthcare system knows very well that I have to take medication from psychiatric healthcare which gives me overweight without control in order for me to get pain relief. Due to many years of medication with Seroquel and Zyprexa, I gained excess weight, which has partially stretched the skin on my stomach below the navel. The next day, the surgeon said that he had cut off part of the stretched skin to make it look better. He has done this without asking me if I want this. Why would he do this when he knows that I will continue to be overweight due to medication from psychiatric care. But it is so. Publicly, they pretend that they do not know anything about psychiatry and about medicines that psychiatric care gives to people, because it is not part of their profession, while the entire complete care together with Psychiatry kills people for the state. Now my skin on my stomach has been stretched even more because of Seroquel and it would have been better if I had the pocket of already stretched skin that will fill all that excess weight than to cut it off. That he, in addition to fixing inguinal hernia, has also given me beauty procedures, I should feel allegedly grateful for the care. What if they have injected agents that cause important blood vessels to wither and die so that my injury to my leg will worsen and become fatal. I have sought care for nerve damage in my left leg long before that surgery and they can see it in my patient record, in addition, the police who talk to me every night know that I have that problem and when government destroys people then they make a coordinated attack throughout state systems through systematic slow many years of discreet destruction of people’s health. The surgeon has given me cosmetic procedures so that I can be grateful so that they can convince me that I received wonderful care while he gave me injuries to my left leg which will lead to amputation of the legs. As the injury has spread to the hip, I cannot be amputated in half the body, but most of the legs near the hip can be amputated. I just hope I
die before my body parts start to be amputated. It may be that the injury I already had in my leg has worsened and that they have not done any of this. But all the torture that the police have subjected me to through Psychotronic weapons for over 20 years and with all the insight that I now have that the world’s governments murder the world’s civilian ordinary people quite legally, I am not surprised if they further harm me through surgery. Have they hurt me or not, I do not know? But what I do know is that I am dying now due to electrical injuries and damage to my left leg. I poison myself with Seroquel and over-the-counter painkillers and with everything I have explained, you can easily understand that I am dying. What I am sure of is that the Swedish government has injured me to death through state systems and they even want to make me suspect all the care they have given me so that I make a mistake in my assessment to I will appear paranoid and crazy in the eyes of the world’s civilian population through this blog, so that my testimony will not be credible and then when people do not believe in me, they can also be deceived in death in the same way. All that the Swedish state is doing to me is neutralizing me so that the secret that the world’s governments intentionally murder civilians completely legally without them ever being guilty of killing civilians, will never be revealed. I only know that I have been subjected to crime after crime, by all the existing governments of the world and the rich elite who have destroyed my body to death and now I am dying. I’m in the living hell of a life and my life is collapsing. I really want to live but injuries lead me to death. Those injuries have pushed me to the brink of physical and mental breakdown. I cannot adapt to normal thinking. Normally, only people who are healthy and who are not injured can think. The mental state I am in is equivalent to people who have been in war-torn countries for many years. The fact that they live in war-torn countries stresses people with fear, anxiety, sadness, despair, and anxiety. Because of this, they are mentally destroyed, and their personal identity is changed. The same thing is happening to me now. Those injuries are torturing me, and it has already changed my personal identity. I experience the same feelings and even infinitely many times worse feelings than people experience in war. I myself lived in war and I know that the life I went through in war cannot even be compared to the hell I am experiencing now. I have made decisions in my life that I would never have made if I had not been injured. That does not mean I have made the wrong decision now. I make logical decisions in my life because I have received an enormous amount of true information that is kept secret from us ordinary people. I’m acting on the situation I’m in now. I am crucified like Jesus, and I have already suffered infinitely many times more than he has suffered for a few days on the cross. It’s not just me who has suffered more than him. 100 million people across the planet in the last 70 years, have suffered more from electrical damage than he has suffered on the cross. This is not an insult on my part towards Christians. Many millions of Christians have died in suffering and agony crucified in various ways by the electric destruction. All of them have suffered more from the day they were injured until their death than Jesus did on the cross. People are injured in different ways and under different claims, but injury is always the same for everyone. It is truth about reality that we live in, and it is as it is. Because I am in a state equivalent to people who are in war-torn countries, I cannot relate to unharmed people who live their lives normally. To me, reality is full of violent events. It is my dying body that gives me violent events every second of my life, even if no traumatic event happens in my life. It is suffering from the electrical damage that is the violent traumatic event every day and night. When I was not injured, I had normal physical and mental health. I had a sharp mental mind like other ordinary people on this planet have. Then I had restraint in such a way that I was very careful about what I post on social media and what I write about. I thought about the consequences of each step I took. But now I have lost that ability. Besides, I’m dying now. I can choose to keep quiet while I die, or I can talk about the crime that the Swedish state has exposed me to before I have died. I take the opportunity to write while I still have some of my sanity left. In the end I will lose it completely and then I will not be able to think logically anymore. Electrical injuries are equivalent to Alzheimer’s disease. I am slowly disappearing as an individual from this living world and sooner or later I will start writing illogical
prompts in this blog. When that moment comes, then it will be felt in my words that I will write then. Maybe it’s noticeable already now. I think my mental breakdown can be seen through this blog from the beginning until this last blog post. In the beginning my words were not so extreme while now they are straight out violent. It is due to suffering in agony. I can no longer relate to normal life. Watching news where the world’s mainstream media propaganda shows a world where people live their lives in safety while I’m in the living hell of a life where I’m dying, I just cannot watch this media lies rubbish. Therefore, I have been looking for people who are targeted individuals around the world who are being tortured by their respective governments through Psychotronic weapons. It is only with them that I feel a sense of belonging, as we are all exposed to state abuse through torture by all of us in all sorts of different ways. But now I cannot even relate to their suffering anymore, because electrical damage is infinitely many times worse than torture by Psychotyronic weapons. I have never heard of targeted individuals being tortured by psychotronic weapons saying that they have lost sensation in the body, that they are losing their sanity. Their injuries are fatal, and they are horrible, and governments can torture them to death, but governments cannot harm targeted individuals through Psychotronic weapons in such a way that targeted individuals lose sensation in the body and their mental health and the disappearance of their personal identity. Therefore, the language that targeted individuals use is not as extreme as the language I use to describe my suffering. Governments can torture them, governments can torture them to death, but they cannot drive targeted individuals crazy, while in my case electrical damage is madness, anger, hatred, and mental illness at the same time. There is nothing that I can relate to because there is nothing as horrible as electrical damage is. Now I want to hear testimonies from people who have been hurt by its electric annihilation because that’s just what I can relate to now. But I cannot find such cases anywhere through the media propaganda of the censored world and through the available 100% censored information on the internet. It is total censorship that the power of the world and the rich elite use to hide all the different ways of destroying people. So, I’m completely alone and isolated, while I’m dying. I am invisible and I do not exist, while my body bombards my mind with restlessness, anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, madness, despair, pain that damaged nerves bombard my brain with, pain in muscles that fade, loss of sensation in the body, discomfort and so on. The Rabies infected man I mentioned has difficulty swallowing, while I have difficulty breathing due to pain. I breathe heavily due to pain, discomfort, loss of sensation and so on. Painful muscular contractions in the body cause people who state shocks in psychiatry through ECT shocks. So, in the case of Rabies you can find out if the patient is receiving care before the virus has reached the nerves, while with devices with 9 volts electric current the nervous system is damaged directly in a few minutes and when you have numbness in the injured part of the body, then it means that nerves are already damaged and then it is already too late. Because, after a year, the nervous system begins to die and it spreads to the rest of the nervous system, where even the healthy nerves change and, in this way, burns in the body grow in circumference, with greater pain and suffering in agony. Even the altered nerves that were healthy from the beginning, eventually die and so it continues until the body has stopped functioning and then you die. But before the body has had time to die, one loses one’s mind. You get mentally mad in anger and hatred towards those who have caused all this. One realizes the truth through one’s injuries and the truth is that it is the power of the whole world and the rich elite that together have led to our death. With Rabbis you die in 5 days, while with electrical injuries you die a prolonged death in identically equivalent pain and suffering that only people feel in the final stages of their lives and I mean people who die natural death. They suffer for one to two days while I suffer in exactly the same suffering now for over 5 years. The course of death in electrical nerve damage ranges from 5 to 8 years. I do not think you can live with electrical damage for more than 8 years. Last year I thought I had reached the cure itself and I could not even imagine that it will be much worse than I thought was possible. Last summer I sat on the couch all holiday. I’ve suffered like hell while writing a blog, but now! Now I’m just sitting on the couch again while I’m dying. The only thing I do
for satisfaction is to strike back at the power and rich elite of that world, by writing this blog, before I die. Now I die. I feel that my time as a living has expired. I have no reason to feel bad mentally. This overweight destroyed body due to Seroquel, this pain, the constant discomfort, loss of sensation in the body is personified physical and mental suffering in hell and thus also mental illness. The states of the world talk about mental illness where they only talk about mental suffering without ever saying a single word that physical suffering also exists. They’re just talking about dangerous mental illness depression which in reality is caused by problems in life. Governments also keep quiet about the fact that depression occurs due to problems in life. Instead, through all the existing world media propaganda, the states of the world present the emergence of depression as a disease that arises for no logical reason. In this way, the governments of the world mislead people so that people will see psychiatry as the care institution, where words that harm people physically do not exist anywhere. People have to blame their problems in life precisely on mental illness Depression which has arisen according to the government’s media propaganda for no logical reason. But it is only the government’s death trap that will confuse people who have never heard of 9-volt devices, so that they can be fooled by damage through it. electric destruction and then they get the real mental illness that ends in their death. Here you see that there is something much worse than Depression. You feel mentally ill due to problems in life and then it is not at all strange that you feel mentally ill. You know why you feel mentally ill because you have a logical reason for feeling mentally ill. It is natural. I have no problem in life that I worry about and now it is electrical damage that causes day and night now for over 5 years: anxiety, fear, anger, madness, despair, worry, sadness and psychotic illness and conditions that are infinitely many times stronger and worse than the natural bad mental state that arises due to problems in life. All that together with Seroquel drives me into a nervous breakdown. Therefore, states have produced Seroquel through the pharmaceutical industry so that Seroquel together with electrical damage will alleviate pain but provoke crazy behavior. Without Seroquel it is almost impossible to sleep. Seroquel causes obesity, which in turn causes cardiovascular disease. Obesity causes stroke, heart attack and diabetes. Diabetes leads to amputated body parts. Amputated body parts lead to mental suffering. Electrical damage causes anxiety, fear, anger, madness, despair, worry, sadness and so on. Then you understand that the help of psychiatry was no help, and it is no care. Psychiatry is a government tool for the governments of the world to be able to murder people legally without the government being guilty of killing civilians. Medicine Seroquel along with electrical damage to the nervous system is the government’s final plan on how people can be liquidated and cleared from society completely legally and it is the worst extermination system on this planet of the world’s civilian population. The combination of harmful medicine Seroquel, which interacts perfectly with electrical damage, is the concrete result of that world’s power and the rich elite’s hidden agenda of harming the civilian population to death. It is a deadly combination where you suffer day and night in anger and hatred and one day there will be the feeling that now I cannot take it anymore. Either I would like to harm those who have exposed me to all that crime, or I can commit suicide so that I do not suffer more because it is not possible to live with this. All that is what electrical damage causes for no reason. My brain is not damaged by electric current because I am not brain damaged by ECT shock. I think just the way I have always thought through my life. I can still think logically and that’s why I can write this blog. But my body is fatally injured. The lost feeling in the body, the damaged and changed nerves I experience as emptiness or a monster that eats me from within. To feel the loss of emotion where I feel that I am slaughtered and not whole in the body, to feel the physical pain, to feel the constant discomfort that damaged nerves cause, only this is sufficiently inhuman suffering, which can drive anyone to suicide. Not only physical suffering and feeling mentally ill for no reason, where damaged body and damaged nervous system evoke around the clock, are traumatic events and torture that go on around the clock without that torture ever ceasing. Experiencing that torture day and night over and over again leaves its mark on my mental health. All the suffering now damages my mental health and drives me to physical
and mental breakdown. Now it is the suffering of my destroyed body that changes and damages my personal identity and now I feel mortal even through the natural mental suffering, due to trauma that suffering in agony entails. Had I been damaged by electric current as a child, I would never have known what it means and what it feels like to be a human being. I still have memories from my life before I was injured, when I was in good physical condition and was completely unharmed and normal so I can see the difference. I am deprived of the ability to feel life itself. Humans, animals, and insects have the ability to feel that they are alive. They know their existence as living organisms, but I have been deprived of that ability through electrical damage. Smell, sight, hearing, and touch are the most sacred so that we as living organisms can experience our existence in this living world. Governments damage our nervous system through its electric destruction for us to lose the fundamental right to live and experience our surroundings in the living world. I look at my surroundings and my existence through the sick body condition where I never feel good physically and mentally. How can I become normal in a destroyed abnormal body, where I live a life full of physical and mental torture of suffering? I’m not a normal person now. Everything I have managed before I was injured by that device at 9 volts, I cannot do now, and I will be able to do less the more my body has had time to die. I do not correctly experience the time and space itself. My mental mind is distorted where I feel that I do not exist in part in this living world. I still exist without living with the pain that never stops torturing me. I still survive in society, but for how long? Through electrical damage, my personal identity has been shattered into small pieces. There is almost no I, as an individual left. I cease to exist as an individual and it is only the nervous system that is damaged house me. Think about what it means to be injured by ECT with brain damage. Then one understands that ECT is the death penalty execution on the spot in psychiatry. Since my body and soul or consciousness are damaged, then I experience every conceivable possible situation in life in the same way. Everything I have loved in my life through those injuries has lost meaning and significance. I loved nature and now I can no longer experience nature. If it’s a sunny day, or if it’s rain, storm, and wind, it does not matter to me. I am deprived of the very life in me and therefore weather does not affect my mood because I am dying, and it is my dying body that determines what mood I have. It is always just one and the same mental bad mood, which artificially induces depression through crimes that are electric annihilation. I loved listening to music and now I hear music, but I have no feelings that music can week in people. The desire to listen and to enjoy music exists, but the mood of the sick body and mind has deprived me of the ability to enjoy listening to music. I do not feel anything. I cannot train anymore. Exercising with such a mutilated and disabled body, feels uncomfortable and painful due to pain in the body and suffering in agony. I have very little time left to live. Like I said, I really want to appreciate the time I have left to live with my son, but the ability to feel joy and appreciation does not exist due to electrical damage. I even feel that I am not good enough as something that can be called a human being, because my personal identity has been broken, eroded and is in complete disintegration. Instead, I feel anxious when I think that all the children of us ordinary people, can fall into this death trap. When I think about what the Swedish state has done to me so far and when I think about my child living in such a society where this state crime is going on completely freely and legally, then that is what creates a great concern for me. It’s not the only death trap. Death traps are everywhere in government systems and all lead to death. Traveling somewhere is pointless because I die here and now. I am not at peace in my body and how can I imagine traveling somewhere, where I know I will suffer and be dying. Then it’s better that I do not travel anywhere because then I do not have to move and experience every second of my vacation as a living hell. Sitting still for many hours in such great pain and suffering is too much of a task for me that I will not be able to do. The same goes for hanging out with people. I can no longer hang out with people. People are normal and people are joking and having a good time. I suffer so much that I can no longer pretend to be well. I cannot feel joy, I cannot laugh more because of pain. This is how it is with everything you can imagine. Everything that ordinary people
can do by default, I cannot do it now. Remember then that the governments of the world call the execution of the death penalty on people in psychiatry through ECT shocks for care against Depression. In these two videos about psychiatry and ECT, these scammers want to pretend to be people’s shipowners who inform and warn people about psychiatry and ECT. They warn people about ECT, but it is not ECT that people have been forced into their homes. There are alleged stimulation devices of 9 volts for all possible uses that every single government on this planet serves to its citizens through all existing media sources as a harmless product. When you are not injured by electro stimulation devices, then you can simply choose to stop going to psychiatry and you can choose to stop taking various medications that still only destroy a person physically and mentally, but when you are injured by any of the different alleged stimulation devices, then the government has harmed a person physically and at the same time mentally and then one is stuck in psychiatry like a slave. After that you are beyond all rescues. There is no power, no God, no care and no miracle on this planet that can repair the body and heal injuries. Injuries lead to murder, suicide, insanity, confinement in mental hospitals and finally death through forced ECT shocks, under the guise of care for acute depression. Even if they do not expose people to ECT shocks, people will be locked up there as long as people show anger, hatred and angry and violent behavior. You have to get mentally healthy, for them to free people from there and with electrical damage you just become more and more mentally handicapped which means that they will never release people from there. People get locked up there for life, until the day people die in there and for what? Because the governments of the world have led people in madness by deception electric annihilation and that by lying to people. The least possible damage that devices of 9 volts cause to the body, means the straight path in death and out of society. This is how you lose your freedom, and it even ends in your death. You are free only for as long as you manage to become normal until the moment when you lose your mind completely and then you start to openly accuse the care, when you have gone to the dying, on your lap. Electrical injuries drive you to talk about your suffering because you die. I have watched TV Jewish people who have survived Auschwitz testify about their suffering, but after they became free, they have lived their lives completely normally and they live it normally even in this moment in front of TV cameras when they testify about their suffering in different extermination camp in World War II. They are allowed to testify on TV about their suffering while I am not allowed to speak anywhere in the media while I am dying. Their lives have a value while my life has nothing. Crimes to which they have been subjected are recognized by the power of the world and the rich elite as Genocide, while crimes to which I have been subjected are not even crimes and my testimony is censored in every possible way. I as a human being do not exist for the power of the world and the rich elite on this planet. For the power of the world and the rich elite, I am something that is infinitely many times less valuable than the life of Jews. I’m tempted to think so. But when I think a little better, then I cannot ignore the truth and the truth is the irony that there are Jews who are considered worthy to die and those who kill them are Jewish power and rich elite. Electric annihilation is also sold in Israel and every country on this planet. In addition to Jews, the Palestinian people are also murdered by Palestinian power and the rich elite by the same electric destruction. Then you can understand that it is not about race and religion. It’s about us ordinary people and about the power of the world and the rich elite who kill us together. Not only with the irony that Jews are murdered by Jewish power and the rich elite, but there is also an even greater irony. German population ordinary people are murdered by German power and rich elite. German ordinary blonde people adults, young people and children are murdered by the electric annihilation of Angela Merkel together with every single political party in the German government. Angela Merkel looks like a kind-hearted sympathetic woman, but the reality is horrible and frightening. Regardless of race and religion, we ordinary people all over the planet are murdered in the same way and end of discussion. Everything that politicians serve us ordinary people, through the mainstream media is only the power of the world and the rich elite lies that have killed about 100 million people across
the planet in the last 70 years through the electric catastrophe. That I and my child are annihilated here in Sweden when I see the truth now is no wonder. It is not just us who are wiped out of Swedish society. Even Swedish blonde people adults, young people and children are murdered by the Swedish government and by every single political party in the Swedish Parliament and they all together are involved in the genocide. The entire world’s population is being annihilated. Me and my child are insects for, to start with Stefan Löfven, whom we have voted for, together with all other political parties, including Jimmie Åkesson in the Swedish Parliament. In real life, there is no difference between the two. All of them have a common agenda to murder ordinary people, including the ethnic Swedish people. Ethnic blonde Swedes are also murdered in the same way through the electric Holocaust and through other Holocaust systems that are deeply ingrained in government systems. There is nothing we and they. I, my child, and all of us ordinary people here in Sweden are pests for the Swedish Power and the rich elite. We are pests that do not have the right to live. In parallel with me, they treat my child in the same way. Even my child, murdered by Psychotronic weapons. My son constantly complains of severe headaches even though he is otherwise healthy. He hears no voices, and he knows nothing about Psychotronic weapons. He is worried that he thinks he has a brain tumor. He said he wants to go to health care to find out if he is ill. The first thing that came to my mind is that he wants to go to the government’s criminal criminals who carry out the death penalty on people during claims of care. He has gone on that examination, and they have not seen anything dangerous, while he continues to feel bad from time to time. They hide and legally protect government abuses of civilians with false diagnoses where government is always right while people are always wrong. Now that I think back to the time when I had complete confidence in health care, I have told at the beginning of the blog about the diagnosis I received from general health care. That was before the police started talking to me. I was a bit like a hypochondriac. Then I watched healthcare as on something sacred and noble that can help me when I need help. Then I was a little overweight, because of Seroquel and I was scared if I could have diabetes because I am fully aware that being overweight is a dangerous condition. I asked him who was a Swedish doctor, that he should take a systematic blood value examination so that he can check if everything is right with my blood value. I told him I was gaining weight because of Seroquel, and he asked me where I got that medicine from. I replied that I had received it from psychiatric care. Now I understand that he knew immediately that psychiatric care is the punishment of the civilian population through the police. He checked my blood count, and he concluded that I have disturbed metabolism. He gave me a medicine that is supposed to balance metabolism. Then I blindly believed in his diagnosis, and I accepted that diagnosis as truth and that is what I wrote about at the beginning of my blog. I wrote that Seroquel disrupts the body’s metabolism. At the time, I thought that Seroquel was also genuine honest care for depression, although I have already begun to doubt it because it gives me overweight, which is not at all normal. That it helps me with anxiety while it hurts me through obesity where I risk fatal diseases, has already raised questions for me. How can it be healthcare? I do not remember now what medicine he gave me, but I think that medicine is given to people who have cancer. I may be wrong now. In any case, I have taken that medicine strictly according to his instructions. I feel so bad that I have never felt so bad in my life. I felt clearly that that medicine is harming my body. Before I started taking that medicine, I was a little overweight, but I felt physically completely fine. I did not feel bad in any way. With that medicine I felt terribly bad that I thought I was poisoning myself with a deadly poison. He said to me, you have disturbed metabolism, but you do not feel it. The body’s organs are damaged by the disturbed metabolism and therefore this medicine will put balance in the body. I took the medicine I was training and after a month I went to him with complete confidence again. After I gave a blood test, he said that now everything is fine. What would the general care say to me now that I am dying of electrical injuries and with even great overweight that the Seroquel gives me even now? What diagnosis had he given me now and what medication would he give me now? Should it be called for care, that I am medicated
with Seroquel, over-the-counter painkillers for pain in my leg and supplement the medicine for cancer that he would guaranteed give me even now and then one can understand that complete care is the annihilation system of civilian population and discreet hidden execution of the death penalty on people. People just have to realize that I’m telling the truth about what the world power and rich elite are for. If that diagnosis is correct and true, then it means that Seroquel also destroys metabolism so that the organs in the body can be destroyed to die as quickly as possible. Now I know that Seroquel has a single purpose and that is to induce deadly diseases that lead the world’s civilian population to death. Now I know that medicines that psychiatric care gives to people are tools for the power of the world and the rich elite to mass murder civilians around the world. Now the diagnosis he gave me is just one theatrical performance because he has given me only one more harmful medicine that is supposed to counteract a chemical weapon Seroquel that induces the disturbed metabolism. All that together is no care. All that together is government criminal negligence. Kill immigrants as much as possible, because he goes to psychiatry and if he goes there, then he is probably a criminal who deserves to be punished. Psychiatric care harms me with the Trojan chemical weapon Seroquel and general care harms me more with harmful drugs. All that is needed of me is trust in the state. It works this way all over the planet. Only thanks to people’s trust in the state can people be deceived into bodily injuries that eventually lead people to death. So, my son has started to feel physically ill, in the same way that I have felt bad before the police have started talking to me. How can I know that the Swedish government does not harm my child through the police with DEWS microwave weapons that burn the bodies of people? Targeted individuals are being tortured in this way, around the world and as witnesses to their torture. But to call it torture is completely wrong. It should be called causing serious bodily injury that leads people to death due to people being injured by the police over and over again through microwave weapons. Those injuries involve inhuman pain, and that pain is experienced by targeted individuals as torture. I have fatal injuries to the body that cause inhuman pain and suffering and therefore I experience it as inhuman torture. So, people are being murdered by the police and other government security institutions. They are the ones who commit crimes. Through psychotronic weapons, the police harm the body of people, so that they can break people down mentally. Causing people constant ongoing severe headaches that never stop, harms their mental health. They want to evoke the feeling in people that their life as normal no longer exists and that is what changes the personal identity that creates the image that you are not normal. It shatters self-confidence, hope, self-esteem and so on. You cannot become normal while having headaches all the time. Here in Sweden, I have posted posts of targeted individuals where they testify about their torture through Psychotronic weapons where they get inhuman severe headaches. This is how people are tortured here in Sweden. I have all the evidence that healthcare kills people through its electric destruction. I am dying and sooner or later injuries will push me back into the hands of healthcare. I get driven by injuries to go on my knees. The day I go to the care I will tell them right in their face that the care they have given me was all the time just neglect and urges that I should be injured only more and more and that to death. When I have said it openly to them, that is when they will call the police and that is when I will be locked up. It does not matter if you talk to a general practitioner or if you talk to a psychologist. If you tell the truth in the face of the government’s criminal mafia and if you accuse them, if you question their care, then this is exactly what happens. They called for police who have tortured one for twenty years through Psychotronic weapons that do not exist in public in real life. If you say that you have been tortured by voices in your head, then you are for them a seriously mentally ill patient who is in great need of psychiatric inpatient care, even if they themselves know that they are the ones driving the annihilation of the civilian population. They pretend not to know anything about it, so that the theatrical performance can continue to be committed further through human history. It is a well-developed system that is integrated into state systems, where all paths lead the person who has been subjected to state annihilation only straight into captivity where one is always wrong, while they themselves are
always right. This is how they protect government abuse. people through psychotronic weapons, electric destruction, and other methods of murdering civilians. You are always silenced, without the possibility that you can prove that you are right. You are prevented from speaking in the media. One is censored on the internet and in social media. All open roads only lead back into public care which always only sends one on to psychiatric care, which is the government execution modern executioner, where the world governments carry out the death penalty on people through ECT shocks. It is the real face of what the world governments and the world state systems are for something. As locked up, you only live the time it takes to die due to bodily injuries due to the organs in the body ceasing to function, or that necrosis eventually occurs in the damaged part of the body because it is not just nerves that are damaged. Even cells, blood vessels, the organs in the body are just as much damaged and they also die, decay and wither at the same time with nerves and eventually stop working and then you die due to organ failure. All my paths only lead into death or my lost freedom and in there they will kill me through ECT shocks, claiming that I have acute Depression. Once you have been injured by 9-volt stimulation devices, then nerve and bodily injuries lead you straight into mental hospital, for you are dying of physical neurological disease which is caused by bodily injuries and damage to nervous system in the body which is extremely sensitive to electric current. The body generates natural electrical impulses so that nerves can send a signal to the brain so that we can feel our body with touch and that we feel pain when we are injured. The thing is that our nervous system generates electrical signals through nerves at electrical current that is 8 times less than the power that the smallest battery in the hand clock generates to operate the hand clock. You will find that information in the two videos. Then you can understand that 9-volt so-called stimulation devices, generate infinitely greater electrical voltage and it is called governments as electrical stimulation and they have put out to us all ordinary people on this planet under false claims of use. All governments on this planet can never repair nerve damage through care, but therefore they do not mind damaging people’s nerves through nerve care and pain clinic, through Neurography, through implanted neurological devices, through implanted Elon Musk neural link, through Taser at police intervention, through ECT in psychiatry and through all the alleged stimulation devices of 9 volts sold under all sorts of claims of use, for people to simply die and that is the punishment governments on this planet give to ordinary people instead of prison, which states have as their target. Those who are not targeting governments on this planet and who have been deceived by 9-volt devices, are people who are allowed to sacrifice for the government state abuses that have to pay with their lives for the government genocide exists and they become direct collateral victims who are allowed to die just like in war. Furthermore, they say that medicines for mental illness have never worked, even though psychiatry lies that every single one of those medicines was pioneering miracle medicine for mental illness. Officially in the mainstream media government propaganda about psychiatric care is described for people as innocent and harmless care institution that has noble intentions to give people care for mental illness through various medications that are supposed to get people recovered from mental illness and thanks to media that brainwash the population with such lies 24 hours year after year, people believe just that, that they get care from psychiatry. When people have received their medicine, then they can read in the medicine package in the package leaflet that the side effects are; obesity, diabetes, suicide and so on, but it is dismissed as likely not to happen to oneself, due to the fact that one has got a good picture of psychiatric care through the media and all available information on the internet about psychiatric care, which is in in fact censored 100%. To be clearer in expressing myself in words, it’s not just a censor. All that information is the marketing of 100% lies and false information that is deliberately misrepresented by every single government on this planet to deceive and mislead people into bodily harm that ends in death. It is genocide (crime against humanity) that is committed systematically and well-planned on the entire world’s population. Race and religion do not matter. You go to psychiatry with full confidence, without being aware of what Psychiatry is for anything in reality. The media
propagates an image of vulnerable groups such as women and children. It is ringing alarm bells throughout society about how government through state institutions protects women and children from violence, abuse, and mistreatment. Official state agenda is, protect women and protect children. But in reality, the world state (world governments) through health care and pharmaceutical companies exposes women and children to life-threatening conditions so that world governments can cause murder, suicide and death due to bodily harm. In one of the two videos about psychiatry, I have seen a woman who felt bad mentally and psychiatric care gave her Prozac, where she due to a month of medication with Prozac has shot her two children and, in the end, she shoots herself and so on she committed suicide. Not to mention the Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System, where people are allowed to murder their own children with their own hands in their own home and that in a single night. When a parent sees their child the next day, lying in bed dead, then it is a shock to the parent’s life how it could happen. It is then that the parent realizes that it is fascism that the power of the world and the rich elite serve us ordinary people. But it is too late for the child is already physically and mentally damaged for the rest of the child’s life or child dies if the device is connected for a long time to the child. In the Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System video that I have posted in another blog post, they suggestively encourage people to connect electrodes on the head of their child throughout the night. That device destroys the brain, the skin on the whole head, the neck and more than that, in just 5 to 15 minutes and they trick people into letting their child sleep with constant current flow in the child’s head throughout the night. If a parent finds their child dead in bed the next day, then I cannot see how the government will not punish that parent for the murder of their own child and that is exactly what happens. The governments of the world punish people for the murder of their child by electric destruction that the governments of the world have deceived on the whole planet prefer that they should kill their own children. This goes against all logic, but it is the genocide of the governments of the world on each ordinary people and that is what they keep secret from ordinary people. Even if they do not convict the parent of murder at their bar, then if the parent tries to contact the media, the parent only gets answers from the media that the media unfortunately cannot help the parent with this, because that device may have been broken, just as the media has answered me personally that they cannot help me with what has happened to me. Then the parent is censored by the state for every step, parents take on the internet, so that the murder of one’s children can be silenced, so that more people will murder their own children in the same way. Furthermore, other medicines are also harmful in one way or another and in the long run they always lead to physical and mental damage. For example, I had a reason to feel bad mentally and I have explained that in chapter 1, but in the beginning when I was under police investigation without being aware of this and before I went to the police station and admitted everything, my bad mental state classified only as a mental illness. Of course, all this is just state theatrical performance, a system where the state through psychiatry punishes people first with harmful drugs and if you get injured by the electric destruction, then you have been punished with death and all that without being convicted in court for any crime. In the beginning they gave me all kinds of anti-depressant medication where psychiatrists told me, now we test this after a month we test the other and so on I had to test most medications for various mental symptoms of Depression. I have tested most of the medications they have, and I felt many times worse off the medications than I felt bad due to problems that caused them all the symptoms of mental suffering. While I was being medicated with every single one of them, I experienced that I feel bad in a specific way that only that medicine evokes. After medication for up to a month, I have realized every time that it is not possible to live with the physical and mental suffering that that medication causes. I clearly experienced that the medicine destroys my brain, but I had confidence in the health care, so I thought that maybe that particular medicine does not suit me and even psychiatrists said that the medicine does not suit every single patient so therefore we test ourselves and find one who suits me. So, he said but now I realize that all it was just lies. After that, they gave me Zyprexa. Zyprexa and Seroquel are equivalent
medicines and Zyprexa is many times worse than Seroquel. Zyprexa produces obesity that is many times greater than that of Seroquel. Of the two harmful medications, Psychiatrist has given me the worst there is. The agenda of psychiatry is to harm the overweight patient as much as possible. I took Zyprexa for a long time, and I was transformed from an anorexic individual who never managed to gain weight to an overweight person in a short time. After a long time, I realized that Zyprexa would kill me through obesity which causes diabetes, vascular and heart diseases and when I got enough of that destruction of my body and when I got angry enough, then I told them that I do not want to take the medicine more. Give me medicine that does not give me such obesity, or I will not take any medicine at all anymore. In that moment, I have had enough of psychiatry, and I was ready to shit in medication and shit in psychiatric care completely. Then I had my body unharmed. I could do exactly what I want. In that moment, I got the image of psychiatry as an institution that slowly appeared to me as an institution that lies to people. But they keep that image of them as credible care in life for me. He then said that there is a new modern medicine that might suit me better. Then they gave me Seroquel, which is exactly identical to Zyprexa, but which gives less hunger feeling and then it automatically becomes less overweight. After such a long time with Zyprexa, he came up with the idea of giving me medicine that does not give as much overweight. They gave me Zyprexa just to destroy my body as much as possible. As long as I had confidence in them, they’d just ruined me. It was just me who stopped the destruction of my body. But even this was just state continued destruction of my body under the claim of care against Depression. Seroquel also causes fatal obesity that ends in blood vessel, heart attack, stroke, or diabetes. In addition, obesity is still becoming too great. Then the police started talking to me while I slept and then when I admitted everything to the police all the worry, anxiety, psychotic bad conditions and complete Depression disappeared in a few minutes when I admitted everything. So, I was cured of Depression which I have had for twenty years in a matter of minutes. I took that medicine for another short time and then I decided not to take them at all anymore. I instead started training and walking and thanks to this with hard training after a few years I became fairly thin again. I was healthy and full of strength in my body. I think I was among some individuals who trained hardest in the gym both strength training and running on a treadmill, where I always ran pretty fast for half an hour without interruption after strength training. I did not use dietary supplements as proteins because I want an athletic natural body and I got it. I’m not particularly handsome but then I was quite a handsome man. I was happy with how I look. and if I had not been injured then there is no limit to how fit I can be. I was an amateur elite athlete. I trained almost as hard as elite athletes. The only thing is that I was not looking to compete. I used to train for my own sake to be healthy and good-looking so that maybe some woman considers me good-looking enough that I will eventually find a love. I was so strong and enduring physically. I felt so good that I could crush everything around me. That’s the kind of feeling I had. I felt strong and healthy physically and thanks to training I felt really good. In addition, I felt reasonably well mentally for the first time in my life. I was full of life. I was happy, I had my body, and I was not aware that one can lose even all this including the body and mental health in 15 minutes. I lived like that, and I thought of the beautiful woman who wants to be with me, while the police talked to me every night, day after day, year after year. I worked with the will to work. I listened to the radio while I worked, and I believed everything I heard. Listening to Swedish radio gave me a wonderful world of joy, security, and safety. I had traumatic events in my life from the past and the police through injected voices in my head raised my self-confidence. They cured my fears of the war in a single night and that only with a single comment. Other people took out bank loans to buy bills, while I took out bank loans to invest in audio and video. I want as good sound as possible so that I experience film and music in as good an experience as possible. It took me a long time until I completed everything, but it was worth it. In addition, I was careful to pay the debt to the bank. I bought guitars. My goal was to play a music cover as good as real guitarists that I have admired. If I make a YouTube video where I professionally play a single music cover video, then it’s a big
victory for me. Training hard was not a problem for me. It was my life and I managed it with ease. That was who I am. But music was a little harder. It was not so easy for me to play guitar solo without making mistakes. I practiced playing guitar sometimes for 10 hours straight on weekends. I enjoyed my guitar playing so much that I finally get sleepy. I do not know why but I get tired mentally from all the playing. Nothing on this planet has given me as much satisfaction as when I have learned to play a piece flawlessly. Then I will be most happy. For me, it was a great victory in my life, and it made me happy. It was not a crime that I was interested in. My interest was not that I should hurt people. Music, training, buying nice clothes, making it nice in my apartment, that was what I committed my life to. That I should distrust government, was nowhere in my mind. Such information does not exist anywhere. All media propaganda suggestively leads us ordinary people to dedicate our lives to everyday interests, hobbies, and everyday chores. Government takes care of our security, and they take care of our human rights and I believed in them 100% Every night the police talked to me and quite a lot. They only commented on events during the day. They do not explain themselves, but they come and talk to me while I sleep with compulsion. Addition to this that they have tricked me into believing in the great woman. For 13 fucking years, they’ve been talking to me. They pretended to be my rescuers. They created an image for me where they have convinced me in the belief that the Swedish state is a friend of mine. They tricked me into believing that I was on the same side of the law with the Swedish state. They convinced me in the belief that contact between me and the police through the voices injected into my head is friendship. Their talk was no help as I thought. What they have done was just distraction for me to stay in voluntary isolation and I had no idea where isolation for so many years leads me in. You can say that if you hear voices, then you get hurt because you are seriously mentally ill, but that is not the case at all. That is the government’s media propaganda prejudice image of mental illness. I have never felt better than the time when I was freed from guilt. That I tested the electric death trojan was pure desperation. I have social phobia and I got it here in Sweden. Perhaps they too have evoked it by manipulating me unnoticed by psychotronic weapons and by manipulating my surroundings to create that event, where I am exposed to the psychological pressure that will trigger social phobia in me. In addition, I hoped for the dream love that they tricked me into believing, because it was too beautiful for me to say no to this. Therefore, I chose to live in celibacy and just to hope for. That the state kills people intentionally did not occur to me. A man cannot live without a woman. You end up mentally ill. It was a pure desperation that I tested that device. Once I tested it, then I realized that I have been cheated and subjected to horribly deadly fraud crimes. Right the next day I started writing a blog. After that, I have already described my life as dying. I just want to say that before the electrical injury, I was physically and mentally a fully healthy normal functioning human being. I was an elite athlete but now I am none of this anymore. Now I have no control over my dying body. I’m just dying and that’s what I’m writing about now. I want all ordinary people on this planet to realize what criminal evil is the power of that world and the rich elite. People, we all ordinary people are deceived into death. Even our children are murdered by those who we believe protect us and our children. It would have been much more humane if the Swedish state had shot me in the head with a pistol bullet. What the Swedish state has done to me is equivalent to the mass murder of civilians through extermination camps in war. The only thing is that this is well hidden by all the governments of the world through state systems. Both me and my child are exposed to the extinction of the advanced Swedish government, but it does not end with just the two of us. Believe it or not, the entire population of the world on this planet, who are ordinary people regardless of race and religion, goes through exactly the same fate. The thing is people are not aware of this. Manipulation of adults, young people, and children through psychotronic weapons is being committed by world governments unnoticed. With suggestive messages through injected unnoticed psychological manipulation and through government-laid death traps in society, the governments of the world manage to kill anyone out of the ordinary people. It is people themselves who take their own lives piece by piece for decades,
according to instructions of suggestive artificially implanted messages in the head through psychotronic weapons, which people have been forced to use by manipulating in sleep while people sleep. What the Swedish government has done to me, through the Swedish state system together with every single government, on this planet, is worse than everything I have gone through in war in Bosnia. This is what they all do together against all of us ordinary people, while we bite into the trap of our great religions and our national identity. All that’s just scams and lies. Our lives mean nothing to our government because they are part of the world power and rich elite. As I said earlier in this blog, I demanded from the police that I be convicted in court, because I’m not stupid. I know I’m only free when I’m convicted and when I have served my sentence. After this, no state on this planet can chase me for any crime I already have served. But they did not allow me to do this. Instead, they kept talking to me every night. They have strengthened my self-confidence, they have given me hope in life, and they have provoked me to anger, now and then. That is what psychological torture is all about. They strengthen one’s self-confidence. They stimulate people to give people hope in life and then they crush that hope. They lift your ego up and then they lower your ego down. They have exhausted me mentally, for me to believe in them and for my thoughts to be occupied only with what they talk to me about and these were insignificant events that I had during the day. Events that are completely insignificant but that occupy my thinking, so that I do not look for information on the internet if there are potential dangers to my life. Even if I had searched, there is no information due to censorship. According to what we learn through the mainstream media and all the information available on the internet, there are no potential dangers to our lives. This is how I was led cheated in damage by the 9-volt device that was sold to me under the claim of Sex purpose of use. In the beginning, when they have started talking to me openly at night, I have clearly realized that I am censored through the internet, social platforms and so on. I noticed that I never get an answer from strangers, neither positive nor negative. Imagine that they have tricked me into believing that a beautiful woman wants to be with me just so that I can keep hope alive, so that I can continue to live in celibacy isolated from contact with women. I have also been tired of this life from time to time and then I have tried to contact women through dating sites, but I have not received a response from a single woman. It was like women do not even exist when I try to contact them. My attempts to contact women were censored. I just did not understand why. The only place I could see a naked female body were pornographic sites. Governments manage to censor whistleblowers and testimonies of destroyed ordinary people through various government extermination systems, while pornography is never censored. The same world governments play on people’s guilt by classifying people who look at pornography sites as people with bad morals. Governments have made pornography legal but buying sex has made them illegal. People should be sexually aroused but people are not allowed to buy sex if they do not already have a partner. Pornography is a psychological weapon system tool that is part of the state arsenal in psychological warfare against civilians. I have read in the mainstream media that marriages in married couples break up due to pornography. Men and women, look at nicer bodies and then they get tired of their partner. That’s what they say. Looking at it destroys and changes people in a negative way. If you think that what I am talking about is slimy and shameful, then you should be aware that even your children who are young people can access this with a click on the internet. Now remember that the world governments have stopped in their advertising on death, which is the Trojan electrical appliances of 9 volts, which take the lives of people. Keep in mind that your children will die if they decide to buy and test that death. The power of the world and the rich elite do not warn you of this certain death. It is I who have no morals, according to the image that the Swedish state has rebuilt of me by exposing myself to crime and through the criminal Swedish state system. But in my case, they have made me isolated from everything and everyone. It is the devastating power of psychotronic weapons. V2K injected voices in the head are used by the police around the world to manipulate the civilian population and it is not possible to fight against this. They implant information in one’s head and that by force.
Regardless of whether you want to repress their words, it is not possible because their words have been implanted through microwave radiation and the words that you have heard are experienced as your own thoughts, even if you know clearly that they are foreign thoughts that you have never thought yourself. In addition, you also hear clearly that the voice is an individual just like the voice of a man or woman that you talk to face to face. I have been deceived thanks to mainstream media that I have seen and read through from the day I was born until now. And what I and we all get to know is that the governments of the world are fighting for us ordinary people and when we have been harmed by governments, then we realize the truth that our governments are killing us. But then it’s too late because we die then. The police have made me desperate. I do not want to buy sex because I know it is a crime and I do not want to commit a crime because then I go to jail because of the purchase of sex. Through dating sites, I could not get in touch with women because I was censored by the Swedish state, or no one wants me. In addition, thanks to the crime I have confessed, I have developed social phobia throughout my life and social phobia is the most devastating thing that chains a person in isolation. They have used the social phobia against me just as states use all other human emotions such as love, hate, fear, prejudice and so on against the people. When I was healthy in the body and down, I was able to have a love affair where I would not be ashamed of the woman when she sees me naked in front of her, then I have been censored by the Swedish state through the police, just so I do not get a physical contact with a woman who had made me normal again. They want me to die mentally, for me to be torn apart, for me to lose the human quality as a man. I looked at pornography and there I stumbled upon devices on 9 volts. That I should stumble on those devices also meant that I should stumble on. As damaged by a 9-volt electric current, I lose my whole body and I also lose my mind. Pornography incites people sexually through legal pornography, while governments encourage women to report Men for the slightest sign of rape.
Rape of women
A state media propaganda image is constantly conveyed about how women do not have the same rights as men and in Sweden through mainstream media just like in the rest of the world, the rapist is severely punished by showing them in mainstream media as perpetrators of the worst kind. States in this case play on people’s fear and people’s shame for shame is the strongest feeling that can drive people to suicide. Those who have actually raped a woman are those who are punished for this crime. But I also see those famous public personalities here in Sweden are hung up in the media as sexual predators because they have only pawed at a woman. It’s not even close to being called sex. But still because of this they lose their job as program leaders, they are shamed in the media as men’s sexual monsters, while such women swim in their despair as poor victims. Do not send ambiguous sexual verbal signals to men. After all, it is always men who go to women for there to be any relationship and not women who go to men. It’s almost like you have to film the whole sex act, so that in the future a woman would not have the idea to report it as rape. Now compare such a woman who feels sorry for herself, because she has had sex without her consent and see my case where I have been censored from being able to get in touch with women. It is a crime that the woman has had sexual contact without consent, while I who have been subjected to crime through a 9-volt device sold under the allegation of sexual use that has amputated my genitals and now over half my body, is not even a crime. This thing that has happened to me is worse than rape. That woman is unharmed. Her body and her mental health are intact and after that abuse she can have full functioning sex with a partner she likes, while I have had my body and my mental health destroyed to death. Thanks to those injuries, I can never in my life have sex with women. I have been deprived of sexual ability. I have been amputated literally by my genitals and I have been amputated by more than half my body. My whole body will die over time and then I will die to the end. My other healthy body will also follow the same fate as the part of the body that I have already lost. I’m going to die and it’s not a crime at all. I have been deprived of my physical health, I have been deprived of my mental health and I die day and night. In the end, I will die. Crimes punishable as murder, drug trafficking, rape of a woman, rape of a child, financial fraud, crime are punished only to protect the world power and the
rich elite. The world power and the rich elite only punish crimes that ordinary people commit on each other. If you commit such a crime against those in power and the rich elite, then you will be severely punished with many years in prison and then you will also be hung in the media as a monster of the worst kind. That is why the governments of the world present such crimes as something terrible. It is only stationed copies, on the punishment of ordinary people, so that ordinary people will not commit this crime on the power of the world and the rich elite. The power of the world and the rich elite through such media propaganda show us ordinary people that they care about us ordinary people and that they care about our and our children’s safety. But all that is a lie. They murder us and our children and they do not even classify it as a crime. But what if the woman who swims in her role as a victim, is tricked into one of those 9-volt electrical appliances. Then she will no longer be called a victim, but she will be called a lost and mentally ill individual who imagines his injuries. But she will never test such electrical appliances because she has a partner. People who have a normal life will never test such devices. Not even I wanted to test it while I heard no voices. But with voices for 13 years that have destroyed my mental senses, I was tricked into this because I was isolated and alone. The world power and the rich elite isolate their targets and then it is isolation that makes people crazy and more susceptible to deadly government scams. However, people who have a life with life trauma become isolated. Addition to this police torture through advanced Psychotronic weapons, where the police make such people who are already crushed by traumatic events in life, become even more traumatized by Psychotronic weapons, so that such traumatized people will lose all human qualities in themselves, so that government can lead them more easily to death. In addition to this, the power of the world and the rich elite have set in society deadly traps of death for all of us ordinary people and then you can understand that it is not so difficult after all to deceive ordinary people in death. When I think a little better, even such presenters who have been hung out in the media, probably know that people are murdered by electric destruction because they belong to the enlightened power and rich elite, but they do not want to say a word about this electric genocide. If I had been that presenter and if I knew that people are being murdered by governments by harming people with electric current, then after I have been publicly hung by the state system in the media as a sexual perpetrator, then I too would expose the state system for crimes committed by the state system on the civilian population and that crime is infinitely many times worse than the crime is in this case where the woman who has been sexually pawed. But they have closed themselves in a corner of shame and they are keeping quiet. Since they do, then I think they just as well deserve the punishment of being hanged as sex offenders. Keep quiet. Now as an injured person, I am ashamed that a woman would see me naked in front of her, because I am so much injured, and my injuries are even visible. Now I am also overweight, ugly, and unattractive, to any woman at all want me ever more. Even in this way, the Swedish state has destroyed and changed my appearance and my body and that by force by exposing me to deadly crime. Now I have for the most part lost sexual ability and I lose it even more with each passing day. for my body and whole nervous system die. Now, even the lost sexual ability is not the biggest problem. Problem is that I die, and I see that I will die sooner or later. In addition, I also lose my mind. Now I can no longer keep quiet because I’m dying now. In addition, electrical damage has a property that nothing else on this planet has and that is that as an injured person in electrical damage, you have an impulse that creates the will to write about the crime you have been subjected to and that by force. You are completely degraded by personality because you witness day and night how your own body constantly dies more and more and more over it is destroyed by obesity due to Seroquel which gives obesity without control by force. Obesity causes deadly diseases, and it also destroys self-esteem and self-confidence because you disgust yourself when you look at your overweight body and it evokes eternal anxiety. You are trapped in your fatally injured body which will sooner or later start to fail and stop functioning and then you die. In such a destroyed body, it is impossible to be normal, as the body tortures the brain with a destroyed nervous system and constant evidence that it is going through the death process. The brain is
damaged day and night by the signals that the dying body tortures the brain with, and the torture is trauma that changes personal identity. Personal identity and I as an individual are constantly evaporating and ceasing to exist due to a damaged brain. When you feel around the clock suffering in agony for the rest of your life without the suffering and ongoing death continuing without interruption for even a second, then it shatters and change’s personal identity, because you never feel good either physically or mentally. As unharmed by electric current, one can feel bad physically, one can feel bad mentally due to problems in life, be happy and happy and so on, while as injured in electrical damage one can never feel good physically and mentally. You can never feel joy, happiness, hope, or that you are just yourself as a normal human being. People who are not harmed by electric current have the ability to become a living human being while I am deprived of the human ability to be a living human being. I have been deprived of all the human in me and I have been deprived of life itself as a living normal fully functioning human being. Life in me has been replaced by death. My whole body is my death. To become constantly physically and mentally severely ill and at the same time to become dying for no reason other than injuries that provoke the disease condition against one’s own will, is torture to death where one sees one’s death come ever closer to one. You literally writhe in pain. I writhe in physical and mental suffering in pain and with such a feeling of my own ongoing death, I am driven to insanity. The madness drives these words out of me that I write in this blog by force. I feel that most of the organs in my body have partially begun to fail. I feel that every part of my body is seriously damaged. That injury has started a chain reaction where injuries provoke new mental and physical injuries. Electrical damage to my body has crucified my body and soul or consciousness on a fire brass and due to the suffering, I now spew all the worst out of me in this blog. I’m not talking because I’m crazy. I speak because of suffering in agony as dying but eventually I will go crazy. This is hell torture and it’s on this planet and not in hell when you’ve died. Therefore, there is electric destruction for people to just go crazy before people have had time to die, so that the state can either lock people in mental hospitals or if you keep quiet, then you will still die anyway. Due to a dying body, I will sooner or later fall on my knees and then I will have to seek care the moment when necrosis occurs. Then you will complain to doctors in general care that you are dying. Regardless of who in the care you complain about as dying in electrical injuries, you must not even complain that you are fatally injured by electrical appliances that are sold to people as something completely harmless. You must not say that you are dying. If you say that you have severe physical and mental suffering that only electrical damage causes, then the care always responds directly with the fact that you should go to a psychologist because there is a mental illness in the picture. If one complains, then complete care has a policy or system of government excuses and lies that is nothing more than government theatrical performance on how to deal with a man who has been deceived in the government’s electric death trojan destruction traps in state systems, in such a way that they do not admit that I, for example, have been the victim of crime. No matter what type of care institution you go to, they all treat you as if you are imagining the injuries. They behave as if dying nervous system due to electrical damage is not so dangerous damage. When government injures people through electric current, then they pretend that it is not even a bodily injury. They provide care to people for diseases that people themselves can recover from anyway, while they deny care to people who have been injured by electric annihilation by not even acknowledging that a human being is fatally injured. The intention of the world governments is to harm ordinary people to the extent that there will be no care that can restore damage. The governments of the world are looking to artificially inflict injuries, deadly diseases, and life-threatening conditions that the body can never heal. According to them, this type of bodily injury is not serious, while electrical damage to the body and the body’s nervous system is a life-threatening condition, as serious as cancer or murder. By harming me, the Swedish government through state institutions has forced me to now make myself known as a criminal for all mankind and that I will now talk about this crime and that is why electric destruction exists on the whole planet. It is progress in police investigation of
people for all existing states on this planet that people start talking about themselves in public before people have died and it is progress in police investigation for the Swedish state that I am talking about myself now completely open to all humanity before I die, because they are conducting a police investigation against me at the expense of my extinguished life. In this way, the state crime is committed by every government on this planet on its own people and all that under the pretense of care and under the lie and false pretense of the use of electrical products which is pure crime and criminality, where people are deceived in fatal bodily injuries that always end in death for the injured person. When you try to prove that you have been the victim of a fatal crime, then the governments of the world explain away the electric destruction with a laugh and a smile, that it is supposed to be an imagination and that it is not dangerous at all. I think that when ordinary people see politicians smile and laugh on TV, then people confuse it with their own politicians caring about the lives of the same people and their children. All behavior of politicians through suggestive subtle body expressions, is psychologically manipulative warfare against ordinary people. People have received millions of news through all sorts of media on this planet in their mental senses through their lives and every single news is tailored precisely so that people will never know that the world governments are deliberately killing people legally by talking about it as the world governments wants people to just know about and that is that the governments of the world care about their own people, while in real life the governments of the world murder adults, young people and children, without themselves ever being guilty of murder. They pretend that they are not even aware that the Holocaust exists, and they do not allow anyone to talk about it in public. Instead, through the media, the only thing they talk about is 100% lies about everything, where words life-threatening for people do not exist anywhere. The whole world’s media, film industry, all existing TV programs, all existing information broadcast by radio, all existing censored information on the internet, help world governments to describe deadly electric destruction, as something completely harmless so that generation after generation of people can be deceived in certain death again and again. They do not allow me to speak in the media about damage I received from that device at 9 volts. If they allow it, then the whole of humanity ordinary people will know about this and then people will be careful so that they too are not harmed to death. But that is why there is demonization of people under the claim of mental illness, so that people will not believe that they are telling the truth and the purpose of that demonization is that people who are normal and who are not harmed by electric destruction, should also be deceived in the same death later in life. People should continue to be harmed and that is why I am not allowed to speak in the media. They do not allow me to prove my injuries through care. If I want to prove my injuries, then they send me to pain and nerve clinic for further destruction of my body through invented treatment from the state fantasy study Neurography and Myography, which is nothing but treatment where they allegedly scan damaged nerves by releasing electric current at low current for an hour and a half and if I am not logical and if I believe in the state blindly, then I will be deceived into death for a second time. Dying process of me will be accelerated. It is the same with patients receiving ECT. The dying process of them is accelerated for every ECT they receive and the ultimate goal for all governments is that they patients should die and that they should disappear from society. In addition, pain and nerve clinics are only available in large hospitals. At first, I thought that pain and nerve clinics are in large hospitals so that they can be seen as some advanced care, so that people can be deceived in bodily injuries again and there I am right. But this is not the only reason why they are in large hospitals. In videos about targeted individuals, I have repeatedly said that both parents and children are tortured at the same time through different psychotronic weapons. There is ample evidence of what a child’s life means to world governments. Children’s lives mean nothing to government only the state causes mental pain to the parent by even seeing in front of his child being tortured with the same weapon. In one example, a woman in the United States has testified before the state theater show Commission, where people are allowed to say what they have been exposed to through psychotronic weapons. She says they burn her skin with
microwave weapons, where she gets burns on the skin. She went to the doctor where she told him that she has been burned with microwave psychotronic weapons and she told the truth. He told her that he would send her to a specialist who is in a larger hospital so that they could examine it more carefully. When she went to the specialist, then two nurses from psychiatric care forcibly dragged her into a mental hospital where she was locked up for several months. They told her that she herself had caused the damage to herself and thus she is a danger to herself. It is the state theater performance where psychiatry pretends to be care, where the state is always right while ordinary people are always wrong. It’s the same thing in my case. Doctors in general care told me that they at the nerve clinic will teach me how to accept my injuries and how to learn to live with them, but they do not say a word that what I have been exposed to is crime and that sales of such dangerous products should be stopped. If I had gone with my own will to the nerve clinic, then would caregivers from psychiatry, forcing me into a mental hospital by force. All I need from me is for me to go yours with my own will and then they interpret what I have to say on their own criminal government way, where they are always right, and I will always be wrong. Even if it had not been so, what would happen then when I have gone to the nerve clinic and what can happen there? I know who destroyed me. This destruction of civilian population is being committed by every government on this planet against its own civilian population in the same way. I would tell you about crimes I have been the victim of. I had told them the truth and the truth are that they injure people to death through Neurography and that I will only be even more injured if I go to this care that they want to give me. First of all, when they hear that I accuse the care, then they immediately raise their voice, and they start to become immediately threatening. Attack is the best defense. What they are saying is, no we are not harming people. Neurography is a harmless examination. So, they lie to people right in the eyes of the people. It will be their words against my word and their words mean everything while words I utter mean nothing. They put people to death, while at the same time they pretend that death is care for the civilian population. They would say that I imagine everything and that I am lost and in addition I get paranoid as I accuse them that they will hurt me through Neurography and then they would say that I am in great need of closed psychiatric care. They would not tell me that, instead they would call caregivers from psychiatric inpatient care, who are in the vicinity of a nerve clinic, and it is no coincidence that they are close to each other. All of them are one and the same system of locking up and destroying ordinary people to death. They would still call on caregivers from psychiatry, for electric destruction is the worst way to destroy people and it always ends either in madness or in death due to electrical damage. All roads lead the injured straight into mental hospitals and that is how the governments of the world lead their people in death and madness. All the mainstream media that I have contacted in Sweden have told me that they unfortunately cannot help me with this. The same answer I got from the media in Bosnia, which means that they are also involved in the mass murder of civilians around the world and in their own and my country of birth Bosnia. It is exactly, the same crime that is being committed against ordinary people in Bosnia, whether it is Bosniaks, Serbs or Croats. Media that I have written to in the rest of the world have not even answered me back. Then you understand that media are not media at all. The media controls people’s actions through state propaganda and lies about what people only get to know about. The world’s mainstream media together defend the government’s deadly abuses and annihilation of each civilian population and the media hides all crimes committed by the government on its people, by lying about the crimes in such a way that the media calls it care, research, technological progress and so on. , while when people accuse the state and state systems, then they dismiss the people’s accusation with conspiracy theory, delusion, fantasies, lies, imagination and so on. In addition, medications such as Zyprexa and Seroquel lead to fatal diseases that end in one’s death. These medications do not really reduce the amount of pain that damaged nervous systems torture the brain with. I have been thinking about buying cannabis oil without THC which causes drug intoxication or drug condition. I do not want to take drugs; I want pain relief. Cannabis oil is legal to buy here in Sweden, while it is
forbidden to sell cannabis oil by companies here in Sweden. So, if I want to buy cannabis oil, then I have to buy it from Swedish companies abroad. When I look at those companies, there is not a single picture of employees in that company. If I want to buy that cannabis oil, then I have to buy it by paying with my card over the internet and with my name I am a direct target individual for the governments of the world. They will send me cannabis oil with contents after my name. They can fill the cannabis oil with carcinogenic substance and down I have got cancer in a few months, then I cannot first prove that the cause of my cancer was cannabis oil. In addition, doctors will tell me that I bought it over the internet. The same thing has been said to me by the Swedish doctor who has wanted to send me to a nerve clinic where I will allegedly scan my damaged nerves with electric current that will only take my life. He told me that he never buys anything over the internet, because it is supposed to be not safe which is pure stupidity. People buy a lot of products over the internet. People commit financial fraud over the internet and when ordinary people have committed crimes through the internet, then they are severely punished by the government in court for the crime they have committed over the internet. Then it is a serious crime when ordinary people commit crimes and frauds over the internet, but it is not a crime when people are exposed to deadly crime on the internet by the state. What is it that makes electrical appliances that take the lives of people through sales over the internet and cannabis oil less criminally serious? The crime over the internet when ordinary people are murdered is no less serious. It is a crime that surpasses any crime that ordinary people can ever commit. It is genocide and a crime against humanity because adults, young people and children always die in the end because of its electric annihilation. What is less serious is how the world governments interpret the worst crime on the planet as something completely harmless. Had that company been here in Sweden and if I had bought it in their company personally, where I see their face when I buy it, then I know which door I should knock on when I have suddenly had cancer or blood poisoning due to cannabis oil. But this is how companies abroad have Swedish language on their website. The Swedish government also uses this death trap, which is aimed at people who have been injured by the fraudulent electrical appliances of 9 volts, which cause the body’s nervous system to die. Both companies that have sold me the electric death and companies that sell cannabis oil are in other countries abroad or in neighboring countries, so that you cannot reach them physically so easily when you are injured even through this internet crime state fraud. The governments of the world protect them through the police from people they have injured to death for the governments of the world. In this way, the Swedish government can hurt me again and again. I do not dare to buy cannabis oil over the internet because I know that it is an extension of the annihilation of the civilian population by electric current, considering on what has happened to me so far. The health service has legal medicine cannabis oil, and that medicine is available at pain and nerve clinics where they injure people to death through Neurography. This is how they attract people there, who have been fatally injured by the fraudulent Trojan electrical appliances of 9 volts. In order for me to get the cannabis oil medicine, I have to throw myself on my knees and I have to ask alleged specialist doctors at nerve clinic who are deceivers modern executioner who mas murder civilian population to the state through the electrical destruction at nerve clinic through neurography. If I criticize them, then I will be locked up permanently in closed psychiatric care. If I believe in them, then they will hurt me even more than I have hurt myself with a 9-volt device, because they hurt me for an hour and a half while I have hurt myself with 9 volts in 15 minutes. After the examination where they injure me for a second time to death, only then will they give the pain relief cannabis oil medicine. They hurt me to death more and then they give me pain relief for the new bodily injuries. No thanks. I would rather die without further destruction of my body, than that I should accept the crime that the Swedish state has exposed me to as care. In this video, they talk about how transcranial magnetic stimulation causes short-term migraines, seizures, suicides, while long-term brain damage has not been studied. They have deliberately not been studied by the government because it is just another way to injure and lead a person to death. They induce
brain tumors through transcranial magnetic stimulation. That is why it is found in psychiatry for people to be injured to death by artificially induced deadly diseases. It does not exist for the reason that it should provide care. It is there for it to give punishment and it is always the death penalty in the end that patients who feel mentally ill receive from the government. I tell you all ordinary people on this planet that long-term damage to the brain by transcranial magnetic stimulation is brain tumor (cancer), but it is the hidden agenda of all existing governments around the world that is to kill the patient in the end for what the patient has done in his life and what the patient does not want to talk about. Psychiatrists in this video say that they do not know what depression in the brain is and why you get depression. Of course, they know. There is always a reason why you feel bad mentally. It is always about government punishment. But problems are such psychiatrists who kill such patients who have depression, and the death penalty executes them according to government instructions that are hidden from people through government lies about psychiatry as a care institution. It is all the governments of the world that are behind electric destruction. It is always traumatic events in people’s lives that are the reason you start to feel bad mentally. Here is another punishment method that is infinitely many times worse, Vagus nerve stimulation device like psychiatry in this media propaganda does not know how it cures depression, but still they operate inside the body Vagus nerve stimulation device on people, where battery sends constant continuous electric current through electric thread that is connected to the Vagus nerve, and it should be claimed in this way cure depression. This is the scariest horror movie ever. The psychiatry of the whole world is one and the same extermination camp place for the execution of ordinary people adults, young people and children and that on an industrial scale. They call it all words of deception (research and care), so that it will look credible to the people of this planet so that people can be deceived into death without return. Side effects of Vagus nerve stimulation apparatus are: -Neck pain (due to damaged nervous system that causes pain and suffering in agony), -Double problems with breathing (due to suffering from electrical injuries cause difficulty breathing due to pain), -Difficulty to swallowing (because everything in the area of the head and around the nervous system is damaged and every part of the body loses its function due to injuries and because of this stops working, -Cardiovascular problems (as I said the whole body’s nervous system is damaged and thus, the Vagus nerve is also damaged. It leads to organ failure due to the death of the whole body and the whole body’s nervous system), and then they say that it can cost from 10,000 to 25,000 dollars per operation, and it is blamed in the video that it is about fraud where psychiatry has for the purpose of making money. The power of the world and the media propaganda of the rich elite, according to these fraudsters, are about money. Psychiatry injures people to death and people always die because of its electric annihilation. Not even a single person has been injured by its electric holocaust, has survived its damage. Everyone has died and everyone who is injured now will die. The same thing applies to me, I too will die. These two videos about psychiatry and about ECT are not American propaganda. This is US media propaganda that serves all the countries of the world to make psychiatry credible to ordinary people all over the world, so that ordinary people can die with their own will, unaware of what psychiatry is in real life. The electric genocide they all commit together against us ordinary people regardless of race and religion. So, here fraudsters present a picture of psychiatry as a healthcare institution that has come up with fraud electrical appliances which they present as care, but which in reality injures people to death, and they explain that it is about money that psychiatry around the world wants to earn by causing the death of ordinary people. It is supposed to be about that psychiatry wants to make money, but that it is not about the state which through psychiatric care punishes people to death, precisely through electrical destruction and through this operation that will only harm that individual to death. Here they have indirectly admitted that low electrical current damages nerves and in this case, it is the most important nerve in the body that controls autonomic reflexes such as breathing, heart, and other body organs. Here they say that this device can cause problems with breathing, difficulty swallowing, cardiovascular problems, but they do not say that it always causes
problems. If you get electric current in the body, then nerves are damaged for every second electric current flows through the body. The patient gets the device implanted and it always damages the Vagus nerve and also nerves that pass through the body. It is electric current, and it flows through the body in all directions. That they claim that it only damages the Vagus nerve is a lie. When the nerve has been damaged already in the first week and when the patient begins to have problems with neck pain, problems with breathing, difficulty swallowing, cardiovascular problems, then the patient logically realizes that he feels worse than he has felt before the operation. The patient has had it implanted only the time it takes for the Vagus nerve to be damaged, and it lasts from a few days to a week. Every single patient has to go back to them for them to pick that device out of their body and every single one patient has gone back to get it removed from their body. In addition, they admit that the patient gets neck pain and I have written the entire blog about that pain. When the patient has had all those problems, then he has also lost sensation in the neck and in this video and all existing similar videos all over the internet, no one mentions this that the injured person loses sensation in the body which means that nerves die, because it is a secret that electric destruction is based on and that secret hides the world’s power and rich elite for people, so that people will never know this and that mass murder of families and their children around the world, can continue to be committed on to new generations. No one wants to lose sensation in the body. If they were to mention this detail, then it is logical for the whole of humanity as ordinary people, that it is harmful and therefore logical no one would go on such blatantly dangerous world power and rich elite deceptions that always end in death. Evolution has created us in such a way that the most important organs and nerves are well protected inside the body. In normal life for the Vagus nerve to be damaged, then the skin must be torn for the Vagus nerve to be damaged in an accident. Nature has built us in such a way that we will die before the Vagus nerve is damaged. But the world governments through their execution psychiatry have deceived people into believing that electro stimulation of the vagus nerve cures depression. It’s just a matter of punishing people and lowering the world’s population of worthless insignificant people. A person who feels bad because of a crime that he or she is unable to admit, feels mentally ill. This is how they punish the person and that to death. Psychiatry plays with the patient a game, where they do not question the reason why the patient feels bad mentally and they admit that the patient feels bad due to depression that the patient has had for no reason. Therefore, they pretend to be care, that they are alleged to want to help the patient and everything that psychiatric care gives to the patient as medicines, ECT, such implanted neurological devices not only harm the patient, but the patient always dies in the end. Therefore, government throughout the state system attacks such people, where the killing of civilians by the government calls for care through psychiatric care. There in the two videos about psychiatry, it is clear that psychiatric care is a fraud care institution to be able to murder people by tricking people into bodily and nerve injuries that involve physical death and mental retardation due to bodily and nerve injuries. But you never get to know about it in the media. Government through the mainstream media, through the film industry, through all sorts of television programs, through radio, the internet and so on, builds an innocent image of psychiatry, so that people will never see a danger in psychiatry, while psychiatry is the tool that governments liquidate adults and to and with young children with the claim that they give people care for Depression. They injure people through electric current for 1000 different false claims of use and when they have injured a patient then the patient will die, but a little later in a few years. The fact that a patient has not died immediately is all that the states of the world need to conceal that murder under the claim of care. When people die later after several years, the media censors the murder and the media does not allow any of the other family members of it who has died, should be allowed to say a word about the crime in front of TV cameras? Psychiatry deceives the patient by claiming care that the patient should voluntarily undergo his own execution of the death penalty. Thanks to their white hospital uniform during the claim of care, neuropsychiatry damages the Vagus nerve on the patient with electric current through the
death trojan (Vagus nerve stimulator) and also, they admit that they do not know how it cures Depression. It goes against all logic because this is the border where power and the rich elite keep us ordinary people at. The limit where they have convinced us that our governments care about us ordinary people and that they care about our children. Thanks to the propaganda that mainstream media lies to us 24 hours, 7 days a week for the past 100 years, so we ordinary people believe in them. We believe that they give us care while in fact they murder us and our children precisely through this fraud care. We do not realize the truth before they have hurt us to death. When we are hurt, then we realize the whole truth and then we see all the lies that governments serve us through mainstream media, healthcare, police, politics, religions and so on. All this they use to deceive us only in false sense of security, so that we unknowingly go on such deadly state frauds, where we ordinary people and our children are murdered and no one but us. It is the death penalty method and nothing else. As it is about the Vagus nerve, which is extremely sensitive to electric current, the pain that comes after from 7 months up to a year and the pain for this patient is the real death. This is when the Vagus nerve changes as microscopic holes appear in the Vagus nerve and the damage spreads from the Vagus nerve to healthy nerves where even healthy nerves die, and it is the result of electrical destruction that always leads to the same identical bodily injuries that always ends in death. or madness. Then it goes very fast, where it worsens not only twice from month to month, but 8 times and more. When pain has come after a year, then you are physically ill with neurological damage and that is when you are also mentally disturbed in the worst mental suffering that uninjured ordinary people cannot even imagine. The mental suffering that the pain causes is anger, hatred, sadness, despair, depression, and outbursts of rage inside day and night. The individual goes through the same death process that I and everyone injured by electrical fraud go through. We are all going to die very soon. Everything I have written in my blog is exactly what happens to this patient and in his case it is even worse because this patient has got Vagus nerve damaged which is the most important nerve in the body that controls the internal body organs and autonomic reflexes such as lungs, heart, swallowing reflex and so on, Due to destroyed Vagus nerve patients get Difficulty swallowing, cardiovascular problems, body organ failure and it always ends in death in one way or another. That patient will either suffocate, it will have a heart attack, it will stop breathing and the patient will have organ failure. Not to mention that the patient will have to be medicated with Seroquel just so that the pain will be reduced a little while the patient is dying and that the patient will be able to sleep overnight by force. From this medication, the patient will get obesity, diabetes, vascular and heart diseases and keep in mind that the patient already has cardiovascular problems through this electrical injury with this Vagus nerve stimulation device. That operation is the death penalty executed on the patient in hospital under the claim of care. It is the murder of an ordinary person under the claim of care. If the patient wants to take it to court and it is guaranteed that the patient will, then the general care will want to send him to the nerve clinic for him to scan his damaged nervous system through Neurography which means that the care will harm him even more. If the patient goes on this deadly fraud in their belief in care, then they will hurt him a second time and there they will lie to him that they see no harm so that the care, can never be sentenced to damages for crime. If the patient does not go to Neurography, then the patient cannot prove a crime and take it to court and thanks to this, the world governments will never be guilty of mass murder of ordinary people all over the planet. All the governments of the world commit that crime together in the same way and that is why it works. After the patient has implanted that device due to mental illness, then it may happen that psychiatric care picks him already there at the nerve clinic right into the mental hospital, since he was already mentally ill, when he operated on that device in his body. All blame for bodily injuries will cover the entire care that he was already mentally ill. It is a road where the state injures people to death and when the state has succeeded in injuring people with electrical appliances no matter what the purpose of the use may be, it is always a matter of injured individuals dying due to injuries in the end or losing understanding due to the terrible mental
suffering. In this case, the patient will either kill one of the perpetrators of the crime, but then the government police who control through V2K injected voices have the individual’s degree of determination on possible revenge action, or he will commit suicide because it cannot live with this suffering in agony. Then they talk about the next supposedly desperate treatment of them all and that is: Deep brain electrical stimulation. Here, they spice up with propaganda bullshit about ongoing work since the 1950s under CIA and CIA psychiatrist Robert Heat, who has been experimenting with human behavior control. They admit that continuous electric current that is supplied to the brain undergoes physiological changes in the brain daily and that is why the electrodes have been placed in the brain, but they do not know what long-term effect it has in the long run. Here they are lying again and lies are intended to mislead people into not seeing the truth that psychiatry’s task is to injure people to death. They say that they know that the short-term effects on the brain shortly after electrodes have been implanted are: have decision function -cannot plan their future, -cannot make decisions for themselves, -criminal behavior has become customary after implantation of electrical wires in the brain (criminal behavior due to anger, insanity and hatred that only electrical damage causes without anyone reason and the patient’s insight into the truth that government through psychiatry has subjected the patient to fatal crime. This is when the patient commits a revenge action and when the patient has injured a Psychiatrist, Then the government will never say that a psychiatrist has been attacked by a patient. They will say that a man has been attacked for other ordinary people to associate that attack with ordinary people attacking other ordinary people. Thanks to this, people will see life threatening only in ordinary people but never in employed criminals in state institution like psychiatry. Government suggestively always directs people’s anger and fear at ordinary people so that ordinary people should always see danger in each other, but never in power and the rich elite who together commit massacres on their ordinary civilian people. In all this I am driven by force. That’s what electrical damage is for something. World governments create killers. They drive people to suicide through electric genocide fraud and to madness). They further say that even their own serious supporters acknowledge that deep brain stimulation is a serious and potentially risky procedure that is very experimental that has side effects such as:
1-Cerebral infection- (body begins to rot eventually)
2-Insomnia- (I cannot even sleep without Seroquel)
3-Delirium- (brain fog- One loses mind. Cognitive ability ceases to exist, and one becomes more and more extinct as an individual which means that one is dying physically and mentally and ceases to exist. The personal identity is destroyed and ceases to exist more and more with time.) Delirium is a drug-triggered or organic mental disorder whose central symptoms are disorientation, that is, impaired ability to correctly identify time, space, own person, and current situation. (What have I said about how I feel? I feel like someone has left me in the desert completely confused so I do not know where I am. That’s what electrical damage is and that’s what they keep secret. All this description of government criminals in the two videos is just information that will mislead people into the ignorance and ignorance of the truth that will lead people along with their children to death) However, the condition can include a wide range of symptoms, including consciousness -, cognition, perceptions and attention disorders, problems with motor skills, and disturbances in emotional life. Delirium is usually seen as synonymous with the term confusion. Delirium can be due to the brain being affected by a disease or drugs or the release of some substance, or during drug withdrawal. It can be a pre-stage of dementia or occur in connection with dementia, and can be the first sign of neurodegeneration, but can occur independently of memory disorders. (In this case psychiatry intentionally evokes all that through this operation. If you have all that, then you are not normal and that is the intention of psychiatry. This patient must cease to exist, the patient must be injured to such an extent that any life, patient will never to have
again. The patient should go crazy, and the patient should also die by force and patient always dies or gets locked up in mental hospital for the rest of his life before patient has had time to even die. The ultimate goal of world governments is to kill and pick the patient is out of society legally without the government being guilty of murder. All those symptoms are given to everyone who has been injured by electric current, By the same torture to death. You go crazy in the end because you cannot live with the injuries)
4-Cerebral hemorrhage – and due to this operation suicide in such patients has increased 400 times. They say that statistics on that procedure have the highest percentage of suicides among of all other procedures. (What they mean is that brain damage with low electrical current drives people to suicide and is dangerous, while ECT with 400 volts is not as much dangerous and ECT does not damage as much brain, and it is a pure lie. Both procedures are to 100 % death is guaranteed. The difference is only in the time it takes for a person to die, here they reconnect with that Deep brain stimulation is supposed to mean big money profit for psychiatric surgeons where they earn around 30,000 dollars per operation. again, about psychiatry that wants to make money by injuring people to death while it is allegedly not about government executing people through this method in psychiatry under the claim of care for mental illness depression. According to these fraudsters in the video, it is not about the government paying psychiatry large sums of money just for psychiatry to liquidate individuals who the police torture with psychotronic weapons and investigate for crimes).
Elon Musk Neuralink
Here comes the picture Elon Musk Neuralink because this is his place he deserves. It does not matter if neuropsychiatry operates into the body apparatus with battery and small electrodes in the brain with their hands or if a robot, sits Neuralink with battery and microscopic electrodes in the brain by Elon Musk Neuralink. Neurons in the brain and body’s nervous system use natural electrical current voltage that is 8 times less than what the smallest hand clock emits for the hand clock to work. The slightest electrical voltage across this, damages neurons in the brain and it damages the body’s nervous system. Even if electrical voltage does not exceed the body’s natural electrical voltage that nerves emit to cause the brain to send electrical signals, the brain will still break down or collapse because it is an alien signal coming from a source that does not belong to the brain. That signal will only disrupt brain function through unnatural impulses that the brain has not thought of, and it can never work. Elon Musk shows in TV commercials of his Neuralink that his Neuralink works on monkeys that have had Neuralink implanted in the monkeys’ brains. Then he shows how the monkeys manage to play games thanks to his research and words research is used by the world power and rich elite as Trojan words for civilians around the world to be murdered legally. It’s a lie, a science fiction fantasy stupidity. People associate monkeys as if monkeys are stupid animals. I just cannot understand that people can not realize how much monkeys are really intelligent animals. I’ve seen monkeys perform far more complicated cognitively demanding tasks than monkeys being able to play a fucking computer game. According to him, Neuralink is implanted in the brain of the monkey and Neuralinbk works because the monkey is able to play computer games. He can implant Neuralink in the brain so that people see that the monkey has area where you see the operation place is. But he does not let electric current flow in the monkey’s brain so that it does not interfere with the monkey’s cognitive ability so that the monkey can play computer games. That he shows the criminal media propaganda where the monkey plays computer games, it means that Neuralink works. Elon MUsk name as popular hyped authority name that is suggestively linked to research and all his money that people suggest with success in life, is all that is needed for people to get a credible image of Elon Musk Neuralink as something that works and that will in fact lead the same people into death including with their children. Even those monkeys will die due to electrical damage. The only monkey and the only mass murderer of ordinary people across the planet is Elon Musk himself, with his scam Neuralink. I loved that man before I was injured, because I like research, but now I realize what a fraudster and what a mass murderer through his
deadly fraud media propaganda he is. He is such a big cheater that he leads the entire world population of civilian population to death through lies about Neuralink. Please tell me in what way will (1) ones and (0) zeros, which a computer uses for a computer to be able to function, be able to give those monkeys intelligence by sending electrical current in the monkeys’ brains, so that they can cope such a simple task that monkey should play computer games. The weak electrical current passage from the Neuralink does not make the monkeys smarter, it makes them mentally handicapped with anger and madness and the same goes for humans. The electric current that Neuralink emits into the brain of the monkey will only cause electrical damage to the brain of the monkey just as all other fraud electrical destruction causes through the other fraud electrical systems to harm people. The monkey has his brain for the monkey to control his body. If it had worked, which is a lie, then it would have been a computer playing computer games by controlling the monkey’s body and not the monkey itself. Then it would not have been the monkey himself who performed the body movement for it to play that game. The monkey’s brain does not recognize signals that are (1) ones and (0) zeros. It is computer language, and it is not the language of living organisms. Therefore, there must be another brain that has taken over the alien body and the monkey in this case, has no benefit from the Elon Musk Neuralink. It just does not work because it is impossible. Elon Musk Neuralink is just a tool for the world power and rich elite to suggestively associate for the world civilian population ordinary people Neuralink with the rest of the electrical destruction, so that people associate the other electrical fraud electrical destruction with Neuralink which means people should look at electric destruction as on research because Neuralink is research. This is just a misleading propaganda of the power of the world and the rich elite to lead ordinary people adults, young people, and children into death through the electric Holocaust. It is enough that Elon Musk has said on TV that it works, and it is enough that people put their lives on the line. People believe in research. Believe in government and believe in Elon Musk and then you and your children will die. Why does Elon MUsk not take his Neuralink and implant it on his own children? If a research object of his child goes crazy, then what does it matter? He has several children. Test it on all of them if it is not dangerous now. Why should he test it on ordinary people who are paralyzed and so on? Right now, I know. It is being tested on them so that it can be seen in the world’s population as advanced research technology that will give those people their bodies back, while in reality it will lead to the already destroyed people in death that I am going through now. It will be tested on them, so that they will die so that they do not cost society as much in care costs as they already cost. It’s just another advertisement for the electric destruction of the world’s civilian population, which will lead ordinary people around the world to certain death. The only research that can in fact be any hope for the paralyzed to be able to regain control of their body is Stem Cell Research that can repair every square centimeter of the body, both cells, nerves, blood vessels, brain and so on. We humans are living organisms and if something is to be repaired, then it must go at the cellular level. Stem cell research is not there yet, but if the power of the world and the rich elite had wanted to help people in reality, then today it would have been far more developed than it is now. By the way, why would they want to give paralyzed people back control of the body, when they injure perfectly healthy people to death by electric destruction. The power of the world and the rich elite make healthy people paralyzed by electric destruction and the ultimate goal is always for people to die and for people to disappear from society. I will never mention him again. He can bring the power of the world and the bullshit and lies of the rich elite under the guise of research, but I hope I have explained to you all ordinary people on this planet the truth that you should know about. If you choose to believe in him and not in me because I am just an ordinary person, then you have to blame yourself down you or your children die.
– ECT, Vagus nerve stimulation, Deep brain electrical stimulation, Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System, Neurography, Tasers in police intervention and all 9-volt devices sold worldwide to ordinary people, are death penalty procedures that damage the
brain and body’s nervous system and then you are already dead in advance, as one has lost the ability to think clearly and in addition one dies due to injuries. If you have not committed suicide and if you choose to continue living, then you go against suffering in agony, madness, and lost mind because it is torture taken from the world religion holy books, where it is talked and lied about that you should burn in hell when you have died. Why should one burn in hell when one is already burning in the living hell of life through electrical damage in the living world through the annihilation system of world governments electric annihilation. You burn in hell alive with electrical damage and this is what they never mention to ordinary people. It has never been about the torture in hell when you have died. It has always been about the torture where it does not matter with which electric death trojan you have been injured by, so every single one of them means obeying the agony of death in living hell in the same way. As for the two mentioned videos about psychiatry and ECT, the difference is only in words of deception and legitimate reason that the government uses to murder adults, young people and children. ECT and Deep Brain Electrostimulation use government during claim of care for depression while Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation during justified reason of care of children who have ADHD diagnosis. Protect the child? Publicly, every government on this planet protects the child from all kinds of abuse, while every government around the world deceives parents around the world through Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation that parents should kill their own child with their own hands, through exactly the Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation death trojan. The Nazis in this video say that the mentally disturbed patients, whom they just demonized and then planned to kill, exist without life. It is a mistake to think that such patients feel happy or that they are holding on to life and feel that they are alive. They have no consciousness of life. (What is it that I’m talking about? It’s exactly this, that I do not experience life. It’s exactly what you get for life as damaged by 9-volt stimulation devices. You exist while you are dying due to electrical damage, but you cannot experience that you are alive because you are already mentally dead and even death will occur shortly after a few years you have been injured. The purpose of this video and all other similar video is to make people believe that everything is revealed here. Now we know what harms the human body. ECT damages the brain and people die due to psychiatry. Ok, now we see danger in psychiatry. The only thing we ordinary people need to do is to stay away from psychiatry and in this situation, we believe we are safe. But no one sees danger in 9-volt electrical appliances, which all governments on this planet use to drive people crazy and thus lead ordinary people into mental hospitals by force. Through advertising, they murder us, and they murder our children. In this video, a psychiatrist talks that psychiatry should exist in the US government and psychiatry should monitor every aspect of society. It is a false deliberately misguided government media propaganda aimed at misleading ordinary people into believing that psychiatry is supposed to be an independent institution from the state, which has infiltrated government where psychiatry in collaboration with the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) implements dangerous medicines for depression and various neurological devices and various dangerous treatments such as ECT, which are only allowed to be talked about in the media and that it should only be said that psychiatry makes money by destroying patients who are mentally ill. But all this is only the power of the world and the lies of the rich elite that hide from people the truth that it is all political parties in all countries on this planet that together murder ordinary people by default through Psychiatry. That is why they have created Psychiatry, so that the governments of the world can murder the civilian population completely legally under the claim of care for depression, so that they themselves are not guilty of murder. Then after all the legal but covert murder of people they want to kill, comes their political program in picture and that is what people get to know about what they as politicians stand for. People think that through politicians they have voted for, they have received something, but they have received nothing. They have been crumbled by their politicians while the same politicians murder them and their children through endless lies about what government and state systems are for something, so that people never know that people are being murdered
quite legally on an industrial scale such as livestock and useless animals. After all the murders that they all commit on us ordinary people under the guise of mental illness, they give us their political crumbs that they advertise through the mainstream media about their political program. That they murder us, they censor in all available possible ways. That’s what we do not see. The words that that psychiatrist has stated that psychiatry should be in government and should monitor every aspect of society are not his words. These are words written by politicians that the psychiatrist had to say in front of TV cameras to politicians, so that people’s attention to the guilt of psychiatry that has injured people to death, should be directed precisely at Psychiatry as the only one who is guilty and who the same government protects monsters in psychiatry with the police from people they have injured to death for the entire government in the name of care for depression. The annihilation of the world’s ordinary civilian population means that people are deceived into believing that someone else is leading people to their deaths, but not the government. Through all the existing world media propaganda, the world governments serve false words claiming to deceive people into believing that someone else is running the government and killing people quite legally, while it is alleged only certain politicians in government, known as corrupt politicians. All this is a lie that leads the world population in genocide regardless of race and religion affiliation. It is the governments of the world that murder people legally by default, under the assertion of care, research, technological advances and so on. Such lies and false claims are that it is supposed to be, Illuminati, Freemason, New World Order, Satanists and so on for people to believe that government has been infiltrated by such secret groups that have great power because they have a lot of money that they use to corrupt the world’s politicians to legally murder the world’s civilian population, while it should be claimed that not all of the world’s existing governments are killing people. What people are tricked into believing is that the governments of the world care about them and that when people have been murdered through state systems, then it is someone else who has murdered them and not the government. But it is not the Illuminati, Freemason, New World Order, Satanists and so on who murder people on an industrial scale through state systems. It is precisely the politicians of the world who have and have always had all the power in their hands and who murder their people completely legally through state systems and through society and that through various deadly frauds and by tricking people into death. We ordinary people are cattle animals for the power of the world and the rich elite, who are murdered with the help of our religions and religious priests who deceive us into believing that we as people with the same religious affiliation means something to our politicians with the same religious affiliation. But that’s just a lie and it’s not about us as an ethnic group. Instead, it is about our government, which together with all the governments of the existing world is part of the power of the world and the rich elite that together murder ordinary people regardless of race and religious affiliation, when we become the target for them. Even completely innocent people adults, young people and children are murdered just because they are insignificant to power and the rich elite and only because they occupy a place on this overpopulated planet and then they will be murdered through state systems so that the world population can be lowered. If such people are deceived by any of the Holocaust system of death traps, then it means that they are not intelligent enough because they went on the deadly deception and as such, they are less valuable and then it is just as well that they die. Only the smart ones stay alive and that is the kind of people the world power and rich elite want to keep alive because then society will be smarter and more productive, while at the same time it will be cleansed by stupid and less intelligent people. These smarter people who survive are intelligent enough that they should never dare to oppose power and the rich elite, because they have already realized everything, I write in this blog about, while the stupid including myself may die. Stupid people are also prepared to shut up the world power and rich elite and in this way stupid people can lead them to death in the same way that they lead us ordinary people to death, because they do not realize this secret that I tell about and in that way they are not aware of what life danger the world power and rich elite pose to all of us ordinary people and I too am a stupid person
because I have gone into that annihilation of the world civilian population. We are all stupid for the power of the world and the rich elite. Only those who keep quiet and who follow their politicians blindly and who do not question anything are smart people for the power of the world and the rich elite. There is nothing to be afraid of because they will kill us anyway no matter what we do. Politicians, regardless of which party they belong to, have together written what that psychiatrist should say. It is the government that needs psychiatry so that they can access and that they can murder people who do not commit any crime. It is easy for all existing governments to sentence people to prison when people have committed crimes or to the death penalty in countries where the death penalty is used as a method of punishment if people have committed murder. But how can governments sentence people to death and imprisonment, while people have not committed any crime equivalent to this death penalty. It is their tool, psychiatry, that gives them the legal opportunity to kill ordinary people without the world’s power and the rich elite being guilty of killing civilians. Murder calls them care for mental illness depression and so the genocide of ordinary people around the world regardless of race and religion has been going on for the last 100 years. If you have been injured by an electric fraud system, then you are doomed to death and then you will die. If so, I’m telling the truth and not them. They lie to all of humanity who are ordinary people. Then at the end of the video, they talk about CCHR which helps people who have been locked up in psychiatry for many years. It is another misleading propaganda that aims to blame all the blame only on psychiatry, which is also a guilty death industry, but they are just tools for government that the government uses so that ordinary people can be murdered legally. In the video, they differentiate between Psychiatry but not between government and entire state systems, which is the real guilty l executioner.
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy The FACTS
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy (The FACTS
In this video about ECT, they show people that even if a patient does not want an ECT shock, psychiatrists can go to court to get a court decision to impose ECT on the patient. When the government wants to kill an ordinary person, then the government uses the fraudulent circus state institution Court, for the patient to be forced to get ECT by force, without the patient having given his consent to the destruction of his brain. It is the same alleged Justice Court that convict’s people of crimes that people have committed. They convict people of crimes in cases where people have physically harmed other people, while the court gives a legal right to psychiatrists for Psychiatry to harm the locked-in patient infinitely many times more, than people have done out on the streets through violent crime abuse. Court gives Psychiatry the right to execute the death penalty on the patient under the claim of Depression. The whole Court is a government’s theatrical performance for ordinary people, so that people are deceived into believing that the government punishes crime and that people live their lives in safety and security with their children. But they do not show people that laws and regulations do not apply to government and state systems. The governments of the world commit crimes daily on civilians and when the state commits crimes, then it is never a crime. Crimes committed by ordinary people are crimes, while the worst crime on this planet, by cutting and mutilating the body of people by the electric holocaust is not a crime. Also shooting with a weapon and stabbing wounds with a knife creates minor damage to the human body, under the condition that you have not died as a result of such injuries. Such injuries the body can heal while electrical damage the body can never heal. The body does not even heal electrical damage. It only gets worse with time and if not, a word is said about in this video. On the other hand, they say that suicide increases 27% immediately after a year, when the patient has received ECT, and it confirms that I am right. What they say that suicide increases 27% after a year, is the moment when neurons in the brain and nervous system in the body begin
to die. That is what the governments of the world are looking for. Torture, suffering, and death are what the governments of the world are trying to inflict on ordinary people. If people never commit crimes and if people are innocent, but the government still wants to kill them, then it is through the torture of suffering in agony and the ongoing death process, that drives people to make mistakes in life and it is through that torture people make themselves guilty and that by force. All the natural human qualities that every normal human being has by default, have been eradicated in injured people. You die in many different ways at the same time while you are still alive. It is the suffering that arises after a year that drives people to commit suicide and every government on this planet knows about it. It is the government that uses psychiatry for people to be led to their deaths through ECT brain damage and through the rest of the electric destruction. Due to electrical injuries such as dying, people losing their minds and due to personality changes and life during physical and mental torture suffering, people make mistakes due to lost control over their behavior that electrical damage causes. Electric annihilation has been implemented by the governments of the world in every society on this planet, just for the reason that people are going to take the wrong steps in their lives, so that people’s lives are becoming increasingly difficult to live. The more difficult life becomes with the loss of physical and mental health and with crushing problems in life that electrical damage was caused by force by depriving people of physical and mental health, you become more and more physically and mentally damaged. It is a deadly permanent spiral that destroys physical and mental health more and more. With electrical damage, it has a beginning, and the beginning is the day when you have been injured, while it only ends when you have died. The spiral of physical and mental destruction of a human being, only results in more missteps in life which in turn creates more problems in life. Electrical damage is torture to death, which provokes beyond all control kamikaze outbursts of anger by force, which in turn provokes anger and hatred and a desire for revenge. Even if you do not want revenge, you are still tortured again and again with wave after wave of deadly suffering in grief, depression, stress, pain, anger, hatred, desperation, despair because you want to live, while the whole dying body shows one, that one is approaching his death. For me, every day is a battle of life and death. Suggestively, I fight to feel good, but the only thing I can do is testify to how my body dies. I testify and experience the torture that my dying body evokes and tortures me with. People kill people for almost no reason. Here it is the Swedish government that has committed crimes against me through state systems and throughout society. – death’s sex shop
The fact that I have reported the Danish Sinful to the police and that the Swedish state is stopping me from taking it to court is another psychological torture of me. That I have realized that the Swedish state, together with every single country or state on this planet, commits mass murder of its own people, claiming that it is not even a crime, is frightening insight and further psychological torture of me. That the power of the world and the rich elite together mass murder us all ordinary people adults, young people, and children completely legally while they prevent us from proving that we have been exposed to crime when we are injured and when we are dying, is psychological torture of the worst kind. That the power of the world and the rich elite punish us ordinary people for crimes we have committed, while they themselves commit infinitely many times more terrible and worse crimes, on us ordinary people through censorship and government lies claiming that it is something harmless for us ordinary people to be deceived in their deadly destruction system, is the culmination of government evil, which can only be classified as Genocide (Crime against Humanity, on each its civilian population). The world power and rich elite are government state criminal mass murderers, criminals, and powerful state criminal Genocide mafia. The power of the world and the rich elite have ownership of our and our children’s bodies. They have ownership of the health, body and life of us and our children. They have ownership of us ordinary people and our lives in exactly the same way they have ownership of livestock animals that are slaughtered in slaughterhouses. This is what we ordinary people do not see before it is too late when we have been mortally injured. The power of the world and the rich elite slaughter us ordinary people and they slaughter our children as if we were cattle animals. Through the
media, they deceive us that this is not the case. They have tricked us ordinary people into believing that they care about us and our children, while they slaughter us one by one and they call it healthcare, research, technological progress and so on. Through human history, through the media, they have placed a lot of distraction methods that should occupy the attention of ordinary people, so that we do not realize that they are in fact killing us all and our children. Electrical damage ends in either committing suicide due to suffering or killing one of them and then it is they who classify one as a mentally ill killer, so that other ordinary people will see one as a mentally ill individual who has lost contact with his common sense and real life. I would dare to bet on falling there when criminals are hanged in the media for crimes they have committed, every single government on this planet is lying that criminals have committed even more crimes than they have actually done. The government lies and adds crimes that they have not committed just so that the government can punish them for many more years in prison. Based on lies, people who have committed crimes are punished. As you can see for yourself through my blog, I show you ordinary people that government masses murder all of us ordinary people legally through pure lies, that their murder of us ordinary people is not even a crime. I have been writing this blog for more than 5 years now. Anyone who has read this blog at this point realizes that Electric annihilation is the most deadly and it is the worst weapons of mass destruction systems across the planet in time of peace. Mortality that electric annihilation causes on people is 100%. Not a single person on this planet has survived electrical damage. With that insight, ordinary people and all existing world criminals should replace pistol and knife with Stun Gun. As I said, every government on this planet points out crimes such as violent crime, assault, rape of women, rape of children, shootings in the street, knife attacks in the street as the worst crime that can be talked about in the media, while crimes committed by world governments together with the rich elite, is not even a crime. Crimes such as violent crime, assault, rape of women, rape of children, shootings in the street, knife attacks in the street, punish governments severely and not because people commit crimes against each other, but they punish such crimes severely because they themselves should be protected. If an ordinary person commits any of the crimes against themselves that are power and the rich elite, then people will be severely punished with almost life imprisonment. They kill our children and remember it and never forget it in your life. The governments of the world strike where it hurts the most for us ordinary people adults. They hit our children. They harm our children to death through multi-way or hybrid extermination methods that are integrated into government systems. It is also difficult for ordinary people to realize that their children are slowly being murdered by the government through advanced methods, advanced invisible psychotronic weapons, through government institutions such as the police, school, social and health care where they liquidate our children systematically hidden and unnoticed, slowly but surely through decade, so that it will not be discovered by us adults and that guilt for our children’s downfall will be blamed precisely on our children and on culture in society which is supposed to be the reason why our children have made the wrong decisions in their lives that have caused their ended life. What then happens to an ordinary person who has realized the truth that it is the state that has caused a death in the family, especially if it is a child? What if that individual takes a Stun Gun and does the same thing to someone of power and the wealthy elite and gives a permanently fatal electric shock to their family members? According to world power and rich elite, electric destruction is not even a crime. Every government on this planet knows that it is murder and that it is the execution of the death penalty. The media will always lie. The media will never say that criminals have given an electric shock to family members of power and the rich elite. Publicly in the media, governments claim that Stun Gun or Taser only causes severe pain in the body, for the electric destruction to be classified as something harmless. That it means death for the one who gets shocked, is classified information that is censored for the ordinary people of the world, so that the governments of the world can commit the mass murder of civilians further legally without being guilty of murder. If an ordinary person gives an electric shock to any family member of the powerful
and rich elite, then the police and media will lie that it is criminals who have tortured them with iron pipes, that they have caused physical damage through assault and so on. But they will never mention that it was just an electric shock and nothing more. Then power and the rich elite punish the same people for twenty years for crimes they have not even committed. And I wonder, even if an ordinary man had given an electric shock with Stun Gun, to what imprisonment they would sentence that man to, considering that Stun Gun is sold completely legally as a non-lethal weapon? while world governments know that such an attack is executed murder. The world power and the rich elite will never mention through the media that an ordinary person has given an electric shock first because if they mention that an ordinary person has used Stun Gun, then it will be an idea for the entire civilian population so that even they may come up with the same idea to use Stun Gun instead of gun and knife, which always leaves visible evidence of bodily harm. The media only mentions crimes where a pistol and a knife are used so that people are suggestively stimulated to use a pistol and a knife. Those injuries are easy to prove while the injuries caused by Stun Gun are 100% fatal and they are impossible to prove, because there is no visible damage to the body. If ordinary people have harmed one of them all from the power of the world and the rich elite, then they will say instead that a man has attacked another man and then ordinary people’s attention is always focused on ordinary people, for ordinary people to murder each other but that they should never strike on power and the rich elite. Already through the media, the world power and the rich elite have taken control of the behavior and actions of ordinary people so that the world power and rich elite can live in safety and security with their families in the future, while at the same time killing ordinary people and children legally without people ever realize what is really going on in the world of our rulers, who are power and rich elite. That ordinary people are murdered by the world governments by electric annihilation is perfectly legal and it is perfectly OK, while if ordinary people use electric annihilation to kill in the same way someone from that world power and rich elite, then not even Stun Gun is mentioned anywhere. Instead, I think they are lying that they have used a lot of violent crimes and so on so that people will not start using the most deadly weapon on this planet and that is the electric destruction. If you have injured a person with an electric shock, that person will die. There is no turning back from death for this man. This is what’s going on in real life. Laws are to protect only the power of the world and the rich elite, while power and the rich elite kill us all ordinary people and our children and the mass murder of us hides them through censorship and government lies. The governments of the world hide from people that electric destruction is in fact a deadly weapon of mass destruction of the civilian population worldwide. Electric annihilation is a one-way ticket to death. If you do not take revenge, then you have only one choice left that you can make and that is to commit suicide in order for suffering to end. If, on the other hand, one chooses to continue living, then one goes to a hell of a life of physical and mental torture to death. Even if you want to live, you will still die in the end because the body stops functioning and the organs in the body fail and then you die due to organ failure or necrosis in the body which eventually occurs due to electrical damage. You can die from electrical damage in the twenties and more of different ways. No matter which way it is, you die claiming to have had a heart attack, stroke, diabetes and so on. With electrical damage people are deprived of life itself and without being able to feel that you are alive you cannot become normal. That is why the governments of the world have introduced electric destruction into society so that people can be transformed from normal people into crazy people, so that the governments of the world can lock or kill their own people completely legally, without themselves being guilty of murder. They manage all this by classifying genocide on their own people under the assertion of care, research, technological advances, sales of allegedly harmless products that are in fact deadly and so on. Electrical damage pulls violent behavior out of people, even though people have never been violent before electrical damage. All electrical damage produces anger for no reason and that is what transforms a peacefully calm person into a violent and angry individual with outbursts of anger that can more rightly be called insanity. Through electric destruction, the governments
of the world turn people into criminals, murderers, and suicidal individuals because of suffering. It always ends in death. The governments of the world are said to be fighting against violent people, but here you see that the governments of the world provoke violent behavior in people by force by exposing people to crime through the electric Holocaust. When people injured by electric current commit a violent crime, then they are locked up in a mental hospital because electrical damage is directly linked to psychiatric care. It is through electrical damage that the world governments lock people in mental hospitals. The world’s governments lock injured people in mental hospitals when people have committed a violent crime, while crimes that ordinary people injured by electric current have been exposed to are not even crimes. Psychiatry deprives people of physical and mental health. People are deprived of personal identity, memories from their own lives, so that all the human in people is destroyed and ceases to exist for people to commit suicide because of this. If, after all, you are not able to commit suicide, then you always die in the end due to bodily injuries. Psychiatry is said to cure insanity, violent behavior, outbursts of anger, depression, and all that with ECT shock, while they do not say that they provoke the violent behavior of people through ECT electrical brain damage and the rest of the existing electrical destruction. Psychiatry deprives people of their personal identity by damaging the brain with both ECT and the other electric annihilation. It does not matter what electrical device you have been injured by, for injury and suffering in agony and that torture to death, it is the same for the whole electric annihilation. All that together is electric annihilation which has murdered more people across the planet in the last 80 years than it has killed people in both the First and Second World Wars combined. This is classified information by all the governments of the world so that together they can murder us ordinary people and our children. That information cannot be found anywhere in books, TV, radio, or the internet. Injuring people through electric current is the most barbaric and the most evil crime that can be committed on a human being. It is not criminals who are evil. It is a government that is infinitely many times more evil than criminals have ever been. Crimes committed by the government on ordinary people are as big as one football field, while in order to be able to see the crimes of ordinary people criminals, then you have to use a microscope to be able to see their crimes on the football field, of the world power and the rich elite Genocide over the world’s civilian population. Ordinary people commit the murder of one or a few people, while every government on this planet has murdered many millions of its own people by the electric annihilation and other ways of annihilation, presented to the civilian population of the world, to help people. Electrical brain damage spreads to healthy parts of the brain where even healthy neurons change and die. It is dying neurons and dying nervous systems that evoke physical and mental suffering in agony, where personal identity is destroyed in such a way that it ceases to exist more and more down time. But these are just words I use to describe the physical and mental suffering I am being tortured with. You have to experience that in order to believe that it is even possible and that you can understand how painful and terrible the dying process in electrical damage is. It can only be compared to people who have been massacred by genocide in wars all over the planet throughout human history. If you are wondering how much it hurts in the body and in the mental senses because of the torture that electrical damage causes for no reason, then it is as painful as the physical and mental pain that people have been exposed to through Genocide in Srebrenica, Jasenovac, Auschwitz and so on, but who have survived this. In their case, they can continue to live, while the crime of harming people with electric current one cannot survive. You continue to die until you have really died. This being harmed by the electric destruction of the government is infinitely many times worse than the physical torture of people at war. The people of 27% in the video who have committed suicide immediately after a year, when the torture has occurred, are people who have experienced this torture that I am tortured with. As soon as the people have received that torture directly, they have decided to commit suicide because it is not possible to live with the sufferer in agony. It was too much suffering for them. As I said, it is not possible to live with the body that dies physically and mentally in electrical damage. Even
those who have not committed suicide are tortured more and more and sooner or later they will also commit suicide and they are not mentioned in that video. That’s what electric destruction is for. It is an ongoing torture in deathbed suffering in agony in the final stages of his life that never ceases. Instead, it only gets stronger and the day when you can no longer cope with the suffering then you commit suicide. All injured either commit suicide or all die due to physical injuries that force the body to fail and die. It is murder under the assertion of care against imagination dangerous diagnosis Depression. In that video, they show that there is no difference in treating depression through ECT when people get placebo ECT without electric shock, or when people get real ECT shock. Those here who complain about their injuries may have received an ECT with electric shock and 19 placebo ECT for them to believe that they have received 20 ECT treatments. In this way, through psychiatry, the governments of the world create the misleading image of reality so that ECT shock will appear to ordinary people as less dangerous. The purpose of the world governments’ criminal 100% lie media propaganda, is to deceive ordinary people all over the planet in the belief that electric current even at over 400 volts is not dangerous to the human body, so that people will be deceived in damage of 9 volts as is guaranteed death and after that injury you get through Psychiatry forced ECT shock of over 400 volts and that by force. They want to imagine that people are still alive after 20 ECT treatments with memory loss, when in reality a single ECT shock means guaranteed death. They also say that there is a 13 times greater risk that people will commit suicide due to ECT than if people had not received ECT at all. Why then do they harm people with ECT if there is a 13 times greater risk? They harm people because the government wants people to be punished for death by psychiatry under the guise of care, so that the government does not become guilty of murdering the patient. It is the legal government’s public execution of the death penalty on people under the allegation of care. The governments of the world are still lowering the world’s civilian population, on this planet, and someone must die. Then it is obvious that it should be ordinary people who should die, then that the world power and rich elite should be the ones who should die. Entire state systems exist to protect only the power of the world and the rich elite. They are the ones who drive society financially so that it works. The rich elite have money while government is more or less their tool and government are the one that keeps control of the population through state systems. Therefore, power and the rich elite are one and the same thing and they have been throughout the history of all mankind, while ordinary people have always been their slaves. For the time being, they have murdered their people, ordinary people, adults, young people and children, without having to explain themselves to the people, while now media propaganda has developed to perfection and thanks to this, they are lying to us ordinary people right in our eyes, claiming that we have human rights and the freedom to express ourselves freely which is a pure lie, while they murder us under claims of care, research, technological advances and so on. Power and the rich elite are the humanity they are talking about, while we ordinary people and our children are their property. We ordinary people all over the planet regardless of race and religion are their modern slaves as they slaughter how it suits them. Ordinary people only take up space on this planet and ordinary people only cost society. World governments are shortening people’s lives through criminal annihilation systems that are integrated into state systems, while age-restricted people are allowed to retire and are increasingly being moved into old age. Either people should die before people have retired because people have been harmed by the government’s criminal annihilation system, or people should get very old when people retire because people should die shortly after people have retired and then the government does not need pay pensions to people. In addition to this, pensioners are deceived in electric destruction that leads pensioners in psychiatry, where their lives will be shortened and then it is understood that we all ordinary people both old, adults, young and children are murdered by our governments through government lies that always result in the death of ordinary people. My suffering is infinitely many times worse than the suffering that these patients testify to in the two videos about psychiatry and ECT. There’s so much they do not say about their injuries. What the
patients are talking about is not even close to how terrible that brain damage really is. They speak the truth, but I have a hard time believing that it’s just what they say about their destroyed brain and destroyed body. In real life, in many cases, ECT is imposed on patients locked up in mental hospitals. In many cases, I believe that patients are drugged and taken to ECT while patients are asleep, so that they do not even know that they have received ECT. The only thing they notice the next day is that they feel physically and mentally destroyed, confused with pain and memory loss. What they experience is that they have been locked up in that house of madness and that they have been life-threateningly injured, because that is in fact what people feel as injured by electric current. As injured, people feel bad physically and mentally worse than ever in his life before. They lose their minds, souls, and lives. Here they claim that ECT electric shock generates electric voltage on 428 Stun Gun shock, and it is a pure fantasy lie. It is extremely misleading to deliberately misrepresent criminal lies and media propaganda to present Stun Gun, which is one and the same thing as Taser, as harmless to the human body. Since ECT, Taser or Stun Gun are presented as something harmless, which in fact is deadly and because the government never mentions 9-volt devices as something dangerous, the governments of the world hide that people are murdered through both ECT, Taser or Stun Gun and that people are murdered through 9-volt devices and the rest the electric holocaust that I have already mentioned through this blog. The purpose of this media propaganda is that people should not know that electric current damages the nervous system to death in a matter of minutes through Trojan deadly devices of 9 volts and devices with less electrical voltage than that. If, after all, people have begun to doubt in case it can be dangerous, then the world governments want to keep people’s doubts and attention focused on just ECT, Taser and Stun Gun that governments claim are completely harmless. Psychiatry injures people to death through ECT, while police injure people to death through Taser. In this way, the governments of the world instill in the people a fear that people will fear psychiatry and the police. If you fear them, then you are automatically frightened into silence and obedience by the state, because they are only tools for the government for the government to exercise power, control, manipulation, and murder of its own civilian population. Through the mainstream media, the governments of the world each manipulate their people by convincing the civilian population that the electric annihilation is not a genocide of the civilian population without the help of the government for its people. In addition to this, the world’s complete mainstream media is fooling its people into believing that government cares about its people, while people do not realize the truth that world governments kill their own people only when people have been subjected to the government’s mass murder genocide crime. World governments want people’s attention focused only on high electric currents of shocks of over 400 volts and up to 1000 volts. The purpose of this propaganda is for people to see electric current as harmless, because if people get an ECT shock of over 400 volts and if people do not die from this, then people believe that it does not harm the body to death. If 400 volts does not kill people, then there is no chance that devices of 9 volts and less can become dangerous to the human body. That’s what the world governments want people to believe in and that media propaganda scam works perfectly, because people believe just that. World governments keep people secret about how electric current affects the human body. I have been describing how electric current takes my life through 9-volt lethal fraud device now for over 5 years and now I am counting my last days of my life. I die now. However, people who have been injured by ECT testify about their injuries and the information allows world governments to appear in part in the media. They want people to know that ECT harms people so that people will be afraid of Psychiatry and the state. But they do not want to show information that people die due to ECT always after a few years. Through physical torture such as in Guantanamo Bay, people experience being tortured every day when people are subjected to physical torture. When torture has ceased and if, on the other hand, people are released, then that torture has ceased completely while trauma remains. After the body heals physical injuries and partly mental injuries, while by injuring people through the electrical destruction, people get a nerve damage where you
experience only a slight numbness and after a year pain with suffering in agony occurs when the nervous system has begun to change and dies. After a year, the whole body and the body’s nervous system are in an ongoing dying process that has always ended in death with injuries and traumas that only multiply more and more and in this case the body heals neither injuries nor traumas. It always ends in death in the end. By electric destruction, the governments of the world each deceive their people into electrical damage and after that crime the injured person is tortured for the rest of his life until that person has died. That is why I say that electric destruction is worse than war and that genocide is being perpetrated on the civilian population of the entire world, regardless of race and religion, and that it is perfectly legal. Adults, young people and children are murdered by every single government on this planet, and it is perfectly legal under the guise of care. World governments have stopped in people’s homes trojan deadly devices of 9 volts under false claims of use that always injure people to death. A single word is never said about 9-volt devices. Instead, the world power and the rich elite advertise such devices with all available media propaganda under various claims as something completely harmless. The only people who know that the governments of the world are killing people by electric destruction through such 9-volt fraud devices are people who have been injured once by those devices. But then it is already too late, because you always die because of this, and you are censored by every single government on this planet when you have started talking about your injuries. It’s really very easy to understand. Government arrests people who commit crimes. When the government, through the police, has obtained evidence of that crime, then the government sentences that person through court to prison. Through the media, they show the case on TV, so that the information will feel a purpose to station an example for the rest of the population, so that the rest of the population will be intimidated into silence and obedience by the government. In addition, people should be intimidated so that people themselves do not commit similar crimes. But government wants access to the entire country’s population. No man should be inaccessible to the governments of the world. They want control over the entire population so that they can reach adults, young people and children who do not commit any crime. The governments of the world are also looking for the rest of the population who do not commit any crime. How should the government be able to lock in people who are not violent, who have no violent behavior, who are happy with their lives, as long as people have their health and as long as no one beats and tortures people. People do not demand much from life as long as people have food on the table for their children. People are happy with their lives even if people live in poverty. Now the power of the world and the rich elite come into the picture. The power of the world (the governments of the world) and the rich elite of the world, lie for their own ordinary people, through all their existing media propaganda in a thousand different forms about how they care about people. The whole world’s media propaganda aims to only convince people in the belief that government protects people through state systems, provides care to people through health care, protects people through the police, provides children and young people with schooling and education, protects children through social, provides care to people against mental illness through psychiatry and so on. People believe in government lies until the moment when they are fatally injured, for example by the electric destruction. How should the government be able to lock in people who are not violent, who have no violent behavior, who are happy with their lives, as long as people have their health unharmed and as long as no one harms, beats and tortures people. The power of the world and the rich elite can do it all through electric destruction. That is why the governments of the world allow people to talk only about people who are injured by ECT through psychiatry, but never about people who are fatally injured by 9-volt devices. Therefore, through these two videos about psychiatry and ECT, people are only fooled into even greater false sense of security and false image of reality so that people will not become aware that people have been exposed to the biggest and worst crime, by all the existing world states through the state system. The governments of the world are constantly talking about wars and crimes that people have been subjected to in the state of war, while they keep quiet about people being
murdered through state systems and that in peacetime. People should not give any resistance to power and the rich elite, while people together with their children are murdered by the same power and rich elite. Intended with the two videos about psychiatry and ECT, is to mislead people into believing that people should believe that everything is revealed. It is easy for people to stay away from psychiatry by not choosing to go to them and you can choose not to take medication, as you can cure yourself by solving problems in life and by exercising or walking, and by eating healthy food. It is easy to stay away from the police by not wanting to commit a crime. It is the 9-volt electric annihilation that is protected by the power of the world and the rich elite from being revealed to ordinary people around the world as something life-threatening, dangerous, and deadly. The Electric annihilation at 9 volts, is the most effective tool that the state uses to access ordinary people who commit no crime. The world government is looking for that wipe out entire families from the community who do not commit any crime. Locking people up, or murder, it does not matter, only as long as people disappear from society and then the world power and rich elite are satisfied. It is easy to imprison people who commit crimes, but how can government turn a peaceful and law-abiding man into a bloodthirsty monster who has lost all his sanity? The governments of the world point out all the crimes that ordinary people have committed against other ordinary people.
They point out:
1 rape,
2-beatings where people are physically injured,
3-murders by people being shot or stabbed or physically injured if people survive it,
4-intentional poisoning of people,
5 accidents where you are either injured or killed,
6-Diseases that you suffer from agony and possibly die from,
7-body disability that complicates and disrupts life,
8-mentally handicapped and mental illness and there is more that I can not think of now.
Through devices of 9 volts, which are sold to people in a thousand different shapes and designs as something harmless under false pretenses of use, the governments of the world manage to harm and destroy their people systematically from the ground up in a matter of minutes. All that is needed is for people to be deceived into seeing the electric destruction as something harmless. That is why the governments of the world lie to their people that governments care about their people so that people do not expect fatal death blows from the state. Through 9-volt devices, the governments of the world are able to induce all the destruction of the human body that I have mentioned.
1 rape,
(Rape is sex without consent. After rape, the raped individual can continue to have fully functioning sex again with a partner that the individual loves. Rape does not lead to physical damage to the genitals. That crime is classified by the world power and rich elite, as one of the worst crimes that people can commit, and they are classed as the worst crimes because
they want to protect their own family members and themselves, so that they do not get raped. If any common man rapes the world power and rich elite and if anyone rapes their wives, sisters and children, then that rapist will be punished with such a severe prison sentence that the rapist will be imprisoned for many years or the rest of his life and the rapist will have his or her life completely ruined by hanging him or her up in the media as the worst monster, so that would involve public media lynching that will seal this rapist’s life in permanent shame for the rest of his or her life. The world power and the rich elite claim that they want to protect ordinary people from rape. They protect ordinary people so that they can protect themselves and their family members, but they do not protect ordinary people from electric destruction of 9 volts and less, so it does not matter. If ordinary people test any of it electric destruction, they will get nerve damage that leads to this death that I write about in this blog. I’ve been tricked into seeing the trojan sex toy electric nerve agent butcher knife as something harmless while I’m dying now because of it. I have tested a deadly trojan sex toy and I got an amputation of half my body, and it will end in my death. That people are tricked into trying sex toys that amputate genitals including the whole body is worse than rape. When you have such bodily injuries, then the government does not recognize injuries that you have received. Instead, entire state systems only forward one to psychiatric care where one can talk about their fatal life-threatening injuries with a psychiatrist and psychologist, which explains away the crime one has been subjected to by the state, by verbally provoking oneself. When you go to psychiatry while you have problems in life that cause mental suffering, then psychiatry destroys people with medications that they present to people as care and then psychiatrists and psychologists are very respectful towards patients, because you can shit completely and in psychiatrists, psychologists, and medicines. You can just walk from there and you can choose to never go there again. But when you have walked in government fraud electric annihilation, then one has been deprived of all one’s mental senses. Then it is your own body that provokes you to insanity and when the public health service has sent you to psychiatry, then they provoke you, so that you start to get into a verbal conflict with a psychiatrist and psychologist and then they declare one as a danger to themselves and others. Then they say that there is a great need for closed psychiatric care and then they call the police. When you have gone home, then the police come to your home together with an executioner from closed psychiatric care and then they lock one in a mental hospital and there they kill one with forced ECT. Police through Psychotronic Weapons, know which alleged patients have dangerous friends behind their backs who are willing to protect their friend and they know who have no dangerous friends at all, like me for example, because I have lived my life in isolation due to social phobia. No one will protect me from the evil power and rich elite. Government kills people like me through ECT, because they know that I have no dangerous friends behind my back that will pose a threat to Psychiatrists in the mental hospital that is the madness, human slaughterhouse execution site through ECT shocks of ordinary people. All the world’s existing media propaganda exists to scare people so that people become afraid of government tools that are the police and psychiatry. When people are scared, then people never even dare to think about posing a threat to government systems. But criminals are not afraid of anyone. Give ECT to criminal gang members if you dare. As soon as they see that their friend is mentally destroyed to death, they immediately know who the culprit is. Then the psychiatrist’s head will roll on the ground like a fucking ball. One should allegedly talk about physical injuries that one received by being exposed to crime with a psychologist and psychiatrist. They want you to talk to a psychiatrist and psychologist about your physical injuries, which have turned your body into a disabled body. When you contact media all over the world, they say that they unfortunately cannot help you with this, because it is not suitable for publishing in the media. When you have the police report the crime which you have been exposed to, then they say that there is no evidence of the damages one has received. Once you have gone to the general care to get evidence of life-threatening bodily injuries, then the whole care will send you to another nerve and pain clinic where people will be exposed to electric current through the already injured part of the body for an hour and a
half while claiming a scan of nervous system so that they can in this way injure one even more so that one dies even faster, during the claim of scanning of the nervous system so that criminal care is alleged to see the extent of damage to the nervous system. That electric current at low electric current causes nerves to die, it keeps them a secret from people. In order to prove your injuries, you must undergo Neurography, where electric current at low electric current will destroy even more nervous systems than the alleged electric death trojan of 9 volts has destroyed at low electric current, where one did not even feel any pain. You have to be stupid in your head to accept that destruction of the nervous system for a second time. Even if you have gone on the Neurography scam, they can still say that they do not see any bodily injuries to the nervous system. Healthcare does nothing but lie to people. Even if you have gone to Neurography, you can still not get evidence that the government has caused fatal body and nerve damage to yourself. It is the power of the world and the rich elite crime on ordinary people that can never be proven by ordinary people, so it can never be taken to court. It is the power of the world and the rich elite annihilation of ordinary people, where they are always right while ordinary people are murdered and are always wrong).
2-beatings where people are physically injured,
(you get damaged by devices of 9 volts in a few minutes and when the nervous system starts to die after a year, then you continue to be beaten and at the same time the body is damaged more and more with time, the rest of your life every second, day and night, 7 days in the week year after year until the day when you die in one way or another and it is only then that the abuse and injuries to the body cease and end).
3-murders by people being shot or stabbed or physically injured if people survive it,
(When you are injured when you test any of the electrical trojans, you do not even feel that you have been injured. You feel only a small numbness. There is no pain in the picture at all. In this moment you do not even think that you are injured. You think that you only have numbness and only it is terrible enough because one feels that one has lost partial feeling in the body. No one wants to lose sensation in the body. You are born, you live your life but something like that never happens. One is surprised that it is even possible. But then after a year, damage occurs that worsens over time. Physical damage is loss of sensation in dead nerves that spreads further through the body and then you lose feeling more and more. The damaged nerves cause a burning pain with constant discomfort in damaged nerves. If you are wondering how that pain feels, then it is equivalent to putting a million ants into the body, a whole anthill and that each ant has bitten one. That’s about how it feels. But I have already explained all that, so I do not need to explain further).
4-intentional poisoning of people,
(I feel so bad physically and mentally at the same time that I feel day and night constantly generally sick. I feel generally sick physically, where the body is sick. I feel generally mentally ill where I cannot feel that I ever feel well mentally. It is anxiety, sadness, depression, despair, anger, desperation, hatred and so on forever. I have begun to see my death as liberation from this dying body in torture of suffering in agony. There is no room, where I have felt for a single second that I feel good. I feel mentally ill every second now for over 5 years. It is not normal. You exactly feel that you are sick. That feeling is identical to the feeling when you are food poisoned and much more than that. I feel like I have cancer and my complete whole body fails, dies, and stops functioning. I’m literally dying. I’m dying and I’m going to die. Government poisons people through society and in addition they infect people with deadly diseases through healthcare for example. I once read in the Swedish media that a woman has been infected with the HIV virus. She said she knows that it is healthcare that has
infected her with HIV because she has not had sexual contact in 15 years and before that she has never had AIDS. She says she remembers the day she took blood samples and stuff like that, and it happened in the last few years. After that she became ill and then she took blood samples again and then she was told that she had contracted the AIDS or HIV virus. None of this should surprise any ordinary person on this planet. Do you think that electric destruction is less dangerous than AIDS? With AIDS, people can live longer than people can with electrical injuries and with AIDS, I believe that people are not tortured as much as through electrical destruction).
5 an accident where you are either injured or killed,
(That we ordinary people on this planet have the opportunity to unknowingly buy deadly products, which every single government on this planet serves us ordinary people and our children, claiming that it is something harmless while when we have tested it then we die with that, the governments of the world have created an accident, it’s just too shocking and so difficult to understand that such a thing is possible. That the world power and the rich elite murder civilians, adults, young people, and children, and quite intentionally, is so unbelievably difficult to understand. That you buy it and that you die because of it, is equivalent to the world power and the rich elite deliberately causing accidents, where we ordinary people die because of the government’s deliberately triggered accident by exposing all of us ordinary people to crime. We die by force).
6-Diseases, which one suffers in agony and possibly dies from,
Damaged nervous system with electric current is artificially inducing neurological disease, in which the entire nervous system dies at last. The organs in the body fail the closer you get to death. In order for me to be able to sleep at all, I have to take medication Seroquel. Seroquel induces artificial obesity by force, due to the fact that it induces inhuman hunger, while at the same time completely eliminating metabolism so that the body does not burn calories and it makes me tired so that I cannot devote myself to exercise. It was late when I was not injured because then I stopped taking it, while now I cannot stop taking medication Seroquel. So, Seroquel causes obesity and diabetes. Diabetes causes amputated body parts which in turn causes mental suffering due to amputated body limbs. Being overweight with Seroquel causes vascular and heart disease. Seroquel causes heart attack, stroke, impaired kidney function and so on. Here it is clear that Seroquel causes the worst fatal diseases. In addition, Seroquel causes cancer due to obesity. I have also read somewhere that obesity causes cancer. In addition to this, all the sufferers induce abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, snus and so on. Alcohol causes obesity, it destroys my life by losing control of my behavior due to alcohol. I am ashamed and I make myself a clown and that by force due to my ongoing death and suffering. Honestly, I want to commit suicide because I have been driven by the Swedish state in a nervous breakdown that has turned me into a freak. I am now the most worthless human being on this planet. I have made myself a disgrace and I would rather never go out among people ever again. I am ashamed to death, and everyone sees my shame. People enjoy my downfall while people never want to see the crime I have been subjected to. My suffering does not exist for the Swedish power and the rich elite and the Swedish people. I am an extremely hated person here in Sweden and that only because I speak the truth. The pain and suffering that I have is so unbelievably awful that I have to numb my suffering, pain and anxiety because it just hurts too much in the body. It hurts so much in my body that I almost want to commit suicide just to stop suffering, while at the same time I so want to live. I feel that my lungs are destroyed by cigarettes. There it is the same thing. I smoke suggestively just to suggestively lower my anxiety. Of cigarettes I will get Charcoal lung disease and lung cancer. Here you see what the power of the world and the rich elite evoke through the electric annihilation. All the worst diseases cause electric shock together with Seroquel. Psychiatric
care is not care. It always starts with care that encourages people to visit a psychologist for a bad mental state. Here you see what they really are. When you go to them then you have stepped with one leg in the grave. Psychiatry is the world power and the rich elite’s criminal modern executioner who murders adults, young people, and children legally for the state under the claim of care, so that they themselves are not guilty of murder.
7-body disability that complicates and disrupts life,
(From 1% with numbness, my body has been disabled to 70% of the body. I am physically disabled. I have lost sensation in the body. I have pain in the body, discomfort and so on. My mental health is disabled, from a normal person before I was injured to mentally handicapped now at the end. Even mentally, I am disabled and degenerate. I am 70% disabled with a mental disability. I can think normally and logically. But the mental suffering along with the physical bodily suffering affects, destroys and changes my personal identity. I think normally, but because of physical and mental suffering I make illogical decisions in my life and that only because of suffering in agony. My body is abnormal now and how can I then become normal. But it’s only getting worse. I increasingly see death as a way out. Now think of the mainstream media propaganda irony about talking to a psychologist about mental illness and how to avoid stress. People, you have to open your eyes because this is genocide that leads us ordinary people and our children to death.
8-mentally handicapped and mental illness.
(Mental disability that people are born with. Here you see that the world power (governments) and the rich elite induces artificially intellectual disability on the civilian population. But it does not only end in mental retardation, but you always die and everyone who is injured by electric destruction dies. Those who are not dead is going to die). Here you see that people who do not commit a crime with electrical damage cannot stay away from the police and psychiatry. Now they have one captured as a slave who dies and who goes mad by force. The pain is torture, that people do not even feel down people are physically tortured like for example in Guantanamo prison. I feel that pain in the lower part of the body while it is reflected in the brain with anger, and hatred along with anxiety, sadness, despair, depression, hopelessness, desperation, anger, hatred, and there is no light in one’s life that one can see. This can never be fixed. It’s just the straight road of madness and into death in a dozen different ways at once. But anger and hatred are the worst thing that gives me the feeling that it is precisely in this moment that I get a nervous breakdown. This dying body in electrical damage has cut me off from the human ability to manage to experience time and space. I am mentally cut off from this living world on this planet Earth. Because of that, every time I wake up, I feel as if someone has revived me from the grave and left me alone in the desert, where I am confused for every new day unable to feel life, to feel that I am a living organism. What I feel is that I am not a man and I feel like I am not even a human being anymore. By exposing myself to crime through its electric destruction, the Swedish state has ruined my life to death and that have they done quite legally. They have literally executed the death penalty on me. The only thing is that through the damage they have directly deprived me of life itself and all the human in me. What is left is the body that is dying, until it too has had time to die. I am dying slowly but surely. People who are not injured, normally people live their lives with daily planning of what to do during the week. Due to the media propaganda that ordinary people have been manipulated, mentally stimulated, and convinced from their child’s age until now as adults and old, there are no big decisions in life that people come up with the idea to make. People work during the year and what people think about is holidays. People live their lives according to the power of the world and the forced image of reality of the rich elite. The world power and the rich elite have forcibly programmed people through the mainstream media to make people the unconscious dangers
of life that the world power and the rich elite pose to civilian populations across the planet. People believe that the power of the world (our governments and all our politicians no matter what political party they belong to) together with the rich elite who help politicians lead ordinary people civilian population to death by tricking people into seeing different government’s annihilation systems of civilian population as something positive that serves the civilian population as a positive help for different needs for the civilian population to have a good life with their children. Mass murder of ordinary people is presented as the state’s help to people. When the normal people have gone into the state annihilation system, then people realize that they have lived their whole lives in a lie. When you are injured by the Trojans of electric death, then it is injuries that drive you by force at the highest possible stress level, where your thoughts are raised to the limit of life and death and the limit of nervous breakdown. One’s thoughts, go in ever higher spin and that by force. That is why there is electric destruction for injured people to go crazy so that government can classify one as a mad man and after that it is easy to lock such people in captivity. Government harms people through electrical annihilation and due to injuries people demonize themselves due to lost control over their behavior and due to destroyed body and destroyed mental senses. The suffering I experience drives me to make desperate decisions in my life. All this that has happened to me is such an inconceivable crime, which cannot be compared to any existing crime worldwide which it may only be talked about. What I experience during the day is violent ongoing death. I make desperate decisions in my life every day. I’m desperate for some kind of help that should be able to with some magic during heal my bodily injuries, so I can be normal again and that I do not die because I want to live. That I should seek care for my injuries is stupid because it is the healthcare system of the entire existing world that commits this crime together against all of us ordinary people. Suffering during the day, drives me to desperate planned life decisions by force and my decisions seem completely illogical to the whole of humanity ordinary people. If ordinary people on this planet could feel what I feel only one day, then they would abandon all their beliefs that they have had in their lives. Then the entire civilian population on this planet would begin to question everything they have believed in about what religions; the state and the world’s rich elite are for something and confidence in the world’s power and rich elite would be wiped out forever. Then ordinary people would not see danger in each other due to different race and religious affiliation. People would see the real danger first in their own government and their rich elite and then they would see danger in the rest of the whole world power and rich elite who have murdered us all ordinary people, through constant lies that they have so offensively and restrictively imposed on us all ordinary people on this planet throughout the history of all mankind. When one has been deceived into death by the electric annihilation, then one belongs to no race, no religion and no ethnic group based on national identity. Then you are spiritually dead. Now I am spiritually dead.
I thought I was a bosnian Boniak Muslim
Every new day when I have woken up, I must always try again to find meaning in life, in order to be able to continue living. Because I cannot feel that I am alive, so the only thing I feel is that I am dying. That I’m dying is terrible. It’s so terrible that I’m writing this blog post by force because this is my way of striking back at the Swedish criminal state. Suggestively, I try to find a way out of this deadly spiral of life in agony and death. All my image of the world has changed fundamentally. I see the truth and the truth is that there are no friends and there are no enemies. Now when I look at people who belong to different religions, I do not see any religions. I only see ordinary people. The only thing I value in people, no matter what race and religion they may belong to, is their own and their children’s lives and no religions. I’m not selling you ordinary people religion. I’m not an Angel either. Angels and demons do not exist and have never existed. I am only testifying about the crime I have been subjected to, which is my death. I am one of you all ordinary people on this planet and I have been the victim of crimes committed by all the power of the world and the rich elite on all of us and they do it together in the same way, while they convince us all that they should be alleged to be against each other, so that we take up arms in our hands under the name of our religions and that we then nicely kill and slaughter each other. After that war, we
will miss those who have been murdered, while power and rich elite will seize even more money from the state coffers, while to us they will give our religion so that we hope for a better future that will never happen to us who are ordinary people. It can also be your death and the death of your children if you do not listen to me and if you do not believe in me. It is hard to believe that we ordinary people, regardless of race or religion, are not enemies of each other. It is your politicians, along with their mainstream media, including every single state system on this planet, who are the real enemies of all of us ordinary people on this planet. They want you and all of us to follow them. They want you to follow their carcinogenic beliefs about religion, race, culture and so on. They lead us all to war just because of the hatred they themselves have in their sick mental minds and the will in them to take revenge on the others, those who are different. Through the mainstream media, the world power and the rich elite have played on our most primitive emotions. They play on our feelings as if we were small children and it works perfectly due to media censorship. They manipulate our emotions such as hatred and love, so that they can simultaneously recruit people for war and at the same time kill individuals from the same people as the same government want to get rid of. The weaker side in war conflict can be forced into war by force without any choice, while the strong and superiorly armed side in war does exactly what they want. It will be a slaughter that can be compared to Léon who meets Bambi. Even if you belong to the superior military armed side of war, in the end we are only human beings who have a family. What people only see is religious and national identity, but people never think that they have a family and relatives who are worth more than religion and national identity. Even if you are on the stronger side, you may lose your children in war. Is it worth it that you lose your own child in war? Tell me now, what would you be prepared to do if someone could give you a choice, where you can get your child back in life, if you choose to shit in your religion and national identity. I would shit in religion because I shit in religion and national identity already now, considering that I have been exposed to crime and that crime is also committed by the power and rich elite that I am said to belong to. All of them together put the dagger in our backs. Believe me when I say that my own alleged ethnic group Bosniaks shit in me as a human being, because I am a negative individual that they prefer to distance themselves from, because the police are involved and then I am no longer one of them all. Bosnjak power and the rich elite, like to show in the media young Bosniaks who have succeeded in life. They show Bosniaks who have won medals through sports, while they do not show the young athletes that they have put out deadly electrical devices that will kill them, if they are deceived by advertising that, Bosnjak TV media propaganda does not say a word about. So, tell me young Bosnjak generation of athletes who is your enemy. Am I your enemy? who have breathed sports through my life and who are deprived of that life now or are your enemy Bosnjak power and the rich elite who keep quiet about the electric genocide for all of you, so that you too can be deprived of that sport in the future. None of Bosnjak’s power and rich elite can say that I am not one of them all and that because I have lived my whole fucking life with the conviction that I am Bosnjak. I have every right to say whatever I think and thinking in this blog. The worst thing is that I am right, and it is not about me as Bosnjak but it is about all of us ordinary people on this planet regardless of race and religion, because we share the same fate and that fate is ours and our children’s death. If you are rich, then you belong to the elite who are allowed to continue living while we other ordinary people are allowed to die. All our politicians who are the power of the whole world and the rich elite together stimulate us all ordinary people to kill each other through conflict in war that they organize, while they do not utter a single word that together they lead us to death through the electric holocaust which is integrated into every single state system and every single country on this planet as something harmless. If the world, power, and rich elite’s image of the world that is on the verge of 3 world wars, had been the only reality that we ordinary people live in, then I would not have written this blog now. This thing that has happened to me would not be possible. If you are reading this blog, then I wonder if you can see the real picture of the world, we live in. The only reason you do not question the reality you live in is that you are
not physically injured yet. I have not questioned the false image of the world before I was injured. If I’ve changed my mind about the false image of reality, then maybe you can too. For me it is already too late, while for you it is not. Electric annihilation is just one of many annihilation systems used by the world power and rich elite to murder us ordinary people and our children with. Everything that occupies our interest, and our attention is there for us to have confidence in our politicians. While the power of the world and the rich elite give us different interests and ideologies that will occupy our interest, they hide from us ordinary people the various systems of destruction that we should never see before we have fallen into their deadly trap and then it’s too late for us because then we die. They only give us what they want us to see and that is music, film, sports, religion, research, advertising of wealth, fashion that stimulates us to spend the little bit of money we have and so on. All this uses the power of the world and the rich elite to blind us so that we do not see that the power of the world and the rich elite are in fact lowering the world population, of ordinary people on this planet. Already here you can see that I have decided on an extremely changed decision in my life. I love all people regardless of race and religion. I have gone into the power of the world and the rich elite death trap, while you are about to go into it. I have lost all dignity as a human being through this electrical damage. My life is useless. All this I have said is my decision in life for the day. When I wake up the next day, I have lost all connection to all this that I have written now and that because electrical damage has amputated me away from this living world. That’s what I’m saying I’m unable to feel time and space. When I wake up the next day, then I am like being resurrected from the grave so that I will die again another day and I am dying now for over 5 years. So, I’m physically and mentally handicapped. The Swedish state has turned me into an invalid. The next day I try to find a meaning in my life, but there is no meaning and instead I continue to write about my suffering. Every time I have started to think and think about myself as dying, I always come to the same conclusion, and it is this blog post that I continue to write with the same convictions. The power of the world and the rich elite have murdered us ordinary people and they have murdered our children throughout the history of mankind. The problem is that we ordinary people have never realized this. Those who realize this truth, are the damaged individuals, who are censored by the power of the world and the rich elite, so that other ordinary people never realize the truth, and this is how the Genocide of us ordinary people go on worldwide decade after decade throughout the history of the whole humanity. A day when I have woken up is the beginning and when I go to sleep it is over. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep, is hell for me on this planet Earth. I wake up and I am physically and mentally tortured during the day. Every day during my waking time and especially at the end of the day because of that torture, I get that crash impulse because I have had enough of that torture. When I get that crash impulse, then I feel at the same time that I want to commit suicide so that I can stop suffering, in agony. I get the feeling that I am constantly dying. I get the feeling that my life is impossible to live, even though I so want to live. I feel that the Swedish state will kill my child in the same way, and I see all the symptoms of my son that the Swedish state is already in the process of doing the same thing to him as they have done to me. It is not about guilty or innocent for the Swedish police state. It is about them through the police with Psychotronic weapons chewing on people’s mental minds for twenty years every night, completely unnoticed until people have made a mistake in life and then you are guilty, regardless of whether you want it or not, it does not matter. The same thing is happening all over the planet. Add to this the fact that the world’s power and rich elite are looking to lower the world’s population on this planet down and then it’s no wonder that we and our children end up guilty. It is the crash impulse of nervous breakdown that they are looking for so that we ordinary people can be removed from society. Suffering is the constant torture while anger with hatred is the impulse that can drive me to commit an act that I do not want to commit. I have every reason to feel hatred and anger towards those who have caused this hell of an ongoing death for me. It’s life full of torture that I live in now. At the same time, I feel like I’m dying right now. It all strikes my brain at the same time and so it is all the time. When it happens then I think that moments
when I die have come. While I feel that pain, I feel in the same moment anger that drives me to the outbreak of violent anger, where I get a desire to destroy everything around me. In that moment, all of it together influences my decisions and that by force. I feel at the same time in the moment that I take my last breaths when I die, and hatred and anger affect my decision by force without me having come up with it with my own will. The moment of that anger convinces me that I have decided to kill all those who have hurt me in the fucking Danish Sinful and those in psychiatry who have together deceived me, for the Swedish state in the situation I am in now. It is not me who has decided it logically. It is electrical damage that has decided for me, by subjecting me to the inhuman torture to death and that by force. Of course, I’m not a killer but I could imagine killing them with Stun Gun and this I had done, with my perfectly clear conscience. When they kill us by electric destruction then it is not a crime, while when we kill them by electric destruction, then it is a crime. That’s why Swedish police parasites have been talking to me now for over 20 years, for me to know that they know when I have decided to take revenge on the criminal government killers freaks and pigs. I do not really want to do that, but injuries torture me to the limit that tips me into death itself. Down the moment with the crash impulse occurs, then I experience it as (Waterboarding), in the same way as prisoners experience in Guantanamo prison and the rest of the world in similar crazy places, when ordinary people are tortured by such torture. So, you can understand that I experience a torture that no human being on this planet can live with, and that torture is only my damaged body that evokes for me. Then you can understand how evil it is electric annihilation of 9 volts is and that it is our governments that deceive us ordinary people into it, while they lie to us that they care about our safety and security of our children and that they are allegedly giving us human rights and so on. Everything is a lie. But the only thing I can do is not do any of this because then I lose my freedom and in addition to this, the Swedish state can carry out the death penalty on me through psychiatry with ECT shock. If I get power in my hands, then I will kill you all together through the electric destruction so that you can taste your own medicine. I will not just kill one of you. I’ll kill you all. You will not die immediately, and you know that very well. You will be completely unharmed with a small detail and that detail is that you will have a little numbness. After that, you will follow my fate that you have all given me together. Since I have no power and will never have any power, you monsters can continue to murder people completely legally. I keep trying to live and I will experience this hell for as long as I exist. In addition, my feeling that I exist has also evaporated in part, so I feel all that with a sense of unreality. This affects my experience of time and space. Everything is disturbed. I can keep talking about this all day, but everything I write is in vain. I die and I will die, while the power of the world and the rich elite kill us ordinary people and our children. If the government has an adult as its targeted individual that they are going to kill, then they also kill their children in the same way through all the different Holocaust systems in society at the same time. I was the most peaceful person on this planet. I easily stay away from the police because I do not commit a crime. But they did not let me be at peace. I stopped going to psychiatric care shortly after the moment when I freed myself from guilt. I did not take any medication and I was fine both physically and mentally, but the police did not leave me alone through Psychotronic weapons injected voices in my head and this is the reason why they stressed me mentally and that just because I should be fooled in these electrical injuries that I will die because of now. Now I cannot escape psychiatry and I cannot escape the police because through this blog post I am guilty according to Swedish laws and that by force. I have no control over this anymore. There is no human being who can have any control that is harmed by its electric destruction. When people are injured by devices at 9 volts, then they end up in the mouth of psychiatry and the police against their own will and that by force. It is the only reason that electric annihilation exists as an annihilation system of mass murder of civilians worldwide. It exists for the purpose of making people lose their whole body, their whole mind, their whole life. Due to electrical damage people can never have a normal life. Suffering due to electrical damage, is a time loop that is repeated over and over again, where one is
provoked every second of one’s life by pain, feeling of lost body, discomfort, destroyed mental senses and it constantly evokes an inhuman anger and hatred directed at government, which I know has caused fatal damage to my body. All existing government media propaganda around the world is for people to believe that governments care about people. When people have been injured to death by any of the government’s annihilation systems, that’s when they realize that government is killing people. That’s how it works. Those who are not harmed, the governments of the world control their behavior and actions through a sea of media propaganda lies so that people do not know that the world power and rich elite intentionally murder people. People follow them instead, while those who have been injured, the governments of the world want such people to realize the truth that they have been intentionally injured to death and that from government through the whole state system for it in itself is psychological torture. Then after that, they censor one for every step you take on the internet and social platforms, where they block and censor what you have written as they do not want other people to see. To me, it looks like they’re censoring everything I write. But it could also be that they do not censor it, but instead they want me to believe that they do. In any case, for me it is the worst psychological torture to keep dying and to write about one’s ongoing death, while one sees that none of the ordinary people on this planet react, as if the electric destruction were a harmless joke. This is how the power of the world and the rich elite defend the electric destruction by smiling in front of TV cameras and every time you talk about it then everyone laughs at it as if it were a harmless joke. Instead, they advertise the electric destruction every day through TV, Radio, internet, film, advertising and so on and they present it as something that is supposed to repair nerves for example while it destroys nerves to death, and it always leads the injured to death in the end. This is the irony, and this is how the power of the world and the rich elite murder perfectly healthy people through various Holocaust systems that they present as care, false claims, research, technological advances and so on. They deceive perfectly healthy people into committing suicide with their own hands, unaware that they are holding something deadly that the power of the world and the rich elite have presented as something harmless. Could it be greater irony than that? The governments of the world have come up with the perfect ultimate torture to the death of people who are permanent for the rest of their short lives. You manage to become normal during that torture for a number of years, but all that torture only gets worse and worse with time. A peaceful, completely innocent person cannot escape being pissed off over time. Electric annihilation is a way for the governments of the world to drive people to madness by force and to death. Sooner or later, due to torture and suffering, one will explode in an outburst of verbal or physical anger. I say again that you do not feel hatred towards anyone. You do not even get angry at ordinary people’s verbal provocations that you reacted violently to before you were harmed by electric destruction. One’s life in ongoing death is light years many times worse than verbal provocations of people around one’s, so one does not even react to them. You do not get angry or upset. You have bigger problems than this, you die. One directs one’s hatred in the right direction towards those who have exposed one to the genocidal electrical crime. But that is why the police are there to protect the government’s criminal genocide mass murderers from people they have destroyed to death. The police do not protect us ordinary people. The police protect the power of the world and the rich elite from us ordinary people. In addition, it is the police who make people mentally ill through psychotronic weapons, while psychiatry is the further destruction of people who even end up in the execution of the death penalty through psychiatry with ECT shocks. You do not commit a crime, while you are exposed to crime after crime, and it is not even crime. The only thing I see are endless lies of the power of that world and the rich elite. We ordinary people are so stupid that we can never be united against the real enemy who is the power of the whole world and the rich elite together. All information about the entire electric destruction system of mass murder of civilians worldwide, is only misleading propaganda intended to mislead people and deceive people into the electric destruction. All that government’s information about the entire electric catastrophe is a way for the world’s governments to conceal genocide
and the truth that adults, young people and children around the world are murdered by their own government and it is perfectly legal to claim that depression is a life-threatening disease. Depression is a life-threatening illness, where people commit suicide due to a wrong step in life and feelings of guilt that people cannot live with, while electric destruction that harms people to death, where people go crazy and always die in the end, is not dangerous at all according to world governments and it’s not even a crime. It’s their way of killing anyone out of their civilian population by lying to people and by tricking people into death by electric destruction. Nazis in World War II have tricked people into shower rooms where they told people that people will just shower inside. When they went in there for the alleged shower, they were gassed to death. It is so, ordinary people are calmed before they are mass slaughtered, by the power of the world and the rich elite nowadays, so that people give no resistance to power and the rich elite while people are slaughtered and massacred by the electric annihilation. The governments of the world mass murder each their own people, by exactly the same method and that by lying to people about the electric destruction. They lie to people by presenting deadly electrical destruction as something harmless for people to buy deadly electrical products and for people to test it only once, because that is all that is needed for people to incur fatal injuries or for people to deceived to in operate lethal neurological devices that also always cause fatal injuries, which at first always seem to look less serious, while the injured person realizes after a year that the injury was just a factor that triggers the beginning of degradation ongoing death process of the whole body, whole the body’s nervous system and complete destruction of mental health and personal identity. When people are injured, then people always die through prolonged death process in physical and mental suffering in agony. The fact that people do not die immediately is all that is needed for governments to abdicate all responsibility for people’s deaths. The fact that the world’s power and the rich elite murder ordinary people around the world on an industrial scale and the mass murder they call mental health care is not even a crime. When will we ordinary people realize that truth? How many of us have to die for us to realize that truth? How many of our children must die in order for us to begin to doubt parasites and mass murderers that we call our politicians who are fighting for our religious and our national identity. People are intimidated by every single government on this planet by instilling fear in people, through such stationed specimens where people either testify about their injuries that they have received from ECT or cases where people have been shot by the police with Taser. What people think is that people do not commit crimes. People do not want to hurt anyone, people live their lives normally and people believe that people will never end up in such a situation, where they can be hurt by psychiatry through ECT or that people can be hurt by the police through Taser. It’s completely wrong and it’s just a false sense of security. 9-volt devices forcibly lead people straight into psychiatry, where psychiatry will impose ECT on those who are already injured by 9-volt devices. That you possibly try to take revenge on the murderers, is what leads a straight path towards the police and then you become legally guilty as you may have tried to demand justice on your own. There is no justice. The power of the world and the rich elite kill us ordinary people completely legally and it presents them to us as their help to us ordinary people through care. While the governments of the world pretend to care about us ordinary people and our children, they have put us all over the internet advertising the whole electric catastrophe, where they lie to us ordinary people right in our eyes through all the media propaganda while the world governments murder us through the genocide electric destruction, and they just lie to us more and more. It is presented by the world governments as something harmless and when people are injured to death then governments continue to explain it away with media silence and even more of lies, while at the same time advertising ECT as the most effective method of care for depression. When people look at this then it breaks all logic. We ordinary people are deceived by the governments of the world in believing that the power of the world and the rich elite follow logic. But there is no logic. They trick us into believing that everything they do to us ordinary people have a meaning, but there is no meaning. The power of the world and the rich elite trick us into believing in them
and that is why the whole world’s ordinary people this planet lowers its defense guard. They can only kill us because they trick us into believing that they care about us and our children. The power of the world and the rich elite behave towards us as if they were our gods and they are our gods because they use religions as a weapon against us ordinary people. They sell us religion from the first day we are born and that by force through our brainwashed parents. We believe in that religion, and we believe in that God and who is the one who happens to be the closest to religion and God. Yes, it is our religious leaders who are directly linked to our politicians. They are the ones who happen to be the greatest believers with the greatest morals. It is they together who have held the keys to God throughout the history of the whole fucking humanity. But look here what they are not talking about. They calm us down before they slaughter us and the only thing, we need to do is hope that a magical miracle will happen that will give a better life to us and our children. While we hope that God will give us better lives, they kill us by electric destruction and down we are dying, they pretend that we are invisible and that we do not exist. Since the governments of the world never say that it harms people, then people believe in government and people see it as something harmless. That information has been hidden from ordinary people around the world by the greatest censor in human history for the past 80 years. It’s just the way for world governments to hide the worst massacre of civilians worldwide in the history of all mankind. On the internet there is a lot of information that is pure lies where manufacturers mislead people by talking about lots of different electrical voltage. All this is just to make people get confused and misleading so that no one gets to know the real true picture that Taser or Stun Gun damages the nervous system in seconds. Police intervention with Taser is presented by the world power and the rich elite as completely harmless because the police can appear as if they are not harming people to death. But they kill people with Taser, given that 9-volt devices cause death to the entire body’s nervous system, which in turn always leads people to death. Taser emits infinitely higher electric shock than 9-volt devices. It’s the secret that nerves die from even low electrical currents of 9 volts and less. The creators of this video allow patients who have had ECT to testify about their injuries in that video for about one to two minutes and what they allow patients to say is that it was horrible torture and that they have lost memories. The patients have said much more than just that. In addition to brain damage, their bodies also die. They have got, the whole nervous system in the body destroyed. In this video, they lie by showing an animated image of a patient where they show electric shock that radiates straight from one electrode to the other electrode through the brain. Electric current is not a laser beam for it to flow straight through the brain. Electric current flows through the whole body from the head to the feet and to the fingers. The enormous amount of electricity at 480 volts, damages the brain and the whole body’s nervous system which can handle no more than the natural body’s electrical signal strength which is 8 times less current from the smallest battery in the hand watch. So, this is a misleading government’s lie fraud media propaganda. It is a crime to lie to people. But when government lies to people with a fatal outcome, then it is not a crime. Neurons and the body’s nervous system natural current is 8 times less than the current of the battery in the hand watch. It’s stupid to even comment on this fraudulent video about ECT when 9-volt devices lead people to certain death. ECT is a public execution under the claim of care for mental illness and end point. Thanks to the ECT’s world governments, people are legally executed under the guise of caring for depression, without the world’s governments being guilty of killing ordinary people, and that’s where the ECT is concluded. Pedophile, in the first video about psychiatry at the end of the video you will see about psychiatrists who have raped locked children in psychiatry. There you have a pedophile psychiatrist who was in fact monitored by the police through psychotronic weapons while he committed the crime. He got free hands from the world power and rich elite so that he can commit the crime over and over again. Government allows him to commit that crime. The only reason the police investigated him for a crime is that there were too many witnesses who were patients so that their testimony was sufficiently credible and then it was no longer possible to hide that crime. That’s why he got stuck. And you all ordinary people on this
planet should know one thing. The other employees in psychiatry are no better than him. They’re all murderers like him. They all together commit worse crimes than the sexual abuse of the children. They kill people for god’s sake with ECT shocks. The crime he committed is nothing compared to the murder that all existing psychiatrists, including psychologists and other employees in psychiatry commit on ordinary people through ECT and the rest of the electrical destruction around the world. It is the real genocide that is worse than Pedophilia, a crime against humanity that the governments of the world together are fooling us all ordinary people and our children into death with. Being sexually harassed as a child is nothing compared to what electrical damage means to injured people. It’s death. All employees in psychiatric care should be murdered in the right way by legal electric shock with Stun Gun or Taser out on the street. If electric shock is a legal method to kill ordinary people, then it cannot be a crime if you give them an electric shock with Taser or Stun Gun out on the street. Out on the street, we reach them all. That is their weak point. Why not aim at their family members instead so that they see how it feels to look at their loved ones while they are dying. When they murder ordinary people then it is no problem to do so, but what is it like when your own family pig cubs get to feel your own work and profession. Is it care then? That’s how the whole world’s power and rich elite should be legally lynched by ordinary people and that out on the streets. The power of the world and the rich elite together deceive us ordinary people in the mass murder by electric annihilation. We should take their annihilation system and use it against them. In this way, we can wipe them out of this world, and after that, we can take people who are fighting for the safety and security of us ordinary people and our children for real. That’s what they deserve. It is in this way that the power of the world and the rich elite murder and lynch us all ordinary people and our children. What shit US lie media propaganda is about human rights. I do not understand that American people cannot realize this truth. Here they say that ECT is given to children from 0 to 5 years. People have accepted it as fair treatment for care for babies from 0 to 5 years with over 400-volt electric current, which is alleged to have depression. How the hell can they know that a baby has depression, but American people have accepted it as human rights.
Hollywood film industry
American people believe that they have freedom and human rights. You have none of this. You are just an extremely brainwashed people, thanks to the Hollywood film industry who convinces you to believe in your government while they kill you one by one and thanks to your ignorance, they manage to kill you without you ever realizing the truth. It’s the Hollywood Film industry that advertises electric destruction through every single fucking movie. They kill your white people through its electric holocaust, while you believe you have greater human rights than other races in the United States. But you do not have that. How many millions of your ordinary people white adults, young people and children have died in the electric Holocaust? The Hollywood Film Industry is cheating you to death and they are also cheating the entire world population ordinary people into death. All the governments of the world are taking part in the massacre of civilians on this planet. That is why it is possible, because all the governments of the world control the media where they keep quiet about the world’s global decline of the world’s population on this planet. To be honest, it’s no less surprising that aliens always land only in the United States but never in Sweden and even less in Bosnia. There is no thing you do not believe in, but you just do not believe in the truth. But it’s not just you who are brainwashed the whole world is brainwashed. So, it’s not your fault. It’s wrong with the mainstream media that you should lynch with Stun Gun or Taser that is legal to use in your country on the street and then you will be enlightened people who are aware of the truth that you and your children are led to death by the US power and rich elite. Both Republicans and Democrats kill you by default and then they give you their political program that is there to paint your eyes with lies about human rights freedom and democracy that they give you. You too should lead them to death by giving them an electric shock with Stun Gun if you can access them. That is why media propaganda is so effective. The information that ECT is given to children from 0 to 5 years who have alleged depression is information that all the world’s existing countries use to mislead their people. People who do not know
the truth about electric destruction on the civilian population are also not aware that the government intentionally murders legal people. Such people believe in government in exactly the same way I have believed. If it happens that they start questioning psychiatry, then the information they stumble upon first. When they see that ECT is given to children from 0 to 5 years, then their doubts about government and state institutions are blown away. When they see the information then they will believe in the state. When I was injured then I started looking for information about electric destruction. I myself ended up on this information and I can tell you that in this moment I was extremely confused because then I did not know that the government intentionally harms people to death and that they also do it legally, where there is no one who punishes them for crime as they commit on civilian population. It took me over 5 years to realize the truth, and now I clearly see all their lies. In this video, they really give ECT to a baby. I have found a picture of that baby in PDF format and about that I have written blog posts at the beginning of the blog. But honestly, I thought it’s just pretending. I thought the government had just taken a picture of a baby getting an ECT shock. I thought the government just wanted to scare people, but in this video or the first one saw how they give ECT shock to that child and not in the picture but through video. So now I realize the reality of world power and rich elites’ evil, extends beyond my imagination to what I can believe is possible. They openly murder us and our children. You just have to be a little critical and even then, you can realize the whole truth. Through electric destruction, adults, young people, and children in Christian parts of the world are murdered in Christian Orthodox, Christian Catholic and Christian Protestant countries. With electric destruction, people in countries with Buddhist religion, Hindu religion, Jewish religion and so on are murdered. With electric destruction, people in countries with Muslim religion are murdered, both Sunni and Shia Muslim power and the rich elite murder their own people and they kill each other’s people through mainstream media propaganda by lying to people. It applies to the whole world. With electric annihilation, people are murdered in Africa. Africa’s power and rich elite murder their black population. Blacks from the power and rich elite murder blacks who are ordinary people, while they talk about that part of history when they were murdered as slaves to white bullies. They present it as something horrible, while the power of Africa and the rich elite have murdered their own black ordinary people and this way of blacks dying by electric annihilation is infinitely many times more horrible. It’s genocide. Electric destruction kills people in Israel. Jews ordinary people are murdered by Israeli Jewish power and rich elite. With electric destruction, Palestinians are murdered by Palestinian power and the rich elite. With electric destruction, people in Russia are murdered by Russia’s power and rich elite. With electric destruction, people in China are murdered by Chinese power and the rich elite. With electric destruction, people in the United States are murdered by American power and the rich elite. With electric destruction, people in Germany are murdered by German power and the rich elite. With electric destruction, people in Britain are murdered by Britain’s power and rich elite. With electric destruction, people in France are murdered by the French power and rich elite. Electric destruction kills people in Bosnia. Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian powers and rich elites each murdered their civilian population by electric destruction. Hard to believe it’s true but it’s exactly true. This is how you can continue to name countries until you have named every single country on this planet. It is so common people are murdered and the murder of us ordinary people is committed by our states. All nations murder their own people in one and the same way, through mortals’ electric destruction systems and they kill people on an industrial scale. Through psychiatric care, politicians reach the entire population. It is about state control of the entire population that involves killing people before people have had time to pose a threat to the state or government and through psychiatric care, politicians can kill anyone, parents, and parents’ children. Everything they have said in that video is true, but it is many times worse than just what they show in the two videos. All the mass murder of the world’s civilian population can be done by the world’s power and rich elite thanks to all the existing world media who lie to their people about a wonderful image of society where people’s politicians fight for people’s
religious and national identity. All the world’s media collaborate with each other. Their job is to lie to their people in the same way, while they deliberately keep quiet about various Holocaust systems implemented through state systems such as pure Trojans under false claims. In this next video, we have just one example of how the media lies to people and how the media manipulates people by convincing people of the false image of reality. They’re not just lying about one thing. They lie about everything else and that just so they can lead people to their deaths. Remember that the world’s all existing media only lead people to death and that is their only task so that the world’s governments can kill those they want to kill quite legally without ever being guilty of massacres on their own civilian population. They manipulate people for that people should have confidence in politicians. They criticize some politicians, while they praise others, but none of them deserves people’s trust because they kill people together while they talk allegedly against each other. Neither politicians nor the media are ever on the side of the people. They just hide government crime and abuses of civilians, and they all participate in the media propaganda together and intentionally in leading people to certain death.
Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada
When I talk about electric destruction, I can tell you that I am 100% right. This is a proven genocide that the power of the world and the rich elite commit on all of us ordinary people on this planet. This is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The proof of Genocide committed by the power of the whole world and the rich elite of each civilian population; I have proof through my deadly bodily injuries that I speak the truth. Evidence is my bodily injuries leading me to death now. This is genocide and a crime against humanity that the power of the world and the rich elite commit on all of us ordinary people on this planet and it is completely legal. I have all the evidence that it is the largest and most deadly system of annihilation in human history. Now I know that the power of the world and the rich elite intentionally murder us ordinary people and that they do it intentionally is the difference between a lie and a truth. If the government had come to families and started abusing them for no reason and harming the whole family together with children, then that information would spread like wildfire among the population. I can tell you that then at the moment when people realize that the government is intentionally harming the whole family to death, then that family would be prepared to kill state monsters without hesitation for a single second. Because then people know that people have justice on their side. Justice cannot be that government kills us and our children and it is completely legal. They are supposed to protect us and not kill us. Therefore, the world power and the rich elite commit it under complete media censorship and all weapon systems such as psychotronic weapons for example are explained away by the world power and the rich elite as signs of mental illness such as delusion, imagination, conspiracy theory, fantasies and lies. Therefore, the power of the world and the rich elite manipulate people so that people do not become aware that the genocide of the entire civilian population on this planet is committed under false claims, so that people become calm while they and their children are murdered through many years of torture on a dozen various methods and high-tech weapons that do not exist in public. World power and rich elite the task is only to lie to people, to deceive people and to literally deceive people into death. Therefore, it works because they through media propaganda have built a false image of reality and they have changed our perception image of reality, so that we will never be able to see the truth. If people get to know the truth, then the power of the whole world and the rich elite can fall down like a house of cards. They can start being murdered by ordinary people on an industrial scale out on the streets through Stun Gun. Then, if people had realized the truth
even religions would follow the same fate for religions do not serve people, they serve politicians who gain people’s trust through religion so that politicians stay in power by using people’s feelings of hatred and love as a weapon against just the same people. Through media propaganda, the power of the world and the rich elite deceive us into believing in government institutions such as healthcare. It is through healthcare that the world’s power and the rich elite murder people, claiming that they give people care and attention. Now, we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground the next Holocaust system of civilian population worldwide. Take dentists as an example and then you can realize that they also kill people, by causing a deadly disease that will shorten people’s lives. Dentists have removed amalgam dental fillings because that dental filling contains mercury and so on. I have heard from people that it was much stronger than the usual dental fillings that they repair teeth with now. I know nothing about it, and they may be telling the truth. I’ve never had it, so I do not know. But as far as I know, is that the new dental fillings are pure rubbish. Research has come a long way in its development, while dental fillings that dentists now use are standing still and they do not develop any more. Dental fillings that I have received in certain teeth only last for a year. So, every year I go to the dentist for them to fix dental fillings, which have eroded, and they just drill teeth more and more. Over time, there is less, and less tooth left. Should it be called dental care. They do not repair teeth. They destroy teeth. The Swedish government has removed amalgam dental fillings as something dangerous, while they x-ray all teeth every year and it presents them as harmless good dental care. I have always had confidence in dental care until I was injured by pure electrical crime fraud and down, I have realized that care takes the lives of people intentionally through the electrical destruction, then I have started to question everything else. If government kills people intentionally through electric destruction, then it means that government kills people through everything else. Then there is no reason for us ordinary people to believe something they say. In recent years, every time I go for an annual dental checkup, not only does the dentist x-ray all my teeth, but also the dental hygienist x-rays all my teeth. None of them have ever told me, we have x-rayed your teeth and we have found a fault. They X-ray teeth with 5 or more pictures and in the end, they say that everything is ok. Last year with the realization that they do it every year, I began to wonder if it is really necessary for them to x-ray my teeth every year. Then it was the first time in my life, when I questioned the mandatory dental examination with X-ray of all teeth. Dental hygienist said she would x-ray my teeth again. Then I said to her, is it really necessary that you do it every year? She replied to me that I allegedly sparkled with my teeth and that therefore they were worn. She said that she is the one who wants to see that everything is ok and that she wants to see if my Ruth of teeth is ok. I was thinking at the time that X-rays every year will give me cancer over time and then I began to distrust their alleged intention to give me harmless dental care. But with these injuries to my mental senses, I am sometimes too slow to react quickly. She put the lead vest around my neck, and I was paralyzed because I did not know what to think in that moment. What I was thinking in that moment was that she intentionally causes cancer in me over time. Then I thought in my mind, do it. We’ll see next year if I will allow you to x-ray all my teeth every year again. Of course, she was kind when she gave me that dental care and they are always kind so that people will have confidence in their care. They x-ray people’s teeth every year and then they fix teeth for the occasion, while the useless dental fillings break down already next year and then they drill even more tooth until you have lost tooth completely, while you have been irradiated with radioactive radiation presented by state systems as completely harmless mandatory X-ray dental examination. Through the world’s mainstream media and all existing available media propaganda on the internet, dental x-rays are advertised as something harmless, due to the fact that it is an alleged harmless radioactive radiation dose. In addition, in Swedish media propaganda, they say that dental X-rays are environmentally friendly because the Swedish people are so much brainwashed environmentally conscious through their fight for the climate, so that humanity is saved. Even in TV programs about nuclear radioactive waste, they take the opportunity to mix that information along with
dental x-ray examination, where they say, for example, that the radioactivity is a thousand or million times stronger than what dental x-rays are. Dental X-rays emit only so little radioactivity that it is claimed not to be dangerous to human health. That was not exactly what they said, but something like that. But it is tooth x-rays they mention over and over through all sorts of TV programs and YouTube videos through an army of government-employed internet trolls who serve all that media propaganda under the guise of research. If the governments of the world are lying about electric annihilation, then they are lying about tooth X-rays harmless radioactive radiation. This year I called them because the filling that they have now repaired 4 times in a row, has cracked and eroded. This time it was the dentist. Atmosphere was positive because they were kind as they usually are. I sat down in the chair and just waited for the moment when they will try to x-ray my teeth again. Without them telling me anything, a dental nurse came to assist the dentist with the lead hanging string where she started putting it around my neck. By the way, they were two Swedish women. With the realization that I am dying of electrical injuries now, I see the X-ray of my teeth as an intention that comes directly from the Swedish government for me and all of us ordinary people to get cancer with repeated annual X-rays of our teeth. Then I said to her straight away, Stop, I no longer go on that you should x-ray my teeth every year. She pretended to be shocked and amazed at why I question the dental care and the dental x-ray of my teeth. It was like I say no to the fine Swedish care that just wants to fix my teeth. I told them, fix what you see in the tooth. This is your dental filling that bursts and breaks every year on a regular basis. Before, there was a man who repaired my teeth, and he knew how to numb teeth so that you really feel no pain. This year, that woman was a new dentist. She gave me anesthesia. My whole lip and cheek have become numb, while in the tooth it hurt a lot. She starts drilling and it just hurt too much. Without drilling anything more, she closed that tooth only with dental fillings. And it is quite expensive, but I accept it, but I do not accept that the Swedish state will take my life, in addition to through electrical damage they will now cause cancer and cancer is the world’s power and rich elite looking to, artificially induce people. This is just another system of annihilation of ordinary people under the claim of dental care. When I would pay then they asked me, why do I not want to allow more of X-ray of all my teeth. Then I said. You x-ray all your teeth with many x-rays every year and when people get cancer in twenty years or more years, then no one asks what cause has caused the cancer. If you are exposed to radioactive radiation regularly every year, then it is no wonder that people get cancer when they get older. I simply do not go on it anymore. Fix it in the tooth that you see with your eyes. Then she said, in order for us to be able to repair your teeth, we must see if the tooth root is healthy, which is pure stupidity that lacks any scientific basis. Dental care is not advanced research, although they would like to present it that way. It’s not as complicated as they would like it to be for people. I told her. In order for the tooth root to be destroyed by Carries then Carries must destroy the visible part of the tooth in order for it to spread to the route in tooth. You x-ray the teeth of young people who have good teeth and for what, so that you can confirm that everything is ok. However, X-rays with radioactive radiation accumulate in the body. If you x-ray all the teeth from young people’s young years and through their lives every year, they will get cancer in 30 or 40 years. Then she said to me in an angry, raised voice, then we’re done with you. I shit in what you think of me and go to hell Swedish government modern executioner, woman who inflicts the death penalty on people through long years of radioactive radiation. I have thought that in my head. I no longer care what you think of me and what the whole of humanity thinks of me now that I’m dying. But after that, she answered me in a calm voice and with the fake Swedish smile on her lips that I should call if I had problems with that dental filling. Ok, I too am pretending to be kind and then I said thank you for the help. Now over to my son. My son goes to another dental clinic. So, my son got those wisdom teeth that grow out at the age of 20. First one of them came and then my son had a terrible time. He could not eat, and it became painful for him until it grew out through the gums. He said it’s a hell of a pain. But when other wisdom teeth began to grow, then it became too much of a pain and this time it was really bad. Then
he had to seek the help of a dentist. So, I went with him into the room where the dental hygienist will see what she can help him with. I had confidence in her. I really want my son to get help because he got inflammation in the whole jaw on the side where that wisdom tooth grew out. It can be life threatening condition for infection can spread to brain. In any case, that was what I believed in. I’m not an expert but I’ve heard and read about it through the same censored internet and that’s why I thought it was urgent. Then she said she wanted to take an X-ray of wisdom teeth. At that moment, I was paralyzed again. If she is going to take a picture of that wisdom tooth, then she has every right to do so, because these are times when an X-ray may be needed. But I did not know how many pictures she will take. She little talked to my son as they usually do with all patients. If I’m not wrong now, she asked my son what he dreams of becoming in the future and then he said he wishes he would be rich and then he will fix such white teeth as the fake Hollywood smile with white sparkling false teeth has. Of course, she said that his teeth are already fine, and they are the best he has and there she is right. Then she told me to leave the room when she took an X-ray. I was standing next to her, and it was the first time in my life when I saw how they take X-rays. She typed different numbers and then she pressed that button. She held her finger on that button for 4 seconds. The X-ray machine is about 4 or 5 centimeters in width wide. I thought she should take, just an X-ray picture. She took a picture of wisdom tooth, and she moved that device only one and a half centimeters, so she took another. Then she took unnecessary two pictures of the other wisdom tooth that has already grown where he has no problem with. She did the same thing on both sides completely unnecessarily. My son went there with full confidence in the Swedish state and thus in the Swedish dental care. He said he dreams of getting rich and I felt like its biggest world shit dad that I did not react. I felt like I was betraying my child. While he was telling her that he dreams of getting rich, I saw my child being x-rayed with radioactive radiation. He will not die from the only dental x-ray, but her x-ray of teeth breaks all logic. When I x-rayed all the teeth, so with 5 or 6 pictures they manage to x-ray all the teeth, while she took two x-rays with a distance of no more than one and a half centimeters. She holds her finger on that button for 4 seconds. The X-ray machine is so close to the cheek that it has contact with the skin on the face. The radioactive rays travel at perhaps near the speed of light. It’s so close. What do they mean 4 seconds? If that device is set automatically for all patients, then she would not need to dial different numbers on that device. There should be only a green button and nothing more. That she is the one who uses the device at that very moment is checked by shift work that will be sent through the computer system and then she does not have to press her employment number for the system to register that it is she who takes the X-ray. Think about whether she might put strength on radiation through the entered numbers. Think about if she gives radiation to my son for 4 seconds while the radioactive rays that travel at close to the speed of light and then radiation for 4 seconds is harmful due to high radioactive radiation which is completely unnecessary for her to take an X-ray picture. Although it can be a safety measure for her to hold it for 4 seconds so that it can be determined that the X-ray is taken with the determination that it is also fully planned without any doubt. Why take 4 pictures so close together with such a wide device that shoots the radioactive rays. After that I told my son that he should never allow them to x-ray his teeth. The same thing he thought. The next time he went to her, she urged him to book a new appointment himself tooth x-ray of all his teeth next year which he declined. She said to him, OK it’s your own decision, while those who fix my teeth do not want to fix my teeth if I do not accept by force, dental x-ray of all my teeth. But it is (my ass) his own decision when they only perform the annual radioactive irradiation of all teeth without asking people if people want to go on it. Now I can tell you about all ordinary people on this planet, this is another system of destruction for us ordinary people and our children. What do you think? Do they x-ray all their children’s teeth every year with regular dental x-rays of all teeth? I do not think they do. This is the way that every single government on this planet, uses to radio actively irradiate the civilian population that is the target of government. People who are going to have their lives shortened by causing cancer in both adults and children. If they start
irradiating young people as they do through their lives, then there is a good chance that those young people will get cancer when they have reached retirement. The power of the world and the rich elite shorten people’s lives so that people die before they have had time to retire. The power of the world and the rich elite’s intention is also to lower the population on this planet, and this is just another way to harm people and that to death. All that is needed is for people to have confidence in the government and in healthcare. You must not question; you should only believe in care blindly without asking questions. That’s just how care works, and people should not ask questions. I have already said that the governments of the world are supposed to care about women who have been raped. The world power and the rich elite care about their women, sisters, and children so that they will not be raped while now I will tell you how much they care about women who belong to us ordinary people. Here in Sweden and also throughout the world, the world governments are spreading a media propaganda agenda that women should go for Mammography regularly every year. In Swedish media, they have presented a media propaganda image that women have a great chance of avoiding breast cancer, if they go for mammography every year. It is enough for women to control themselves with hands in fall they have got lumps in the breasts. I believe that mammography is a guaranteed way for women to get breast cancer in 30 or 40 years. It’s the same thing here again. Government cares about its family members while deceiving women who belong to our families of us ordinary people into that they will get cancer in a decade because of just Mammography. In addition, I have watched a Hollywood movie where female film characters who are doctors say this, I have always said that mammography saves women’s lives. Here I understood that the female actress advertises mammography through film for women of us ordinary people to be suggestively deceived into undergoing the harmful investigation year after year through their whole life. In the same way, they advertise electric annihilation and those who have been deceived in it will die. Electric annihilation leads people to certain death, while mammography is another annihilation system integrated into state systems, which leads ordinary people into death by radioactive radiation under the claim of Mammography. What about our old people who have lived for about 100 years who have almost never in their lives gone to Mammography. They may have lived so long, precisely because they did not receive the modern, present-day care of everyone. If it had not been so, then I would not have been dying now. I’m not sure but if they kill people through electric destruction, then they kill people through Mammography and all other destruction systems and then it’s about our mothers, sisters, and daughters. They probably keep their own mother, sisters, and daughters away from Mammography. This is how it is all over the planet. The power of the world and the rich elite kill us ordinary people and the whole families. I’m not saying that people should refrain from having mammograms and dental x-rays. I only urge you if you get cancer later in the future, then you should suspect the care and dental care because you have got cancer. I ask you to write about your finished life in the same way I do when you have got cancer. If it had not been as I claim, then I would not have been dying now. Here is another video that most people on this planet do not think about, while it will provoke our death in the near future.
Coronavirus is just the start. Something far worse is coming
This is just another government media propaganda lie that represents the world governments’ intention to lead the entire civilian population on this planet to mass death, claiming that we ordinary people in the near future will tell our children that we are sorry, but bacon tasted just too good. Through this video, they create a misleading image of the world where people are suggestively convinced in false belief that the government, animal farmers and the civilian population are equally responsible for the fact that animals in farms, get 80% of all sold antibiotics. We people have voted for our politicians, and they have given
permission for farmers to give cattle antibiotics every day of their lives, to protect them from poor farm industry living conditions, under which they are raised. Not to cure illness, but to get them to gain weight. Antibiotic medications for animals and humans are the same if I’m not wrong now. I have been given antibiotics a few times in my life and I have never noticed that antibiotic medications give me neither hunger nor obesity in any way, while Seroquel and Zyprexa give inhuman hunger already after 4 hours and then you cannot resist hunger. You cannot gain weight just because of medicine. You have to eat a lot of food to gain weight. How to eat a lot of food if you are not hungry. Therefore, they have the substance that causes hunger and that substance they add in various medications, but in public they pretend that no such substance even exists in real life. They keep it secretly stamped through media silence. What they have never talked about is what does not exist for ordinary people. People who know about this are people who are gaining weight because of such medications, and it is not difficult at all to realize the truth while taking such medications. You are not stupid in your head, you notice it. Once you have taken them, you eat food far above what you would otherwise have done normally without the medicines such as Seroquel and Zyprexa. The fact that Seroquel and Zyprexa cause abnormal hunger for food keeps all the governments of the world silent. That information is never uttered in the media. The medicines are there to cure mental illness and the government, media of all existing varieties, do not interfere in care. All knowledgeable healthcare knows best. All government institutions just do their job and they do not get involved in each other’s profession and work tasks, because they are not trained in this area. The government has convinced people that everything they do is for the good of the people and people should never distrust them. We ordinary people should not question government systems, because government systems exist to protect us ordinary people and our children. We can question politicians because of their different political programs. That they allow animals to be fed with 80% of all antibiotics sold every day of their lives, is wrong of us ordinary people because it is we who have voted for them. Vote for the other politicians, because then maybe the others will change the conditions for raising poor animals. But what people do not realize is that none of the various political parties want to interfere in the breeding of animals with antibiotics, or in any of all extermination systems and that is no coincidence. By saying in this video that we ordinary people should be told in the future to tell our children that we are sad, but bacon tasted just too good, they transfer debt from the government and the pharmaceutical industry to ordinary people who want meat on the table. Ordinary people bear absolutely no guilt for the development of multi-resistant bacteria through animal husbandry. Ordinary people have no power over this. It is not ordinary people who give antibiotics to farm animals. It is the pharmaceutical industry that does it for each government. The farm industry follows the government’s permitted laws that give farmers the right to give antibiotics to farm animals and the world’s governments have given farmers permission just so that the world’s power and rich elite will create another annihilation system that will lead ordinary people with their children to mass death. under the assertion of food consumption. Here they have again created a system of annihilation, under harmless claims. Here it is again the same thing. The governments of the world do not harm people, they only give people food on the table. Ordinary people do not even want to buy meat that is packed with antibiotics, but it is not written on the catering of meat products that the slaughtered animal has been fed with antibiotics. The power of the world and the rich elite have more money than we ordinary people have. They will buy organic meat without packed antibiotics and multi-resistant bacteria, which is much more expensive while ordinary people will buy it cheaper and because ordinary people have no idea that the world power and rich elite were intentionally killing their civilian population hidden, by state system, they will not even distrust that meat can be dangerous. Instead, people will feel safe while stuffing that meat into themselves and their children. But the whole hype of animals that ingest antibiotics, can become a cover for people to be intentionally infected with multi-resistant bacteria, for example in hospitals. Why not? The care of the whole world is already killing the entire civilian population of the whole world by electric destruction. What people
are thinking now is that it is a pure paranoia of a man who has delusions and delusional picture of reality. But I have already described how the power of the world and the rich elite harm people to death by electric destruction. It is the same with the development of multi-resistant bacteria by breeding farm animals with antibiotics. In first place as the most important thing in society is the needs of ordinary people. People need to be happy with their lives that governments also make sure people get. One of the needs of all people is hunger and demand for meat products and as this planet has become so overpopulated, our politicians are so much worried about us ordinary people that we will not starve because of meat industry that cannot cover today’s demand for meat products for the needs of the number of today’s population. In order for our governments to provide food on the table for people and their hungry children for meat, farmers must have the opportunity to quickly raise farm animals, so that we ordinary people do not starve, and people do not complain that there is no meat in grocery stores. We ordinary people are greedy for meat and our politicians are extremely pressured because of our greed and hunger for meat. They do not want to do that, but they have to do it because we ordinary people want meat on the table. They prefer to save the planet and they want to think about the environment and the climate. But because of our greed and hunger for meat, it must not happen that we cannot buy meat, just because the meat industry is unable to produce enough meat for all of us. People cannot stand to be hungry. It is our fault that politicians have been forced to allow the farming industry to feed farm animals with antibiotics, so that we ordinary people do not get hungry. It is not the politicians’ fault. It’s our fault. First of all, it’s a lie when they say they have to use antibiotics in order to protect animals from the farm breeding methods, where animals are crammed into cramped spaces close to each other. That they are supposed to get sick due to cramped space is pure stupidity. Livestock animals are crowded close together all over the planet and animals do not get sick, so they die because of this. That they say that animals are fed with antibiotics every day, is a frightening warning blanket that had aroused concerns in any politician who really cares about people’s health. But the thing is, it is they who are developing the multi-resistant Holocaust system that will lead 10 million civilians to death in 2050. It is not that far away. In this video, they do not explain in what way antibiotics make animals gain weight, they just say that antibiotics make animals gain weight. Why do farmers not give animals Seroquel and Zyprexa instead of antibiotics because then animals would gain weight while bacterial multi-resistance to antibiotics would be avoided. The substance that makes people gain weight, the world governments add through the pharmaceutical industry in Seroquel and Zyprexa for people to be injured to death in the long run through obesity, while for farm animals they add that substance in antibiotics to create bacteria multi-resistance to antibiotics so that the population can become infected and die due to multi-resistant bacteria. It is not even certain that farm animals gain weight thanks to antibiotics. Animals can gain weight just because they get more food in front of them to eat. The only way to get farm animals to gain weight as quickly as possible, is for them to feel hungry so that they eat more food than they would have done otherwise. Through the added substance that the world power and the rich elite add in antibiotics, farm animals eat more of food and thanks to this they get fat faster. Development of multi-resistant bacteria are an additional annihilation system that the world power and rich elite use to lead their respective civilian populations around the world to death. Development of multi-resistant bacteria is another system of extermination to bring the world’s population down. Now we come to the Coronavirus. All of us humans have become ill with the flu at some point in our lives. Throughout my life, I have become ill from time to time, but each time I have also recovered without permanently deteriorating health. You get sick and when you have recovered, then you get well again as if you have never even been sick. For me, this is the first time in my life, when I experience bodily injuries after illness. I have never experienced anything like this before in my life. Corona disease damages the lungs, causes brain damage, and probably damages other body organs. In my opinion, Covid-19 infection is life-threatening, but most people who fall ill as a percentage of the entire population still do not die from it. As I see it
Coronavirus is deadly in the long run. It’s not about being sick and when you have recovered, then everything is OK. Every time you get sick, Coronavirus causes new damage to your body, and you get sick over and over again. I’ve been sick twice already. So, if I have survived them twice, then it is not certain that I will not die next time. To me, it looks like it’s 50% that you should survive and 50% that you should die. It is pure lottery if you are to survive or if you are to die. So, there is every reason for people to fear Coronavirus disease. 99% of the world’s population believe that times have gone crazy. We only see wars all over the world, we see hatred, threats, and conflict between different religions and so on. The fact that we have had a Coronavirus pandemic only seems natural to us as we are already used to hearing through the world’s mainstream media that only bad things are happening in the world. In addition to all the bad things in the world, we now also have a Covid-19 pandemic. Now it seems that the most logical thing is to get vaccinated with new gene vaccines so that we can be immunized against Coronavirus. It takes 10 years or more for vaccines to develop, but since it is about the Coronavirus pandemic, the countries of the world have recruited all their researchers in the production of Covid-19 vaccine and thanks to their commitment, they have produced vaccines in one year if I’m not wrong now. For some strange reason, they have also decided that vaccines should not be produced in the traditional way with a dead arm of virus. They have instead invested in using the gene of the dead virus arm. That is why they are called gene vaccines. If they can engage all the researchers in the world to produce the Corona vaccine, why do they not engage all the researchers in the world to find vaccines against the HIV virus and other diseases. This Corona pandemic is not an accident. They have produced gene vaccines that have not even been tested on animals. Instead, they impose gene vaccines on us ordinary people and now it is we and our children who are experimental animals. Gene vaccines cause blood clots in the brain that cause brain tissue death. Brain tissue death causes brain damage that is infinitely many times more dangerous than damage caused by Coronavirus. People do not die as much of Coronavirus as a percentage when it is distributed among the entire country’s population, but it is still said to be sufficient reason for the entire world’s population to be vaccinated by force. They say it is voluntary, but they are lying. It is voluntary when people blindly choose to believe in the power of the world and the rich elite and when people choose to get vaccinated without questioning anything. Now that there are people who want to wait a few years to wait and see what happens to vaccinated people before deciding on vaccination, now they are threatening and blackmailing people with Corona passports. It is forced vaccination. World governments claim that people do not need to be vaccinated if people do not want to. They have hoped that their criminal media propaganda will be enough to convince and deceive ordinary people across the planet in vaccination with deadly gene vaccines. But now that they have realized that there are people who have seen through their intention to lower the world’s population, they are now beginning to force people to be vaccinated by force. As you can see, I write a blog about crimes that the Swedish state has exposed me to, while they do not admit my bodily injuries. They pretend I do not exist, and they keep a total media silence. They are just repeating media propaganda about how they care about the civilian population, while as you can see in my case, I am dying because of the crime they have exposed me to. Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is the same. They are just repeating their media propaganda agenda, about how they care about their civilian population and about how they want to immunize the entire civilian population against viruses that they themselves have released among the world population along with all the world governments. While people die due to gene vaccines, they come up with more media propaganda that such cases where people die due to gene vaccines should be claimed to be rare events. There are many more who die than just what the world governments allow to be shown in the media. It is healthcare that explains such cases already when people die in hospitals with the explanation that it is not possible to prove a connection between people’s deaths and vaccines against Coronavirus. Think about how it will be difficult and almost impossible for ordinary people to prove the connection between vaccination and death of a relative due to gene vaccines, when people die after one or a few
years. Then healthcare will explain away people’s death by saying that people have died due to stroke, heart attack, physical defect and so on. If you get a blood clot in your brain, then you have to have surgery immediately otherwise you will die or at best you will get brain damage that will turn you from a healthy person into a disabled person for the rest of your short life that you have left to live. Ultimate results of blood clots in the brain due to gene vaccines are brain damage that causes life-threatening conditions that always lead to death in the same way as in my case through bodily injuries caused by electrical destruction. I have written about in this blog, and I have shared video on researchers who use their lifelong work as prominent credible researchers in communicable diseases and vaccine production. The Swedish government on the surface through its state criminal media propaganda claims that vaccination is not forced. They claim that vaccination against Coronavirus is the free choice of every citizen. It seems that there are people who have begun to distrust the government’s intent and purpose of vaccination and now they take it in with hard gloves that people should be vaccinated by force against one’s own will. The power of the world and the rich elite cannot blackmail me with Corona travel passports because I do not travel abroad. I do not even travel through Sweden. For over 20 years I have lived only in this city Uddevalla and all that because of the criminal way in which the Swedish state has investigated me for crime by exposing me to crime. This bodily injury has deprived me of all human traits, all the human in me and because of this I cannot engage in basic human activities. I cannot travel anywhere because I am dying and if I travel, then I will experience it as living hell on this Earth. Addition to this over 20 years of destruction of me by Psychotronic weapons, where they have forced me to shame myself through psychological torture and then I am also a disgrace who wants to avoid human contact so that I do not get looked at, laughed out and so on. Government at the same time destroys people mentally, physically and in all possible ways that one can imagine so that life will be as difficult as possible to live in order to choose to commit suicide. I cannot go to restaurant to eat food because I cannot even eat more due to suffering and besides, I will just sit there and keep dying. So, it is with everything else. Here is a video where they blackmail us all who do not want to vaccinate us with deadly gene vaccines.
Infection control professor opens for vaccine passport at work
Smittskyddsprofessor öppnar för vaccin pass på jobbet
Their message to me sounds like this: If you want to keep your workplace then you have to get vaccinated by force, and then we will injure you again by causing brain damage in addition to the electrical damage you already have. If you die, then there will be only one more rare event of blood clots in the brain. If the vaccination with gene vaccines against Covid-19 is so safe, why have the world governments deprived the pharmaceutical industry of all responsibility for people who have died or been turned into invalids who are likely to die from blood clots in the brain that gene vaccines against Coronavirus cause. They force vaccination on us by force and when we die, then neither government, healthcare nor the pharmaceutical industry are responsible for causing our death. They laugh at our death. It’s again the same thing I’ve been talking about different annihilation systems of civilian populations around the world. The world’s governments are massacring people through gene vaccines under the guise of coronavirus care. It is not that world governments are looking for cases involving people who have died immediately from two or three doses of vaccine. Such
cases only reveal the intent of Corona vaccination with gene vaccines and such cases arouse people’s distrust of the government because it is easy to prove a connection between death cases immediately after vaccination. In this case, people understand it on their own. World governments are looking for bodily injuries that will occur after a year, after 10 years or even further into the future and such links between vaccines and blood clots in the brain, people can never prove because of such a long distance. The governments of the world are looking for fatal bodily injuries that vaccines cause on people that should never be proven so that they can kill people without being guilty of murder. Gene vaccines cause fatal bodily injuries that occur after decades. It is the same kind of annihilation system that is identical to electric annihilation systems. In the two videos about psychiatry, they say that psychiatry kills babies from 0 to 5 years. Why then would they not want to kill all of us ordinary people on this planet through gene vaccines against Coronavirus. They want it and they do it and it is not personal to us ordinary people. Someone just has to die and those who are going to die are ordinary people, whether we like it or not. We take up space on this planet and we only cost society. Only those who are well educated, those who are reasonably rich or those who are really rich, can continue to live while we all other insignificant civilians are allowed to die. World governments always inflict life-threatening injuries on people that will occur later in life, to make it look like people have just fallen ill with some deadly disease or had deadly body complications due to a defect in the body. The life – threatening damage is what the world governments are looking for. listen to me very carefully. This is the most important thing that one must know about the way in which the world power and the rich elite murder their civilian population adults, young people, and children. Our governments convict people of crimes that people have committed, crimes that cannot even be compared to crimes that governments commit on civilians that are nothing but a genocide and crimes against humanity. The governments of the world, with the help of their rich elite and media propaganda machinery, transform through advertising the image of slaughterhouses of people into something useful to people under the assertion of care, research, technological advances, sales of products for human needs that serve people, while in reality are the guaranteed death of the people. World governments have seized the worst lethal methods that are guaranteed to kill people, while punishing ordinary people for almost nothing or petty crimes. For them, it is important that you expose yourself to their method of annihilation. When you have completely unknowingly been tricked into choosing to be exposed to their Holocaust system method, or if you have allowed them to expose you to the Holocaust system method, then it is too late for you. When they have hurt you, then you are doomed in advance. The governments of the world cause bodily harm from which one can never recover. Once you have been injured, you will die. When they have tricked you into going to their scam which always ends in you dying, then you can complain and whine about the government as much as you want. After that world governments, your government just censors you and then they pretend you do not exist. You will be given pain medication that will numb your pain a little while you are dying. Over time, not even that medicine will help you with pain. You will die in the end just like me. Even if you write about the crime in public that you have been exposed to, it is not a crime when the government exposes you to crime. The whole world will be silent while you die. The governments of the world are destroying us together in the same way. The only thing we ordinary people have as relief is that once we have died, then we will not suffer anymore. The governments of the world, our governments neutralize all of us who have been injured to death by any of the state destruction systems, by media censorship and while we are dying, they keep total media silence as if we do not even exist. In this way, one is dying, and you die at the end. Even when one has died, the governments of the world continue with the media silently as if one has never existed and as if none of this has happened. In this way, the entire world’s population is murdered on an industrial scale. The purpose of the media silence is that people should not know that civilians are being murdered on an industrial scale through state systems completely legally. While you writhe in pain and suffering in agony, while you are dying, the governments of the
world are using all your outbursts of anger as a weapon against you. While you die in agony, fully aware that it is the power of the world and the rich elite that has caused your death, the power of the world and the rich elite protect themselves with the police from you and from all the people that government has injured to death. In the end, everyone dies. The death torture that all Holocaust systems implemented in state systems and in society provoke, is that people should write about their suffering in blogs, social media and so on. People are ashamed of the entire world’s population. Through murder and crime, they force you to become the biggest clown in the world. When they have injured you through one of all the Holocaust systems, then you become the world’s biggest clown because you have been injured more than people who have been shot with a gun or people who have been stabbed but who have survived. They survive but you will die because of the government’s Holocaust system. Every single one of their all-annihilation systems is 100% deadly and down you have been injured, then the destruction of your body is unstoppable. It cannot be reversed. You cannot keep quiet because you are literally injured to death. Your fatally injured body drives you to try to get revenge by exposing the crime to which you have been subjected, while government throughout state systems will only keep quiet while you are dying and when you have died, then they will continue to keep quiet as if you have never existed. In this way, every government on this planet is killing its own people. That is why I say that we ordinary people have no one to vote for. All political parties in every single country on this planet agree that people should be killed by default, then they give their political program that tricks us into believing that they give us better lives. They kill us like cattle animals. By our governments injuring us to death, they force us to commit suicide ourselves. You have two choices. You can commit suicide to stop suffering in suffering in agony, which you cannot even imagine, or you will die anyway, because of which your body will fail and stop functioning. You can die in 40 different ways and maybe more. When the governments of the world harm you through any of these all-destroying systems, then your body is destroyed from the ground up, both physically and mentally. In this way, they can kill any of us ordinary people, while they themselves will never be guilty of murder. It is the annihilation of targeted individuals, and the entire population of the world is targeted individuals, who are exposed to destruction through annihilation systems such as Psychotronic weapons, destruction through laid out electric trojan death traps which are the destruction system among the worst in society and once you have been injured to death, then the torture continues until the moment you have died. You can disappear from society in many different ways. You can kill one of those who have exposed you to that crime and then you will be locked up either in prison or mental hospital and the rest of your short life and inside you will be guaranteed to be killed with ECT shocks claiming that you have had acute depression which is nothing more than an explanation of a pure execution. The purpose of the fatal injuries that the world governments inflict on people is what I am doing right now. I write quite openly that I want to harm those who have exposed me to the horrible mutilation and mutilation of my body that has turned me into a 100% disabled and handicapped person in all possible ways that a human body can be harmed. Now, by making threats in a blog that the whole world is watching, will make me guilty according to the law. The whole world will see me as a guilty potential killer, but no one we see my suffering, no one wants to admit that I have been the victim of a terrible crime. People bow to the state system and even people just laugh at you while you die. Even for them, what I write is something fun and completely harmless. People think, of course there are injuries, but those injuries are not fatal. People think that I am exaggerating and that I will not die from the injuries. They think the injuries are just annoying but no more than that. People do not want to believe what I write because it is perhaps too terrible a truth to swallow and accept it as truth. But it’s not people’s fault. People have been brainwashed from the first day people were born and until now with the same and identical government’s media propaganda lies, so that the world governments can kill generation after generation of ordinary people, without themselves ever being guilty of murder. This has been going on throughout the history of all mankind. People believe that
governments only kill people who have committed crimes. They kill children through psychiatry. If children from 0 to 5 years are criminal offenders, then the entire population is criminal. Governments are slowly killing the entire population, without people ever noticing that they have been murdered. With this blog I have made myself guilty. If I have never committed a crime in Sweden, then I have committed a crime now through the threats made here in that blog. They did not allow me to be convicted in court even though I have demanded it. They have made me guilty by injuring myself to death. Crimes that they have exposed me to have forced me to make these threats now. I was never a killer, but theoretically the Swedish government through its state system has turned me into a capable killer. The only thing is that I’m not stupid in my head for taking a weapon in my hands. I want to take a device of 9 volts, and I want to expose them to this crime, in the same way that they have exposed me and this way of dying, is a million times worse than dying because of a weapon with a pistol bullet or knife stick wound. It is not certain that I will ever be able to demand justice because there is no justice, and it has never existed either. The police monitor every step I take, and they will know when I have decided to do this. Therefore, they have talked to me every night so that I am aware that they know what I will do the next day. You cannot lie while sleeping. They ask and the most intimate secrets are revealed and that is how the police always succeed in proving crime. For trivial crimes, governments murder people. People are trained to respond to crimes committed by people, while people accept massacres that world governments commit on adults, young people, and children as something completely harmless and legal. The police protect murderers employed by the state who kill ordinary people, adults, young people, and children. The police do not protect ordinary people. They only protect power and the rich elite from ordinary people. I write about the Holocaust that I have been subjected to and for the same Holocaust the entire population of the world is exposed in the same way. Sweden pretends that I do not exist, Bosnia pretends that I do not exist and the whole world pretends that I do not exist, while all the countries on this planet use the same method to fatally harm their people through all existing methods of extermination. which are implemented in government systems and in society under false claims of use. All of them together pretend that some of such annihilation systems never existed. They talk about what they want people to think about and what they want people to just know about. People never get to know the truth and that’s why it works. The countries of the world are divided by national borders because they are sovereign states and that is what deceives people into believing that there is nothing that affects us ordinary people in this country compared to other existing countries on this planet. What happens to people in the other country does not affect us in this country, but it is completely wrong and that is what we ordinary people have never realized through human history and that due to 100% media information censorship throughout the history of mankind. The countries of the world are divided by their national borders, but the power of the whole world (governments through their state system) and with each their rich elite are united when it comes to murdering their own people through many different Holocaust systems. All of them are killing their people in the same way and all of them are keeping quiet about the genocide of each of their people that they want to liquidate or people who are being investigated for any crime and also useless completely innocent people who just happen to go into any of the existing extermination systems. They do it together and they keep quiet about it together too. How will ordinary people know that the governments of the world are killing their people by exposing people to crime when they are all silent about it. When people have gone into government annihilation systems, then we all ordinary people on this planet share the same fate. We are treated the same whether we are Swedes, Americans, Russians, Chinese, Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, Kosovo Albanians, Germans, English, French, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Indians, Jews and so on. Many different Holocaust systems that the world power and rich elite use to murder their ordinary civilian population across the planet are Genocide (Crime Against Humanity). One commits suicide due to destroyed body and suffering in agony to death. Due to a mutilated body, you are locked up in a mental
hospital. When the power of the world and the rich elite have exposed us ordinary people to crime, then we cannot talk about it in the media because they do not allow us to. We cannot prove our fatal bodily injuries because healthcare does not allow us to. We cannot take the crime we have been subjected to in court because the police do not allow it. World governments do not care that people have lost confidence in government. The governments of the world want people’s confidence that people will not distrust government just the time before people have been deceived in fatal bodily harm through one of all existing extermination systems. They want people’s trust only the time before people have fallen into one of all the destruction system death traps and when you have gone into it, then you are doomed. Then you can never get your life back as a healthy and normal person. Then the governments of the world are just waiting for a nervous breakdown, so that you either kill someone of the guilty, that one commits suicide or dies due to bodily harm. Then the police come into the picture, guarding one around the clock so that they can protect government employees’ murderers who have deceived one in the Holocaust system and the one who has deceived oneself, are they all together. One can only choose between which of them is more guilty of one’s death? When people have been injured to death, then world governments do not need more people’s trust in the state. When they have literally killed a person, then they deal with injured people with censorship, silence, denial, and explanations with accusations that it is alleged to be injured people to death who have gone mad and have become a danger to themselves and their surroundings. People should not distrust the state and people do not distrust the state, because they have not yet been injured to death by any of the various Holocaust systems. Since they are still not harmed, they believe that such a thing does not exist in real life and they cannot even imagine that their own government intends to kill them and their children through various camouflaged Holocaust systems death traps, claiming care, research, technological advances and now under the guise of vaccinating against Coronavirus with gene vaccines. This is the difference between believing in government and the rich elite, or not believing in them. This is the difference between having your defense guard up or down. It is a question of whether we should continue to live or whether we will die. Once you have been vaccinated with gene vaccines, then your immune system is changed for the rest of your life and then it is already too late. Sure, they say vaccines save lives. They also say that ECT shocks save lives, while it is a pure execution. They murder adults, young people, and children through the execution of the death penalty in psychiatry through ECT shocks. They claim that 9-volt devices serve people’s physical needs and here I testify about my ongoing death. That is why governments want to vaccinate the entire population as quickly as possible and by force. People who choose to wait a year or two to see what happens to people who are vaccinated can save their lives, thanks to the fact that people have not allowed the government to give the government the opportunity to give people the permanent death blow. If people see after a few years that vaccines have caused many deaths among the civilian population, then you refrain from being vaccinated and then you have your immune system undamaged. Then you can continue to live your life with natural health and natural immune defense. But if you have been vaccinated with gene vaccines, then it is as if you have got the HIV virus that destroys the immune system and then the immune system cannot protect you against future viral infections, or there will be life-threatening complications. It’s the same with ECT shocks. In case if you have ended up in the mouth of the government slaughterhouse psychiatry and if you choose not to expose yourself to ECT shocks when criminal modern executioners try to convince that you should get electric shocks, because according to them it should be claimed to be the most effective method against alleged acute depression , then when you have left there you can be completely restored if you fix problems in your life that cause depression. But if they have deceived and convinced one to get ECT shocks, then when one has been injured to death is already too late. Then you just rush to death without returning. Vaccination with gene vaccines against Covid-19 is the same annihilation system as a psychiatric annihilation system with ECT shocks. I cannot prove that Gen vaccine is another destruction system with 100% certainty, but you
just have to think logically, and everyone will come to the same conclusion. The Holocaust genocide of the world governments, which they commit on their respective civilian populations, only works thanks to censorship, where they do not allow people to access that information. I have 100% proof of electrical destruction through my bodily injuries. If they mas kill and lowers the world’s civilian population by electric annihilation, then they murder the world’s civilian population by all other annihilation system methods. All infectious diseases, they have not released among the population. Some infectious diseases have really come naturally and so on, and I am glad that my child and I are vaccinated against those diseases. I’m not against vaccination, but the Covid-19 pandemic does not look like anything natural. I see exactly what it is. When the world governments plan massacres of civilians, then they plan far into the future. Because only then will they not be guilty of murder, due to long distance because then it is almost impossible to prove a connection between cause and bodily injury, illness, or body defect or possibly body complication when you have died after a long time later in life. Sweden claims to be a country that cares for human rights. They protect and care for their people. They are allegedly defending the right of people to express themselves freely and I have been expressing myself freely now for 5 years, while they have exposed me to crime and they expose me to crime again and again, through state bureaucracy and misinterpretation that it should be alleged not even be a crime. The same thing is happening in every single country on this planet and the genocide of civilians has been going on in this way throughout the history of mankind. Every government on this planet kills its own people as if people were worthless animals. When governments kill ordinary people, then they want people to make people believe that it is about Racism, nationalism, xenophobia, threats against minority groups and so on, because people who belong to different religions and races, shall divide, just below by assertion of the reasons. World governments want people to see Racism, nationalism, xenophobia, threats against minority groups as the only reason and it can be a reason that stimulates their world power and rich elite sick mental senses. They enjoy their moment as all-powerful rulers who rule over the lives and deaths of us ordinary people, but it is only deliberately misled information that should keep us ordinary people in the belief of false image of reality, so that we will hate each other because of race, religion, political orientation and so on. They prevent us from not seeing the real truth that they kill us as cattle animals and they prevent us from uniting against them, because only together are we really strong and really dangerous to them and their deadly state abuse on us ordinary people and that all over the planet. Together we can overthrow the whole fucking world power and rich elite. We can wipe them all out, but we have to do it in their own way how they lynch and wipe out ordinary people and that is through electrical destruction with Tasers or 9-volt devices. If Taser is illegal in your country, then you can cup one of all the different thousands of 9-volt electrical stimulation devices, which are meant for you and your young children. Has your child felt 18 years, so they can buy it directly and it is a crime that is nothing but Genocide that you and your child can buy the devices while true information that that device will cause your and your child’s death is hidden from you? Put two nails on the 9-volt dead trojan. Once you have done this, then you have in your hands than mortal doomsday weapon. Give them an electric shock at the highest current for a few minutes and then they are doomed to death in advance. They will die the same way I die. With a 9-volt device, one has to keep continuous current flow on their body for a few minutes until numbness has occurred and therefore it is not suitable for revenge actions. Therefore (Stun Gun) at 150 volts is more suitable due to nerves being damaged in a few seconds. In 8 to 10 seconds, nerves are guaranteed to be damaged and then snakes will be numb immediately. That’s why the police have Taser in their arsenal of weapons, because in that way it only takes 10 seconds and they do so under allegations of police intervention so that they themselves are not guilty of murder, while the governments of the world deceive us into putting electrodes of 9 volts on our bodies ourselves, under various false claims of use. When we have connected the electrodes on our body, while we wait for the effect of the false statement, we damage our nervous system to death. When we have noticed that we have been
numb, then we realize that we have been deceived into death. Even then, you do not know what you yourself have been exposed to. It starts nervous system and body tissue death, and it is equivalent to Cancer but not even that is true. Electrical damage is worse than Cancer. Then you die like me. We ordinary people just need to realize that our power and rich elite do not care about us ordinary people and about our children. What they have kept secret from their people throughout the history of all mankind is that it is not about race, religion, political orientation. It is not about Racism, nationalism, xenophobia, threats against minority groups and so on, because they murder their people by tricking people into death. Regarding forced vaccination under the condition that you otherwise cannot go to your place of work without a Corona passport, this is their answer to what I write about their crime which is nothing but Genocide. This is their attack on my human rights, human rights that people in Sweden and the whole world have never had through their lives. Everything is a lie. This is their answer that I should be claimed to have the right to choose for myself what is best for me. This is state abuse, a restriction on everything human, which is equivalent to state abuse that is still being committed on the civilian population in communist and post-communist dictatorships. The Swedish government is a Western police state dictator who breaks everything which they allegedly stand for. Forcing people into vaccination by force by harassing people that people would otherwise lose their jobs is harassment, extortion and government abuse and crime. The world power and the rich elite are criminal mafia, so this makes me angry, but it does not surprise me at all. You can expect everything from them. They murder adults, young people, and children. Why would they not then come up with such an idea to put people to death by vaccination by force. The Swedish state is a police state dictator and so is every existing country on this planet. Just look at all the different crime method ways that the Swedish government has exposed me to through the entire state system that I have described so far through this blog and now they want to take my workplace from me and that by force if I do not go on their ultimatum to vaccinate me. They have injured me to death through criminal electric destruction. In order for me to prove that I have bodily injuries then they want to injure me for a second time through another electrical destruction system Neurography at pain and nerve clinic. All this they call care and false claims of use. Now they have released an additional Covid-19 pandemic destruction system and their cure for the biological weapon Coronavirus are experimental gene vaccines, which have not even been tested on animals. Instead, they want to test it on us humans and that by force. In translation, this is the truth that the world’s brainwashed civilian population does not want to realize, due to the beautiful image that the world’s power and rich elite have manipulated with people from the day people were born until now. The false image of reality should be cared for and maintained because that is the only way the world governments can kill ordinary people under the guise of care, so that they do not become guilty of murder. Regarding my workplace, the Swedish criminal government has deprived me of my workplace already on the first day when I was injured, when I only got numbness. When the world governments torture people psychologically through the police with psychotronic weapons, then their ultimate plan is always that targeted individuals should lose everything and that people should lose the most important thing and that is their workplace, so that people become homeless. In my hometown of Prijedor in Bosnia, while I lived there, there has not been a single person who was homeless. But the Swedish government will make me homeless through all the crimes they have exposed me to so far and now they are putting me on the path where I have to choose between them killing me through gene vaccines or that I lose my job by not accepting further destruction of my health. I will be homeless in democratic Sweden, which claims that it gives all people the basic living conditions. They injure people to death through various Holocaust death traps, forcing people to become homeless by force. Making people homeless who have never been homeless in their lives is the ultimate psychological torture and warfare. When they have destroyed my body to death. When they destroyed my brain to death. When they have destroyed my mental health to death, then they want to throw me out on the street as dying in electrical damage by force. I
can do nothing but sit on the couch or in front of a computer to write about my suffering. I writhe in pain and suffering in agony, as I go through my ongoing death. Is this the western world democracy, freedom, and human rights. Destruction of people’s economy is the ultimate removal from society. They create problems and problems in life drive people to suicide. I’m not a criminal. I have confessed to the crime, and I have demanded that I be convicted in court, but they did not allow me to do this. So far, they have killed me. I die in unimaginable physical and mental suffering and that to death. My body is moving towards decay. But here you see that even this is not enough for them. They take my life by electric annihilation and now they want to take my life by force through vaccination with gene vaccines. They are depriving me of my place of work through electrical destruction and now they want to deprive me of my place of work through forced vaccination with something that I see as a danger to my life and health. Had I not been injured; I would not have known any of this as I know it now. In this case, I had been vaccinated without even suspecting that there might be a danger to life in those gene vaccines. But I have been the victim of a terrible crime and that is why I see the gene vaccination only as a system of annihilation of adults, young people, and children of ordinary people around the world regardless of race and religion. Asymptomatic transmission of Coronavirus has never existed in human history. It is only now that the world’s power and the rich elite have invented the lie to make Coronavirus appear as dangerous as possible and only for people to be vaccinated with gene vaccines that will cause the death of people in a decade. They just want to recruit people for vaccination, and they are lying to people right in people’s eyes. All they talk about Coronavirus is just lies after lies and there will be more lies. So, I will lose my job even without forced vaccination, I will lose my job the moment I become paralyzed and when I can no longer get out of bed, due to electrical damage. It’s not just that I’ll be paralyzed. My body organs will eventually fail, and I will die suddenly due to body organ failure. I have chronic pain in muscles that never heal, where I am injured. My heart has also begun to fail. Sometimes it ticks so hard and irregularly at certain moments that I hear it and it hits hard as if it is going to jump out of my breasts. Is it about heart palpitations, but in any case, I have never had it in my life before I was injured? In that moment, I feel like I am going to faint and die. Everything in my body is collapsing, failing, and stopping working. There is nothing more that works normally in my body and in myself as a living person and individual. I’m really dying and it’s not even a crime. I can die in 40 different ways at the same time and all different ways will be explained away by criminal Swedish healthcare under the claim of various diseases and defects in the body. So, I’m still working without ever taking sick leave. In this way, no one can claim that I am misbehaving in my workplace. Work is most important to me for everyone we have to work for in order to have food on the table. But now they want to force me into claiming that I am supposed to be a spread of Coronavirus because I have not been vaccinated. I’m not going to get vaccinated because now it’s about my health and I already know that they are lying about everything. I do not intend to vaccinate myself with vaccines that I clearly see are tools for the world’s power and rich elite to murder the world’s civilian population that every country on this planet wants to liquidate and eliminate from its society. I do not want to be vaccinated with a vaccine that I think is dangerous to my health. How do I get vaccinated with a vaccine that has caused so many people’s deaths? I’m not going to be the victim of a fatal crime again. If Corona vaccinated people can become infected and can spread Coronavirus to other people, how can gene vaccines stop the Coronavirus pandemic. How can I spread Coronavirus to people who are immunized with gene vaccines? I’m not risking their lives. If the gene vaccines are so safe and effective, then vaccinated people are protected against Coronavirus, while I who am not vaccinated are not protected. In this case, I’m only risking my own life because I’m not allegedly immunized with the vaccine. I cannot infect vaccinated when I am not sick, and I cannot spread Coronavirus when I am not sick. As soon as I get symptoms then I report it directly to my workplace and then I stay at home. Even vaccinated people get sick with Coronavirus, and they also have to stay at home while they are sick. But this is just about the Swedish government wanting to destroy my immune
system permanently and when I start getting blood clots in my brain along with all the damage I already have, my life is put straight to the Swedish cemetery. They want me there. The world mainstream media claims that people who are vaccinated get sick but not as much as they claim otherwise would have been without vaccines. If I had been vaccinated then Swedish criminal care would explain away my latest illness with Coronavirus disease with this statement: Yes, yes you have become ill but thanks to the vaccine, you did not have to seek hospital care. Vaccine has prevented severe coronavirus disease in you. I was not vaccinated, I became ill, and I have survived without the help of Swedish health care. What the world governments claim through healthcare that people have not become as ill while vaccinated is just a lie. Those people might have been just as sick even if they had not been vaccinated. It is a very good question if the vaccines are even there for people to get immunity to Coronavirus. All the vaccines have a completely different task than the one claimed by the world power and rich elite. Why are vulnerable groups who are older people vaccinated with seasonal flu vaccine? They are vaccinated so that they do not get sick at all. I have evidence in some cases where older people have been vaccinated regularly each year with the seasonal flu vaccine. Without seasonal flu vaccine, they would probably die. They have been vaccinated with a seasonal flu vaccine so that they do not get sick at all. They have been vaccinated and they have never become ill with seasonal flu. The world governments through mainstream media propaganda claim that even seasonal flu vaccine will be effective to about 40% and that vaccines are not a magic wand. They have been effective for many years for the case I have told you about. In those examples, people have never fallen ill with seasonal flu while vaccinated. However, people vaccinated with Covid gene vaccines fall ill with Coronavirus infection and that with quite large complications that are explained away by the world governments through healthcare as mild. They lie to people directly in the eyes of the people. All this is criminal media propaganda for people to be vaccinated with gene vaccines against Covid-19. Coronavirus pandemic is the selective annihilation of civilian population that the world power and rich elite want to get rid of. With Coronavirus there is not the thing that does not happen to people. In India, I have read that those vaccinated in the care with Chinese vaccine have died of Coronavirus disease after two doses of vaccine and there are lots of such cases worldwide. Even all the other gene vaccines are not better a bit. People are vaccinated and people get sick, but it is censored through the whole world’s mainstream media and the whole world’s care. All we get to see and read about is false positive advertising about life-threatening gene vaccines that are tested on ordinary people instead of having been tested first on animals. We ordinary people are animals for the power of the world and the rich elite. Vaccines also cause worse and more fatal life-threatening injuries than Coronavirus does. Coronavirus mostly causes damage to the lungs and partly brain damage but not as dangerous as gene vaccines cause. Gene vaccines cause blood clots in the brain and then brain tissue death occurs which destroys the brain permanently with life-threatening conditions. Such brain injuries either make people disabled for the rest of their lives, people die immediately, or people die due to injuries after a year or after a decade. That’s what I think. Through electric destruction, the power of the world and the rich elite, damage to the brain and the body’s nervous system causes the safe and guaranteed death of the injured in a few years. The injuries that gene vaccines cause is equivalent to bodily injuries that I have now and that is the whole purpose of gene vaccines against Coronavirus. Everything that Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and British pharmacologist Mike Yeadon talk about gene vaccines, I think is true. Everything they say about Coronavirus and about vaccines is true and it is also infinitely many times worse than what they dare to say openly. They see exactly what it is about the Covid-19 pandemic, but if they had said openly what they know, then people would believe that they are conspiracy theorists and then they would appear as not credible. In addition, world governments can use their true words against them. Therefore, these researchers are careful about what words they utter in the power of this brainwashed world and the rich elite criminal world. I have nothing to lose. I have lost everything including my life and therefore I say what I think about the Covid-19 pandemic. I have posted
these videos because they have said all the important things that people should know about. I have watched all their videos and I recommend that you also watch them as well. People are said to believe in educated scientists. Here you have three educated scientists who speak the truth. As they question vaccination, they are branded by world governments as dangerous conspiracy theorists who allegedly endanger people’s lives by preventing immunization of the entire population with life-threatening gene vaccines that are again presented as something completely harmless even if they have not even been tested on animal. Instead, the governments of the world are testing vaccines on us ordinary people and people are accepting it as care. World governments want people to listen only to researchers and the army of internet trolls who work for the state, while everyone else who questions vaccination are conspiracy theorists who spread untrue information. The state is always right, while everyone who speaks against is wrong. People always choose to believe in the agenda and propaganda that the world governments spread together, rather than believing only three researchers who speak out against vaccination. Group tricks always work in the government’s favor. Listen to what they say and when they say that vaccination is a crime, they are absolutely right. If they were not right, then I would not be dying now. If the governments of the world injure people to death through a method of extermination, then it is most likely guaranteed that they will injure people to death through many other methods of extermination.
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Full interview with Professor Bhakdi, Professor emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Perspectives on the Pandemic | ”Blood Clots and Beyond” | Episode 15
Professor Sucharit Bhakti – good news / bad news
Dr mike Yeadon
Dr Mike Yeadon former Pfizer chief scientist
Dr Mike Yeadon former Pfizer chief scientist Censorship
First of all, down I look at the Covid-19 pandemic so there is nothing normal with the Corona pandemic. Everything is just so abnormal, start with the world’s mainstream media marketing SARS-CoV-2 as if it were a product they should market and advertise just for people to be vaccinated and that’s exactly what it’s about. This is what it looks like to me. Since they have said that the United States and China have researched Coronavirus in Wuhan’s laboratory, immediately the moment when Coronavirus has started to spread, I have realized that they have deliberately released that virus among the population. What I have read about is that China has kept quiet about the Coronavirus while SARS-CoV-2 has spread among the population. If I’m not wrong now, a Chinese doctor has discovered that it is a dangerous contagious virus. He spread the information among other doctors and then the Chinese government has imprisoned him claiming that he is spreading classified information, that he is spreading information that is not true, information that causes panic among the population and something like that. In addition to the fact that they have imprisoned him, he has in some strange way managed in a record short time to become infected and to also die shortly after this due to Covid-19 disease. That is what the Chinese government claims and it is enough to convince 99% of the world’s brainwashed population to believe it, but not for me as the Swedish state has exposed, to crime. They said that he has revealed that information, but if he has revealed that information then he knows that the virus is also life threatening and then he would have protected himself from that virus. They just said he died of Coronavirus and the whole world is not talking about this anymore. One can only imagine in what way he has died in communist techno-dictator? Instead of China closing its borders so that viruses do not spread throughout the world, China has instead released 5 million foreigners out of China, probably precisely because Coronavirus will spread worldwide. At that point, there was still silence about Coronavirus. When viruses began to spread around the world, it was only then that there has been talk of Covid-19 quite openly. While the world governments have called people conspiracy theorists who claim that Coronavirus has been released from Wuhan’s laboratory, I have directly seen Coronavirus for a biologically produced weapon that has the task of lowering the world’s population. Back then, such claims were seen by all the countries of the world and ordinary people such as stupidity, lies, false information and conspiracy theories, but now there is more and more talk that Coronavirus has accidentally come out of Wuhan’s laboratory. But to me it looked clear from the very beginning, that the virus is a biologically produced weapon that is deliberately released among the world population precisely to lower the population on this planet. Here is a short video among many others that reinforces what I have said.
Investigator claims COVID-19 cluster came from Wuhan Virology researchers in November 2019
I feel so bad physically and mentally that I can barely write these words, but I will keep myself short and simple so that everyone understands me. Here you have Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier who has discovered the HIV virus. Is he also a conspiracy theorist? I do not think so. Not believing in the three researchers, I call madness with completely eliminated common sense of the civilian population. Here Luc Montagnier says that someone in the laboratory has mixed Coronavirus with Gen sequence of HIV virus. Who will be manipulating viruses other than the world governments, to make the SARS-CoV-2 virus as contagious as possible? That all existing media on this planet sounds stupid and news that does not even deserve to be published in the media is no wonder. What we see in the media is intentional nonsense and life-threatening misleading information that literally leads people to death. Such media propaganda full of stupidity and insignificant useless information serves directly for the purpose of the world power and the rich elite, so that they can make us ignorant,
unaware of what is really going on in real life and thanks to all the deception of civilians around the world, can they manipulate us, and they eventually kill us, while at the same time gaining our trust and our obedience to them as our politicians. Everything goes in their favor. I heard such stupidity in the media many years ago. They said that the HIV virus is so small that it is difficult and almost impossible to research it. The world’s vaccine manufacturers have not found vaccines against HIV viruses and other diseases for decades and more, while they created vaccines against Coronavirus in one year. If they could pick a gene sequence from the HIV virus and mix it with the Coronavirus, then it means that they may have also created the HIV virus in the laboratory and also released it among the population in order to reduce the world’s population. Given that they kill people by electric destruction, then they kill people by new deadly viruses. HIV virus destroys immune system. To me, it seems that gene vaccines also destroy the immune system because it is changed, I think. Our immune system has evolved over billions of years and the evolutionary development of our immune system is the best natural defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi and so on. The power of the world and the rich elite have no noble intentions towards us ordinary people. Now the world power and rich elite have decided to permanently change our immune defense system through gene vaccines against Coronavirus which can be another to biological mass destruction weapon with time pursuit.
Luc Montagnier
Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize Winner Says Virus ”Bio-engineered” in Lab 黄艳玲 17/04/20
The governments of the world, our governments no matter what race or religion we belong to, claim that we should all be vaccinated so that the Corona virus does not spread further among the world’s population and does not mutate. World governments claim that if we all ordinary people on this planet are vaccinated, then the Corona infection cannot mutate, and it cannot spread further. Just when they have said that vaccinated people can not spread Corona virus further, they have said in the Swedish mainstream media that vaccinated people can get sick and they can spread the virus to other people. So, they lie, and they put words in their mouths of themselves, words that contradict what they have said from the beginning. Here you can see in the second video where it is confirmed that it is precisely vaccines that provoke new, more dangerous variants of Coronavirus and it is not at all strange considering that Covid-19 pandemic is finally my opinion is a biological weapon that has been released among the world population to lower the civilian population across the world. This is a decline in the world’s population and nothing more than that. Here is the video:
Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ’Creating Variants’
If I have been injured to death by electric destruction, then it is no wonder that the governments of the world are creating another system of destruction through biological weapons with the Covid-19 pandemic. In the US, I have heard popular personalities talk about Donald Trump withdrawing funding for Wuhan Lab, which the US and China have researched together. They claim that Donald Trump is no longer involved in the research into deadly viruses that has been released among the world’s population and the American white population and other white populations around the world, see him as a hero. He’s not a fucking hero. He is a killer first of his white American population and then other races and the entire world population. Joe Biden is also an identical killer of the white, black, and other populations, including the entire world population. All the politicians in the world together
are equal shit and murderers of their entire civilian population and at the same time of the entire world’s population. The world’s population is just brainwashed so much that they can never realize the truth. As soon as Donald Trump has withdrawn that funding, the Corona virus has been released. Ordinary people all over the planet are just so fucking brainwashed that they cannot accept to see the truth for what it really is. Here in Sweden, I see that Swedes praise Donald Trump because he is against immigrants, while immigrants are on Joe Biden’s side because he is allegedly more friendly to immigrants. Both immigrants and Swedes and both whites, blacks, and other people in the United States, are brainwashed ate in hell and both all ordinary people regardless of race and religion on this planet are brainwashed as well. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are first and foremost murdering their own United States white civilian population, including with people belonging to other races, through its electric destruction and thereby they participate in the mass murder of the entire world’s civilian population by electric annihilation. Even every single president before them, has murdered his own people in the same way. If they are involved in this massacre, why would they not want to be involved in the massacre of the world’s civilian population through the Covid-19 pandemic and gene vaccines? Donald Trump brags about China. He has repeatedly said that it is China that has released the Corona virus. It is China that has released the Corona virus, but what the world’s civilian population cannot understand is that the United States and China have jointly researched this Corona virus. Why have they researched on contagious virus, which has spread among the world’s population? They have been researching that virus, because they have to agree on what they are releasing among the world’s civilian population, in order to reduce the world’s population and its own population ordinary people. If they do not agree, then they can see the spread of such an obvious biological weapon SARS-CoV-2 As a declaration of war or attack by biological weapons. China and Russia are a superpower pact, while the United States represents the entire Western world superpower pact. The United States has shared that research on biological weapons SARS-CoV-2 with the entire Western world and the entire Western world, agrees that the virus should be released freely among the entire world population in order to reduce the population in the Western world and also the rest of the world population. China and Russia also agree that the virus should be released, so that they too can reduce it its own Chinese and Russian civilian population and I mean only ordinary people, for ordinary insignificant Chinese and Russian people’s life has no value for Chinese and Russian power and rich elite. They stand in the way of the economies of the two superpower countries. Without the lives of the worthless people, people who are left would have, been satisfied with political leadership. Most would get a job. The same thing is happening all over the planet. Covid-19 pandemic is the execution and mass murder of the world population by Coronavirus, by Covid vaccine and by Covid-19 PCR test, under the claim of Covid-19 pandemic. Even the Coronavirus PCR Test is not what the world pharmaceutical industry claims it is. It is the superpowers of the world that agree that the virus should be released. Small countries have nothing to say even about this. They just follow this agenda blindly as if this is really what is needed to stop the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. The whole world is following the media propaganda about lock down and forced use of face masks among the civilian population, should be said to be a credible reason to stop the spread of Corona virus among the world population. People who do not wear face masks are even imprisoned and beaten by the police around the world. But if you believe that it is the right way to go, then I can ask you how come we here in Sweden have never had a lock down and we have never had to wear face masks by force. I can say that I have experienced the Covid-19 pandemic as if it did not even exist and we have not died anyway. That is the only thing I can say that Swedish power and the rich elite have done right. The spread of infection here in Sweden and the spread of infection in the rest of the world are about the same. Many people die each year from seasonal flu. But now with the Coronavirus pandemic, no one is dying from the flu. Everyone who has died from seasonal flu, Cancer and other diseases is attributed to the fact that people have died from Coronavirus. In this way, the image of Coronavirus is built as an increasingly dangerous
disease for people to be vaccinated, and I think that Coronavirus is a life-threatening and deadly virus that is becoming increasingly dangerous. But it is meant to be more and more dangerous, for people to simply die more and more. Through the Covid-19 vaccine and through the Covid-19 PCR test, the world power and the rich elite are personally targeting individuals whom they plan to kill and remove from society. They do this by marking every vaccine and every PCR test with the name of the individual who will receive the vaccine and PCR test in advance. They prepare the contents of the vaccine and PCR test depending on whether the person is on the government’s list for liquidation or not. Remember that this is a liquidation that extends up to 10 years so that it will not be revealed as the execution of the death penalty and that the government will not be guilty of murder of civilians. But people always end up dying in 40 different ways that are explained away by the care that people have died due to diseases and physical defects. Coronavirus is a product that the world power and rich elite market and advertise only for people to be vaccinated with gene vaccines and tested with PCR test stick. The world power and the rich elite have psychologically tortured the world’s civilian population through forced PCR testing, forced lock down and forced people to wear face masks. Those people around the world who blindly believe in their respective governments will get vaccinated without question. The purpose of all the psychological torture of the world’s civilian population through the forced use of face masks and lock down, is to psychologically crush people who distrust gene vaccines so that people will be driven to the breaking point where people are forced to think that thought, now I have enough of the Corona pandemic and now I’m going to get vaccinated just so I can return to a normal life. Of course, thanks to media propaganda about how the world power and the rich elite care about their people, people will experience vaccination as genuine care. The world power and the rich elite claim that vaccination with lethal gene vaccines is not vaccination of ordinary people by force. I have been injured to death by electric destruction by the Swedish state. I am dying and I will die because of the injuries I have now and according to the Swedish state it is not even a crime. The Swedish state has taken my life and now they explain away my testimony on the crime they have exposed me by pretending that I do not exist. They are the ones who have driven me to write this blog. This blog is a direct result of the crime that the Swedish state has exposed me to. I have all the evidence that the Swedish state has intentionally injured me to death through the electric destruction and my proof is my bodily injuries. Why should I believe that they will not harm me to death through gene vaccines against Coronavirus? I have heard from people who have been vaccinated that every vaccine that people should be vaccinated with has been marked in advance with their name and surname, on the individual to be vaccinated. So, the contents of those vaccines are personally intended for each and every civilian citizen. When a government murders a civilian population, then one should never believe that the governments of the world are committing massacres, in a single way. They hurt people in many different ways at the same time. What’s going on in real life regarding the Covid-19 pandemic may be these alternatives and perhaps more than just this:
1 World governments provide gene vaccines to the entire world population to induce life-threatening bodily harm and permanent destruction of the body’s immune system so that people die immediately after vaccination, in a few years or decades and more, due to their destroyed immune system overreacting to future coronavirus infections. Our own immune system will cause our death in the future. It is the same with electric annihilation. Through electric annihilation, the power of the world and the rich elite, the whole body is destroyed from the ground up by people whom they have tricked into fatal electrical damage and in this way, they recruit even the whole body and mental mind against oneself as an individual. Even there, it is one’s own body that takes the life of someone who is injured and that by force.
Even if you do not want to die, your body dies there. When your body has died, then you also die as an individual and what I mean is that you die and are buried in a cemetery, just because you have been exposed to crime. The world governments give people who should not be harmed to death placebo vaccines (aqueous solution without gene vaccine), to make it appear to the rest of the ordinary civilian population around the world that the entire world population has been vaccinated so that people do not distrust the intention of vaccination, while world governments provide genuine vaccines to people who are part of the population to be murdered and reduced. World governments give gene vaccines to people who should not be murdered who still get complications while they give gene vaccines with added toxic metals and substance that are not usually found in gene vaccines. There is nothing that is not a possible alternative when it comes to the world governments’ way of killing people. I am convinced that people who are not to be murdered get vaccines that are not lethal while people who are to be murdered get death vaccines that will cause death later in their lives. The governments of the world really want to immunize the entire world population against SARS-CoV-2 and that alternative seems to me to be the least likely alternative, given that the world power and rich elite murder together their civilian population to death by the electric holocaust. Here you have another video that shows the real, world power and rich elite’s agenda to lower the world population. Do not look for signs that this man intends to mislead the civilian population.
COVID19 Test Kits found to Infect Patients with VIRUS?! – Bitcoin News Today
The world power and the rich elite claim through their mainstream media propaganda that people who are harmed by gene vaccines are a rare event. I can tell you that it is not as rare as the power of the world and the rich elite want claim that it is. There are lots of perfectly healthy younger people who have died due to gene vaccines all over the planet. In addition, there is a sea of people all over the planet who have suffered permanent bodily injuries that will eventually lead them to death and that is the real purpose of Covid-19 vaccination. Injuries caused by gene vaccines are death without return. If you have suffered brain damage due to gene vaccines then you will die after a short time or a little longer, in the same way that you will die due to electrical destruction. If you do not believe ordinary people who talk about dying because of the Covid-19 vaccine, then I hope you will believe in a music superstar Eric Clapton. He has suffered nerve damage due to a vaccine and now his life is ruined, and I think it is impossible for him to live normally any longer. People look at his injuries as something that is not so serious. But test the nerve damage yourself and then you will realize that you may even die. I have suffered nerve damage due to electric shock and I can tell you that I will die. Here is the video:
Eric Clapton
GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton’s ”Disastrous” Vaccine Experience
In this video you have testimonies from ordinary people who have suffered life-threatening injuries. There is a good chance that they will die due to their bodily injuries after a few years. The purpose of inducing the life-threatening bodily injuries is for people to be driven to commit suicide, because it is a suffering in agony that it is impossible to live with. When you are injured to death then you cannot become normal. You lose control over your behavior and your life, because you do not even live. You’re going through your ongoing death. I’m losing and I’ve lost control of my behavior and my life because I’m not even alive, I’m dying. The governments of the world always inflict suffering in an infinite number of different ways of annihilation, for people to commit suicide or for people to die due to bodily harm, and this has been going on throughout the history of mankind. That is the whole purpose of the various extermination system method and that is the purpose of extermination systems with gene vaccines and PCR tests. In this video, there is one detail that all people should pay attention to. The girl has life-threatening multiple injuries to her body. All normal people understand that the girl is so seriously injured that she is almost sentenced to death. It’s easy for people to see it happen to someone else’s child, but how would it feel to have it happen to your own child? Should it then be a life-threatening condition. Her mother believed in research. I too believed in research but now I have realized that research is used by the world power and rich elite as a Trojan word, to destroy the world population with. Words like research are a death trojan word. The detail I want to mention is how the health service has treated the girl with fatal injuries. Healthcare can x-ray people, but they can barely cure any diseases. On the other hand, they are good at artificially inducing the same deadly diseases and bodily injuries on ordinary people. The girl’s mother, seeking care for her children and all normal people on this planet would treat her with compassion and willingness to help her, if possible, but healthcare does not treat her in a positive way. I think she has a blood clot in her brain and thus she has suffered brain damage. The brain’s autonomic reflexes are destroyed and thanks to this, the whole body is destroyed. In addition, it seems that the gene vaccines destroy the whole body’s nervous system and everything through the body and that is exactly how the destruction system works. The brain and the body’s nervous system are the most sacred and important in the body. If it’s ruined, then you’ll die a prolonged death in death suffering in agony, a suffering from hell. That’s why the Covid-19 pandemic has come out, so that people will have to get vaccinated with gene vaccines that cause life-threatening injuries to people and that’s what have happened to these people in this video. The health service knows very well that the girl has received life-threatening bodily injuries due to the Corona gene vaccine. They classify her bodily injuries as that she is alleged to have anxiety and through the care bureaucracy and the healthcare system’s way of playing with words, they have classified her as a mentally ill patient. How can she not have anxiety with such fatal bodily injuries? Of course, she has anxiety. There would be something wrong with her if she did not have anxiety. Healthcare uses her natural anxiety as a weapon against her, so that they can classify her as a mentally ill patient and as such she is not even a patient who is connected to blood clots in the brain. This is execution and thanks to this mental bad mood, physical bodily injuries, is excluded as the cause of her bad physical mood. This is how the world governments kill people and when people start complaining, then the world governments blame that it is people’s fault, and that people are instead mentally ill. They want to send her to a mental hospital with a fatally injured body. Her mother does not see what is happening here. That the US government, through US health care, wants to send the girl to mental hospital for fatal injuries during a claim of mental illness, is how the US government attacks injured people due to gene vaccines, so that they cannot accuse the pharmaceutical industry that made them vaccines. In addition, they are deprived of all responsibility for people dead, but governments want people not to even complain at all in public. Government attack on damaged vaccine patent is best defense. The message that the care sends to the mother is. Here, there is no care, for your daughter. Either you should go home with her, so that you do not make a fuss of yourself in the media, or we have an alternative left for you and that alternative is that we will put her in a mental hospital. What
is more important to you? Is it more important to you that you give us power and rich elite problems through the media where you sabotage our efforts to brainwash and mislead the entire population of the United States, because as you can see, it goes like butter for us in our efforts, or so beyond that we have sentenced your child to death, we can solve her in a mental hospital? Think about it and see it this way. Your daughter will probably die but look at the positive side. Before she dies, you still have that time with her in your home. You will still have maybe up to 10 years of life with your child before she dies. Make a video with your child, celebrate her birthdays so that you have those memories when she died. Here you see that we are generous to you because we give you the opportunity to keep your mouth shut so that you have that time with your dying daughter. If you intend to put sticks in our power and rich elite gear wheel, then we will lock her in mental hospital, of course on false grounds because that’s the only way we work. Why do not you trust Jesus and God? Pray to God because we have told you all the American people that we are all one and the same with God. That is why we are all politician’s conservative. We all believe in God. Besides, without religion we are nothing and then we cannot manipulate you anymore. Without God, we would lose all power and perhaps when American people have realized the truth, then we would even be lynched by American common people out on the streets, starting with whites and then of other races. But, for our security, the security of us power and the rich elite, it just must not happen. You know, we care very much about our own children and our whole family. You can understand that. When research cannot help your daughter, then we have told you all that God wants to help. Even through Hollywood’s film media propaganda, we constantly show how God helps everyone in the end. The whole world believes in God, so believe in you too. The brain damage will disappear with Jesus and God’s help. Now disappear from our sight. Americans, along with the entire world population, do not see it in this very simple way. But that’s exactly what it’s about. Religions are the main weapon of manipulation that keeps all existing politicians around the world in power. Religion leads its own people to death and then it leads everyone else. Religions do not serve the people. Religions serve politicians. People around the world, do not blame politicians for abusing you through dictatorship, murder, destruction of people’s health and so on. All this you have accepted long ago when you have become religious. Religions are instructions that you should be controlled, manipulated and that you should keep quiet while you are being murdered because of your religious or less religious political leaders, who belong to the same religion as you. The keys of God have your politicians and religious priests who brainwash you to get your loyalty to them as politicians. Your American power and rich elite, if you do not like this as I have written, then you can kill me with a drone Predator, as you want to kill Julian Assange. You’re killing him too, just because he’s exposed your war crimes. Kill me with your Psychotronic weapons if you will. Kill me the same way you kill white Americans and all other races in the United States through psychotronic weapons. In my case, the Swedish government does it, so that you do not have to do it, and you know that too. For me, it does not matter anymore if someone is going to kill me. I will die in any case. Shorten my suffering because this is not a life I live. So, that’s about what happens when I watch this video. It’s the same with me. I have also destroyed the body’s nervous system and the Swedish health service wants to send me to a psychiatrist and psychologist so that I can talk about my deadly life-threatening bodily injuries with them. It violates all logic, but there is no logic when one has been harmed by one of the annihilation systems of all the governments of the world. These people in this video cannot take their bodily injuries to court because governments do not allow it. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry is deprived of all responsibility if people die due to Corona vaccines. What people all over the planet must realize is that the governments of the world are killing ordinary people under the guise of care and thanks to this, they can slaughter us ordinary people all over the world on an industrial scale, without themselves being guilty of murder. Gene vaccine is just another destruction system that has the task of lowering the world’s population.
USED By Big Pharma IGNORED By Medical Mafia Vaccine Injured Share Their Reactions in News Conference
Now we come to the Coronavirus PCR test. This video is among the first that has led my attention to a whole other topic that I did not know existed.
Videon på munskyddet har blivit viral
The video of the mouthguard has gone viral
For people outside Sweden who do not understand the Swedish language, I can explain that this doctor, or whatever she is, says that people have begun to believe that the black threads can be parasitic worms. She explains it with, ha, ha, ha that you might think it’s worms, as they twist, but it’s actually textile fibers that twist due to electrostatic voltage that cause the fibers to twist on this way. I can guarantee you that she, as an employee in the Swedish state health care system, is lying to the whole Swedish people and also to the whole world. Other healthcare workers in all existing countries on this planet also lie to their people in the same way, about it allegedly textile thread. They all tell this same lie to their people so that people will never know what it really is. All of them together know very well what it is, but the world’s civilian population is never even told that it exists even in real life. This is the first thing they learn at university in nursing education. These are not textile fibers, these are not parasitic worms, but this is another type of parasite called Morgellons. Morgellons is another secretly stamped deadly contagious disease and that disease is one of the worst on the planet. It is Science Fiction horror film that is becoming a reality. The whole body is transformed into a corpse with frontal fluid over the skin, so that people do not even look like themselves anymore. People experience their invaded body with Morgellons parasites as if they have received a parasite from outer space and now, they are dying in the most frightening way. In addition, there are billions of parasites throughout the body. What is more frightening than this. World governments declare Morgellons a mentally ill disease. While watching this video, I had no idea what it was. After that I watched other similar videos and then I found videos where they mention the parasite as Morgellons. Then I searched on Google for the words Morgellons and then a hell of horror information opened up in front of me. Then I watched this video and then I realized that it is a life-threatening parasitic disease.
Morgellon’s Disease
Morgellon’s Disease | The Unexplained Files
Why This Disease Causes Strange Fibers to Grow From Skin
Morgellons Disease -Oakland A’s Billy Koch and family infected- 2006
To make it short, here is a man who is infected with the parasite infected Morgellons threads. He’s not lying, he’s telling the truth.
Morgellons Disease The Silent Pandemic
Here is a man who has researched Morgellons and he is 100% credible. If you want to know everything about Morgellons, then only he, as I have seen so far, has researched the deadly parasitic infectious disease. It is very important that you watch his video because in this way you will learn the truth that the world governments keep secret from you and who do not want you to know about, so that you too can be infected with the life-threatening parasite disease that you will eventually die due to, if you become infected and finally what I have seen so far, we are all already infected with the bacterium that creates the parasite threads:
Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project – Overview with Clifford Carnicom
Santa Fe Conference 2019: Geoengineering & Bioengineering – The Unmistakable Link – Part 1a: The Past
Environmental protection agency
Environmental protection agency has no obligation to identify a potentially hazardous material in the environment. If you, as an ordinary citizen, find a foreign hazardous material in the environment that poses a threat to the health and well-being of the entire country’s civilian population and if you report the potential danger to the Environmental Protection Agency that people believe in and they respond, we are sorry, but we want do not accept your application if we do not ask you to do so. It sounds a bit like they only acknowledge dangerous materials in an environment that the government wants people to know about, while they reject reports from ordinary people about hazardous materials in an environment that the government keeps quiet about and that fulfills a purpose, which no one is allowed to say a word about. As long as the government keeps quiet about the dangerous foreign material through the Environmental Protection Agency, so long as people can be injured to death in the slightly longer term, claiming that people have become ill due to unidentified cause. What the government does not talk about is what does not exist, even if it quietly and discreetly leads millions of people to their deaths. This is how the governments of the world murder people under false claims while they themselves are not guilty of murder. Therefore, the United States Environmental Protection Agency
does not accept reports of foreign potentially hazardous materials in real-life environments that are even fatal. What the United States Environmental Protection Agency does not accept is what similar agencies around the world do not accept. This is a secret that only the states of the world know about and in this area they all cooperate with each other. They do it together against, their people, while they also keep quiet about it for their people. Ordinary people are civilians and that is why civilians should not even ask any questions to the government. Ordinary people should not even think about such things. People should only believe in government and government institutions. Government takes care of everything. Why should people think about what the government through the Environmental Protection Agency does not want to investigate and what the government does not talk about. Instead, think of the things that the government is talking about, and that the government wants you to talk to the civilian population about, such as religion and God. Do not worry as long as you believe in the state and God. The state cares about you and your child.
United States Air Force
Aerosol and chemtrail are classified by the world governments, mainstream media, and government employee’s army of internet trolls on YouTube and Facebook for conspiracy theory so that criminal pollution of the atmosphere can be explained as a scam. The United States Air Force is no better a bit. They lie to American whites and the rest of the people. If I do not understand wrong now English, what I understand these private investigators have complained about air pollution. The person who is supposed to be employed by the agencies replied that all this is a scam. He claimed that none of the credible government employees have uttered a word about such a thing, even if serious evidence was given to them. So, when ordinary people give evidence and if it is not in the interest of government, then it is a scam. Like I said, government is always right while ordinary people are always wrong. In addition, it turned out that he is not the official he pretended to be. Instead, he is an intelligence officer. This is how the government wants to protect crime that the government commits against its own people. Then they send an intelligence officer. This is being done in the same way in every single government on this planet. This gentleman who speaks is surprised and quite angry that the government is committing a crime. But he has not yet realized the truth, while I have realized the truth. This, as he says, is just another part of the annihilation of civilians around the world and it is part of everything I have revealed so far. What he is talking about is a part of all the Holocaust systems that I have already mentioned in this blog post.
Centers for disease control and prevention
This man is a hero. He is an ordinary person who is very smart and instead of the government investigating dangerous deviant material, substance, and disease infections in the environment, it is he as a private person who does it for the best not only of the American people. He does it for the whole world. If it is revealed in the United States, then it will be revealed through media all over the world. But it is something that must not be revealed and therefore the media does not say a word about it. Media are government tools that silence such cases by
pretending that they do not exist. The media talks exactly what the government wants them to talk about. Entire state systems exist for the governments of the world to be able to kill their own people under false claims, so that governments do not become guilty of murder. Here he has clashed with the government wall of silence and denial. He has clashed with a reality that is censored for us ordinary people. Heroes like him exist in every single country on this planet regardless of race and religion. Everyone is censored and everyone hits power and the rich elite’s wall of media propaganda full of lies and then they are either prevented from exploring the government’s crimes more deeply, they are censored, and some are even executed a little here and there, worldwide. The CDC has the task of investigating unknown disease states in people, worldwide. What they have investigated is about Morgellons parasite infection. The CDC government’s investigation of Morgellons looked to this researcher as being under the influence of drugs and mentally unstable, but I think they are pretending to be stupid. This is what people look like when they lie and when they try to hide crime. So stupid in the head, saw every single doctor who wants to send me to the nerve clinic, for me to be exposed to crime through Neurography. The government must somehow explain away another of Morgellons parasite infections, which is classified, and which must be kept secret as if it did not exist in real life. The CDC investigation can deceive ordinary people who have never heard of it, but they cannot deceive this man who has researched this himself. Army of state-employed internet trolls along with media, people like Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Mike Yeadon and in this man, Clifford Carnicom call conspiracy theorists if he mentions aerosol and chemtrail. He no longer calls it that. He uses other words that are more acceptable so that they cannot classify him as a conspiracy theorist. Aerosol and chemtrail are not conspiracy theory at all. Aerosol and chemtrail are tools for the US government to infect people on the ground with Morgellons parasites. US government infects people who are of less value to American society. It is insignificant ordinary white population including all other races, which become infected. But it’s always mostly about ordinary American people. I will explain later why aerosol and chemtrail are not conspiracy theory at all.
Here is his second very important video. Morgellons victims have wounds that do not heal, parasite Morgellons threads come out of their wounds and when the same people seek care, then they are explained by the whole care because they are lost, that they imagine that they have a contagious disease and that they are mentally ill. Psychiatry gives to people who are infected with Morgellons, medicines for mental illness and you already know what I have written about such medicines and for what purpose they are developed by the world governments for. Healthcare wants them to talk to psychiatrists about their wounds all over their bodies full of Morgellons parasitic threads, while me, the Swedish health service wants to send to a psychiatrist and psychologist so that I can talk about my electrical injuries, which I will die because of. There is no care either for them or for me. Instead, we are all mentally ill and we imagine that we are dying in pain and suffering in agony. In the end, we will all die. Because our injuries are not recognized by the governments of the world through their healthcare tools, we are automatically denied care for our bodily injuries. You get care for headaches and so on that will heal on its own, while we do not get care for life-threatening bodily injuries. In addition, there is no care for the world governments’ extermination system for the common people on this planet, which artificially causes bodily harm, disease, and deadly body complications later in life. In this way, the civilian population of the whole world is treated by each government. Morgellons are annihilation systems that lower the world’s
population of ordinary people across the planet. When government through mainstream media propaganda and through such videos says that it is about thousands of people around the world who suffer from such unknown skin conditions, then they are lying in the same way as they are lying about everything else. It is about many millions of people across the planet who are infected. Now they are infecting the whole world’s civilian population with Morgellons parasite infection, and I will describe how they do it a little later in this blog post. The only thing is that people do not even know that they are infected by Morgellons parasites. They do not know it because their government calls such fibers textile fibers which is a pure lie. This is how the world’s governments silence and protect the government’s extermination system Morgellons parasite infection from being revealed to the world’s civilian population. Every government on this planet uses parasites Morgellons to infect people and when people are infected people either die due to bodily injuries that Morgellons parasites cause on the body, or people are driven to commit suicide due to suffering in agony. Morgellons infection is torture to death with physical and mental suffering. The governments of the world are looking for the torture and when people have started getting wounds that do not heal, then they say that people should not scratch wounds on the skin. When people have received wounds that Morgellons parasite causes, then the care on the whole planet differs between people that it should be claimed that it is people themselves who injure themselves by scraping the skin with fingers. People have been normal all their lives and now all of a sudden, they have gone crazy by scratching their skin with fingers for no reason. Government demands through people through their criminal care that people do not remove Morgellons parasite threads, that stands out from wounds and as prevented wounds from being able to heal. The parasite threads stick, bite into the same wound and the surrounding environment of the wound. This is how they infect new areas of the body. In some videos, I have seen that the health service wants to lock infected people with Morgellons in mental hospitals. People have been exposed to the government’s crimes and annihilation system Morgellons and now that people are complaining about their suffering in agony and their ongoing death, then people are mentally ill. Then you can understand that it is a tool for every single government on this planet to harm their civilian population to death and to declare people mentally ill when they testify about their suffering in agony to death. If Morgellons had not been one of all the various annihilation systems of civilian population across the planet, then the government would have told the entire population the truth that Morgellons is a parasitic infection. They can say, people here, we have Morgellons parasite infection. Unfortunately, we have no cure for that disease, but we can tell you that you are not mentally ill, and you do not imagine that you have that disease. But they do not. Instead, they call people the lost and that people have misleading parasitosis, such as imaginary disease. The world’s governments through healthcare blame people infected with Morgellons, claiming that they themselves cause the wounds by scratching the skin with their fingers. Morgellons spread to every square centimeter of the body and thus it also spreads to the skin. When Morgellons threads have grown out of the skin, then they look like threads sticking out of the skin. In this way, Morgellons threads start a new cycle of infection in order for it to infect new areas either by one’s own body or if it comes in contact with another person, then the other person infects, by biting and when it bites, then it injects bacteria from its thread body, or maybe a piece of that thread comes loose and then it will create a new Morgellons organism in the other human that will multiply into millions of parasite threads throughout the body. In most videos on YouTube, people only see the wounds on the skin that do not heal and therefore Morgellons is called skin disease which is a misinterpretation of what Morgellons parasite infection is in reality for something. Sores on the skin are what is felt and therefore many people believe that it is just a skin disease. But the truth is that Morgellons causes such wounds in every part of the inner part of the body. Morgellons threads come from people’s tongue, lips, pharynx and so on. This too is what people see and feel. The same thing happens with internal body organs, intestines and so on, but that’s what people do not feel and do not see. That is why it is not talked about. Morgellons parasites infect plants, insects, animals,
and humans. I have watched many videos about that disease, and I have seen it in some of them all. This man Clifford Carnicom has said in another video that Morgellons have been found in blood, urine, and all bodily fluids. So, we have that bacterium in our saliva. There is a test where you take a sip of wine, and you clean your mouth with wine just like when you use mouth rinse water after brushing your teeth. You should rinse with wine for one to two minutes and then you should spit that wine in a plate. After that, you add liquid 70% alcohol to this wine and then you realize how those bacteria fight for life. Do not try to use sticky rubbing alcohol as it will not work. It must be liquid alcohol and then the test works. I do not know what it is that is fighting for its life. I’ve only seen that video on YouTube. It is not a problem as long as the bacteria are in our body. Problems are when they are transformed into parasite threads, because then you have got Morgellons disease. It seems that we are all infected with that bacterium and it seems that the governments of the world through research have come up with a way to activate those bacteria so that they start producing Morgellons parasitic threads or they infect us in different ways. I cannot say that with full certainty, but that’s what I come to. Do not listen to me. Listen to these researchers. If the bacterium is in the blood when it is activated as Morgellons parasite threads, then you can understand that it spreads to every part of the body and thus to the brain. Morgellons adversely affects the brain. In my case, damaged nerves damage the brain with unnatural nerve impulses and much more than that, while Morgellons damage the brain in such a way that Morgellons parasites multiply in the brain. They drill through the brain, they cut off the connection between neurons, they destroy everything in their path through the brain. Therefore, infected people get many different life-threatening neurological, mental, and physical defects throughout the body. This parasite infection damages the brain in a similar way to ECT shocks. People are injured to death by ECT shocks in the long run under the claim of mental illness, while Morgellons damages brains of people to death, in the long run, claiming that it is in fact mental illness that does not exist in real life. Morgellons parasites carry themselves through the whole body and in this way, they cut off nerves that stand in their way. That’s why, I’ve seen in some of them all the videos’ people testify that they get numbness on different parts of the body. Extent of numbness depends on which nerve Morgellons has cut off or pinched. While Morgellons drill and multiply through the body, I guess they need energy to be able to live and that energy they get by eating their surroundings. Morgellons literally eat us humans from within. Morgellons parasitic threads are small, and you can believe that they are not that dangerous. But they multiply to numbers that are about millions and maybe billions of Morgellons parasitic threads throughout the body and then they become life-threatening. Governments through mainstream media propaganda claim that people who are healthy do not get sick in this skin condition while people who are sick and who have weakened immune systems get such wounds that do not heal. They lie about this so that people will not be worried and when people are not worried, then people do not try to look for such information either. There is no human on this planet who is immune to Morgellons parasites. In the video you see that whole families become infected with Morgellons including children. The infection has somehow entered the homes of these families. Morgellons is the power of the world and the annihilation system of the rich elite to lower the world’s civilian population. All governments pretend that this Morgellons parasite does not exist, and all existing governments send their infected people to psychiatry to be destroyed with harmful drugs and to be silenced, so that the rest of the civilian population will not believe the testimonies of infected people and that they should not know that Morgellons exists in reality. When such people do not know anything about Morgellons, then they themselves can become infected without being aware of this. People are not allowed to know anything about that disease and if people do not know anything, then people cannot know in which way Morgellons infects people. Morgellons parasitic infection is used by world governments as a biological weapon against each of its people, which in public as usual does not exist. Morgellons parasitic infection is an outsourced government death trap that is identical to electric annihilation, and it is identical to all other annihilation systems of civilian
populations worldwide. For world governments, it is important that people do not expect to be infected with a deadly parasitic disease and that is why Morgellons does not exist. This is why all infected people with Morgellons are called mentally ill, while people die due to Morgellons parasites. By calling infected people with Morgellons mentally ill people, the governments of the world deceive other people in a false sense of security and safety, so that even such people can become infected and when they start dying in pain and suffering in agony, then they also become mentally ill. This is how the world government punishes civilians who have fallen into the trap of one of all the government’s Holocaust systems. This is this researcher’s website:
Carnicom Institute
Welcome to Carnicom Institute
I have watched all the videos that were on this website. This man has not committed any crime for his video about his research to be censored in various ways. But here you see. If people start researching dangerous foreign materials and substances in the environment, then the government prevents such people from revealing that government’s crime to the entire population. When I watched video number 2, that video had interference in the broadcast. It was like this when I looked at it. He talks for 10 seconds and then there is a pause that lasted for 12 seconds and then it went on throughout the video. In any case, it was so for me. Maybe you can watch that video without interruption in the broadcast. It was hard to understand what he was talking about with such long breaks, but I was patient, and it took me a few hours until I saw them all. I still understood everything he wanted to say. Video numbers 1 and 3 were on YouTube and I can also watch them without interruption, while video number 2 was not there. In video number 2, he said that it is about the state that is preventing his research. Actually, it’s about it in all the videos indirectly. He said nothing extreme against the state. Everything he speaks is normally a critical voice, which should not be seen as something extreme if the governments of the world are as democratic as they claim to be. I have never posted my own video and I thought it was important that the world’s civilian population on this planet should also be able to watch it on YouTube. I posted that video on my YouTube channel and after that YouTube will approve that video. It has not even been a minute or two before YouTube sent me the world’s worst warning. It sounded almost like a death threat, though still not when governments beautify it with their wording. As far as I remember, it was written that the video violates their YouTube policy and that this time I only get a warning. If it repeats itself again, then they will turn off my tool to upload my own videos in the future. They said, since this is my first time, I’m just getting a warning. It was the worst warning I have ever received from anyone, and it was the only time I posted a video. So, here you see what the power of the world and the rich elite are for something. They censor and silence all the Holocaust systems they use to murder the entire world’s civilian population, and I mean only ordinary people under false pretenses and through censorship. As you can see Morgellons does not exist in real life, while YouTube and the internet are full of people talking about it. As I die of crime I have been exposed to, I saw clearly that Morgellons parasitic infection is just another tool that world governments are using to reduce the world’s population of adults, young people and children, whole families. Now I come to the subject that I said that every government on this planet infects its own people with Morgellons parasites. In any case, they only infect the people they want to infect, while other people do not become infected with Morgellons. The second time I was infected with Coronavirus I became very seriously ill. As I got symptoms of Coronavirus infection, I immediately had to take a PCR test, for the care to confirm that I have Covid-19 disease and that in that case I have to stay at home. I called the health center, and they gave me an appointment the next day. I went there terrified, because I felt like I was dying. Suggestively,
I was desperate for some kind of help. Nurse helped a woman take PCR test. All that happened outside on the back of the medical center. The nurse is standing in the window and we patients get the PCR test sticks from her. It was a nurse who took a sample with the Covid PCR test stick on the infected patient before me, a patient who was a Swedish woman. The nurse was also Swedish. It was my first time taking a PCR test and I thought she would take a sample of my nose as well. But, when that woman was done and when she saw me, then she went into her office or to her room and told me to take the Covid -19 PCR test stick myself and that I should put it in my nose and then in my throat. I can tell you that we all humans on this planet have a great ability to recognize things we have already seen and the same is with me. The world’s ruling politicians and mainstream media call Covid -19 PCR test stick PCR test. But that stick is not a PCR test. Covid -19 PCR stick only has the task of collecting fluid with Coronavirus and that sample is then checked in the laboratory with PCR test. Through mainstream media propaganda, presents world governments and army of government employees internet trolls a suggestive message that PCR test stick is new invented technology. Governments are tricking people into suggesting that people should see the Covid -19 PCR stick for PCR testing, which is not true. Logically as a normal human being, one thinks that the Covid -19 PCR stick is only for collecting fluid and I expected to get the Covid -19 PCR test stick with cotton, just like the sticks we use to clean our ears. Even if you take a regular cloth and stuff, it in your nose, it will collect fluid that can be extracted in PCR tests in the laboratory. The world’s mainstream media propaganda misleads people into believing that the Covid -19 PCR stick has some groundbreaking newly invented material that is supposed to be better than cotton. It is only misleading propaganda that should confuse people so that people do not realize the truth about yet another of Morgellons parasite system of destruction. So, I went there with a damaged body through electrical damage and with the insight and knowledge that government injures people to death. I have no confidence in government, and I have no confidence in entire state systems. I know that government kills civilians through state systems. I have no confidence in the care, and I will never in my life have any confidence in the care, but I did not expect a new death trap from them. When I opened the Covid -19 PCR stick, I noticed a different thing. To me, that cotton did not look like cotton. I noticed that it is some other material and I thought that thought. Imagine if they would hurt me with this too, but I could not imagine how they could hurt me. So, I took that sample and then I put that sample in a bucket with all the other samples that people have already taken. Shortly after, I received an answer that I have Coronavirus disease and then I stayed at home for two weeks. Until that moment, I knew everything about Morgellons, but then after I took the PCR test, I ended up on video about black parasitic worms in PCR tests and face masks. So, I checked again on many different videos about the parasitic worms in PCR test and then I decided to buy Digital USB microscope and check for myself if it is true as people claim. I went there terrified because I felt like I was dying. Suggestively, I was desperate for some kind of help. Nurse helped a woman take PCR test. All that happened outside on the back of the medical center. The nurse is standing in the window and we patients get the PCR test sticks from her. It was a nurse who took a sample with the Covid PCR test stick on the infected patient before me, a patient who was a Swedish woman. The nurse was also Swedish. It was my first time taking a PCR test and I thought she would take a sample of my nose as well. But, when that woman was done and when she saw me, then she went into her office or to her room and told me to take the Covid -19 PCR test stick myself and that I should put it in my nose and then in my throat. I can tell you that we all humans on this planet have a great ability to recognize things we have already seen and the same is with me. The world’s ruling politicians and mainstream media call Covid -19 PCR test stick PCR test. But that stick is not a PCR test. Covid -19 PCR stick only has the task of collecting fluid with Coronavirus and that sample is then checked in the laboratory with PCR test. Through mainstream media propaganda, presents world governments and army of government employees internet trolls a suggestive message that PCR test stick is new invented technology. Governments are tricking people into suggesting that people should see the Covid
-19 PCR stick for PCR testing, which is not true. Logically as a normal human being, one thinks that the Covid -19 PCR stick is only for collecting fluid and I expected to get the Covid -19 PCR test stick with cotton, just like the sticks we use to clean our ears. Even if you take a regular cloth and stuff, it in your nose, it will collect fluid that can be extracted in PCR tests in the laboratory. The world’s mainstream media propaganda misleads people into believing that the Covid -19 PCR stick has some groundbreaking newly invented material that is supposed to be better than cotton. It is only misleading propaganda that should confuse people so that people do not realize the truth about yet another of Morgellons parasite system of destruction. So, I went there with a damaged body through electrical damage and with the insight and knowledge that government injures people to death. I have no confidence in government, and I have no confidence in entire state systems. I know that government kills civilians through state systems. I have no confidence in the care, and I will never in my life have any confidence in the care, but I did not expect a new death trap from them. When I opened the Covid -19 PCR stick, I noticed a different thing. To me, that cotton did not look like cotton. I noticed that it is some other material and I thought that thought. Imagine if they would hurt me with this too, but I could not imagine how they could hurt me. So, I took that sample and then I put that sample in a bucket with all the other samples that people have already taken. Shortly after, I received an answer that I have Coronavirus disease and then I stayed at home for two weeks. Until that moment, I knew everything about Morgellons, but then after I took the PCR test, I ended up on video about black parasitic worms in PCR tests and face masks. So, I checked again on many different videos about the parasitic worms in PCR test and then I decided to buy Digital USB microscope and check for myself if it is true as people claim. Doctors around the world call them black threads textile fibers that twist due to electrostatic voltage, and I personally did not know what to believe. People on YouTube have shared video about the threads in masks and PCR tests. I wondered what it was. That’s why I bought a Digital USB microscope, so that I can see if there is a parasite in face masks that you buy here in Sweden. It is not normal for me to buy face masks that are allegedly sterile, while they have black threads in them. I bought some packs with at least 20 knitted face masks. In some videos I have seen, there are at least 50 such threads worn in a single mask, while I checked over 20 face masks and I found nothing. It was completely sterile masks. But then I saw a video where Morgellons infected people with wounds all over their bodies looking at their wounds full of Morgellons on their skin with a Digital USB microscope. The only reason I bought the Digital USB microscope, was to check black threads in face masks. When I saw how they examine their body, I immediately came up with the same idea and then I did the same thing as them. I started looking over my body. Their bodies are full of Morgellons parasitic threads. When I looked at my body, my body looked completely clean. I was a little happy considering I’m not infected with the deadly parasite of hell. But when I examined the body more carefully, then I realized that I also have the black threads on the skin and even some it seems that they are under the skin. I was completely terrified at this point. My whole world collapsed. I thought, I have so many fatal bodily injuries already and now I have also got this parasitic disease. I have no wounds, but in this part, I have realized that Morgellons in all the YouTube videos about Morgellons in face mask, Morgellons on PCR test is one and the same. It is the parasite Morgellons, and that the health service calls it textile threads is a way of government to hide Morgellons parasite infection from the world’s population. That disease does not even exist in public. I checked everywhere in the living room, and you can find them everywhere. I think we got that parasite in our homes somehow. We may have been born and lived our lives with the presence of these parasites in our environment, but they were not dangerous. It is the governments of the world that make them life-threatening. In addition, there may be different species of the parasite, or it is just the life cycles of the parasite where it changes its appearance. You can never confuse the black parasite threads with textile fibers under a microscope. Textile fiber also looks like a textile fiber under a USB microscope, while the black Morgellons looks exactly like a living parasite. After that, I found these videos about Morgellons threads that
were on the PCR test stick, which behave like Morgellons parasites. I think people should not be afraid of the black Morgellons threads because they are not particularly active. People should fear the white parasitic threads that twist and are extremely active. They are the ones who infect people with Morgellons. And here you see that they are in PCR test stick.
PCR test 2
Here is another video:
Covid test with nanoparticles
Covid test with nanoparticles ???????
There are no nano particles in this PCR test stick. It is the parasite Morgellons, and this woman has got it with the intention that she will be infected with Morgellons. Next video: This is what you notice that it does not look like cotton. People stuff it in the nose and throat and they Morgellons parasitic threads bite and infect that area deep into the nose and throat. From there, they will spread to the lungs and stomach. This is exactly what my PCR test stick looked like.
Covid test is bogus. It’s not a cotton swab, no matter what they tell you!
These injuries that I have are driving me to actions that I would never have done if I had not been injured by electric shock. When I saw them all video and considering that I’m dying, I cannot be calm and want to do nothing more. These injuries drive me to do desperate illogical and abnormal acts. Then I decided to do the same thing and make a video about PCR testing with Morgellons parasite threads. This time I thought I would do it more professionally with real visible evidence and that with a video camera that I have never had otherwise, and I am not interested in that either. But I wasted around SEK 15,000, Swedish crowns on DSL camera and all the equipment I needed to make that video. I went into debt just to prove to the people of the whole world that the governments of the world are deliberately infecting all of us ordinary people on this planet with the deadly parasite Morgellons. I needed to watch YouTube to learn how that camera works. Then I needed lenses. I have checked again on YouTube and there I saw a lot of misleading advertising so thanks to this I have bought three lenses that turned out to be completely useless for video that I would make. After a long search on YouTube, I heard about macro lenses, and I bought the EF-S 35 / 2.8 Macro IS STM which was reasonably useful. The police who come by force in my dreams every night, have never commented on anything about society. They’re just talking about events that happen to me during the day. I tested myself with PCR tests while they kept quiet that there may be a danger in that test. After all, they are the ones who have
led me to electrical injuries through over 20 years of psychological torture and I was meant to be injured to death by the electrical Holocaust, so that I make of me Clown and embarrass me now through this blog. They never warn me of the dangers that the government has imposed on people through government systems. Now I ordered two PCR tests to make PCR test video. I said I have Corona symptoms and I lied, just to give me a PCR test stick. As soon as I saw the PCR test stick, I noticed that it does not look like the material on the PCR test that I was tested with. They looked like they are made of regular cotton just like the regular cotton swab with which you clean your ears. But I still hoped that it would be the parasite that moves. I was going to prove to all of humanity that the governments of the world are infecting us all with Morgellons parasites. But I thought I would try it in a better way. I ordered some grasshoppers and caterpillars on the internet here in Sweden, so that I can decide which of them fits better. Larvae are perfect for that experiment. They move slowly and they are big, soft, and fluffy. I made video just like the other people in the video and then I put it in petri dish. First, I took a regular cotton swab for cleaning the ears and the cotton threads do not move at all. But when I took the PCR test stick, it was exactly identical material to the cotton stick. So, I got two PCR tests with plain cotton on, and both two PCR test threads do not move even a single millimeter. Both, Two PCR test sticks have plain cotton. Since it does not work, I have a short video where I put in two PCR test threads, and I put in regular cotton spinning threads together with PCR test threads. When you look at them, they are identical to each other. None of them move a millimeter. All that is plain cotton. The people who talk about Morgellons say that Morgellons does not burn so easily. This is because it is a living organism, while they said that cotton burns quickly. So, I also thought about it and here in the video I turned them on, and they burned very quickly. All that’s just plain cotton. Before I planned to get all that, I wondered if those who talk to me while I sleep will warn healthcare that I want to access PCR tests with Morgellons parasite. They have warned healthcare and that is how the state system works. When the government strikes ordinary people, they strike through every state institution at the same time. They prevent me from proving it, but they cannot prevent you all ordinary people on this planet. If you have a camera, then you should buy this Macro lens EF-S 35 / 2.8 Macro IS STM. It is also not that impressive to my great surprise, but you can see the threads a little more clearly. There are also better lenses, but it should be macro lens. Now I have seen that macro lens is also available for mobile phones and it is even better because it is cheap. I think it’s a shame that I did not see it first so that I do not get into debt. The important thing is just that the threads should be clearly visible. With it, you can also examine the body if you have wounds that do not heal. Then you do not need a digital USB microscope. Place the PCR parasite threads in the Petri dish on one edge and place the caterpillar in the other. Then the larva will walk and eventually it will come close to the PCR parasite Morgellons threads and then we will see two different organisms meet each other. Then we will see Morgellons impact on the environment. Then we will see how it bites and carries itself in that caterpillar and then the civilian population on the whole planet will realize that the PCR test stick is another annihilation system of whole families, families of ordinary people on this planet adults, young people, and children. When you are done, you should burn them so that we can see if they burn as fast as ordinary cotton. If they do not burn, then there is further evidence that it is a living parasitic organism Morgellons. The world pharmaceutical industry grows Morgellons parasites on an industrial scale and then, they weave it on so-called Covid-19 PCR test sticks, just to infect people around the world with Morgellons. People who the world governments do not want to infect with Morgellons get PCR tests with ordinary cotton, while people who the world governments want to infect, they get live parasitic threads Morgellons. The world power and rich elite kill us with Coronavirus. They kill us with gene vaccines. They kill us with PCR tests. The Covid-19 pandemic is a system of extermination and reduction of the world’s population, selected to be liquidated. It’s because of this secret that Morgellons disease is a mentally ill disease and that’s why world governments do not want it to exist, so people do not question when they are tested with Morgellons PCR test. People should not expect the fatal blow of government.
People should not know that they are trapped in the Holocaust of the world’s governments. People should have their defense guard lowered. This is how it works with every single world government’s system of annihilation of its own people. They all do it together against us ordinary people and they do it in the same way. All this protects them with media censorship and lots of lies that keep people in a false sense of security and a false image of reality. Picture of PCR packaging has disappeared from computer and camera, so there you see how censorship works. Here is a video about Morgellons parasites in face masks. Here you see at the end of the video under a stronger microscope that the parasite looks like it has bacteria inside the body and together with that body it is the parasitic organism Morgellons. Get this USB microscope or Macro lens for Mobile Phone and you will get all the proof that will convince you all, that I am right.
The reason why people should wear face masks by force may also be that people become infected with Morgellons parasites. On the internet I have seen people filming face masks full of Morgellons parasitic threads. It’s around 50 pieces and more in a single face mask. So, the face mask is infected with Morgellons as people do not even know it exists. If you change disposable masks, full of Morgellons parasitic threads regularly, then you breathe all the parasites and as soon as they have ended up in the lungs, then with moisture and body heat they become immediately active and then they start drilling through the lungs or they start biting into the lungs and in this way, they infect the lungs. Why do coronaviruses attack the lungs and why do people lose the capacity to breathe? Why does Coronavirus Destroy Lungs So Much? As soon as the Coronavirus pandemic has begun, all the governments of the world have imposed mandatory use of face masks on civilians. People have worn face masks every day and the people who for some reason have received face masks full of Morgellons parasitic threads have inhaled millions of Morgellons parasitic threads. It may not be dangerous if you breathe a small part of the parasites. But when you have breathed millions of parasite threads over a year and more, then it is life threatening. Keep in mind that these parasites are still larger than Coronavirus. Morgellons parasites carry through the lungs and cause wounds. When they have caused wounds, then they have drilled through lungs and then they have opened the way for Coronavirus deeper into the lungs. Then there will be total destruction of lungs. I may be wrong in some areas because I am not an expert, but when you think logically, anyone can come to the same conclusion. Morgellons parasite destroys lungs and Coronavirus destroys lungs, addition to this gene vaccine and then the chance of survival is reduced to a minimum. Why do you think there are a lot of ordinary people who get asthma nowadays? It could be this Morgellons parasite that causes asthma. People who know about Morgellons believe that Morgellons exists in the other countries on the other part of the planet, but it exists on the whole planet. On YouTube, I have recently seen a Serbian citizen, a Serbian woman show copies of Morgellons parasite threads that she has picked out of her skin. So, she is infected with Morgellons and Serbian power and the rich elite probably treats her in the same way that the power of the whole world and the rich elite treat their people who are infected with Morgellons. I’m just wondering when she’s been infected with Morgellons. Has it been recently after this Covid-19 pandemic? If she has been wearing face masks that were full of Morgellons parasitic threads, then she has been infected by Morgellons in this way or through Morgellons PCR test stick. Serbian power and rich elite brag about how they love and care about their people. We Serbs, we are one and the same heavenly people. But here you see that they are not. That woman suffers from agony, while the Serbian government I think will never admit her illness and if she goes to care, then maybe they will also call her mentally ill. The same thing is happening all over the planet.
Bosniaks and Croats are also mentally ill when they start picking Morgellons parasitic threads out of their bodies and when they start to die. So, she’s dying of an illness plucked from hell and all that alone. The same thing is happening among the Bosnian people and among the Croatian people. There are Bosniaks and Croats dying of this hellish deadly disease. I’m convinced of that. But if they contact their media such as Dnevni Avaz, then they will get the answer that, unfortunately we cannot help you with this because it is not suitable to be published in the media. I got that answer from them, and I got that answer from all the media I have contacted, while most of them have not even answered me back. In addition, everyone is classified as mentally ill and through the media they will be humiliated as crazy people. The world’s governments use people’s fear of shame, such as being laughed at and shamed, so that people do not dare to talk about their ongoing death in Morgellons disease publicly to the entire population when people have received the stamp of care as mentally ill. The governments of the world use the fear of the people against the people to hide their various systems of annihilation by the same people and what is worse, even children become infected in Morgellons, and they too eventually die. Again, I say, the same thing is happening all over the planet. This is annihilation, which surpasses religions and what people believe in and that because of the governments of the world gives us ordinary people, religion in the same way as when you give a banana to a monkey that is in a cage. Here you monkeys get our faithful ordinary people a banana, so that you do not whine and complain about us power and rich elite and that you do not question us, while we kill you all. On the one hand you have your religion that you have believed in throughout your life and on the other hand you have me who comes from nowhere and who does not even exist in real life. But I’m one of you all ordinary people on this planet. I am a reflection of the human rights you have. How I am treated in the same way you are treated. Human rights do not exist and have never existed in real life. What do you mean for your religious power and rich elite? To them you mean as much as I mean to the Swedish western fascist police state democracy dictator power and rich elite. What has happened to me so far will also happen to you and your children. When I ask Swedes if they know what Morgellons is for something, then they answer that they do not know. When I start talking then no one is interested in what I have to say and then I keep quiet. It is not surprising because the Swedish state keeps Morgellons secret from the Swedish population, so that ethnic blonde Swedes that the Swedish government has chosen for liquidation can be killed by Morgellons parasitic disease and all other Holocaust systems. We ordinary people on this planet regardless of race and religion believe that our governments especially governments of people belonging to superpowers like Russia, China, USA, France, UK and so on, are only researching biological and chemical weapons like smallpox, anthrax and so on further. If they drop their weapons among the population, then there will be biological and chemical attacks that will immediately lead many millions of civilians worldwide to death and then they will be guilty of horrific crimes. Such a thing cannot go unnoticed. Then their intention to annihilate the civilian population around the world is revealed. They have not stopped releasing biological and chemical weapons among the population. They have manipulated viruses I think like HIV virus, Coronavirus, multi resistant bacteria, Morgellons, and other biological and chemical agents, so that people will die in controlled forms unnoticed so that the world power and rich elite are not guilty of mass murder of civilians. They have released chemical weapons such as drugs Seroquel, Zyprexa, and other drugs such as psychiatry trick people into harming people altogether, claiming to be mentally ill. They manipulate DNA in corn and other plants under the claim of so-called GMO food production. In any case, we ordinary people must wake up from the fantasy world and realize that we live in this world that I am writing about. Suppose I am right in only one area, and I am right about electric destruction. Only the electric destruction of the world’s civilian population should be sufficient reason for you to wake up from lies that the world’s power and rich elite are slaughtering us all and our Children with. Swedes do not know that Morgellons exists, and in this video, it is about Swedish citizens who are infected with Morgellons who do not exist in the mainstream media, and she has been ill with the parasitic
disease for many years. Listen to this video because it is very important and everything, they talk about is the truth.
Morgellons Disease: The Big Lie, The Ultimate Cover-up
When Swedish citizen Marie Palac says that she has been poisoned through ventilation, then she is telling the truth. Such censored events, mainstream media call conspiracy theory, while in real life I have heard from targeted individuals across the planet through their video and written text, that it happens to them in the same way. Even ordinary people are murdered and when ordinary people are murdered, then they think that they have only fallen ill with a deadly disease, or that their lives have been ended due to bad luck in life. That is the difference between us people believing that our governments care about us and that they punish us if we have committed crimes. We believe that they punish people fairly for crimes. We believe that they are out to prove our crime in order for us to be convicted and when we have been convicted, then we will be locked up in prison or mental hospital and when we have served our sentence then we are free. Other people who live their lives normally usually think that people like me who write about crimes that the Swedish government has exposed me to, crimes through state systems are just fantasies and they probably also think that I deserve this. People think that if people are tortured by the police, then people think they are probably big criminals, who are a danger to their surroundings. But it is not true. They do not want to imprison us; they want to kill us and that is what they do. They kill people in 100 different ways. The power of the world and the rich elite have committed crimes without interruption in the last 100 years, on us ordinary people and that explains them away under false innocent and harmless claims, or that we are mentally ill. It’s the reality of all of us ordinary people on this planet, that we live in. I believe that Marie Palac is also exposed to Swedish state abuse. Her business work has been attacked and she became almost homeless, or she is almost homeless. Homelessness is the government’s ultimate removal of targeted individuals and completely innocent ordinary people adults, young people, and children, from society. Every single annihilation system I have mentioned leads to death and unemployment. It is removal from this living world through bodily injuries and artificially induced diseases and then into homelessness because one is dying and then one can no longer work. Government has perfect biological weapon, to attack whole families. They grow millions of Morgelons parasitic threads that are completely invisible and then they come into your home when you are not at home and then they spray millions of Morgellon’s parasitic threads in the living room, bedroom and so on. When you have returned to your home, you do not even know that your home is infected with Morgellon’s parasite infection. The police have come to my home with a key that they got from Uddevalla home, from which I rent an apartment. In such a way, they can enter any home. They open doors they do not have a key to. These are government professionals I’m talking about. It does not have to be the police who come to your home. It can be people employed by the government, who pretend to be electricians, or under the assertion of anything. She has been poisoned by something and I believe in her, but I think she could have been infected by Morgellons in the same way. They can infect us through ventilation. They can infect people living in apartment buildings through ventilation with Morellens. They can infect apartments individually through ventilation. In a video, a targeted individual in the United States gets pumped poison gas in his apartment through the toilet. He has put plastic foil on the toilet, and it pops up due to overpressure coming from the toilet. He has filmed all this with a mobile phone, and I have seen it with my own eyes through his video. Even though he has shown it to the whole world the media propaganda around the world still convinces people in a wonderfully beautiful picture of reality, where such blatant government crimes against ordinary people, do not
exist. The same thing is happening all over the planet. Next is Melanie Writschhan, who has been deprived of custody of her child, due to the imaginary illness of Morgellons. The Morgellons infection is the perfect attack on her. I believe that it is the government that has infected her in one of all possible ways. Then they attack her in the most painful way imaginable and that is by depriving her of her children, due to parasitic disease which she is dying from, and which allegedly does not exist in real life. Now they have hurt her in two ways. They have deprived her of children, perhaps because that child should not be infected with Morgellons like herself. She too is injured physically, mentally and by depriving her of children, she is tortured psychologically with grief and anxiety. Even that, is further psychological torture. The governments of the world have built masses of tools that they use to commit abuses against civilians, claiming that it is the people’s fault that it happened the way it did. Government is always right while ordinary people are always wrong. In addition, world governments can kill people under false pretenses so that they are not guilty of murder. Here we have an example of an independent biologist who has died under mysterious circumstances because he wants to reveal his research, which had shut down GMO food cultivation. Many independent scientists investigating the true intent of GMO cultivation of corn and so on, have died under mysterious circumstances. Of course, power and the rich elite should never shoot the scientists with a gun. It must be discreet and covert, so that it does not provoke the wrath of ordinary people, because then the false image of authority may fall apart, and then ordinary people may begin to distrust state authority. If people distrust government authority, then people can start avoiding death traps imposed by government through state systems. In this case, people do not die and that is not good, because in this case the agenda of lowering their own and the world’s population is slowed down. People must die. They must keep us ordinary people in the cage like monkeys who have been given the Banana, so that we do not question the false image of reality that the mainstream media has lied to us ordinary people all along through the history of that humanity. That researcher, sowed GMO gene engineered corn and the gene sequence of the original corn has changed completely in a single season. People think that it is not so dangerous that the gene sequence in maize has changed. It’s not important to ordinary people just as long as corn still looks like corn. But, government employees, alleged researchers for the state, have openly said that they have crossed insects with plants. They have crossed insects that glow in the dark with plants. They deliberately release such information through the mainstream media so that people will accept the crime as harmless truth. What they repeat over and over again is what people have become accustomed to and what people have accepted as harmless. Because of this, people have accepted the government’s abuse of civilians and then people will never complain about this. In this way, they have made all the destruction systems that I have mentioned as something completely normal and acceptable. Their Trojan extermination system is served to people for a long time and that is why we ordinary people do not question anything, while in real life we die due to government crimes and when we die, then we always die alone completely isolated. You cannot ask the government why you have suffered bodily injuries, why you have contracted a deadly disease, why you have contracted a contagious parasite that does not exist in the mainstream media. You as an individual from the ordinary people on this planet just die and other people believe that you have only become ill due to pesticides in the food and due to air pollution. Here we have another important documentary about Morgellons victims who are dying. Watch this documentary. You can rent it on YouTube, and I have also watched it. Here you look at a psychiatrist who explains people with Morgellons to mentally ill people. He is trained as a psychiatrist and for some strange reason he has also been trained as a dermatologist. This is what the government demands of him in order for him to be claimed to be a credible assessor of people suffering from Morgellons. See how magical it is. He is the god of all-knowing government employee authority, who understands the human psyche in the smallest detail and knows about skin diseases as a dermatologist, so that he can deny that the parasite infecting Morgellons exists in real life. Watch how he eats food with his wife in his nice home. Atmosphere while they eat food, is
adorned with power and the authority of the rich elite, self-confidence, and conviction that he represents the state-advanced research institute known as Psychiatry. Shred the PCR test with Morgellons parasite threads and put it in his mouth forcibly against his own will, because that’s how they treat ordinary people around the world. Then we will see if he becomes so confident in a few years. Then when he starts getting threads that create wounds on his body that do not heal, people will call him mentally ill. The truth is that all employees of psychiatry on this planet, no matter what country it is about, regardless of race and religion they may belong to, together, they kill their own people in the same way for their own government. They are the most mentally ill people, who have no morals and no conscience, because they murder adults, young people, and children for their respective governments under false claims of care for depression.
Here is the next mysterious disease that research claims can not explain. This disease also does not exist in real life. Look at it very carefully because it is important to understand for all of us ordinary people on this planet, so that we can protect ourselves from it. It is the new alleged fantasy disease that takes the lives of people in real life, but which is claimed not to exist in real life.
Under Our Skin
I have seen through life that people have got Lyme disease, and everyone has recovered from antibiotic medications in just two weeks, but not in this case with the people in this video. I wonder if their disease might not be due to Morgellons parasite. But if it had been about Morgellons, then they would also have had wounds on the skin that do not heal. Suppose it’s about Borrelia. Here it is seen that even snake employees in the state system, such as police, end up in government shooting angle. Police officers are small insects plucked from the common people to serve for power and the rich elite. They do their job faithfully. This can confuse and mislead people because a police officer has become ill with contagious chronic Borrelia. Because of this, people may believe that the infection has come naturally into the environment after even government employees have become infected. But it can also be another genetically engineered Borrelia virus, for it to be lethal so that the government can create another system of extermination of ordinary people and this chronic Borrelia spreads all over the world. People all over the world are treated as if they were mentally ill when they are dying from this chronic disease. These police can be a target for the government, or his life lacks value and significance in case he is also infected. I do not have to be right about this particular chronic Borrelia, but when I look at how these people have been treated by American power and the rich elite through healthcare, then I become suspicious. Here there are women and children who are dying due to the chronic Borrelia. Here, the United States power and the wealthy elite claim that long-term treatment with antibiotics does not outweigh the benefits of that treatment. They claim that long-term treatment with antibiotics will harm the people. So, here we have a doctor, who has a touch of humanity in him and who was willing to try that treatment on these dying people in chronic Borrelia. These people are dying, and they will die in the end just like I am dying in electrical injuries, and I too will die in the end because of the crime I have been subjected to. Those people have nothing to lose. They will die anyway. Despite the lies of the US government, through state institution
healthcare, those people have gotten better thanks to that doctor. They feel better after the long-term antibiotic treatment. For the world power and rich elite, it means nothing that dying adults and children in chronic Borrelia feel better thanks to experimental antibiotic treatment, but that means everything to those same people who die due to chronic Borrelia. Here you see what the US government has done to that doctor. They have punished him for giving care to people who are beyond rescue. They have punished him with a fine of many millions of dollars and he was forced to close his business. Healthcare across the planet provides people with medications that cure nothing. These people have been given a sack of medicines that have not cured the chronic Borrelia. Those people have lost large sums of money on the medicines that do not help at all. This doctor has at least improved the health of those people. It is a crime that this doctor has cured or improved their health, while medicines that they received from the care have only cost a lot of money for these people. They took various useless medicines while they were just dying more and more. It’s not just that those medications do not help. These medications poison these people and in addition to the fact that they suffer from chronic Borrelia, they also feel bad because of these medications. Here you see that the government labels real care as a crime. World governments do not want cures for diseases so that ordinary people around the world will die. This is a reduction in the world’s population. A people’s hero has been lynched by state bureaucracy, state lies and state crime. Watch that video and decide for yourself what to believe. The only reason you will not believe it is that you are still unharmed and that you are not infected with deadly infections and diseases. But when you end up in the situation I am in, then you will question everything you see in the world of mainstream media lies and then it will be too late for you and maybe even for your children. Now I have described all the different Holocaust systems that lead us ordinary people and our children to guaranteed death. Morgellons parasites and the deadly chronic Borrelia come from the environment. If one says that the government poisons its population through (chemtrail and Aerosol) then such people are called conspiracy theorists. To simply claim that government intentionally poisons its people in order for people to die is conspiracy theory. World governments do not allow people to distrust government. Thanks to mainstream media propaganda lies, people should believe, that the government cares about its own people, so that they can kill their own people quite legally under harmless and innocent claims, just so that they themselves will not be guilty of mass murder of their civilian population. Why would it be conspiracy theory when it is said that the US military releases (chemtrail and Aerosol) on the ground over its cities and nature. The US government grows Morgellons on an industrial scale so that they can spray it on their people who are chosen as less worthy people so that people will be murdered by the contagious lethal, Morgellons parasite and chronic Borrelia. Why (chemtrail and Aerosol) would become conspiracy theory, while the world governments were infecting their own people with Morgellons parasites in PCR test sticks through healthcare during the claim of Covid-19 pandemic. The governments of the world each infect their chosen population for liquidation through PCR test sticks. The woven white parasite threads on PCR test sticks, are the most dangerous. It is the one that infects people with the dangerous Morgellons that breaks out in infection throughout the body. When Morgellons disease has broken into the body’s infection, then they evoke black, white, red parasite threads with everything else possible. When you look at Parasite threads in the PCR test stick and down you look at threads that come out of the skin of people who have Morgellons infection, they are identical to each other. Both move like living organisms and both bite into all living things that come close to them. Here is one such Morgellons that is found in people’s homes.
morgellons are everywhere, on your protrction dispositive, on PCR on your t-shirt.
It is identical to people infected with Morgellons threads that come from people’s wounds that do not heal and they are identical to PCR test sticks with active parasite threads. It’s one and the same thing. When the white threads have come loose from the body of people who are sick in Morgellons, then they move by biting into moving objects until they come in contact with a host such as insects, plants, animals or humans and then, for example, when in contact with the skin bites them and infects the person. If they are in people’s homes, why then does healthcare have it on some of their PCR test sticks. It is not enough that they are in people’s homes. I have never found such white thread that is alive as in this video, so they must somehow get into people’s homes. We humans believe so much in health care, but it is through health care that the governments of the world kill their people. Even the chronic Borrelia is a mysterious disease for mainstream media. I believe that governments are releasing a mix of Morgellons, perhaps genetically engineered chronic Borrelia and other dangerous substances and materials that they are simultaneously releasing into the environment through (chemtrail and Aerosol) in order to lower the world’s population. Governments through health care claim that Ticks infect people with Borrelia and there they are absolutely right, but it should be rather more correct to say that the government has infected Ticks with perhaps genetically modified chronic Borrelia and then, infected Ticks infect people in the part of cities and nature with (chemtrail and Aerosol) sprayed biological weapons that were intended for the people who live there. I believe that healthcare has a cure for Morgellons and for the chronic Borrelia, but only those individuals who are worthy of power and the rich elite get it. Such people, perhaps, go to care with discomfort and illness, completely unaware of what illness they have. The care may give them medicines of effective cures for Morgellons or Borrelia without the care even mentioning to people that it has been about Morgellons or chronic Borrelia. In this way, they cure the dignified people without revealing what it really was, while when useless people come into care, then people get medicines for mental illness, which are produced as a chemical weapon to destroy the body and health of people even more. I do not have to be 100% right about this because I am not an expert, but who is the one who is closest to the truth. Is it me who is dying because of crimes that the government has exposed me to, or is it the world power and the rich elite who have never uttered a single word that ordinary people around the world die due to various death traps laid out in state systems and in society? I have every right in the world, for me to say all this. I was the victim of a state crime, because of which I am now dying. When should I say all that? Should I say all that now before I die, or should I keep quiet so that I do not offend people’s feelings. Now we come to the next economic annihilation system that tricks people into becoming homeless and in this way, people end their lives in disaster. People whom the world governments murder through all the Holocaust systems, automatically end up in economic collapse because people are dying and can no longer work, or they are fired because of what they write on social platforms about their suffering that sounds too people who are not exposed to government abuses like horror story picked from the paranoia fantasy movie world. People just cannot accept a picture of reality that is the complete opposite of the picture that the world’s mainstream media propaganda shows to people. Homelessness and death are the ultimate government’s goals. Nobody cares about people who are homeless. People believe that it is homeless people’s own fault that they have ended up on the streets as homeless. But here you see that there are different annihilation systems that turn people into dying invalids and then it is not people’s fault that they have become homeless when people are dying. People have simply been exposed to government crimes and abuses. Everyone who has been exposed to any of the Holocaust systems has the highest probability been first subjected to psychological torture and manipulation, by government sledgehammer police through psychotronic weapons. No one is immune to psychotropic weapons and every single human being is mentally shattered for decades and when they have even been injured to death by any of the Holocaust systems, then people become homeless due to bodily injuries, artificially induced diseases, physical defects, and complications and so on. But it is Psychotronic weapons that lead people into disaster in 100 different ways. Most people have
had a normal life and thanks to this they have their mental senses intact. When they are normal and when they have a large network of friends, family and so on, then they are more resistant to police manipulation through Psychotronic weapons. Such people may be aware or unaware that they are being tortured by psychotronic weapons, but I think most people are not aware of this because the police do not want to reveal themselves to them, so that such people will not realize that they are mentally damaged by deadly Psychotronic weapons in order for them to continue to commit error after error. Believe it or not, the police damage all mental qualities such as judgment, habits, common sense for people to end up in destructive behavior where people make the wrong decisions in life that lead them out on the street as homeless. The Swedish government has created an economic annihilation system which in this case is a direct shortcut that leads people into an economic trap in debts that that person can never be free from. In this case, people do not have to be subjected to a deadly annihilation system for them to become homeless. In this case, people just need to make the wrong decision and they can never be free from financial decay. The Swedish government has legalized crime and I would dare to bet that this criminal economic trap is implemented by every single government on this planet so that people whom the world governments in each country want to exterminate will be tricked into it. Swedish government has legalized criminal annihilation system (SMS loan without security). People can take out SMS loans without having to have a job. Here is an explanation of what an SMS loan is for:
You can calculate for yourself what interest rate it will be in just a few months. I’m smart enough to know it’s a criminal financial trap, so it has not happened in my family, but not even I knew how fast that debt is growing. If you borrow SEK 3,000, then you have to pay back the entire amount already the same month and if you do not do so then SEK 3,000 will quickly become SEK 20,000 in a few months and the debt will continue to grow beyond all control. After that, it is impossible to pay that debt. People who take out SMS loans already have financial problems due to damaged judgment. It can be about young people who the police have mentally destroyed through psychotronic weapons, from the day they were born until adulthood, just because they will end up in the temptation to lend them money that they do not have. These young people can also belong to parents who are destroyed by the police through psychotronic weapons. If the parent is the target for liquidation, then even the parent’s children will be liquidated through all annihilation systems and through such SMS loan financial trap. These young people are mentally damaged in such a way that they have not passed school education and without education they will not get a job. In addition, the government gives instructions to all companies in the vicinity, that they should not provide work for the young people in particular. I think so. Such young people lack the ability to realize the danger in the SMS loan and when they have taken the SMS loan, then when that debt has risen, even parents who work cannot pay the child’s debt. Poverty leads young people into crime, and this is where the world governments want those young people. Government is not looking to lock the young man in jail. Government is looking for the young man to die, just like all of us. Sweden is claimed to be one of the most democratic countries and yet Sweden has the largest shootings in Europe. It’s not because of criminal youths who have become monsters who kill each other. I think it’s because the Swedish government is such a brutally ruthless Western police state dictator, who intends to simply kill young people and adults. Juvenile delinquents do not believe in the existence of psychotronic weapons. Ordinary weapons, such as pistols, have been advertised throughout recent human history as the most dangerous weapon for such young people to take into their own hands, but such young people do not realize that no matter how armed you are, you are still a victim of Psychotronic weapons. Psychotronic weapons are classified as nuclear weapons in the UN, I think. Just look at what they have managed to do to me so far through Psychotronic Weapons for over 20 years. The police are in the minds of these young people, through V2K injected
voices in the head and the police can link between two rival gang members live through the internet. In addition, the police talk to one young individual about how the other plans to kill him. Both young people are dreaming, and the police let them talk to each other. It becomes a suggestive conversation so that it does not look like reality, but when they have woken up, then they see each other as greater danger to life, than they are in reality. All this is unnoticed, but young people are stimulated to kill each other. As long as they kill each other everything’s OK. The police just laugh and feast on the incident that took place when they pick dead bodies on young people who have had hell through their lives. Even Adults who are exposed to Psychotronic torture but who do not commit a crime go through the exact same process of psychological torture and destruction of mental senses. In order for the world governments to be able to lead young people into a deadly trap where they shoot each other, first they must be destroyed financially, and SMS loan death trap is a perfect deadly financial debt spiral. When young people cannot pay a debt, then they borrow money from each other. They borrow money that they cannot pay back to each other and then the government has provoked conflict between innocent young people through a long life of psychological warfare, through the state system. Conscious or unaware of torture and manipulation by Psychotronic weapons, so they have also been tired up so that they will be blunted with reduced attention and then anyone can be deceived due to damaged judgment in taking SMS loans. The governments of the world destroy the mental minds of ordinary people through the police with Psychotronic weapons, in order for people to make mistakes in life. When debts have risen, then they also end up homeless. Economic ruin drives people to suicide and that is what the government is looking for. Death is the ultimate goal of lowering the world’s population and cleansing society of worthless people. The worthless are those who will disappear from society, while the worthy may continue to live. Even people who have nothing to do with police torture fall into this trap. They are collateral victims. If they have fallen into that trap, then they are almost stupid in the head and thanks to this they have made themselves useless, who have to pay for their wrong decision to take an SMS loan. People do not blame the government, because SMS loans exist in society. Government through mainstream media propaganda has built an image of SMS loans as something normal. If people have chosen to take the SMS loan, then it is their own fault. But everything that exists in society has been implemented by government for a reason. None of all the Holocaust systems, exist in society just like that for no reason, or under the assertion of economic market. Everything in society is weapons of mass destruction after weapons of mass destruction, in order to destroy civilians who are less valuable. It is the reduction of the world’s population in advanced ways. Not even criminals who lend money to people and who want interest of SEK 3,000, want such a large interest rate. When criminals lend money to people to get interest on the borrowed money and when they demand their money back, then the government punishes them for extortion and then the government punishes criminals with many years of imprisonment. Who is more criminal? It’s government, due to SMS loans are crimes that transcend all crimes committed by ordinary people. To me, criminals are victims equal to me. We are murdered in the same way. The next Holocaust system is alcohol. It is not really a system of annihilation, but the governments of the world automatically get it as a system of annihilation when people have been injured to death through all the annihilation systems I have already mentioned. For example, I am injured to death by electric annihilation. My body is rotting, and I feel it all around the clock and it just gets worse and worse. I feel so bad physically and mentally that I cannot even breathe due to suffering. Medications do not exist that can reduce pain in the body due to nervous system death. Alcohol lowers some pain and anxiety, so I drink alcohol all day when I am free, or I drink beer 3.5 percent alcohol. Such alcohol is not really alcohol but is still alcohol. Before I got hurt, I could think normally without getting caught up in self-destructive behavior. Then I abstained from alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, energy drinks and so on. I was extremely healthy, and I only ate healthy food, but now it is impossible to have any control due to the destruction of my body and health in infinitely different ways through different annihilation
systems. I trained before I was injured and was healthy and extremely enduring. But now the injuries cut suggestively like a vase knife new harmful personal qualities and habits in the brain that suffering evokes through trauma around the clock. The suffering of ever worse agony is what makes me who and what I am for something now. I’m not committing a crime, but I’ve had terrible personality changes. I’m not me anymore. I am, my ongoing death. I am not a danger to my surroundings, and I will die but I will never be a danger to my surroundings. The problem is, I’m slowly committing suicide. My body has multiple fatal injuries and I die every second of my life and it only gets worse. The next Holocaust system is Pornography. It is the most damaging psychological warfare tool for world governments. It has ruined the lives of perhaps a billion people worldwide. World governments use people’s emotions and bodily needs against people. Sex is not a shame. It is the need of the natural body that the governments of the world have used against people as a deadly weapon. Sex and alcohol are not dangerous to people who are not tortured by Psychotronic weapons and who are not destroyed by electric destruction. People have their wives, so they usually do not look at such things. But in my case, when I want the Swedish government to judge me in court once I have admitted my crime, they did not allow me this. Instead, they have manipulated me, and they have tricked me into believing that a great woman wants to be with me, so that I may continue to be isolated in celibacy, with my own will. I did not know that isolation will hurt my mental mind. I thought that when you are free from guilt, you will not be hurt more mentally. But that isolation has led me to electrical damage because I lived alone for so long. For about 24 years I have not had a relationship with a woman. With these injuries writing that celibacy in my brain as a program, a woman means nothing more to me. I have lost the ability to be a man. I’m not even a human being anymore. I can never have a relationship with a woman ever again in my life, because I’m just dying and it’s a worse problem than not having a relationship. In addition, my social skills have been completely erased in such a way that I do not even know how it could work if a woman wants to be with me. Should she listen to my whine that I’m dying all the time. It had never worked, and it will never work for me to be able to have a family ever again. I do not even want any more relationship. I’m absolutely uninterested in a relationship. The only thing that interests me now is to tell you about my downfall to all of you ordinary people on this planet about the crime I have been subjected to. Even you and your children are exposed to that crime. Pornography has led me directly to fatal injuries through electrical destruction. Now I am dysfunctional sexually and without feeling in most of my body, I injure myself again and again through accidents. My whole body is dying. I’m really dying. I just want to reveal to you what humanity with the power of that world and the rich elite is based on. If I get some of you to realize the truth and I mean ordinary people who are part of the group of the world’s population that is to be lowered, then I have managed to save your lives and if the electric destruction is revealed, then our children will live in a safer world. As I have been subjected to crime and fatal injuries that drive me to commit wrong after wrong, I have built an image of myself as a freak who is a disgrace that surpasses everything and everyone. The Swedish government through torture has transformed me into a living stain of shame by force. I am the most worthless human being on this planet I am the very bottom. As an individual, I no longer exist. Most of them would have committed suicide if they were in my situation, but I still want to continue living. It hurts to die. This is the annihilation of me and my child and everything has been committed by the Swedish government indirectly through advanced psychological warfare. If I had a woman the moment when I have admitted my mistakes in life, then a relationship had healed my broken mental senses. Then my social phobia had been cured, but now I am beyond all rescues. Now it will never help me that I have a relationship because electrical damage is death itself that destroys personal identity and causes the body to die and rot. I die and I am a 100% disabled physically and mentally. But I know one thing. Even though I’m dying now for over 5 years, so down I have finally died, then I will stop suffering and it gives me partial relief and comfort. Then all my suffering will disappear. Psychiatry is (an industry of death) but it is the power of the world and the rich
elite that commits the crime through them. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that it is the power of the world and the rich elite that is one (an industry of death). They are the ones who are killing all of us ordinary people on this planet along with our children. I hope I have succeeded in explaining to you that I have been sentenced to death by force, against my own will.
Religion and God
Now we come to the most powerful tool on the planet that has through human history served the governments of the world to control and manipulate their own people and that is religion. I too believed in everything and everyone. I too have been convinced by my Bosnian power and rich elite that I will faithfully love and see my religion, my national identity, my patriotism towards Bosnian politicians, patriotism for Bosnia as my country, patriotism, and love for religious priests of the same religion as belongs to my people, who also convinced me that I should feel like one of them all before I was injured to death. At the same time, all the people who belong to the other existing religions on this planet have been convinced in the same way by their respective powers and the rich elite to faithfully love and believe in their respective religious and national identities. They too have felt patriotism for their religious and national identity and they all, together with my own Bosnian people, believe and continue to believe in the same thing even now. All of us, have been influenced by religion and religion has been imposed on us Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and peoples belonging to other religions on this planet, from our families or as a stimulated group pressure from the same ethnic group. All religions looked the same to me and all that is one and the same thing. For me it was more important that you do not harm others, that you do not kill others and then you are the best person on the planet, with the best morals and with the purest soul or consciousness that you can have. Even though I was not religious, I have always loved our Mosque priests, whom we call Hodža. I loved that we also had Christian Orthodox and Christian Catholics in Bosnia. I thought that Muslim, Christian Orthodox and Catholic priests, are people who are honest and people who carry true love in themselves. They are and they were always offensive with their spiritual and holy love for their people, so it was just to accept their great love. What impressed me very much about them was that they care so much about us ordinary people adults, young people, and children and that they want God to help us all. For me, it was just positive. I was impressed by their love, their pure soul, their willingness to help the people and their willingness to care for every human being. Their constant struggle, care, and nurturing, for them to save people’s souls and to lead adults, young people, and children on the right path in life, was of the greatest value to me and I believed in their honesty completely. They fight to save people’s souls and I thought all my life that they want to save people’s lives. That they represented different religions was less important to me. Political parties come and go. New parties and new politicians come to power, but all of them retain different methods of extermination, at the mass slaughter of their own civilian population, and they never say a word about it. They know that people are being murdered, but all of them take over the massacre of civilians by default and then continue to keep quiet about it, while continuing to rule as politicians, claiming that they care about the lives of their own people and the security of their people. This is how it is. All the existing different political parties on this planet in every single country that exists, each political party has the whole state system and all the media propaganda machinery in their hands, so that they can convince each of their people that it is they who are to be claimed. be the political party that cares most about its own people and the lives and security of their children. People who are convinced that all political parties care about them and their children, follow them blindly and it is such people who keep politicians in power. In addition, politicians use religion as a tool to convince their people of how much they care about their people, of how much they fight for their people, of how they want to protect their own people from the other people, just because people belong to the same religion. Politicians always say we Sunni Muslims, we Shia Muslims, we Christian Orthodox, we Christian Catholics, we Christian Protestants, we Buddhists, we Hindus, we Jews and so on, but it always starts with the detail, we. Politicians each celebrate their religious holidays and they constantly broadcast it on TV, to their own people, so that we ordinary people should believe that
religion is the most important thing that unites us as a people and that religion gives us security and safety. Here you see, we believe in the same god and the same religion. That is why our politicians care about us ordinary people because we belong to the same religion and politicians want us ordinary people to pray to the same religion and the same God. We believe in the same religion, but they are the most just, the wisest smart intelligent individuals, the most educated in school, either in all professions in society, or advanced research university college education in religion. It is the most patriotic individuals among religious common people who can lead us as our religious and political leaders as one and the same people. It is not ordinary people who do not have a high school education who can say something smart. How can you think of questioning state systems, politicians, religion, national identity without a college education? That ordinary people claim that our politicians intentionally kill their own people, the people we are ordinary people, and our children are just fantasies, lies and conspiracy theory. Only those who are most well educated are smart enough to see all the meaning of politics, national identity, religion, and any consequences of the policies that our smart politicians lead us in. It is said only those who can have an opinion while we other ordinary people should not even come up with any opinions even when we are dying, because then in this case we have turned against our own people and then we have abandoned our religion. Then we are either Traitors, Mentally Ill, Unfaithful, Heathens, Antichrist or Satanists. Our religious leaders, all the world’s religion priests stand directly side by side with their politicians with the same religious affiliation. In a way, religious priests with their place of worship such as Mosque, Church, Catholic Cathedral, Synagogue, and other place of worship belonging to other religions around the world, is a state institution that buries people who have died in graves. That’s what they do and that’s what they can give to people in real life. Even if we are buried without religious priests being present at our funeral, it does not matter to us when we are dead. When we are dead then this reality has ceased to exist for us. If you are wondering what it is like when you have died, then I can say that it is the same as that time before being born. You see that there is a history of billions of years before we were born. We have not existed and then we felt no pain, worry, love, hate, fear, suffering and so on. Religions have created a magical image of God. Religious books talk about how you will burn in hell, about how you will be punished for your sins and then the scare propaganda continues with threats and blackmail for a long time, but in the end, they say about how God is merciful, about how God is forgiving and about how much God loves us all adults, young people, and children. I once read it for 20 minutes and I could not bear to let my mental mind be tortured and raped anymore. I experienced it as if someone was trying to make me an idiot. All existing religions do exactly the same thing. First people are frightened, with threats and danger to life called the Devil and then imagine religion itself, religious leaders, and other religious priests, as the savior of the life and soul of the people from the danger of that life Devil and his friends’ demons. If all the Gods from all existing religions are so merciful, kind, full of love, then where is it when you go through your ongoing death, caused by any of the state destruction systems that lead the entire world population regardless of race and religion in disappearance? Where is God’s mercy, God’s love, God’s justice, humanity’s justice, compassion, freedom, human rights, when I die now? You are born without religion. It is imposed on all of us and when death comes into our lives, then death lacks religious affiliation. Death does not belong to any religion, and it is the one that leads us to the grave. If you are wondering how much God really cares about us humans, then you should look at how in the wilderness predators attack, kill and at the end eats its prey. It is who and what God really is for something. As far as God is concerned, you can just as easily mass-murder adults, young people, and children. God will never punish you for it. The one who will punish you is your conscience if you have it and the (government) state, which commits worse deadly criminal crimes against ordinary people through state systems, than ordinary people can ever commit. What God really is for something, all existing politicians on this planet know. That is why it has been committed, it is still being committed and it will be committed in the future, mass murder of civilians through all the world’s state systems in
peacetime, mass murder through war crimes, ethnic cleansing around the world where adults, young people and children will be murdered. Politicians know that there is no God who will punish them in real life. All existing politicians in the world give to their people, the religion they want gladly that people should devote their whole souls and lives to it, so that politicians can achieve their political goals and that they should be able to control both the behavior and actions of their people and that they should be able to murder unwanted useless people from the same own people. Where politicians cannot achieve their political goals, they use religious priests and religious symbols and then religion drills all roads in front of them and opens the way for politicians with toxic thoughts and plans. It always leads to people being mass murdered. That is what humanity with that world’s ruling power and rich elite, is based on. The power of the world and the rich elite lie to us all ordinary people right in our eyes throughout the history of all mankind. There is not a single outspoken news item in the world’s mainstream media, which is not a lie. Even truths, they angle so that they can have a legitimate reason to mass murder civilians around the world, under false and harmless claims. To never say a word to ordinary people about the most important thing that people are legally murdered through state death trap scams, is to lie to the world’s ordinary civilian population. Religions and religious priests use our people’s fear of our mortality, so that politicians with the help of religious priests and religious symbols can manipulate us and that our politicians with their help can control and murder us completely legally, without us being aware that they intentionally murder us and our children. Religious priests frighten and convince people in the belief that they will suffer and burn in hell when they have died, because they have not become sufficient believers, which means that they have not submitted enough to their politicians and religious priests with the same religious affiliation, that they have not prayed enough to God and so on. In order for people not to burn in hell, all people have to do is continually visit their religious places of worship so that they can renew their membership of (Duhovno Nadahnuce) Spiritual Inspiration, Spiritually Awakened Awareness and Awakening of the alleged supernatural vision mood, so that the link to God can remain open. Religious leaders, along with all existing priests from all religions on this planet, do not save people’s bodies, they do not save people’s physical health, they do not save people’s mental health and they do not save people’s lives, because it is not even important because it is part of the responsibility of government and state systems and in state systems they do not interfere. This insight is invisible to the people. None of the politicians and religious priests from all existing religions around the world have ever uttered a single word about this very thing and there is a difference between people believing in their government, religion and national identity and difference between life and death, when people unknowingly have been injured to death. According to them, this world is transient and when we have died and when our bodies have been transformed into earth, then we will have eternal real life, so that’s what they want us to hope for, while we and our children are murdered completely legal. It is the soul or consciousness of people that religious priests save, for it is infinitely many times more valuable and important than life itself. While people who belong to all the religions of the world, get it help from their religious priests to save their souls, people can throw some money in the coffers to God. The highest religious leaders from all existing religions speak to many millions and billions of their religious people, with their love coming directly from their pure souls, so that the people will go on the right path in life. They save people’s souls so that people will not commit sin, that people’s souls will remain pure when people have died, but they have never told their people that their souls can be destroyed and wiped out while they are still alive so that when people have died, then there is no soul to go to God. God will have no soul to judge when people have died due to electric destruction. Imagine a man who, with the help of religious priests full of love for his people, received (Duhovno Nadahnuce) Spiritually Awakened Consciousness that has led them on the right path in life. Now, with the help of all the different existing politicians and religious priests from their respective religious affiliations on this planet, man has become highly religious. That person has now been religious for 10 years, we say. No matter how much a person is religious, if he or she is
subjected to torture and psychological manipulation by the police with psychotronic weapons, that person’s mental senses will be destroyed which will end in mental suffering and nervous breakdown. The world’s religious leaders have never warned their people about the destruction of people’s physical health and mental senses through ECT shocks in psychiatry. They have never warned people of the destruction of people’s physical health and mental senses through the whole other electric destruction, which is presented to people by the governments of the world as something harmless. It is namely the case that they have never uttered a single word about the electric annihilation. People are faithful to their religions and to their religious priests. Religious beliefs are the only information that the religious individual has about government and state systems. So, when the religious individual has been driven by the police through torture with Psychotronic weapons in inpatient psychiatric care, then he or she does not know what ECT shocks is for something. When they are tricked by psychiatry into exposing themselves to ECT shocks, or if ECT shocks are imposed on them, then their brain is completely destroyed, and then large parts of the brain die immediately and thus memories cease to exist. With a damaged brain, they have disappeared permanently for the past 10 years and the mine of larger parts of their entire lives. So, how can those people still become religious, when the life with their (Duhovno Nadahnuce) Spiritual inspiration, Spiritually Awakened Consciousness, no longer exists in their head and when they do not remember any of their worship to God. With such a destroyed brain, they cannot become more religious and also, they die in the end. Instead, they become insane with anger, hatred, worry, sadness, fear, anxiety and so on. In this case, they are transformed from faithful religious followers into crazy people and now as crazy people who have fallen into the death trap of government, religious priests of all existing religions want nothing to do with them. Religious priests only want people who are normal and who are good at listening to them in their places of worship of God, but who themselves do not talk much. Actually, people should not even talk about anything at all. All the governments of the world lure people into religious places of worship, through television commercials, where they show religious priests propagating religion. When people have become sufficiently influenced by that advertising, then people go there to pray to God, without even having a single thought to question anything. You should only believe in religious leaders and priests, and when you believe in them and when you have got that feeling of religious affiliation, then you immediately also have a sense of brotherhood and belonging to politicians from all different political parties with the same religious beliefs. All this is good if they had not murdered their own people. They propagate religion through television all the time, but they do not say a word about how ordinary people are murdered through state systems. You just must believe in them all and when you have fallen into the government’s death trap and when you are about to die, then you are mentally ill, you imagine that you have been exposed to government crimes, you are a conspiracy theorist, you lie and so on. Government has murdered you through state systems and you cannot even prove that you have been the victim of crime. You die alone and isolated, while the governments of the world, with the help of their religions and religious priests, attract new people to religious places of worship, so that they may have confidence in government, so that they do not expect the death of government. When they have been dying, because they have not been aware that the government wants to kill them through any of the government’s extermination systems, then they are also mentally ill, conspiracy theorists, they are lying, they imagine they have been exposed for government crimes, and so ordinary people have been murdered throughout the history of mankind by their own government. Your biggest enemy is your own government. The power of the world and the rich elite through all possible media propaganda build personality cult of authority. The world power and the rich elite through all possible media propaganda build authority personality cult of politicians, authority personality cult of journalists, authority personality cult of religion and religious priests, authority personality cult of police, authority personality cult of journalists, authority personality cult of doctors, authority personality cult of psychiatrists, and psychologists,
authority personality cult of school staff, authority personality cult of municipal employees, authority personality cult of rich and popular public personalities of all sorts of existing kind and all that for ordinary people around the world to respect their power and rich elite and that people should never dare to question them. Ordinary people should feel smaller when they come in contact with government systems. It is the government’s first powerful mental defense barrier, which stuns the behavior, actions, and possible rebellion of ordinary people, so that people will never even think of daring to resist their power and rich elite. They keep ordinary people stunned with fear and respect of power and the rich elite as authority. In addition, if they rebel, then they are beaten by the police out on the street and then at the police station, under false pretenses of course and then they have been given a lesson and also the rest of the entire civilian population has been given a stationed example of what will happen to them, if they even intend to come up with an idea, to dare to do the same. Thanks to people’s fear of their mortality, people are afraid that their lives will end in disaster, where people’s lives could end in fatal diseases, in an accident where the body is maimed, and then people logically know that they will have no life with so destroyed body. Then they are equal to the dead. But this fear is older than religions. That fear is ancient. It is at least a billion years old. We have inherited that fear from the real brutal God who is the evolution of life on this planet. All people on this planet, regardless of race or religion, have inherited the same fear of their mortality through the development of life. People need comfort and believe that there is some powerful superpower that cares about them. It is people who want power in their hands who have created different religions. They have used people’s fear of people’s mortality, so that they can rule over people. All that people need to do, so that people’s lives do not end in disaster and death, is that people should pray to God, so that the Devil as they have also invented, will not lead them on the wrong path in life. According to the world’s religions, ordinary people are not allowed to speak ill of other people, ordinary people are not allowed to steal other people’s property, ordinary people are not allowed to harm other people, or even worse kill a person, ordinary people are not allowed to dress vulgarly and much more than so. Ordinary people should follow all the religious instructions and what is it, other than to be manipulated and controlled. The world’s religions have, with the commandments of God, programmed people into a faithful behavior for their politicians, who murder the same people together with the religious leaders and other armies of religious priests. While ordinary people are not allowed to speak ill of other people, ordinary people are not allowed to steal other people’s property, ordinary people are not allowed to harm other people, or kill a person, politicians do all this. Politicians, along with religion and religious priests, are literally cheating adults, young people, and children to death. To deceive ordinary people to death is nothing but murder on an industrial scale. It is difficult to get the people on their side, that people should follow you as a leader when you are just an ordinary human being and every single human being who has lived through human history, was just an ordinary human being and nothing more than that. Therefore, the past power and rich elite, has created religions with laws and rules that people must follow, so that the rulers of that time may have complete control over the population and that they may rule and exercise power over the population. With that, they have gained access to property and riches. Even then, it has only been about money, power, and status in society, where they can shine as great popular leaders and public popular personalities. Being the center of attention, is yet another natural human trait, which evokes pleasure, happiness and elation in rulers and religious leaders and the rest of the army of priests. Nothing has changed because of human natures and even today every ruler of today who we call politicians, every religious leader and all existing other priests who belong to all religions in the world, enjoys their status as a celebrity and a great individual who has influence over large crowds. Religions are psychological manipulation tools of brain hijacking on ordinary people. Religions use the human qualities of people, which are fear, love, sorrow, and hatred, as a weapon against the same ordinary people, so that they can gain control over the entire population. As the power of the times and the rich elite have ruled over people through religion, while exercising their
power over ordinary people, they have presented to each their own people as God’s will. Even then, they have plundered ordinary people on property and the little that ordinary people have, under the guise of tax collection, which is perfectly OK, if they had not taken almost everything from people, so that people for the most part have been hungry. The same thing is happening today. That we pay taxes is perfectly OK for society to function. But what people do not see is that the world power and rich elite use advertising and media propaganda to trick people into losing their money through market and endless economic fraud traps. As you can see, they kill people through various fraudulent extermination systems. If human life means nothing to them, then financial fraud is something completely normal. Even then, they have massacred adults, young people, and children from the common people, while massacring ordinary people, they have presented to other people’s claiming that the Devil has taken over their soul and that is only why they are punished with death, for that their souls shall be cleansed from sins. That they are murdered is God’s will. Their lives are not important at all, only as long as their souls are saved by people who are to be executed confessing their sins to religious priests, who will serve as stationed examples to other peoples of the submission of sinners to power and the rich elite. In order for the soul of sinners to be redeemed, it must first be purified by one of all death penalty methods that human race has invented from its imagination sick mental senses and that is to burn people alive on fire, so that their soul ascends to God as pure, that God may not punish that soul to hell and thanks to this they grind to burn in eternal fire and flames. When they have confessed their sins to power and the rich elite, then they will go to heaven where it is cool. How is it there? There, it is wonderful, beautiful, and beautiful in such a way how much your imagination as a living can only imagine. There in eternal life, everyone exists in complete harmony with each other, while in hell it is the opposite. There are flowers everywhere. Souls of peoples, natures and animals coexist with each other in a perfect and complete harmony with each other. People laugh, have fun, while small children run around happily. Among them all, there are also wild predators such as Leon and other animals. They too live-in complete harmony with people. People even pat Leon’s jaw with sharp big teeth and Leon appreciates their love. Leon is happy too. I’m just wondering what’s going to happen when Leon gets hungry. But you know, the religions of the world have found the solution to this problem as well. In heaven you never get hungry. No matter how cool it may be, you get tired of it sooner or later. However, the world’s religions have come up with the solution to this problem as well. In heaven, souls feel an eternal ongoing exhilaration and happiness in ecstasy. What, are they under the influence of drugs, or what? I saw this picture in an advertisement that Jehovah’s Witnesses put in my mailbox. But a similar image of heaven also propagates all religions. There is nothing in this world that can evoke such great fear in people, when people themselves imagine a danger or dark scenario of event, where fear spirals and there is nothing more beautiful than when ordinary people imagine something beautiful as heaven and God. Even then, people were just as intelligent as they are now. The only thing is that they did not know as much as we know now. Thanks to religions, it is the love of the people for their religious and national identity that has been recruited into the mental minds of the people through the love of their religious priests. With such deceived people who have great love for their religion and their religious priests, such people cannot even think of questioning religious priests and their politicians who are one and the same. They stand side by side with each other and they are the only ones who hold the keys to God. People who question the propaganda with which religious priests influence their religious followers and visitors, I think, are told to leave the place of worship. I think they explain away all critical thinking by saying, this is a place for people who believe in God. If you do not like it and if you do not believe in God, then you can go out. People should just believe it without questioning anything. All it’s OK if the world’s civilian population had not been murdered with their children, completely legally in the last 100 years, and no one says a word about this. There, people should just get information in their heads without giving any information back. But if they care so much about their faithful religious people, why do they not tell
people about electric destruction that will deprive the same people of their soul while they are still alive. Electric annihilation is based on the fact that none of the state systems interfere in each other’s profession. Religious priests do not interfere in psychiatry. Politicians do not interfere with psychiatry. Mainstream media, not just that they do not interfere in psychiatry. They advertise psychiatry as a care institution as genuine care, while psychiatry murders people. General care, not only that they do not interfere in psychiatry, they are part of psychiatry and general care together with psychiatry is one and the same institution that together executes the death penalty on ordinary people, which the government investigates for crimes and also completely innocent people who have just happened to go on the deadly fraud advertising about electric annihilation as something harmless and who have thus been tricked into fatal electrical injuries that always end in their death. Then they are Collateral victims who are part of the group of the world’s civilian population that is to be lowered. Even completely innocent people who have no value for the power of that world and the rich elite are treated in the same way. Poor people are treated in the same way. The entire useless world’s population of ordinary people is treated in the same way because they all belong to the useless population that is to be lowered. In the world’s complete mainstream media, there is talk of the danger that over populations on this planet pose to the survival of humanity as a race. At the same time, every government on this planet except China wants more children to be born. In some countries, governments have even banned abortion, so that more children can be born, and from this, politicians have made theatrical performances Circus, about how they are said to care about every human life of their own people. They want more children to be born, but at the same time they want to lower the world’s population. More children are needed because not all children become as smart until they become adults. The children with high and somewhat higher intelligence need them as supplements that will become doctors, researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, school staff, police, future politicians, and all of them together will serve for their respective power and rich elite. All those who have not become smart enough and who the government sees as criminals, sick people who cost society, useless people and so on are slowly murdered covertly and discreetly through various Holocaust systems implemented in state systems and society, under harmless claims by depriving such people of the truth about people going into deadly trojan death traps. When such people have, for example, gone into electric annihilation, then the power of the whole world and the rich elite laugh at ordinary people who have gone to certain death. We useless ordinary people have also loved our heroes who are music stars, movie idols and every conceivable idol imaginable. While we have loved them with all our heart, they respond to us with suggestive messages with laughter about how we all burn alive. The power of the world and the rich elite explain away electric destruction that leads the ordinary people of the world to certain death, with a good laugh. Public health sends people who are to be murdered to psychiatry, claiming that people feel bad mentally. If you say something against the government, then the public health service calls the police, or psychiatry and then people are locked up in mental hospitals by force. All the mass murder of civilians around the world, we ordinary people have been tricked into not seeing it through our religions, national identity, political and racial affiliation and so on. Our religions and our national identity have destroyed our ability to think logically, normally, and sensibly. All this is deception, manipulation, brainwashing of the world’s common people, for the world’s civilian population to believe that the world’s governments care about their own people, for people not to realize that the world’s governments murder their people legally through state systems, with the help of each rich elite and all public personalities of all kinds through the complete world media propaganda. Religious priests, together with all their politicians from all the world’s religions, do not care about people who die due to electric destruction and all other Holocaust systems. They all just pretend they know nothing about it, and they pretend that such people who die due to crime by the governments of the world do not exist. Religious priests from all existing religions have spoken the same thing all along throughout human history. I believed in my religion and my religious priests while I was young and living in
Bosnia. According to them, there is only a world where people should pray to God. In their practice of religion, not a single word has ever been said about people being murdered by their own government. According to them, people live in safety with their children and the only thing we people should do is pray to God, so that we can go on the right path in life. According to them, there is no danger to life for us and our children and according to them even our soul lives in safety, while ECT shocks have been in psychiatry all the time even in my country before I was even born and until now, I think. So, people have been murdered all along. The propaganda and the shit they have deceived us with, the propaganda and the shit they talked about then, they talk exactly the same propaganda and the same shit even now, without saying to their own people a single word that their soul can become annihilated while they are still alive. People who are harmed by electric destruction are in the hell that religious priests talk about when people have died. Religious priests from all existing religions have never uttered a single word to their religious followers that hell has existed all the time in the state system, in this real transient world. They do not want people who have fallen into the deadly trap of government electric destruction, because then people have lost all that is human in themselves. Such people have been deprived of all mental barriers and because of that such people can no longer keep quiet. When you go through your ongoing death, deprived of the ability to feel life, to feel that you are alive, then you are already dead. Then there is nothing in this world that can give dying people in electrical injuries comfort, for people to feel better. People who are exposed to deadly crime through electrical annihilation utter the worst words because of their suffering in agony and personal identity that dissolves and evaporates more and more with time where you finally cease to exist mentally while the body is still mutilated. The moment when soul or consciousness ceases to exist is nothing but death. You are dead while your body is still alive. So, electrical damage causes the soul to die before the body has had time to die. It is the most terrible punishment that a human being can be subjected to, and it is not even a crime when the power of the world and the rich elite murder ordinary people in such a way. What you experience is that you have been exposed to fascism and then the words of religious priest’s sound to dying people like pure stupidity, fantasies from a fairytale world full of lies, or conspiracy theory. The word, conspiracy theory is used very much by the world power and rich elite to classify us ordinary people with, when we talk about the world governments’ mass murder of each civilian population and then we can also use it against them all together. Priests from all religions do not want such crazy people in their places of worship to God. If they all religious priests from all existing religions have never uttered a single word about the invisible electric destruction death trap, then they are only part of the state system, which hides it contemporary modern holocaust of adults, young people, and children of the common people around the world. The world’s religions are a psychological warfare weapon that first leads its own people to death and then it is a tool for all the world’s politicians to start wars around the world. World politicians start wars under the name of religions. When you are mortally damaged by electric destruction, then you have been stabbed in the back by all your own politicians and you have been stabbed in the back by all your own existing religious priests. Since all the power of the world and the rich elite mass murderers were their common people in the same way, you have got the dagger in your back from the power of the whole world and the rich elite together with all existing religions. I respect people’s faith in God, and I do not insult anyone’s religion. I’m just saying that religious priests, together with their politicians who belong to the same religion, together deliberately participate in the annihilation of their respective less worthy naive and gullible own peoples. Therefore, all religious priests from all religions want people who are normal and who are respected in society. All who deviate are either criminals, mentally ill or criminals who pose a danger to society and their state system. All who are loyal to their religion, all who are loyal to their politicians who belong to the same religion, all who feel patriotism for their national identity, are respected people that religious priests want as their loyal religious followers, until they too have joined the same dead and then they too become crazy people. Criminals shit in government and in everything and everyone. Before
when I was young, I thought that criminals are wrong because they shit in their respective governments, laws and so on. But now I realize how much they were and how much they are in fact intelligent. They have immediately realized what state systems are for something, while I have paid with my life for me to realize the truth about what government is for something. I have paid with my life, so that I may realize the truth by force against my own will, that the politicians of the world were intentionally murdering their own civilian population and that it was perfectly legal. Now I see that criminals were right all along. They commit crimes, but it is state systems that are the largest criminal mafia on this planet, that legally murder their people under false harmless claims, and they do so on an industrial scale, so that they can protect themselves so that they do not become guilty of mass murder of each ordinary people. Military forces of each country will stifle all the revolt of the people if people start the revolution. Religions and religious priests stifle the revolt of all the people through psychological brainwashing of the same people, so that their own people do not even think of starting a revolt against their own politicians who belong to different political parties with the same religious affiliation. Thanks to their religion, people only see love in their national identity as people and nation. We all love each other so much, while information that politicians murder their own people intentionally completely legally, is nowhere to be found and that is what makes the genocide of the entire world population possible. Every single political party that claims to fight for its own people is, in fact, a murderer who kills its own people through its silence and the knowledge that its own people are murdered through various Holocaust systems implemented in the state system and in society, through the marketing of various deadly products and treatments that are presented to their own people as something harmless, such as care, research, technological advances and so on. All ordinary people who have had the death penalty executed on themselves through various Holocaust methods, go through their ongoing death process. They did not die immediately and that is why every single Holocaust system is structured in such a way that people will die later after a few years. People cannot prove a connection between the day when people went into the Holocaust system and the day when people die, due to the long distance. Look at my case. I write about crimes that the world power and the rich elite have exposed me to, and it is total media silence, as if I do not exist and moreover, they do not even admit that I have been exposed to crime. It is psychological torture again and also it serves to further the destruction of my mental health and my personal identity. It is just another part of the psychological torture of me and of all of us ordinary people on this planet who has been deceived by our governments through state systems in death. It is not excluded that the Swedish task force storms my apartment while I sleep, after I have published this blog post with an accusation claiming that I am a violent extremist. I have been the victim of a fatal crime. I have been writing this blog now for over 5 years and everyone is pretending that I do not exist. The silence of that government is the wait for me to make a real threat and it does not depend on me. The Swedish government has given me death and suffering in agony that drives me by force that I should be transformed into an insane person who is allegedly a danger to himself and others. But I am a danger only to those who have led me to death. I was the most peaceful person on this planet and now they have turned me into a bloodthirsty monster, by exposing me to the worst crime imaginable. In the end, they will lock me in a mental hospital with high security, claiming that I am a danger to the Swedish kingdom that has committed all that crime against me. Now I am a monster for the politicians of the world, and I am a monster for all religious priests who belong to different religions. They do not want people who have been deceived in death, who have sinned, who are criminals, who commit crimes. Thanks to the world media propaganda that has demonized people through the human history of committing crimes, so the entire civilian population of the world feels disgust for all the people who have committed something wrong in their lives. But what people do not know is that the police around the world have had Psychotronic weapons in their hands for the past 80 years. Electric annihilation has also existed in the last 80 to 100 years. It is through the worst weapon of mass destruction on this planet electric destruction, the power
of the world and the rich elite deprive people of their own bodies, physical and mental health, completely destroyed minds and eventually death of personal identity. Through Psychotronic Weapons, the police build criminals around the world on children from the day children are born until they are 18 years old. In this way, the governments of the world choose children who are to be destroyed to death, who are to be led into poverty and who are to be led in the end in catastrophes that end in murder, suicide, and death due to bodily harm. Such destroyed people have lost all that is human in them. But not only have all the humanities in people disappeared, they go through their ongoing death, and we all die in the end. The electric annihilation shatters the profession of the world’s religious leaders and all their claims about souls that will go to the spiritual world. It beats everything they stand for and everything they claim to believe in. But it was never a problem for them. Now we also have Atheism, which logically explains the creation of life on this planet. Both Religion and Atheism come from world governments and government systems through media propaganda. I have called myself an Atheist, because I just cannot believe in the supernatural fairytale world. Fairytale world, which will help me to go on the right path in life, while I have experienced through my life purely out of fascism treatment of me. There’s not the awful thing that has not happened to me. I have believed in everything and everyone. I believed in the lie about democracy, human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, the doctor’s Hippocratic oath, when in fact they are killing people through healthcare. I believed in that struggle for the climate, the struggle to save the rainforest, the love of humanity for the better future. I also want to be one who fights for all that and now I have realized that I have instead been murdered slowly, covertly, quietly, and unnoticed for over 20 years, by the power of the same world and the rich elite, who are tricking their people into people should believe in this as I have believed, so that they and their children can be murdered in the same way. These are people who every single government liquidates through psychiatry and state systems through the electric destruction. The souls of such people have no value for religious priests because they are criminals or because they are only mentally ill. To such people they can give help, which means that they bless this person’s soul at this person’s funeral. In this way, all religious priests, through their religious burial ritual, have each strengthened their religion, for yet another extinguished life has been dedicated to the same faith and religion under the importance of burial. The more people die, the more there is work for religions and religious priests. The greater the number of people involved in religious beliefs, the more power, religions, and politicians have over the people. Religions are a wonderful thing, if religious priests, with the help of religion and their politicians, had not deceived people into death by convincing their people in a beautiful and wonderful world of God’s love, while they have never uttered a single word that people are murdered through psychiatry which is a state institution and in society through the electric annihilation. Religious priests deceive people into death, where people’s souls die before the body has died. People are dying in the suffering of hell in agony and that is what the world’s religious leaders of all existing religions on this planet are keeping quiet about. While we believe that they love us, thanks to the religion that unites us, we do not see people being murdered on an industrial scale adults, young people, and children, through the state system and it is people who have no value for our politicians and thus lack they also value our religious leaders, because they stand side by side with each other. Politicians together with religion, religious leaders and all religious priests are perfect tools to mislead, deceive and convince their own people in the belief that people live in safety and security with their children. This law, or template, is used by all existing countries on this planet. In some countries more in some other countries less, depending on the size of the democracy, country by country. Democracy is also a lie, used in the same way as religions by religious dictators. What are the benefits of having human rights and freedom of expression, when you have been injured to death by all the Holocaust methods in state systems and society, while the alleged democratic country does not even acknowledge that you have been subjected to crime, for which you will die? The most religious countries on this planet are killing their own people in the same way that the largest
democracies are killing their own people. The difference between dictators and democracies is that dictators also kill people openly without caring what people think and have to say, while democracy countries murder just as many people covertly and discreetly, so that people are deceived into believing that they live in safety with their children in the country with the greatest democracy and freedom they can imagine. What people do not know is that all the governments of the world are criminal systems that commit crimes against civilians and on an industrial scale, so that they can maintain control over their civilian population and that they can also reduce the civilian population of useless ordinary people. World governments are not looking to lock people in prisons and mental hospitals. The fact that the world governments lock people who have committed crimes into prison is the media propaganda image that the world governments want people to believe in and thanks to this, people believe that if people refrain from committing crimes, then people believe that people are safe. But both democracies, communist and post-communist dictatorships, and even highly religious dictators in all existing Muslim countries in the Middle East, along with all existing countries on this planet, kill young children from 0 to 5 years through psychiatry with ECT shocks. It is a deliberate warning to all of us ordinary people on this planet, regardless of race or religion, that we should fear our governments. Through that warning, they keep us under control by bringing fear into us. If we are afraid then we dare not do anything, But I can tell you about all ordinary people on this planet no matter what religion we all belong to, is that there is no point in us being afraid of the world power and the rich elite. No matter what we do, they still kill both us and our children. Even if we bow before their knees and feet, even if we adore them and love our country, even if we do not commit crimes, they still kill us and our children, just because we belong to the population of useless people, who should be lowered so that human race would survive further. Someone just must die and the one who is going to die is us ordinary people who have no power, no weapons so that we can defend ourselves against the power of the evil world and the rich elite. In the past, they aroused fear in people, through public beheadings, while today with the help of religion they trick us into believing in how much they love us, how much they care about us and our children, while now have they have legalized the public beheading of people through psychiatry and in order for them to calm us down, they call it care for depression. In the past, they beheaded adults, while now they publicly behead our babies from 0 to 5 years, claiming care for depression. We cannot get any worse message from the fact that they will kill our babies if we stand in the way of our country’s politicians. If they are prepared to kill our babies, then we adults and young people have nothing better to expect from them. That is why I am now dying because of the power of the world and the rich elite; without the crime I have been subjected to even being classified as a crime. When the governments of the world kill people, then it is not a crime. Like I said, world governments are not looking to lock people in captivity. The governments of the world are out to kill people, for people to commit murder so that they can lock people up in captivity because of this crime, for people to commit suicide, for people to die because of artificially induced bodily injuries, diseases, bodily defects, and complications that occur later in life, due to the Holocaust system to which the same people have been subjected. In this way, people are eliminated from society completely legally without any court. The torture perpetrated by the governments of the world on their own people through the police with psychotronic weapons and the torture throughout entire state systems, does not even exist in public. So, if people commit murder, if people adults, young people and children commit suicide and if people die due to artificially induced bodily injuries, artificially induced diseases and bodily defects and complications later in life, then world governments transfer all the blame on the same people. It is people’s own fault that they have died. Thanks to this, the power of the world and the rich elite will never be guilty of mass murder of their civilian population. That rule applies to all existing religions on this planet. Religions exist to convince people in a lie that politicians care about their people. Religions with the fake completely false image of reality, deceives and convinces people in the belief that politicians do not kill their own people and that is what the whole world’s power and rich elite together
with religions are based on. People all over the world, regardless of race or religion, have been murdered all the time through government systems, through society and all that throughout the history of mankind. The governments of the world have legalized the killing of civilians and that murder explains them away with claims of care, research, technological advances, harmless products that are death itself and so on. All this protects them with total media silence, through human history where they are alleged to know nothing about it. They are allegedly unaware that something like this even exists and is going on in society, while it is precisely, they who commit the genocide of their own people. Even religions, with all their existing religious priests, have always kept quiet and they continue to keep quiet about their own people being murdered by their own politicians through the state system and society. Media, all existing different TV programs, Film industry and everything and all that people have watched on TV, heard on radio, read in newspapers and the internet, does not interfere in the way health care kills people. They do not interfere in the way the police kill people. They do not interfere in the country’s military forces to murder their own people when needed and even less do they interfere in military forces ways to murder people in other countries. On the other hand, they deceive their entire population along with the rest of the civilian population around the world in the belief that people should see all the different Holocaust systems and all the state system’s media propaganda machinery as something legal, something harmless by imagining the mass murder of the world’s civilian population as care, technological advances, research, marketing and so on, crime never ends. It is an ongoing brainwashing of the world’s civilian population, which has been going on around the clock throughout the history of all mankind and that is why the brainwashing and mass murder of the world’s population is possible, because they all do it together. It makes the power of the whole world and the rich elite together, while they all together deprive each other of their people the truth that they kill their own people through state systems. We ordinary people cannot get the truth from our own government, and we cannot get the truth from other governments and countries on this planet, because they all together lie to us all ordinary people right in our eyes and they all lie together in the same way. The truth we ordinary people realize, only when we are dying, when we have been deceived into death by any of the all the Holocaust methods that our governments have imposed on us through state systems. All the various methods of annihilation explain them away under false harmless claims. All the Holocaust methods present them as their love for us ordinary people and that all the mass murder of us and our children is in fact the care and welfare of the world governments of us and our children. Thanks to this, they will not be guilty of mass murder of us ordinary people and our children. Through society, the world’s governments propagate a media propaganda image of how horrible it is when ordinary people commit murder. But as you can see, military forces of every single country that conflicts with another country are killing adults, young people, and children, without them themselves, feeling any conscience and guilt. When they murder people, then it is under the assertion of politics and peaceful military intervention on the other people. They have just murdered entire families, including small children, and when they arrive at their home in their country, the mainstream media films a meeting between a soldier hero and his children. This applies to all existing countries on this planet. All of them present their war crimes as a noble just military intervention. Thanks to these people do not see a cold-blooded killer but they see a hero in that soldier. Police all over the world kill people through various psychotronic weapons that do not exist in public, and they shoot people to death in the street claiming that it is about criminals, the mentally ill and they also go home to their children without any conscience and without any guilt that they have just extinguished a human life. General care together with psychiatric care kills adults, young people, and children in many different ways under the claim of mental illness, physical defect, fatal and completely unnecessary examinations and deadly artificially induced diseases. When they have committed the murder of ordinary people and people’s children, then they go home to their children without any conscience and without any guilt that they have extinguished human lives. The lives of other children are not
important as the government has chosen for liquidation, while the lives of their own children are important and their own children will never be exposed to the Holocaust system, because they belong to the power and rich elite. School staff go to work with the intention of killing children and young people through schooling that teaches children and young people about everything, but not just about how government kills people legally through state systems, through various Holocaust systems methods that every government on this planet has put in place different death traps waiting for the same children and young people later in their lives, so that they too can be deceived into certain death. I would dare to bet that all schooling on this planet has never taught students and children about how and in what way electric current damages the human body and that precisely because students should not know that they will die, when they later in life see in front of them electric Trojans in 1000 different shapes and forms, but still all this is one and the same thing. All existing media journalists on this planet, go to their workplace like arrogant snakes, with the intention of killing their own and the entire world’s civilian population adults, young people, and children by marketing the world governments’ common various Holocaust extermination systems civilian massacres, which have been going on in the last 80 to 100 years. They have committed mass murders on their respective civilian populations over the past 80 years and they have also committed mass murders on each other’s civilian populations. They continue to commit the mass murder of their own and each other’s population together through human history, by depriving people of the information that people are being murdered through various Holocaust methods implemented in government systems and in society. Their participation in genocide means that they deceive people into a wonderful picture of society and the world, where danger to human life does not exist anywhere. All existing world journalists are tricking their people into seeing the annihilation of ordinary people as harmless in the claim of care, research, technological advances, deadly products presented to people as harmless in the claim of harmless use for bodily needs through advertising about marketing in society and so on, crime never ends. The fact that media journalists smile in front of TV cameras is all that is needed for people to be convinced in a false image of civil society full of harmony. The same method uses the power of the whole world and the rich elite. The worse the deadly and deadly system of destruction, the greater the censorship, the media silence and what people will see is the power of the world and the rich elite smiling in front of TV cameras. Religious leaders and all existing religious priests belonging to all existing religions, each use the human capacity of their people as evolution and the nature on this planet has given people through billions of years of life development on this planet, which is human capacity love and hate. When they have convinced people that people should become religious, then people’s love is recruited as a weapon against the same people. When people are convinced and when people believe in their religion and their God blindly with recruited love, then people do not question anything. Then people’s faith is also recruited as a weapon against people. With love for their religious beliefs, their national identity, blind love grows for those who lead us as their own people and that is our politicians. Our religion and our religious priests have psychologically softened us ordinary people through that love of our religion, so that our politicians will have our blind trust in them. Because we all love each other so much, we also believe that our politicians care about us. All this is so that we will not see them murder us together with our religious priests. All existing religions on this planet are used for this very reason by their own politicians. All of them incite their people through religion, race, and nationalism so that people will see a danger to life in the other people, that people will hate the other people with the other religion. The other people are also brainwashed, deceived, and manipulated in the same way to hate back. That danger exists because of history full of different wars, but the thing is that even those people who fought that war long ago, were also brainwashed like we are now and even they have not realized then, that religion was a psychological manipulation weapon for the power of that time and the ruler of the rich elite, so that they can at all, start all wars. Even then, it has been about power and the rich elite on the one hand and ordinary people on the other, who are manipulated and
suffered death in one way or another, by the power of the time and the rich elite. The more people see a danger in the other people, the more people believe in their own politicians, that they allegedly want to protect their own people from the other people. Through the mainstream media, all the world’s existing political parties serve the very message that they care about their people and people believe in it because of media censorship that protects all different Holocaust systems of the entire world’s civilian population from being exposed to the world’s ordinary people. With the conviction created that our politicians in different political party’s care about us, then people will never question their politicians because it is the people’s religious leaders and all the priests who stand side by side with politicians who together hold the keys to religion and God. That people believe in God is a great thing if it will give people some comfort in life. But as you can see, while people are comforted by religion, people do not realize that that religion will instead kill them later in life if they are deceived and fished in any of the Holocaust systems implemented in government systems. Everything is OK until people are healthy and until people have not been fatally injured. But when people have fallen into the death trap of government, then you will die and then even God can not save you from certain death. It is a great thing that people are religious, but do not allow religions to decide how you should live, what you should think, and what decisions in life you should make. Freedom and independent thinking are the most sacred, in order to be free. I have never allowed anyone to impose on me their instructions on how to think. But on the other hand, I have been brainwashed by the media in the same way that the entire civilian population of the world is brainwashed through my life and we all people on this planet have become so through the available media propaganda that we see on TV. How can we not be brainwashed, when it is only lies that we see in the media? We do not even know that all this is just the lies of the world governments, until we get proof that all this is propaganda and lies, which have the purpose of concealing the mass murder committed against civilians around the world and proof that all it is just lies, for we through our mortally injured body. When we are dying, then we realize that they are lying in such a way that they have never uttered a word that the crime of government exists, to which we have been exposed. As we go through our ongoing death, then we realize all the truth but then it’s too late for us. But it is not too late for people who are not fatally injured, who are healthy and who are able to become normal. I will tell you about my extinguished life and you will have to decide if you will believe that I am telling the truth, or you can continue to believe the lies that we have all been tricked into by the world power and rich elite through human history. You will live your lives normally, until the day when you or your children also die because of the world power and rich elites evil and crime that can only be classified as genocide, crimes against humanity. For religions and religious priests, is the sins of the people that lead people into the possession of the Devil, the ultimate wrong path in life. Such people have gone the wrong way in life because they are Infidels, Gentiles, Antichrist, Satanists, Liars, Conspiracy Theorists, the Mentally Ill and so on. If all existing priests from all religions care so much that God helps people so that people do not become possessed by the Devil, why do they not tell their own people that the insane obsession with demons and the Devil, is a destroyed body with electric Trojans with which all the governments of the world murder their own people. Such people question everything and everyone and even religion because they experience only their ongoing death and nothing else. Then you get no humanity, no compassion, no humanism, no love of God, no human rights and you are completely invisible and isolated in the society that has committed the crime against oneself as a citizen. You die isolated and alone. That universe, this planet, this ecosystem has created us through birth and now it takes our lives with death that has been injected into our bodies through the state crimes of the governments of the world. Death slowly deprives us of our lives without any human dignity. So, the believers of all the existing politicians on this planet, together with all the existing different religious priests, together trigger death in the bodies of us ordinary people and when we go through our ongoing death, then they accuse us that we are Infidels, Gentiles, Antichrist, that we have abandoned our religious beliefs, that we are traitors, that
we are mentally ill, that we are criminals who imagine that we have been exposed to crime, which they explain away with smiles and laughter through mainstream media propaganda and so on. All existing religions, but especially Islam and Christianity, have implemented in their religious books instructions on how religion should protect itself against people with a critical voice. One of them all is, there will come Gentiles, Antichrist and the Unfaithful who will speak against God’s commandments. Another method of defense is that no matter what bad things happen to people in life, if people are dying of electrical damage through the electrical annihilation that governments inflict on ordinary people, then religions and all religious priests say that God wants this and that it is God’s. will. While they are dying, they call it because God has put us to the test, but he loves us very much. We just need to pray to God and then it will probably go well for us. When we have died, then religious priests and religious people say that God loves us so much, that he took us to his Heaven, and that we are then in a better place. Then we have become the angel of Eden as birds, possibly turkeys or ostriches, to be tortured or slaughtered there as well. When you see how the world power and the rich elite pretend that they care about their people, so that people do not become aware that they are murdered by the same power and rich elite and in view of all the falsehood and all the lies of the government, then it may be that in Heaven the same thing is going on. Another defense method of religions is that the power of the world and the rich elite highly respect people’s religious affiliation and people’s belief in God. They respect people’s religion and belief in God, so much so that they classify people’s critique as a crime or violation of religious freedoms. Apparently, it looks wonderful and amazing to people that their religious beliefs are so well protected. But it’s just another delusion and delusion about the death trap that people do not see. I’m not saying that people should insult religions and even for me it’s a crime. But one should have the right to say no, when one sees that politician with the help of religions and armies of religious priests, together legally murder their own people. Because the power of the world and the rich elite respect the religious affiliation of the people so much, so too do people get an exaggerated greatness of authority respect for each their own religion, in such a way that people silence each other with hatred and violence. If you say no to a single word, then you immediately become an enemy. If you are not with, then you are against. 100 million and more people have come across the planet, who have been murdered by the electric annihilation with the help of all the existing religions together with all the politicians who lead each their people, who also go insane and crazy while they are dying. While speaking the truth, they can sound for religious people who are not harmed by electric destruction such as Infidels, Gentiles, Antichrist, Satanists, and Traitors. But we are not Traitors, Unfaithful, Gentiles, Satanists, and Antichrist, because we die slowly, and we will die in the end. Religion and religious priests are much more than just people who make sure dead bodies are buried. Religious books are direct instructions for the psychological manipulation of one’s own people, so that people will accept the government of their political leaders over the same people. Indoctrination and brainwashing of children in the image of the wonderful world of high morals through religion begins immediately when children are young. What children accept as their identity while they are young is what makes them individuals when they are adults and after that they transfer that belief to their own children. On the one hand, you see your own people, your own religion, and your own national identity. We as people love each other, we care about each other. With the help of religion, we as an ethnic group will only love each other even more. That we are being murdered by our own government does not exist anywhere in the picture and thus our defense guard has been lowered. We do not expect fatal blows from our own politicians and that is why we ordinary people can be murdered, without it arousing people’s revolt. Because of the great love for their people, their religion, their national identity and with their guard down, people do not even want to hear about cases where people testify about murders that their own political leadership has committed against them. The more people cling to their religion, the more people become repulsed by other religions. With great religious faith, when people look at people who belong to another religion, people no longer see people. People see religion in
front of them and when you add history where people have murdered each other through various wars, then all common sense is knocked out of people’s thinking. Then it is impossible for people to be able to see their own interest. Instead, people see only the fraudulent false common interest in theatrical performance that their own power and rich elite have served each of their people as the only image of reality full of lies. Through religion, people feel increasing love for their own power and rich elite, claiming national and religious identity, while people feel increasing hatred for the people belonging to the other religions. The other people feel the same way. If people are enemies of each other because of religions and human history full of war, then who is the enemy when people have been murdered through all the different Holocaust systems that are implanted in state systems of their own power and rich elite with the same religious affiliation? Because at the time, I believed that war has a logically justified reason because the others have murdered us, and the others think the same as the others who have murdered them before that. But now I have begun to believe that the governments of the world are starting a war, just because these alleged enemy countries’ economies are going to be run down, so that those people cannot develop and become a strong country, that those people will not be able to compete in the market with the country that started that war. They punish the entire innocent civilian population of the ruined country. I believe that revenge also plays a big role. They create a better life for their own people, at the expense of the less smart religious people. If the religious people had not been so much influenced by religion, then they would have started to think more logically. Religiosity plays on people’s emotions and then you can make any mistake, while when you think more logically you can achieve infinitely more by repressing emotions that distort people’s logical thoughts. Political leaders start wars even because of the evil and hatred they carry within themselves That their own people will die in war is less important to them, because as you can see regardless of whether they talk to each other as their worst enemy, they kill together us all ordinary people in peacetime through the state system and about this, they keep quiet together and in the same way. Why then should they care about us when we have died in war? I also believe that the politicians of the world start war a little here and there and also politicians of small countries start wars in order to lower that population of their own people. Smaller people mean less hungry mouths to feed and at the same time it means more jobs for those who remain. Reducing the world’s population means the same thing. The other people still want to wipe them out so that only they themselves are left. That they have started war and all the guilt they bear for all the fallen people of their own people in war because of their decisions, explains away through their love of religion and their national identity as people to the same own people, on how much they love and cares about their own people. The people who have died because of them, salutes them with a minute of silence. To be silent for a minute and to lay flowers on a monument to the victims of the war is not particularly difficult, given that the subtle guest convinces his own ordinary people, that politicians care about their people again, when in fact they do not care about their people at all. People who have died in war deserve the flowers and the minute of silence no matter what religion people belong to, but as you can see all the existing power and rich elite on this planet in all countries around the world murdered their own people through state systems in peacetime. While people think of people who fell in war, they do not see that they themselves and their children are murdered in the country for which the fallen war victims have given their lives. Of course, politicians parasitize on the people who have died in war, because of them, by using the deaths of their people to incite the same people again. Here you see the others have killed us. Such a media propaganda template is used by all existing politicians on this planet, regardless of the country in question. All countries on this planet throughout human history have used and still use the same template, to mislead and incite their own and the alleged enemy people at the same time. The world war is started in part because of nationalism, but the real reason is to access the country’s resources. It’s about money it’s about and has always been about, through human history. The countries of the world start wars because of natural resources that they want to plunder for free through war, claiming
religion at the expense of the weaker side in conflict. But what people do not see is that they all politicians together lead us ordinary people to death through criminal lies and criminality that the world power and rich elite commit on all of us together in peacetime through state systems. Religion and belief in the supernatural fairytale world, is knocked out common sense and knocked out logical thinking. The governments of the world always use people’s feelings such as love, hate, fear and faith in God, as a weapon against people. Why am I disappointed in religions and religious leaders? I’m disappointed with them and I’m disappointed with religious media propaganda machinery from my own people because they behave exactly the way other government systems around the world behave, while leading people to their deaths through various extermination methods. Religions and all religious leaders and priests of all existing religions only talk about how people should pray to God, so that people will not go the wrong way in life. I believed that religious leaders mean that the wrong path in life is that people should not be injured to death, that people should not be exposed to crime, that people should not be murdered, but that is not the case at all. For them the wrong way in life is the free will and free thinking of all people who oppose the instructions of religion or rather politicians on how people should live, in what way people should think, what decisions in life people should make and so on. As I said, religions were invented for power and the rich elite to rule over people. Ordinary people have been murdered under the name of religion, claiming that it is God’s will and God’s commandment. In the world, ordinary people are still murdered today in the name of religion under the assertion of God’s will and God’s commandments, but people are murdered covertly and discreetly through state systems. All the murder and massacres of the common people of the whole world, become invisible to people by people becoming highly religious. When people have devoted their whole lives to religion and God, then people’s love for God has blinded people. People are deprived of all their attention to everything else. Then people blindly believe in government and the rich elite because they too love the same religion and believe in the same God. People believe that if they are highly religious, then they are respected and loved by their own government. But they are not. If people want to see what kind of world we live in, then people only need to read posts by targeted individuals around the world and then people will witness how targeted individuals keep repeating that they are being tortured and physically and mentally harmed by their own government through Psychotronic Weapons, people are poisoned with arsenic that gets pumped into their homes and so on. These are unimaginable crimes committed against ordinary people around the world, where it sounds to people who are not exposed to government abuses such as lies, conspiracy theory and imagination. But in real life ordinary people are legally murdered by government and it is difficult for people to realize because of media brainwashing that presents massacres as something harmless. All the governments of the world murder civilians both adults, young people, and children legally. Such targeted individuals point out how highly religious they are, while being tortured to death. For politicians, people’s religiosity means nothing. For politicians, people’s religiosity means only one thing and that is that they have such people, where they want them. People are so influenced by love of religion and God that they do not see themselves and their children being murdered by the government. That is the whole purpose of religion and politics, for both are one and the same thing. Both deceive people in false sense of security through the grandiose alleged religious and national identity, so that people will not become aware when they are murdered by their own government. In most parts of the world religions have lost complete power over people due to the uprisings of people through human history, but now instead governments use religion as a Trojan horse, thanks to the love of religion and God, for people to believe that they are living with their children in safety and security. The propaganda that the world power and rich elite, together with religions, religious leaders and armies of religious priests have done throughout human history, is to deceive ordinary people into believing in an image of society full of love, justice, just punishment of the people who have committed crimes so that people will not see that the governments of the world murder innocent people, both adults, young people and children,
and that is the whole secret that is hidden from ordinary people. People should be kept unaware of the real-life people live in. In larger parts of the world people believe that people are free, while people are only partially free. People believe that they have freedom and human rights, while they have none of this in real life, because all the governments of the world have lied to their own people about everything throughout the history of all mankind. I think that religions as a cultural heritage, is something beautiful and I like all religions because I value the lives of all ordinary people, but religions as religions are politics that it is about. Nowhere in the world is religion used as a weapon against peoples, as it is used in the Middle East. Religion Islam in the Middle East still kills people adults, young people, and children even today. Politicians present themselves to their people as highly religious and when they have people on their side, thanks to people’s love of religion, then they introduce Sharia law and people accept it because they see something noble, just, and holy in those politicians. People believe that the politicians will punish the people justly, but if politicians all over the world lie to their people directly in the eyes, while they murder their own people through various Holocaust systems, then politicians in the Middle East also lie to their Muslim population and they also kill people they want to kill legally, under false pretenses. It is the common people who will be murdered by the Sharia law. Politicians in the Muslim world, lie to the common people of the entire Middle East. They all together murder their ordinary people through the electric holocaust and about the electric holocaust system, they do not say a word about it so that they can continue to murder people. Turkish people are assassinated by their highly religious president by electric destruction. Turkish people are murdered through public care along with psychiatric care. Turkish people are murdered through the pharmaceutical industry, through medicines that psychiatric care gives to people and the same thing, are committed all over the Muslim world and on the whole planet in the same way. So, there is nothing, we Christians and we Muslims. There is nothing we and they. It’s about the power of the world and the rich elite, who murder us ordinary people together and end. Regarding Bosnia here is a simple video that explains the religious conflict through Balkan history:
When Bosnia Turned Muslim
Even the word Bosnjak, is completely distorted. Once upon a time we were all Bosniaks. I have watched a video by Professor Besim Spahic and from what I understand, the whole history of Bosnia is distorted, and we do not even have our own history that we value. As you can see in the video, all three religions have come to the former Yugoslavia and Bosnia by force and murder of ordinary people in Bosnia. From what I understand, in the beginning no people particularly liked any of the three superpowers of the time, who have conquered the Balkans. People have adapted to these conditions under torture and occupation by the three ruling superpowers, in order for people to have the best possible living conditions. Had all three of them not come to the Balkans, then we might have been now the most peaceful people on the planet. But everyone just wants to enslave and conquer small peoples, so that the rulers can plunder the riches of their land. Over time, people accept all living conditions. The same goes for religions. If you have been told as a child that you are a Muslim, Catholic or Christian Orthodox then you are. All this is beautiful and wonderful, if the power and rich elite together with the religions, had not murdered their own three ordinary ethnic groups completely legally through state systems. When I was injured, then I have contacted most of the media and none of them even want to hear about what I have to say. Among them all, I have also contacted others in my own country Bosnia and that was Dnevni Avaz. They said that they cannot publish it in the media, because it is not appropriate to be published in the media, which means that even Bosnjak power and rich elite fish and have been fishing all the
time Bosnjak civilian population adults, young people, and children in death by electric destruction. The same goes for Serbian power and the rich elite against their own civilian population. The same thing Croatian power and rich elite due to their own people and so does the power of the whole world and rich elite together and in the same way, to each its own people. They all together fish their own people to death. Religious priests who belong to all religions even claim that people can be possessed by Shaitan, Demons, and the Devil and that it should be claimed that it is the Devil who speaks to people and leads people to the alleged wrong path in life. It is against the Devil that religious priests protect people from. They have invented problems in people’s lives and that’s the Devil’s character. At the same time, they have created a solution to this problem and the solution to this problem, should be claimed to be themselves, which protects people from the invented character Devil. Through their influence on their own people, they go into people’s mental minds and then they deprive people of independent thinking, in the same way that the police around the world go into people’s mental minds with psychotronic weapons, where they crush everything human in people, because people should start committing wrong steps in life, so that the police have a reason to lock people in permanent captivity. It is not that I have now believed it literally and now that I have realized the truth, I am surprised, pissed that I have been injured to death. I have never believed in it in my life, but it is about all existing religious leaders and priests deceiving their own people in certain death, by playing their role as a religion, deceiving their own people in the false image of reality, together with politicians from the same religious affiliation as they stand side by side and hold together keys to God. I did not know it either, but now that I am dying from a crime I have been exposed to, I see it clearly now. Thanks to religious leaders, people believe in that religion. Media journalists, healthcare professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists, police officers, military forces from the same people, also believe in the same religion and all of them talk about God. They all talk about the same religion, and they are all state systems, who want people to cherish their religion, that people should believe in the same God, that people should celebrate the same religious holidays and that all people from the same religion should feel themselves as one and the same people, so that people feel safe and secure with their children. Suggestively, people get the feeling that people’s politicians who belong to the same religion care about people’s security, people’s human rights, people’s right to express themselves freely, just because they pray to the same God. Since media journalists, public health workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, police officers, military forces from the same people also believe in the same religion, there is no reason for the same people to even think of distrusting them. In addition to people feeling patriotism towards their own people through religion, it is now important to also convince people that people should have confidence in state institutions such as politicians, media, healthcare, psychiatry, the police, the school, the municipality and so on. With the great trust and patriotism, the defense of ordinary people is lowered, because people will never have access to this information that I have written about. People should believe in their people with the same religion affiliation? who are employed in government as politicians, in the police, public care who together with psychiatric care murder the people who are to be murdered. People should believe in schooling that deprives young people and children, knowledge of how people are murdered by electric destruction, and so on. When people have been deceived in fatal electrical injuries, then if people start talking about their ongoing death, then people are mentally ill and then people are a danger to themselves and to others. As soon as people have bought one of all the electric death trojans, then the alarm has gone off in the police. Another ordinary person has fallen into the government’s death trap. If you have fallen into the death trap, then you are a useless person and if people also seek care for their electrical injuries, then the police have started police surveillance of the fatally injured person around the clock, and it will continue until the day when that person has died. That you have believed in God and your politicians in all the different existing political parties that you call yours does not matter. This is the irony that only people exposed to government lethal abuses realize the truth. It is easy to realize the truth when one is dying because of
crimes that the governments of the world together commit on all of us ordinary people. I’m going to die, so the only thing I can do is tell you about the crime I’ve been the victim of. People believe that politicians from the same religion protect their own people from people not being harmed, people not being murdered and so on. People are deceived into believing that politicians from the same religion save the lives of their own people. All the government employees I have mentioned talk about their respective professions, but none of them mention a word about people being injured to death by electric destruction. Once you are well damaged by its electric annihilation, then you will die. Even all religious leaders of all existing religions talk about the profession of their religion and about how people should pray to God, so that people will not go the wrong way in life and what do they mean by that? They may mean that people should not be fatally injured, that people should not be exposed to crime, that people should not be murdered, but even they never utter a single word about people being murdered by lethal electrical fraud devices, like the same politicians that religious leaders stand side by side with, also keep quiet about. Psychiatry around the world calls people’s insanity mental illness and nervous breakdown, while in fact it is about electrical damage that has made people mentally handicapped, where body, brain and personal identity are completely destroyed, and it always ends in death. Religions around the world call the same people who are harmed by the electric destruction for people who are possessed by the devil. Even the world’s Film Industry deceives people all over the world by misinterpreting electrical damage to people, by people being allegedly possessed by the devil and then we have got Film after Film with religious priests, who drive the devil out of people through Exorcism. Thanks to world power and rich elites’ genocide, as they commit on each their own people, we have got horror Movies to watch. It’s entertainment for people and it’s something fun to watch. When you are damaged by the electric destruction, then you have exactly the madness described in exorcism movies, but the demon that electric damage evokes, will never be driven out of people in real life, because you are destroyed to death by the electric annihilation. Everyone dies in the end and everyone who has been injured has died. So, how can our religious leaders accuse us ordinary people if we do not pray to God, that we will burn in hell, while they, together with politicians, burn us alive through government fraud electric annihilation. When you add to this that, religions are the cause of war around the world through human history, I ask myself, where is God somewhere in the state system, along with religions and religious leaders and other priests. If we ordinary people are murdered together with our children completely legally, while entire state systems together with religious priests keep quiet about our ended life, then what is it that we believe in and what is it that we pray for? Where is God when I’m exposed to crime after crime? Has there ever been a God for me in my life? Where is he when I’m murdered? Am I a human being? Was it not so that God loves and cares for all his children of God, (all his Sheep)? Why does he not care about me, if he now exists? All existing religions are, in fact, a psychological weapon. Atheism is said to explain creation in a scientific way. I initially liked evolutionary Richard Dawkins and physicist Lawrence Krauss, who gives a more normal description of how life and how the universe came into being. They call themselves Atheists and I assumed that I too am an Atheist, because I believe in the same thing. Everything they say is true. All people have the right to believe what they want, and so do I believe in what I want. But now I have realized that even Atheism is the power of the world and the rich elite tools to mislead people’s thoughts into believing in a world where words danger to civilian life, does not exist anywhere. Biologist Richard Dawkins knows all about biological life, about how animal species are being wiped out, while he does not happen to see how ordinary people and their children are wiped out by electric destruction. Physicist Lawrence Krauss knows all about physics, but he does not happen to know about how electric current through the fraud electric destruction damages and destroys the human body to death. Through the laws of physics, he understands it. Through Atheism, the world’s religions are protected, by creating conflict between people who are religious and people who are not. I do not believe in fairy tale world that has never existed for me ever in my life and I am not an Atheist either. Not because of a
logical explanation of creation, but because of Atheism’s occupying people’s thinking in the same way that the world’s religions do. According to Atheism and religions, people should be misled into keeping their thoughts between God and science, so that people should divide people who are religious and people who do not believe in religions and God. Both mislead people and occupy people’s thinking about the unimportant, which the world power and rich elite want people to think about. Both incite people and create the delusional image of reality, where people should be divided between believers and people who do not believe, that people should hate each other, that people should be stimulated to fight and defend their religious beliefs on the one hand and Atheism on the other and Thanks to this, there are endless discussions between Highly Religious and Atheists. This is exactly what the world governments want people to do, but that people should not see what is hidden behind both the world Religions and Atheism and that is that people should not realize that the world power and rich elite legally murder the same people as defends Religion and Atheism, both adults, young people, and children. The world’s governments only create conflict between ordinary people around the world, in order to make it easier to deceive people into death, while at the same time the world’s governments can control people’s behavior and actions. There is almost no difference between Religions, Satanists, Sects, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Atheism. Publicly, there is all the difference in the world and that difference the power of the world and the rich elite want people to see, so that people will not see what is invisible. All of them talk about their ideology, while none of them utter a single word that people around the world are mass murderers on an industrial scale. As I go through my ongoing death, I see that all the world’s religions are a weapon that kills, first of each its own people and then the other people, when politicians have started wars under the name of religion. I do not intend to believe in a weapon that has contributed to the extinction of my life and the extinction of hundreds of millions of ordinary people around the world, regardless of race or religion over the past 80 years, through the Electric Holocaust. Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss are just two more public popular personalities, who belong to the world power and rich elite and they are power and rich elite, who together contribute to lowering the world civilian population by misleading the world population into believing in a wonderful world, where people’s thoughts are misleading on biology, physics, and research, while ordinary people die. All the different political parties on this planet, through their politics and with the help of religion and religious leaders, have each convinced and deceived their own people that people should only see the only image of false reality, where government together with the rich elite, cares about their own people. People can never even imagine that they kill the same people through various advanced lethal annihilation scams. While government deceives people through state systems and with the help of religious priests that people should believe in their politicians, every government on this planet wants tools to fight the same people, when world governments want to annihilate people chosen for liquidation from society. When a government destroys a citizen, the government ensures that that citizen is branded as a criminal, a mentally ill person, or a sinner who has gone the wrong way in life. Demonization of people that the government wants to liquidate is the best weapon for making the human voice of the people not credible, so that people will not listen to what that person has to say about that government. In this way, world governments protect the false image of reality, where government is said to respect people’s human rights, while in real life people have never had human rights ever through human history. For example, I have voted here in Sweden for Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats. In addition, I have had a hot quarrel with my child who does not want to vote at all. For over half an hour I have been explaining to him how important it is that we vote. In the end, I convinced him. I went on all the Swedish media propaganda rubbish shit, and I have gone on that propaganda about working class rights. While I was injured and while I only had numbness in my body, I did not have pain and suffering. I did not even know what will come in a year and what torture and suffering will come in my life. I went to such trade union training in a few days on working class rights and I believed in all the bullshit, that I am also allegedly a citizen who has equal
human rights in Swedish society. While I believed in the Social Democrats and Stefan Löfven, he, together with every single political party in the criminal Swedish Parliament (parliament or whatever shit it is now) has exposed me to crime through the electric Holocaust. We like our politicians, we believe in them, we love the country we live in, while they kill us through various state annihilation methods. I would like to ask a question to my former political favorite Stefan Löfven. Stefan Löfven, has not your adoptive mother who has died recently, not learned that you should not lie to the Swedish people and to your voters? Has she not taught you that you should not massacre ordinary people together with all the other criminal political parties in the Swedish genocide criminal (Riksdag) Parliament? Do you have no soul in you? I and my child are murdered by your Swedish politicians, and you murder children of us all ordinary people through your tools the police, public care together with the psychiatric care and the entire Swedish state system. You want to sentence people to prison for people’s crimes. When you, through the police, have pushed me to acknowledge my crime through psychological torture, then when I demand of you that I be convicted in court, then you do not allow me to do so. Instead, you have continued to torture me and in addition to this, you have taken my life through fraudulent electric destruction that you have laid out for the entire Swedish people. Is this how you investigate people for crime, by exposing people to infinitely many times worse crimes through deadly fraud, electric destruction? What do you want from me? Am I and my child guilty just because we exist? Even our children, you kill through research, care, and technological advances. I wish you all the worst in your life and I wish you and your family together with all the other political parties in the Swedish Parliament, with genocidal thoughts about us immigrants, to burn in hell so that you feel the pain and suffering in agony as I feel now, as I go through my ongoing death. You kill us and our children, while your own children live in freedom and security. You talk about criminals as monsters who kill each other, while you stimulate them through psychotronic weapons so that they will just shoot each other. All of us ordinary people all over the planet, regardless of race and religion, believe in our politicians and here you see how they reward us for our blind faith in them and that with death. They simply kill us, and they do it without a conscience and without any guilt. It’s kind of like when people love little young sheep and young little pigs. They are cute and people love them, but as soon as they have grown enough, then they are slaughtered and then it is obvious that they should be slaughtered. We ordinary people are the little sheep and the little pigs, and it is obvious that we should be murdered if we are not worthy of power and rich elite and if we are part of the population that is to be lowered. No religion affiliation will help you if you have gone through any of the Holocaust systems that our dear politicians have imposed on us and our children through government systems and society. I have also been deceived in the media propaganda about climate degradation. I cared so much about the climate. I always made sure to turn off all lights and power cable to home appliances when they are turned off, so that electric power is not wasted and, in this way, I make an effort for the climate. I was also worried about rainforest being destroyed. There you can see that many western states, popular public figures, and some of Hollywood’s superstars, also care about rainforest being destroyed. Researchers claim that in rainforest there are exotic plants, which can be used as a cure for the worst diseases, and they claim that all that will be lost when rainforest has disappeared. But here you see that the governments of the world never try to find a cure for diseases. They are constantly creating new ways to artificially inflict deadly bodily injuries, deadly diseases and so on, on people. They only create new ways for people’s physical and mental health to be destroyed, so that people will die in one way or another. They are not looking for people to be cured of diseases. They are looking for people to die, for whole families to die and they have created all the tools, so that they will also succeed in massacring and annihilating people. As far as I am concerned, the Damn Rainforest can be devastated and cut to the ground completely and I wish that this Planet with Climate Change Will Continue to Go to Hell! If you as ordinary people have enough money, so that you do not care about car fuel costs, then I recommend that you buy yourself a nice expensive fuel consuming car. Enjoy life while you can, before your
government has killed you through government systems. The same goes for electric power and everything else. The politicians of the world are talking about a climate catastrophe that is getting closer and closer to humanity. But do not worry ordinary people about climate change. The politicians of the world will kill most of us long before that climate catastrophe has occurred. You see, the world’s politicians have underground bunkers, where they can protect themselves with their families during nuclear war or if a smaller asteroid had hit this planet. That danger exists in real life. The dangerous asteroid that poses a threat to human race survival is an overpopulated population on this planet. It is in us ordinary people who have become too many on this planet that the power of the world and the rich elite see the deadly asteroid and danger to life for the existence of mankind. Therefore, they kill adults, young people, and children of us ordinary useless people, through every single state system in every single country on this planet in the same way completely legally, without them ever being guilty of mass murder of their own civilian population. I really loved Sweden, but now I have realized that no matter how much you love the country you live in, no matter if you adore that country, you will still be killed if you have been deceived in any of the Holocaust methods implemented. in state systems. Guilty or innocent, it does not matter. Psychotronic weapons are identically lethal as nuclear weapons and people adults, young people and children are affected and influenced by them without people becoming aware of this by the police around the world. The common people of the whole world are targeted individuals without them knowing this. I felt patriotism for the Swedish country. At the same time as I saw Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats as the right political party that should lead Sweden, I had great patriotism for Bosnia and Bosnian politicians. I saw Fahrudin Radoncic as the good politician with his political party SBB – Savez za bolju budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine. I saw him as the right man to lead Bosnjak people with their policies. Even there I was wrong and even there it is the same thing. Even Fahrudin Radoncic along with Bakir izetbegovic and all the other political parties that exist, they are all together monsters, fascists, and murderers, who commit genocide on their own Bosnjak people adults, young people, and children, through the state system with their silence about the ongoing extinction of Bosnjaks who are useless and uninformed about what electric destruction is for something. The same goes for other Holocaust methods. Just when I think I’ve seen all the worst, I’m terrified again, and one example is the respirator Malina scandal. All Bosnian politicians are said to care about their own people. But through government tools that are media in Bosnia, I have seen people sick with Corona disease being treated as extermination camp prisoners in Sarajevo Clinical Center. Adults and very young men and women who have had Corona in my eyes have been murdered in there. Once people have been admitted there, they take mobile phones from patients so that they cannot contact their families and then they come with lie after lie to family members about the condition of their beloved family member. Some are not allowed food for the whole day that their own family has sent and then they get that food cold late at night. What they do is that when people have been admitted in there, no doctors come to patients. They receive no care in part. It seems that they see patents with Corona as dying people and they just let patients die, while at the same time they lie to family members that they are fine, that they are walking, while in fact they are dying lying in bed. They also demand from the family that the family should buy expensive medicines in pharmacies, which they should give to their Corona sick dying family member. Then after they die of Corona, their family discovers that in patient records is written false and incorrect information, which does not correspond to reality. In many cases, Corona patients have not even received the medication that their family has sent them. They have not even received this care. In other cases, a dead family member has been sent home in a sealed coffin if I have understood correctly. Relatives were suspicious and instead of driving the coffin to the Mosque for burial, they drove a dead family member home. They have opened the coffin and their dead family member has had injuries to his throat, so that in such a state he could not breathe. So now the question is, has he died of Corona or of suffocation? In addition, his underwear had been dirty which confirms that they let the patient die without giving any
care, any hygiene and in addition there is a lack of food so that the patient dies more easily. The man was highly clean and pedantic, and they have sent him dirty. He was healthy before Corona’s disease, and he trained a lot too and yet he died in there quickly. How come healthy young Bosnian people, die of Coronavirus in the clinical center of Sarajevo, while Sebija Izetbegovic, Bakir Izetbegovic, Fahrudin Radoncic and all other top politicians do not die of Coronavirus. How is it that none of the top politicians on Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian sides, have not died of the Corona virus? How is it that none of the world’s politicians have not died of Coronavirus and how is it that none of them together have had complications with blood clots due to Corona gene vaccines. For example, Hollywood actors get vaccinated, and they share video of their vaccination and then there are millions of ordinary people around the world who share that video and all that is shown by mainstream media propaganda as advertising for vaccination of the world’s ordinary people. Why have none of the actors died of Coronavirus and why none of them have had blood clots due to Gen vaccine. The presidents of the world get vaccinated with Corona gene vaccines and people believe that even ordinary people will get the same content in vaccines. The world power and rich elite only, get the harmless Corona gene vaccines, while ordinary people around the world, get vaccines with content depending on whether people are to be liquidated or not. But now back to the highly religious ruling family with allegedly the highest sacred religious morality which is the Izetbegovic family. When hospital staff have realized that the dead family member has not been driven to the Mosque and it is probably the funeral home that has tipped them off with that information, then they have called the family and then they have threatened the family that if they do not drive their dead family member to burial immediately then he will not be buried at all. For me in this case, the government, together with the Mosque, has shown its true state dirty real face that they are one and the same power. This also applies to all existing religions. Family has taken pictures of the injured throat of their dead family member, and dirty underwear and now it is as evidence in all cases of criminal charges from all families who have realized that their family members with Coronavirus, have been neglected and murdered in there. There are many such cases and now all families together have filed their reports of crimes against the Sarajevo Clinical Center. Another healthcare scandal is that Serbian ordinary people sick in Corona have been allowed to breathe oxygen used in industry instead of medical oxygen. The same industrial oxygen has been given Bosnjak ordinary people as well and perhaps even to Croatian people, although there it is still quiet. While politicians argue about whether industrial oxygen is a crime or something completely legal, people have died because of industrial oxygen. All politicians in Bosnia both Bosnjak, Serbian and Croatian are good at serving their people their religious and national identity and the constant hatred of each other. But see how, despite all the hostility towards each other, they keep completely silent about electric destruction that leads Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats to death both adults, young people and even children, if people are tricked into buying the electric death device against children’s ADHD diagnosis. When they serve their people religion and national identity so that politicians can manipulate their people, then people get feel the community as a people and nation. But when people are murdered through Malina respirators and industrial oxygen, then religion and national identity are not anywhere in the picture. All deaths through care are minimized as something that has just happened, just like that, due to an accident and during a claim of care. The governments of the world are killing their people through health care and Bosnia is no exception. All of them together are the power of the world and the rich elite who murder their people completely legally under false claims, so that they themselves are never guilty of murder and so it has worked throughout the history of mankind on the whole planet. What people do not know is that all the governments of the world intentionally murder people and then they all explain away their mass murder of ordinary people with different lies. The governments of the world lie about everything through entire state systems, so does this Clinical Center in Sarajevo lie in the same way in all cases. Covid-19 pandemic is lowering the world population, so there is no us and them. It is the power of the world and the rich elite that murders us ordinary
people, which means no matter who you are and in what country you live in on this planet, it is always first your own government that kills you and they have no problem killing even your children if they want to. What people do not understand because of the brainwashing and media censorship of human history, is that the civilian population of the entire world is tricked into believing that their government cares about its people. Thanks to the perpetual media censor and media lies, people are never told that their government is deliberately killing their own people and they succeed in achieving this mass murder thanks to people having their defense guard lowered, due to their blind trust in government and entire state systems through his love of his religion, his love of God and love of his national identity. People do not expect fatal blows from their own government. As I said before, you have noticed that ordinary people and younger men and women, who have been healthy and fit all their lives and who have exercised for most of their lives, are dying like flies from the Coronavirus, while the world politicians who look like immobile dinosaurs weak fragile skeletons that have never trained hard, because it is visible on their physique and yet none of them have died of Coronavirus disease. None of the world’s powers and rich elite have had complications from Corona Gene Vaccines and none of them have had blood clots due to Gene Vaccines and none of them have died due to Gene Vaccines. It seems that the world power and rich elite, are immune to biologically produced weapons of mass destruction Covid-19 pandemic. Government should be said to protect its own people and not kill them. The same thing is happening all over the planet. Here in Sweden, too, I dare to bet that the same thing is also committed by Swedish care with Corona’s sick patients. The only thing is that the Swedish government has learned to lie better through state systems and there is all the care here so you cannot complain about anything, but those that the Swedish government wants to kill are also suffocated by respirators perhaps. They only say that the patient has died because of Corona, and no one sees what is happening in Swedish hospitals because even here Corona’s sick patients will probably be locked up in infection clinics. Considering everything I have written, so if I had received hospital care when I became ill with Corona, they would have definitely killed me in there under the alleged Coronavirus. Staff at the Sarajevo Clinical Center are trained hospital staff who are familiar with all the respirators used worldwide. On the internet, they get to know directly for what purpose the respirator is intended to be used for. Politics is involved in Malina’s purchase of respirator, and it is explained under allegations of corruption. But it may be that it was a deliberate planned purchase of garbage respirators that are not intended for long-term use, so that they can kill people who are destined to be killed. I’m not saying it’s that guaranteed. It is a possible alternative. All the governments of the world were killing their people by electric annihilation and even complete Bosnian government was also killing its own people by electric annihilation scams. If they deliberately deceive their people in death by electric annihilation, then it means that they probably intentionally murder their own people through rubbish respirators, through neglect and eventually murder. But the governments of the world are always right, and they all murder ordinary people by default. They are the law and laws do not apply to them. In these cases, one sees that government, state systems and religious funeral home are one and the same thing, the state system. Through religions, power and the rich elite deceive people that they are protected by their respective governments, thanks to the national identity claim and the brotherhood between government and their own people, but it is about power and the rich elite who murder whoever they want, and they always have right while ordinary people are always wrong. The fraud mass murder of civilian population is always explained away under the assertion of care, research, technological advances so that mass murder should be explained away under harmless and innocent assertions, so that power and rich elite will never be guilty of murder. Those families will never succeed in demanding justice because government is a criminal system with state mafia, which is all existing political parties, all existing media, police, complete care along with psychiatric care, school system, municipality and so on. The government’s mass murder fraud is based on the fact that all the employees in state systems are well-educated and trained staff, where they
have convinced people that only they can speak out in such cases where people have been murdered because they are competent in their profession, while people are not, and people know nothing. People should believe them completely blindly and not question anything. But it is precisely because of this that all existing governments on this planet are mass murderers of adults, young people, and children through lies so that people never get to know anything about it. In a media hearing, for example, Sebija Izetbegovic has used the very fraud that is her authority as a doctor. She replied to someone who asked her by asking him if he has the education in this area that he obviously does not have. But he has logical thinking and yet he cannot question her because of her state health care alleged authority. But then it turned out that she is not even a trained doctor. Now her criminal state mafia accomplices are trying to prove in some way that she has that doctoral degree. So, it is a quack, who gives care, to his own Bosnjak people. You should know that this applies to the entire planet and even those who have a real medical diploma, intentionally kill their own people by default completely legally. The terrible truth is that the governments of the world deliberately legally murder their own people, who are chosen to be murdered and it is difficult and almost impossible for people to accept it as truth, due to media censorship around the world and pure 100% power and rich elites lies throughout the history of all mankind to the civilian population of the entire world. So, in reality, you have no political parties to vote for. People protest when people are murdered by their respective governments through the police and so on, but people laugh at people like me who have been tricked into fatal electrical injuries. I can imagine that people do not even understand how I could not have the logical thinking to realize that electrical appliances will hurt me to death. I went to death, because I blindly believed that governments care, that people should not be harmed, and I have never even thought about that. I have never heard of a government deliberately killing a civilian population in my life. I had a hell of a life otherwise and I was isolated and thus I had no contact with people for 13 years, during psychological manipulation by the Swedish government through the police with Psychotronic weapons V2K injected voices in my head. Of course, you think that such weapons do not exist. Even now when I talk about going through my ongoing death and I will die soon, people laugh and it’s like I do not exist. The more vulnerable, isolated, and uninformed people are, the easier it is for world governments to kill such people. Civilians around the world are deceived into believing that, if one is innocent, then government will not harm one, or one thinks that the governments of the world would never intentionally harm a child. But it is just the opposite. They want and they intentionally kill adults, young people, and children for the government to achieve its goals by harming people to death with all the different Holocaust systems that are created for people to die later after a few years, so that murder can be explained away and that its Murder can never be linked to government through the state system. I have been deceived in the electric fraud holocaust because I knew nothing about it. But if you think you’re smarter than me, I can ask you, have you been tricked into the other Holocaust systems? Here you see who saves your life. If you think that Coronavirus is a deadly disease, then if you had only felt this suffering in my ongoing death, you would realize that electric destruction always leads to death, and it is a million times more deadly and painful than Coronavirus is. Most people do not die from coronavirus, while from electric destruction all die. Not even a single person has lived long after electrical damage. So, if you have gone into electric destruction, then you have immediately received a one-way ticket to locking in a mental hospital, where the government executes the same injured people with electrical damage of 9 volts with ECT shocks of 400 volts and the murder is explained away by the world governments during the claim of mental illness. It is almost as if people have been deceived in electrical damage, then they are stupid in the head and therefore they deserve to die. It is the cleansing of naive, uninformed and less intelligent people in society. Only the intelligent and smart can live on. But no one thinks of advertising the Holocaust as something harmless. Advertising is powerful. Everything that is advertised people also test. Bosnjak People have started accusing the leading SDA politician Bakir Izetbegovic of being a criminal thief, while Fahrudin Radoncic appears to be a
democratic politician, an industrial mogul or an employer who builds tall buildings that rent or sell office space. People think they have someone to vote for, but people do not. All the various existing Bosnian political parties, power and rich elite are criminal mafia, fascists, monsters, and mass murderers of their own people. They are monsters without any conscience and morality who murder their own people through the electric annihilation and through all the other annihilation methods through the state system together with the power of the whole world and the rich elite who murder their people in the same way. All the Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian politicians, together, pretend that they know nothing about the Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian peoples, and the ordinary people of the whole world being deceived into committing suicide with their own hands by electric destruction. All existing countries on this planet are killing their own people in this way and so are all Bosnian politicians of their own people in the same way, through state systems and through total media silence, where they pretend to know nothing about it. All of them claim that they care about their people, while in real life they were killing their own people through various annihilation systems implemented in the state system. People believe that every government lock in jail only criminals. That they torture criminals and that they drive people to commit suicide is not mentioned anywhere. What people do not know is that the entire population is criminal when it does not suit power and the rich elite. They kill the entire population through state systems. Civilian population on this planet regardless of race and religion, mass murdered in a dozen different ways, and it is accepted by all existing political parties in all countries of the world on this planet by default. They give us religion as a distraction, which deceives us ordinary people into believing that we have some brotherhood with our politicians. We believe that we ordinary people, together with our politicians and the rich elite, are one and the same people, but we are not. We as ordinary people without power and the rich elite are a people because they have murdered us all the time through human history. We believe that they care about us. We believe that they protect us. We believe that they do not want to harm and kill us and our children, just because they are our politicians and because they hold the keys to religion and God, we believe that they love us and that they care about us and our children, just because we belong to the same religion. We believe that they protect us from the other ethnic group with the other religion and the other people with the other religion think the same about us. What we do not see is that they all, together, kill their own people with the help of religions. They kill us ordinary people and our children with various deadly Holocaust methods that are well hidden in the state system and society. An example when the power and rich elite of Bosnia reveal their real face is the murder of Dzenan Memic who has been murdered by Bosniak police by the fact that the police have committed crimes, torture, and murder of Dzenan Memic. Another example is the murder of David Dragicevic who was murdered by Serbian police by the police committing crimes, torture, and the murder of David Dragicevic. Like I said, death belongs to no religion and when a family is exposed to power and rich elites’ deadly abuses, then you get the true picture of reality, that we ordinary people are just ordinary people who lack all human value. People hate each other because of religions, but everyone can feel the pain that the two families have, because it can happen to all of us. The two murders committed have partly united Serbian and Bosnjak people, in such a way that people have realized the truth in part and people feel compassion for each other, not because of religions but because of their common sense that we are just ordinary people. In addition, I have seen through the protests in Sarajevo for Dzenan Memic and David Dragicevic that there are more young people who have been murdered by police in a similar way. In the other cases, people cannot even do anything to prove that their children have been murdered. Their murders are explained away under false pretenses like everything else I have already written about. So, these are not rare cases. The same thing is done all over the planet in the same way. The governments of the world commit and have always committed crimes and the annihilation of civilians completely legally throughout the history of mankind. They are the law that punishes people, while there is no greater power that can punish them themselves. I’ll reveal to you other Holocaust system
methods that the power of the world and the rich elite murder us all with, so maybe you realize even more of the true real life we live in. Those cops will never get the right punishment, I think. They are simply part of the power and rich elite. There is a reality in its heads Bosnjak and Serbian power and rich elite, but which are not revealed to the people. All the power and rich elite pretend that they do not know that electric annihilation is imposed by them in society. But in reality, wish Bosnjak and Serbian power and rich elite that families of the murdered children should be deceived in the electric destruction just as I have been deceived in by one of all the different electric destruction death trojans and then they too are murdered. These families are intelligent people and of course they will never go for it. But I’m just saying what’s going on in the fascist world of world power and rich elite. Suffering and injustice that the two families go through have united Serbian and Bosnjak people in part. It was the golden opportunity for people to see beyond the brainwashing of people by religions. But even on such a protest, some cannot resist not hanging out their religious symbols. David Dragicevic’s mother has started talking about that, politicians should be overthrown from power and then suddenly she was told that she should stop talking and leave. So, people are not even allowed to speak freely. I do not just think that some politicians should be overthrown. I think that all politicians, including the other politicians of liars, who claim to be more democratic, should be lynched by the electric destruction for them all together lie for each their people. All of them, along with all employees in the entire state system, including all existing journalists, health care, psychiatric care, the police, should be lynched on the street with Stun Gun. I think that even all the religious priests from all the religions on this planet, should get an electric shock with Stun Gun, so that their faith will be put to the test, so that we see how long they can go on the right path in life. In addition, while protesters around the world smash everything in front of them, as they are quite right to do, at the protest in Sarajevo when someone talks, then one has started to feel bad, while when other talks then the other has become bad and then they call on execution criminal tools the care, for the ambulance to help the individuals during the claim of care. To me, it seems that there have been a lot of backward people, (debil) on the protest that are well-trained as animals of their own power and rich elite that they should not dare to rebel against fascists who murder Serbs, Bosnjak and Croatian civilian population completely legal. That ordinary people Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats should be united is a dream and all people will only get benefits and a better life because of this. Murder of the two young individuals looks to people like isolated rare cases. But people are not aware that government is killing adults, young people, and children through government systems. The police kill people for government through Psychotronic weapons. Why do you think it is heard in the media at regular intervals that people have committed suicide, that people have thrown themselves from high-rise buildings? In most cases, it is due to police torture by psychotronic weapons. Admittedly in many cases it is because people do not have food on the table. Even there, people commit suicide due to poverty, while politicians have become billionaires. Politicians give people religions, so that people have something to hope for, while they rob themselves of wealth from the state coffers. But it’s not even the biggest people’s problem. They kill their own people, through the state system and that is what is a problem and what people do not see. You often hear rumors about hunters who accidentally shoot their friend in a hunter accident. Through the media, I have always heard that hunters have happened to shoot their friend in an accident, and it also happens here in Sweden, but I have never heard the media say that a hunter has arranged a murder that should look like an accident. People are murdered through accidents so that no one will be guilty of murder. In many cases it was indeed an accident, but not all accidents can be accidents. The world’s governments also murder the world’s population under false claims, so that they too will not be guilty of murder. People always die in accidents and what is worst, I see that in most cases it is always young people who die in accidents and suicide. It is because of media propaganda that has convinced young people that the world is fair, flawless with high morals and so on. Young people do not expect death from their surroundings. They just believe in society blindly.
Through this blog I have explained how every single government on this planet together with the rich elite is an evil, brutal, and ruthless government’s criminal mafia. They are pure murderers, leading us ordinary people through their political lies and death traps. Everything that happens in Bosnia also happens here in Sweden in exactly the same way and it happens all over the world in every single country that exists on this planet. When something like this happens, then religion is not very helpful. The parents of the two innocent murdered young men, nurture their religious beliefs and I respect that, but I talk about my life, and I see it all in a different way. Religious leaders of all existing religions have throughout the history of mankind stated how people should pray to God so that people’s souls will not burn in hell when people have died. That I am writing this blog is not normal. This is unnatural, but it is the crime I have been subjected to, which has caused death in my body, and it is the death that has driven me to write so far, and it is death that drives me even now that I should write it here blog post. All this, all these words are driven out of me by force and now I have reached the final stage in my life. I have lived my whole life in the hope of a better future, but I have been led on side roads, against my own will and without being able to influence anything myself. I did not know that my life would end like this. I believed in the world that we have all been deceived into believing, from the first day we were all born until the last decade before I was mortally wounded. I thought that if you do not commit a crime and if you do not harm or kill another human being, then you are a good citizen, that you have a pure soul or consciousness and that you are safe and secure in society. I never wanted to hurt anyone. The only thing I have wanted, is to be able to live a normal life, after which I now well exist. As a kid, I used to believe everything people say. That people smile at me, I have always confused with people loving me, while when someone beats me then it means that it hates me. It was all my knowledge of people, religions, and the world. But what kind of world have I discovered? Why do I have to die just like that, without my life having any value and without it meaning anything? For some time as a child, I have felt smart. I heard about people who are mentally ill. I did not even understand, what mental suffering is for something. I was wondering, how can people feel mentally ill? I was very talkative like all children. So, I thought I might become a psychologist in the future as I have been so talkative, so that I can help such people. I thought that psychologist exists just to really help people and my desire to help was honest. It was just children’s dreams. I have believed in that lie throughout my life, until the moment I was mortally damaged by the electric catastrophe and then my whole conception of the world we live in collapsed. Then you can understand how powerful and how good that world’s media propaganda is, in convincing the world’s civilian population of a false image of the world, as a wonderful place to live with their children, with freedom and human rights. But as you can see, psychiatry’s ultimate help ends in people’s death with destroyed body, destroyed brain and totally obliterated personal identity and eventually in body decay and then you die. Psychiatry drives people crazy and mentally handicapped before people have had time to die. Listening to monsters who are psychiatrists and psychologists (pizde) here in Sweden on TV, radio and internet is the same thing as listening to monsters who are psychiatrists and psychologists from my own Bosnjak people of Bosnia. Serbian and Croatian psychiatrists and psychologists also say the same thing, which means that they too are equal monsters. All the world’s Psychiatrists and Psychologists fully consciously and intentionally murder people both adults, young people, and children without any guilt and without any conscience, through their role of theatrical performance, as part of the state system. All of them together murder their own people. So, when you hear talk, the male and female monsters (pizde) who talk to you about how to avoid stress, according to the allegedly advanced education and alleged experience, that they have gained about mental illness through their profession, you should know that they are bigger monsters than those who have murdered people in wars and various extermination camps. The death they will give you, if you are deceived through it The Electric Holocaust, which is the government’s tool to lead people into confinement in psychiatry and in death, is a worse way to die than if one had been shot with a weapon, stabbed with a knife, provided the injured person has survived
his injuries. The body can heal such injuries, while the body does not heal even electrical injuries. The suffering that electrical damage causes is the hell that religious priests lie to people that people will suffer and burn in hell when people have died. All existing world Psychiatrists and Psychologists, deserve that both their arms be amputated, so that they can never in their lives ever kill adults, young people, and children with electric current of over 400 volts. That hell has been in this living world all along. The only thing is that the power of the world and the rich elite together with religions and religious leaders have hidden it so very well, so that people will never know that it exists among us ordinary people in society. If you have been damaged by the Trojan electrical appliances, then God will not help you. With the help of religion, politicians have convinced people in a fantasy world, where the fictional character Devil speaks to people and thus leads people on the wrong path in life. But he who speaks to people and who leads people to suicide is a God, as we ordinary people regardless of race and religion call our government. It is our own government, which tortures people through the police with psychotronic weapons. If you experience the influence of Psychotronic weapons, then it’s like hearing God. Psychotronic weapons are weapons of mass destruction of the world’s civilian population. All the world’s religious leaders, who belong to all existing religions, speak to one billion people one and the same thing. They lead their people like a shepherd who leads his sheep and that’s exactly how they present themselves, if I’m not wrong now. All of them claim that they lead people on the right path in life. Even the mainstream media in most countries on this planet and especially in countries with more religious populations, such as my homeland Bosnia, broadcast on TV how religious leaders have led young people who pray to God on the right path in life. In addition, I have seen video of a priest from my people say that people should go out and clean and cut overgrown branches along the way and then people have done something good for their soul (Duhovno Nadahnuce) Spiritual inspiration and for society. He has his followers who listen to him as the wise smart man. All it is broadcast in Bosnjak various TV programs. Identical thing is propagated in Serbian and Croatian mainstream media propaganda but in their religious way to their own people. If people make the spiritual gesture, clearing weeds along the way, then people have come closer to God and because of this they will not burn in hell. He talks about weeds that need to be cleared and that have nothing to do with politics and politicians. He does not interfere in politics’ way of controlling people and murdering people who are to be murdered completely legally. That’s what religious leaders want people to see. While he is talking about weeds, young people have mobile phones in which the governments of the world impose various advertisements on death traps in front of the eyes of the young. The death traps are camouflaged as something harmless and if young people fall into that death trap, then they will die. Then they have gone the wrong way in life permanently and weeds will be the last thing they will think of. While they are dying, they have no value for this religious priest, because they have made wrong decisions in their lives and if they die, then it is their own fault. Religious bullshit about weeds, is suitable for everyone Bosnjak media to publish in the media, while the crime that we all humans on this planet are exposed to through the electric Holocaust, is not suitable for publication in the media, such as one of all state criminal tools media propaganda Dnevni Avaz, so that ordinary people do not become aware that it exists so that they too can be murdered later in life. If you have led those young people on the right path in life, how long will the right path be? Those young people will be on the right path in life, until the moment they have gone to their deaths due to one of them all the Holocaust systems. When they become dying, then they will get mental shock due to all the state lies about society and then they will realize what state systems are for something. Politicians incite and distract people in many ways. They use religion to take control of people’s beliefs, behaviors, and actions. They mobilize our natural human qualities that evolution has given us naturally which is love and hate, so that our politicians can have our blind trust in them and that we should at the same time see the other people as a danger to us and our children but not our politicians. If your own politicians kill you through the state system, then who is the enemy? That danger exists because all existing politicians on this
planet throughout human history have proclaimed religions as our most important religious and national identity, uniting us as a people, while human life has never meant anything. For the power of the world and the rich elite, the important things are history, historical monuments, buildings where people worship God, while human life and the right to live are not mentioned anywhere. Apparently, they also have the word fraud human rights, which deceives people that people will not be murdered by state systems. We ordinary people regardless of race and religion, we as a people, we and our religious and national identity are a great deception and we as one and the same people are a pure lie, and the same thing applies to the whole world. If our governments kill us legally, then we do not exist as a people. Showing historical monuments that have been blown up in war, they call a crime against humanity, while that we all ordinary people are murdered together with our children legally through state systems, is not a crime against humanity. It’s not even a crime. As for me, since I will die soon, you can blow up all the historical monuments in small pieces. Smash, whole fucking the history of mankind and even wipe out all existing religions because we live in a lie. You need to know one thing. Attack on world power and rich elite is not attack on ordinary people. Who cares about the power of the world and the rich elite are murdered by right-wing extremists, ordinary people, criminals, Muslim terrorists, or any terrorists on this planet? Our only army that we ordinary people have is precisely us ordinary people and those I have mentioned now. That is what the world power and the rich elite deserve, because the world power and the rich elite together murder us ordinary people on an industrial scale, completely legally and they are the ones who commit the worst crimes on us. History has divided us ordinary people into ethnic groups with different religions and we believe that together with our politicians, who are the power and the whole state system, together with the rich elite, we are one and the same people. We ordinary people on this planet believe that we ordinary people with different religions, are different ethnic groups. But in reality, the power of the world and the rich elite together are one ethnic group, while we ordinary people with different religious affiliations, are the other ethnic group. Do you know what the power of the world and the rich elite deserve together? The world power and the rich elite as an ethnic group, deserve that they should all be murdered in an ethnic cleansing of each their own people. Who is the enemy? if our own government kills us ordinary people legally and then they lie and explain away murders on us while claiming care, research, technological progress and so on. Religions are about the moment when people are born and the moment when people die. That people’s souls or consciousness can be destroyed while people are still alive, there has never been a word said about it. What is more divine than people’s lives being extinguished and when people’s souls are extinguished before people have had time to die. What does religion mean when a religious from the same religion kills you and your family. The ones who kill you and your family are all your different political parties that together kill you and your children through government systems. As an ethnic group, our lives mean something, while as you can see politicians kill us individually on an industrial scale which means that if a citizen’s life can be extinguished by state systems and that by exposing people to crime, then it means that we as a people, lacks significance and value. Our lives have no value. If a citizen is murdered, then it means that entire peoples are murdered in the same way and that is exactly what has been going on throughout the history of all mankind. The fact that in Muslim countries people are publicly beheaded even now under the assertion of the death penalty under the name of religion, is only a difference in the extent of dictator over civilian population compared to dictator in democratic systems. In communist countries, the death penalty is enforced by people being shot by the government. In the largest alleged democratic country in the United States, people are executed by poison injection, but in addition, people are allowed to be shot to death or to die by the worst possible death penalty electric chair. With that, all the talk about the United States as a democratic country is extinguished. On the other hand, Europe presents itself as the most civilized part of the world that has abolished the death penalty. Well, they are not that civilized. If they had been so civilized, then I would not have written this blog now. Europe, too, carries out the death
penalty on completely innocent people, adults, young people, and children, by means of electric destruction. It’s about the same thing. All over the planet, it’s one and the same thing. Intimidate the people to the silence and obedience of power and the rich elite, by exerting violence and fear on the population. Sell to the people false completely false propaganda, about the love of power for each of its people through religion, so that the people believe in power and the rich elite cares about people, because they belong to the same religion as they idolize and it advertises power and rich elite in the mainstream media, so that the whole world population looks at how loyal and how much they pray to this same God. Politicians in countries where people have become more brainwashed thanks to religion, say in the media that they are not afraid of anyone. They say they are only afraid of one and people know right away that they are talking about God. It is enough for the people that the people believe in them, as they pray to the same God. This is as a rule and it is used as brainwashing by civilians all over the planet, no matter what religion it is, it is in this way people are deceived into false sense of security, while the same people are murdered along with their children in civil society and it’s perfectly legal. I have asked myself all my life, why are all the politicians in the world always conservative no matter what political party they belong to? But through this crime that I have been exposed to and that about how I have been treated by Swedish society and the rest of the world, as dying, all the puzzles have fallen into place. I literally see the truth about all of humanity from the beginning when civil society was created and until now. It is not just me who has realized the truth. Every single person on this planet who has been subjected to government abuses that ends in their deaths has realized the truth about what the world’s power and rich elite are for. It is one and the same agenda that power and the rich elite have had throughout human history towards us ordinary people. It has always been about one and the same thing. It is not about conflict between religions. It’s not about different races of people. It is about power and the rich elite on one side, where they and their children have the right to live as they have power, and they have all the weapons in their hands. It’s about us ordinary people and our children, whom they murder just because we take up space on this planet. It is not sustainable for the survival of humanity as a race, that the planet’s natural resources should be wasted just like that. We humans are too many on this planet and the power of the world and the rich elite, have constantly worked to lower the world population down through infectious diseases, through pandemics, through electrical annihilation, annihilation through healthcare and so on. Through politics, politicians use the invented fraud trojan words claiming human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights while through religion they use the fictional life-threatening character known as the Devil, who allegedly leads us ordinary people on the wrong path in our lives. The power of the world and the rich elite, do not utter a single word that the Devil who speaks to us ordinary people in our heads through V2K injected voices into people’s heads, is in fact a government that through technology used by the police, tortures people to death and in this way they drive people to commit suicide, to kill each other so that people can be locked up in either prison or mental hospital, where the government carries out the death penalty on people through ECT shock. It is not the Devil who leads us ordinary people and our children to death, for no Devil exists and has never existed either. It is all our existing rulers and the rich elite who lead us to death in many different ways at the same time. Through V2K injected voices in the head, government directly influences decisions and actions that people take in their lives, in such a way that people commit error after error due to destroyed body, destroyed brain, destroyed psyche, ongoing erasure of personal identity as an individual through electrical damage and the torture for decades with Psychotronic weapons. Whole families are torn apart and led to their deaths by psychological warfare. The world governments through the police with Psychotronic weapons inject into people’s mental minds, toxic messages and their messages are instructions to people’s self-destruction acts and there is no human being on this planet who is immune to the voices of the police that one hears forcibly for over twenty years and to and even in his whole life. Through religion, the power of the world and the rich elite, has given people religious and national identities that prevent people from thinking critical and
independently. Religious and national identity is a powerful psychological manipulation tool, which draws whole people right under the control of their own politicians, who talk about all the good and positive, but just not about people being murdered completely legally by the same politicians who belong to different political parties. I’m not talking about a single people. This is the standard for all existing governments on this planet. The power of the world and the rich elite through religion, give people something that people should adore and something that should give people false comfort. You can dedicate your life to many different interests. You can dedicate one’s life to religion, satanism, right extremism, left extremism, terrorism, crime, one can dedicate one’s life to being deceived good citizen, who never commits any crime, while world power and rich elite commit genocide, crimes against humanity on the common people of the whole world. You can dedicate your life to music, exercise, fashion, environmental activism, and endless hobby interests, but all this is the product of the whole world’s deadly media propaganda, which has influenced and led people in the decisions of the people taken, from children’s age and until now. The whole world’s existing media of all kinds function as one and the same system of brainwashing of the whole world’s civilian population. People live their lives after advertising and media propaganda influence. While people are devoting their lives to their hobby interest, people are unaware that people are being tricked to death by the rest of the sea of deceptive deadly media propaganda, which has served deadly false lies information about research, deadly false lies information about technological advances, deadly false lies information about healthcare, deadly false lies information about the pharmaceutical industry, deadly false lies about government police surveillance of the world civilian population, false lies information about economic market and various government scams that trick people into losing money. All of this together deceives and misleads the entire world’s ordinary civilian population into a false image of reality so that ordinary people can be led to death, poverty, and problems in life, which create new problems and all that together makes people disappear from society and the living world. The world power and the rich elite liquidate ordinary people in many different ways at the same time, while they deceive people into a picture of a wonderful world so that people do not expect to be murdered by their own government. It is only under one condition; civilian population can be murdered without civilian population reacting and resisting power and rich elite. It is only under conditions, where the Civilian population is unaware of the danger to life, that the power of the world and the rich elite can completely undisturbedly annihilate and kill ordinary people, both adults, young people, and children. Thanks to all the lies that the media has served to each of its people, no matter what country it may be now, the governments of the world succeed in getting people on their side, they gain people’s trust, they convince people that people should sacrifice their lives in war as they has started, while at the same time killing people whom they want to kill from their own people and it is the secret that the ordinary people of the world do not see and that the power of the world and the rich elite have hidden from each their own people. All the unimportant useless information that people have received in their mental senses throughout their lives, is precisely for the reason that people should not know that it is not about race and religion, but that it is about the power of the world and the rich elite who murder each their own people and that the power of the world and the rich elite together murder the entire civilian population of the world quite legally under false claims. What people are not aware of is that people think they are not brainwashed, when in fact they are brainwashed, cheated, manipulated, misled and the lifelong media manipulation media propaganda of the whole world media together, ends in people’s lives ending in catastrophe, where whole families are murdered in advanced ways and that of all the existing world governments together on their own people and that in the same way, because also they all work together as one and the same system, because they all run a constantly ongoing war against each his own people. The ordinary people of the whole world, together individually, are led in catastrophic life decisions that end in the death of people, in a thousand different ways. Murders and suicides that people commit now are the product of world power and the rich elite’s lifelong media
propaganda brainwashing that has shaped people as individuals from the day people were born until now. It is the world media, which has through the lifelong media propaganda manipulation and deception, built by us ordinary people mentally backward stunned individuals, so that we do not see what is hidden behind religions and their people’s national identity, what is hidden behind millions of false completely false unimportant facts, which have been served to the world’s ordinary civilian population through the media, internet, radio, various television programs, through the film industry, through claims of research, technological advances, healthcare and about just about everything in society. All the false useless unimportant information is served to us ordinary people on this planet, so that we can nurture ties for our own governments with the same religious affiliation, so that we do not see that we ordinary people, whole families are murdered first by our own government and our own rich elite and then by our supposedly important religious and national identity, and thanks to this they make us Ordinary people who belong to different religions should hate each other. In addition, they start wars so that we also kill each other, while our trust through that war grows for parasites that we call our politicians and our religious leaders. This applies to all governments on this planet. All the power of the world and the rich elite media propaganda, which we ordinary people think is news, is in fact ongoing crimes committed against us ordinary people, which only conceal the mass murder of civilians worldwide and people can dedicate their lives to all this only as long as people are not deadly damaged by any of all annihilation systems. What is religion? Religion is laws and rules that people must follow so that it suits politicians so that they can control the behavior and actions of their own people, and which can have no basis in real life. Either you believe it or not. If you believe in it, then you will not question the power, because religion has already convinced people to believe that people live in a just world, where politicians belonging to the same religion share the same values of collective community as ethnic group full of humanism, compassion, love and so on. But in reality, what people do not see is that politicians have no problem killing the same people young people, adults and children. What I see in the world is that power and the rich elite on the whole planet incite their people through religion and nationalism and also racism, so that people will have the constant feeling that the people’s religion, the people’s national identity, the people’s rights as people are endangered. In part, that’s right and it’s exactly that. But why do they not talk to their people about different annihilation systems that take the lives of their own people if they love their people so much now. People’s national identity is important, while people’s deaths caused by government crime are not important. Power and the rich elite make it look like the existence of the people is threatened, that people should perish and cease to exist if their religious political leadership with their high morals of right and wrong, should not remain as the prevailing political power leadership. The whole people will disappear without religious priests and religious conservative politicians, who have received votes from the people, just because they belong to the same religion. Politicians do not have to perform politically. The only thing they need to do is play on people’s feelings and incite people’s feelings through religion and nationalism, which they themselves do not call nationalism, while the other people’s politicians with the other religion are the nationalists. People believe that politicians have morals. Thanks to the collective community of politicians through religion and national identity. people believe in them completely blindly, while politicians have become billionaires on money that really belongs to the common people. Even those politicians who have not used corruption are exactly the same criminal monsters and government mafia, because they also participate in electric destruction and other Holocaust systems methods implemented in the state system, through their eternal media silenced that it exists in real life. If politicians had been so aware that God punishes people and thus themselves for their sins, then they would not have murdered ordinary people on an industrial scale. I believe that in reality they do not even believe that God exists. They may say that they believe in God as much as they want, but I tell you that they lie to all of us ordinary people on this planet about everything. Politicians use religion as a tool of psychological manipulation, which is nothing more than a
weapon used against their own people, for them to win political points among the people, for them to be elected in another mandate in the government and parliament. People react violently when people hear in the media cases about an ordinary person who has committed a crime. Then that person is publicly demonized, and the media lynched and so on. But people are little calm rabbits, when they hear about corruption in politics where billions have disappeared. That’s what politicians have programmed us ordinary people for. That they steal the people’s money is the people’s least problem. As you can see, they also murder us and our children completely legally. I tell you that if politicians had been afraid of God as they claim, then they would not have murdered us ordinary people like cattle animals. The power of the world and the rich elite pretend that we as an ethnic group mean something to them, while individuals from the same ethnic group are injured to death and since it is only about individuals or what we have been tricked into believing individual cases, then we do not care as an ethnic group about those individuals, as it has happened only to them, while it has not happened to ourselves, yet. If the life of individuals means nothing to the power of the world and the rich elite, then the life of all of us as an ethnic group means nothing to them. It is not about the murder of individuals from the common people. It is the government’s media censor who deceives us ordinary people into believing that these are individual cases. They murder us all through various methods of extermination and on an industrial scale, but that information keeps the power and rich elite secret from us, so that they can continue to murder us and our children, one by one also in the future. This usually applies in Muslim countries, in Christian Orthodox countries, in Christian Catholic countries, in Christian Protestant countries, in Buddhist countries, in Hindu countries in Jewish countries like Israel and so on. Even for Israeli and Palestinian power and the rich elite, there are Jews and Palestinians who should die, and it is through the electric Holocaust. If there’s anyone on this planet who thinks I’m lying about that the electric Holocaust is genocide equivalent to the annihilation of civilians in Auschwitz, then it’s easiest to reveal if I’m lying or if I’m not telling the truth. Please, test any of them all electrical appliances no matter what they look like and no matter how little electrical voltage it may be. The governments of the world care about you and your children, right? They should never hurt you. If so, test it and you’ll know if I’m lying or if I’m telling the truth. V takes something even more obvious. Healthcare cares about you and your children. You think they would never kill you. It is absurd to even think such a thought. If it’s absurd and if my words are paranoid and conspiracy theory, then go to the nerve clinic and let them scan your nervous system with electric current at extremely low electrical voltage for an hour and a half through Neurography and Myography, which are exactly one and the same with just various fraud allegation. Then you will realize that you will die in suffering from hell in the same way I am dying now. You have confidence in the care, and I too have had confidence in the care. If you have pain in the body, you can scan your damaged nervous system with the Neurography examination at the pain and nerve clinic. We will see what will happen to you after that investigation. If you die after that investigation, then you have all the evidence in the world that the government intentionally murders the civilian population through health care and then all the puzzles will fall into place on the insight that you come to the conclusion that it is the world power and rich elite that each kills his own people completely legally, without them ever being guilty of murdering their own people. What I reveal is that power and the rich elite murder people who have not committed any crime, completely innocent people adults, young people, and children. I’ve seen musicians joking with people who get ECT shocks, and it makes them look like it’s something fun, while they have no idea what they are joking about. But there I am wrong, because they always knew the truth that I know now, and they have never wanted to share their knowledge with other fellow human beings about how people are legally murdered by state systems through Psychiatry. He wants people to buy his music, while he at the same time joking with the same people who may end up in the same situation later in life. His music video is an advertisement for psychiatry. He is allegedly a normal popular man who has probably had a safe childhood and that is the reasonably safe childhood, he can thank for being normal now,
while murdered people by government through Psychiatry are crazy people who know nothing. They’ve gone crazy just like that for no logical reason. People imagine that they were born so crazy. Prejudice is the weapon of world governments that blindly blinds the eyes of the civilian population. They ridicule victims who are ordinary people, while they glorify simple state criminal monsters, fascists and genocide criminals who are power and rich elite and who commit the heinous crime through psychiatry along with all care, against us ordinary people and our children. They are not aware that their children can be fished into the electric annihilation later in life when they grow up. All musicians, all film actors, all supposedly important researchers, all publicly known and popular personalities would, with just one comment in front of TV cameras, put an end to the deplorable electric genocide by saying in front of cameras. People, if you connect the electrodes to your body, no matter how small the electrical voltage may be, you will die. But none of them has ever uttered a single word. Thus, also they all consciously and intentionally participate in the genocide of civilian population around the world with their passivity and silence. To keep quiet about the fact that the world’s civilian population is being murdered, while they are advertising all the different annihilations such as healthcare, research, technological advances, is deliberately deliberate involvement in that genocide together with the world governments. This is how the genocide of the world’s civilian population is committed and it is only thanks to the world’s power and the rich elite’s media silence, it is possible. The film industry instead advertises the electric annihilation through every single fucking movie, where they use all sorts of electroshock stun guns, where they go out of this shock stronger as heroes and winemakers. But that evil does not end there. When I was flipping through movies that I was going to rent out, I watched commercials for each movie. There was a cartoon where the film character got an electric shock from an electric stun gun or something like that and it radiates an atmosphere of happiness, joy, laughter about how much fun it is for small children to watch. It is the ultimate evil that prepares our own young children for the catastrophic event of our child’s great death in life, where children are suggestively stimulated to test the electric destruction, to see how fun it is to get electric current in the body. It’s Hollywood movies I’ve watched and it’s how the Hollywood movie industry lures white American children, young people and adults to death and it’s how the American white population is murdered on an industrial scale as livestock slaughter animals and the same goes for the whole planet. If white American people are murdered completely legally, then all other races in America are murdered in the same way. White Americans love and adore their white actors. Blacks love and adore their black actors and so it is with other actors who belong to other races. But what people do not know is that white actors murder white American’s adults, young people, and children through deadly film commercials on various Holocaust systems in society, which are presented to people as something harmless and something that people benefit from, while it is death itself. Blacks deceive their black ordinary people adults, young people and children into death and so do actors who belong to all other races and religions. All of them together are power and the rich elite, who kill us ordinary people completely legally. Even all the other existing actors around the world, do exactly the same thing. All of them together are one and the same thing. All of them together are a cog in government systems that are part of the world’s power and rich elite that murder us ordinary people and our children. Hollywood film industry leads its own people to death and then they also lead our own children and us adults all over the planet. Damn scum, you have children yourself. How can you knowingly intentionally participate in any such advertising on genocide by electric annihilation? What message are you sending to children in your country and to children all over the planet. It is you who lead millions in a single year of all adults, young people, and children on this planet into death, while you as a film character brag about how you save people, save children, save rainforest, save the planet, save the world and how you care about climate change. You pretend to be humanitarian idiots, who donate money to poor children, so that you can gather more admirers who have to pay to watch your FILM, which you use to fish ordinary people and the same children entered the world governments into the pharmaceutical
industry drug cartels through electrical damage, into lock-in in psychiatry and into death. You are fishing poor people who have nothing, so that they will lose even the most valuable thing they have and that is their body, their physical and their mental health. But it does not just stop at this, it automatically means death. Through your Films, you advertise medicines for ADHD to children and young people as something positive so that parents around the world will suggestively accept to poison their own children with medicines that are nothing but punishment that are part of the government’s annihilation system of civilian population. Not immediately but in the long run, the children also become addicted to drugs, and this leads to children in drug abuse who end up in children’s ruined lives. In another movie series, The 100, the Hollywood Film Industry has made a really entertaining series and in the end so that humanity will not be wiped out forever, people chose to stop fighting each other, when they were put against the path of a superior civilization that has risen to a higher level of existence from bodily life, we say. Film is just Film, but devices that give people deadly electric shock are no fantasy. The film industry around the world is literally advertising deadly electrical appliances as something completely harmless. In that film series, Hollywood industry wants to show how much the female warrior hero cares about a girl. She has put around her neck an electric necklace that can emit electric shock and when that girl wants to go into battle, then the female hero has given the girl electric shock with a remote control. That girl was stunned and stopped from going into battle. Then the girl asked her female hero, who loves her and who cares so much about saving the girl’s life, why did you do that to me? It’s a perfect question that a girl should ask her hero in real life and the hero replied that she cares so much about her that she has saved her life with the harmless electric shock. In real life, she just took the girl’s life. Not even the God that girl believes in can save her from death once she is injured by the Trojan fraud electric death trap. Young people around the world through such film fraud lethal advertising, are deceived into believing that lethal electric trojan devices are harmless. The single slightest electric shock would behead the girl to death. Through your films, you imagine people dying of Morgellons parasitic disease as a delusion imagining mental illness. You are spreading government media propaganda that Morgellons parasite is a mental illness. I had the short film video sequence of their description of how imagined Morgellons disease parasites look in film and, in their Film, lie media propaganda Morgellons microscopic parasite threads look like up to 5 centimeters large worms that move quickly under the skin, but for some strange reason, that video has disappeared, and I cannot find it now so I can show you it. You present suggestively through your Movies the ability to read other people’s thoughts as fantasy superpowers, while in real life it is exactly what government manages to do to people through Psychotronic weapons. They have been doing this all the time against the entire world’s population for the last 70 years. Governments just read people’s minds through psychotronic weapons and even drive people into death in one way or another through that torture. By presenting the ability to read thoughts as fantasy, you are fooling ordinary people around the world in a false sense of security so that people will never realize the truth that world governments manipulate and lead the entire world civilian population to death through psychotronic weapons, even completely unnoticed, without people being aware of it. You present electric shock devices as something harmless and something that is cool, so that people do not see danger to life when people have gone on the commercial and when they hold the electrical devices in their hands, so that they unconscious danger, test the electrical nerve agent on and then they die just like me. You advertise ECT shock as something completely harmless, while it is the main method worldwide for the execution of the death penalty on civilians, under the assertion of care against depression, so that the world governments are not guilty of mass murder of each civilian population. Watching the Garbage Movie, The Joker who won the Oscar is just another government propaganda that misleads people. Film is not just film. Film is like religion. They do not talk much but still influence the civilian population by misleading people from the fact that people should not be able to see the truth and in both cases, it ends with hundreds of millions of people having died, through the history of mankind. I would not
mention that Film, but I see the brainwashed targeting individuals from America, sharing the picture of the Joker with their allegedly positive messages that raise and strengthen their own self-confidence. Wait until the police shoot you with Taser, then we’ll see if the positive verses will work for you in the future. Joker is a backward Movie character. Joker is a mentally retarded movie character. In this film, the state is portrayed as the hero who must take care of failed mentally ill individuals in society. It was alleged that the financial cut in funding through Psychiatry and then the State stopped paying for medication with fine good effective medications for mental illness of the sick character Joker and then he did not get his medication for mental illness. Because of that, he started killing people who laughed at him. Here you see how good and how needy psychiatry is. World governments are said to provide people with care through psychiatry. Through such government Film media propaganda, people are misled into believing that government does not want to give people cures that are medicines for mental illness, so that people should have the feeling that something important is taken from them, that those medicines are something very useful and good. But the world’s governments want people to be medicated with chemically produced weapons that psychiatry gives to people. Those medications are not even medications. They destroy physical and mental health with many years of medication. Arrange problems in life and you will be cured. In addition, he imagined events with the woman who was close to him, where he thought he had a love affair with her, which turns out in the end that he has imagined all this and also, he killed her due to his mental illness, which has not been treated by American power and rich elite through state systems genocide tools Psychiatry. That kind of propaganda is conveyed through films over and over again and what is the worst civilian population in the world takes on the government’s suggestive Film fantasy prejudices, that it is so even in real life. I’ve been through war; I’ve had a mental breakdown and it’s never happened to me. It can only happen to people who take strong drugs and who can have such delusions only during the time they are under the influence of drugs. Second government media propaganda in the film is that there were riots in the streets, where the civilian population behaves like lunatics who burn everything, and their idol is the Joker. State message in that film is, do not follow the maniac, because then you too will become maniacs who disturb the public order and peace. Continue to follow power and the rich elite because then you will be safe with your children. Who says that people’s rebellion against power and the rich elite, must end in people burning everything in front of them? Why they do not make a movie where people burn power and the rich elite with electroshock devices, so that power and the rich elite will be happy in all their days in their lives. In another film, two mentally ill twins, two sexual predators torture and rape women they have kidnapped as sex slaves. The two manage to trick police over and over again and they manage to murder police one by one. In this way, the civilian population is suggestively driven to feel sorry for the police, to love the police but to hate the two criminal lunatics and that people should just want them to be murdered in the most painful way possible. This is how the governments of the world incite ordinary people and direct people’s hatred towards other ordinary people, under the assertion of two mentally ill murderers, the hatred that is directly linked to all existing different criminals on this planet. Hatred is directed at ordinary people, so that people will see danger only in criminals but never in power and the rich elite. The hatred is directed far away from the world power and the rich elite, who murder ordinary people on an industrial scale. World power and rich elites, massacres of the world’s common people, which they are now committing in peacetime through state systems, are worse massacres of civilians than war crimes worldwide through the history of that humanity. In addition, the world power and rich elite have murdered more ordinary people across the planet through various Holocaust systems implemented in state systems, than people have died through the First and Second World Wars. In real life, it is precisely police officers who torture ordinary people through psychotronic weapons, with physical and mental torture suffering, that transcend all imagination that people can imagine. But the worst and most deadly annihilation system on this planet is electric annihilation. It is through 9-volt devices, the world governments have murdered more people
than people have died in the First and Second World Wars combined, while the world governments through the two videos media propaganda about psychiatry, talk about that psychiatry has murdered more people than it people have died in World War II. It is with 9-volt devices, the world governments drive people to madness, before people have had time to die. It is through devices of 9 volts, the governments of the world drive people to commit murder, suicide or that people are murdered and that by force, because it is bodily harm that drives people to all this through torture from hell and Injured people always die at the end due to bodily injuries. The torture caused by electrical damage is infinitely many times worse because you go crazy, before you have had time to die. They kill people with psychotronic weapons. It has never happened that police officers have been deceived in such a way by criminals. Look at what police are doing to targeted individuals around the world. There are identical methods of torture perpetrated on targeted individuals around the world by all the governments of the world and that it is targeted individuals who are being tortured, so people believe that these are rare cases. In their case, the governments of the world openly torture and injure people to death, which is why they speak openly about their torture. The governments of the world also torture and influence people through psychotronic weapons, even completely unnoticed. When world governments irradiate people with microwave radiation at certain specific frequencies, they cause various severe mental illness conditions, and then people become severely mentally ill, without themselves having a particularly great reason to feel mentally ill. It is the governments of the world that drive people into psychiatry, which is the world governments’ execution site for people that the government wants to liquidate. People are literally murdered in their homes. There you see that people are burned alive in their homes through various psychotronic weapons. The body organs fail due to microwave radiation, with which police injure people. Film is not just film. You are actively involved in the genocide, and you are part of the world power and rich elite who commit the genocide on the ordinary people of the world, first on their white American population and then on the civilian population worldwide. You are power and rich elite. The film industry advertises psychologists and psychiatrists as genuine care. Then a psychiatrist or psychologist says film character when it is supposed to help people on the street to say, I am a doctor. You’re not a fucking doctor and you’ve never been a fucking genuine caregiver. The film industry complains to psychiatrists and psychologists, about how they are supposed to exchange people’s medicine with other medicines, because they are supposed to have realized in a second, thanks to their great advanced modern research and knowledgeable experience in their profession of mental illness, that people are alleged need the medicine better, which are in fact chemically produced weapons that are made with only one purpose and that is to destroy the body and health of people to death by many years of medication. Such medications literally take the lives of people slowly but surely. Through my example, you can see where those medications have led me so far. Now they put me to death by damaging my body in all sorts of different ways at the same time and by force. Through the Film Industry, assassins are glorified as well-trained smart individuals who can trigger in children around the world, a life decision to become an assassin, when children have grown up and it is also the intention of that media propaganda, for innocent criminals to kill each other. Everyone sees evil in criminals, but no one sees the power of that world and the rich elite’s brainwashing of the world’s population, who have shaped people as individuals from childhood to adulthood. It also claims a picture of reality, where different criminal gangs in the end always murder each other. That propaganda is the government’s suggestive stimulation in that criminals should just kill each other. Now everyone can think that this is the case, and that the Film Industry only shows the reality we live in. What the government’s media propaganda does not say a single word about, is what does not exist. They show how criminals kill each other, for criminals to just kill each other. When people are exposed to government abuses committed by police, then the film industry presents it as if it is about some police officers who are corrupt, while they present other police officers as heroes which means that government is also a hero with high morals and fair treatment of civilians. That’s
a lie. Why does not the film industry make a film about how all the cops kill people for government through deadly electric shock through Taser, which leads people medication with medications that psychiatric care gives people as pain relief that actually damages people’s health to death and it ends with locking people up in mental hospital due to electrical damage, where government executes the death penalty through ECT shocks on the same people that police have shot with Taser. Why do they not make films about how people are tricked into suicide by 9-volt electrical appliances. Why do they not create films about all the Holocaust systems implemented in state systems, which I have already talked about. They do not do it because they are the power of the world and the rich elite, which influences the behavior and actions of ordinary people on the whole planet, by changing the perception of people’s image of the world we live in, so that people will be deceived in death in one way or another. In any case, the film industry around the world advertises various Holocaust systems that the governments of the world use to murder their own people while claiming care, technological advances, research and so on. I tell you ordinary people on this planet, film actors deliberately participate consciously in helping the governments of the world, murder their own people adults, young people and children. They are good at smiling. They are popular and thanks to this they have a great media influence on the world’s civilian population and people love them. But they are murderers, who have absolutely no morals in them. Film directors create films with the intention of killing adults, young people and children around the world. They deceive people in death to the world governments through deadly film media propaganda and they do so without any conscience and without any guilt, that people die because of their media Film advertising propaganda of electric annihilation and other annihilation systems in state systems, as they imagine for people as something harmless. Film actors know exactly that they are involved in advertising that will lead the world’s civilian population to death both adults, young people and children and they do so without any conscience and without any guilt, because it is about us ordinary people who are to be murdered by default. All the world’s politicians each murder their own people by default and the film industry is only the world’s power and the rich elite’s tool that manipulates the world’s civilian population to death. So, it’s nothing personal. I recommend you, if you ordinary people can get close to the film directors and film actors, give them a harmless electric shock with the harmless Stun Gun, so that they can feel what it is like to be murdered by electric destruction. A number of years ago, The Pirate Bay file sharing creator, guys who have built the site, have been sentenced to prison and multimillion dollars in damages, due to the fact that the film industry in the United States has accused them of file sharing of copyrighted material of their films. The film industry has said that if people are to share movies with each other for free, then they will not be able to create new movies. I loved movies and that was the only thing that made my life a little more beautiful. I thought that what they are doing is wrong, because then there will be no more movies. But now, as dying because of the advertising on electric destruction and the advertising on electric destruction that they stimulate American white adults, young people, and children and thus all the other races in America and ordinary people around the world, I now think that they deserve to their films would be shared on an industrial scale, as they lead children, young people, and adults around the world to death on an industrial scale. The sooner they shut down the dead advertising industry shit of their Film media propaganda, the less people around the world will be fooled to death. Film Quo Vadis Aida also talks about genocide in Srebrenica which is perfectly OK, and I will be happy to watch that film. All that’s OK. They talk about genocide in Srebrenica, but they do not say a single word about women from Srebrenica being deceived into death by electric destruction. When it comes to genocide in Srebrenica, then their suffering is told in Film and in the media, while if they are deceived in electrical damage, then it is silent in the media and in that film about their ongoing death. If they are deceived in electrical damage, then they are directly mentally ill. Then they get to talk to Bosnjak’s killer psychiatrist and psychologist about their electrical injuries, which are nothing but genocide that Bosnjak’s power and rich elite commit on their own people. I do not see in them actor. I
see in the film media propaganda killers, who have no morals and conscience, because they also keep quiet about the electric genocide that is now being committed Bosnjak people through state systems. Other positive personality symbols for us Bosniaks are Senad Hadzifejzovic, Angelina Jolie who was a recent guest on his Face TV and Christiane Amanpour who was a guest on his TV via live video. I do not hate them but, Senad Hadzifejzovic says that he talks about everything, that he reveals the truth to people and that he criticizes all politicians. He reveals everything. He talks about everything, but he just does not talk about that ordinary Bosniak together with Serbs and Croats people, murdered by state systems, just as the entire civilian population of the world is murdered by each its own government through state systems. For him, the purchase of a garbage respirator that has led people to death is a government crime, while the death of people that is enforced and induced through pain and nerve clinic with Neurography and in psychiatry through ECT shock, is not a crime. For him electric death trojans of 9 volts do not even exist, while the world power and rich elite fish the world civilian population through the electric 9-volt death trojans into psychiatry and people always die at the end, due to electrical damage and this information is not worthy of him to mention a word about this in his allegedly independent media, which is not independent at all. People have been convinced through media propaganda throughout their lives, that it is mentally ill people who have probably been born as mentally ill, who are locked up in psychiatry so that they get the help they need for their mental illness. It is said to be lunatics and criminals who are locked up in there. It is alleged that there are criminals, people without morals and violent individuals who get side effects due to the care they have received, who appear to have been slightly injured, but it is presented to the population as being about transient symptoms of injuries, while in fact the death penalty has been carried out on those people under the claim of care. But 9-volt devices are sold to the entire population and anyone who is deceived in that fraud will die. All innocent people who have been tricked into electrical damage by the 9-volt Trojan devices will also be executed by Bosnjak Psychiatry with ECT shocks. He does not say a single word about it. He reveals everything about politics to his own people as an independent media journalist, while he does not reveal to his own Bosnian ordinary people, how they and their children are murdered through state systems and media like him, who keeps quiet about invisible genocide. Bosnjaker committed by Bosnjak power and rich elite. The same template is used by the power of the whole world and the rich elite. When people distrust politicians, then state systems have different protection barriers to deceive people into the false image of society. When people distrust politicians, then there are such journalists who claim that they are independent media and when he as a journalist claim in front of TV cameras that he reveals everything about all politicians, then people believe in him, and this is where ordinary people get deadly daggers in the back of power and rich elite. When people think that independent media journalist reveals about all the bad things in society, then people do not expect the death of their own power and rich elite. As you can see, he reveals everything, but he just does not reveal that people are murdered through state systems completely legally. He has never uttered a single word that even in Bosnia people are being killed by electrical appliances of 9 volts and other electrical destruction. He will never say a single word about how the care, together with the psychiatric care, kills Bosnjak’s civilian population through the electric annihilation, under claim of care. He will never warn people about harmful medications for alleged mental illness, which will eventually lead Bosniaks to ruined physical and mental health which in turn leads people closer to death. He has never uttered a single word and he will never warn his people of what I am warning all ordinary people on this planet. There is no difference between him as a journalist and Serbian, Croatian and all the world journalists. All of them together incite people because of religion, race and so on, while none of them utter a single word that people are murdered together with their children quite legally in peacetime through state systems. He is just another cog in the world’s power and the rich elite’s annihilation of civilian population worldwide. Even when media around the world claim to be independent media, they are lying. The independent media also talk the
same thing as other existing mainstream media propaganda, without them ever revealing a single thing that I have told you about. I’m the only independent media information source who speaks the truth and I have no chance against the world’s mainstream media propaganda, because I’m just an ordinary person and I’m a complete amateur. So, I have no chance against them. I have told everything because of crimes that the world power and the rich elite have exposed me to. It’s death that has driven this blog out of me by force. In the beginning when pain due to electrical damage occurred to me, then I thought that Angelina Jolie is a good person with a good heart. I thought, she would surely reveal the electric holocaust to people all over the world. She would save people from death. She would not and she will never do that, because reality is not what we ordinary people think it is. The same is with Christiane Amanpour. Bosnjaker thinks she cares about Bosnjaker as she has always been pro Bosnjak if I’m not wrong now. It is the greatest self-deception that we ordinary people can believe. All three are poisonous black widows, who keep quiet about ongoing massacres of the world’s civilians. It is with media silence that the genocide is committed. It is only thanks to this media silence, the crime against humanity is possible. Deep down in their souls, they are murderers without any morals or conscience. For the ordinary lives of ordinary people, has no value. Even they are just one part of the world power and rich elite, leading people to destruction and death. They are neither better nor worse than any other world existing mainstream media propaganda machine. The same thing is with the population of Serbian, Croatian and all other world countries media idol symbols. They too have their media propaganda idols and symbols, which they believe in and that they want everything well for them and their children. They too believe in their media which fills them with nationalism, but never utter a word that they are murdered by the electric annihilation and by all other annihilation systems as we are all deceived and murdered together. Who is your enemy? Is it me who is telling you the truth, or is it your power and rich elite who keep quiet about the genocide committed on you, by your own political leadership and your rich elite who keep quiet about it? The same is with CNN, Sky News, Euro news, BBC News, and others. All of them hide the genocide by never saying a word about it and all of them lead their American white and other civilian population ordinary people to death, while the same American population believes that their lives are worth something because they are white. No, your life is not worth anything and I am the one who saves your life by telling you the truth that the power of the world and the rich elite keep quiet about. Even Jews, Jewish power, and the rich elite murder their Jews. Not only with the Holocaust they have gone through, but Jews are also murdered adults, young people and children by Jewish power and the rich elite. Palestine, also Palestinian civilian population adults, young people and children are murdered by Palestinian power and rich elite through electric destruction and other Holocaust systems. To make the irony even worse, adult, young and child ethnic purebred blonde Germans are murdered by German power and the rich elite through the electric Holocaust and other Holocaust systems. Those who go on the fraud electric destruction, it seems that the power of the world and the rich elite think that people have deserved it. Al Jazeera completely deceives the entire Muslim common people adults, young people and children in the Middle East into death, both Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims through the Electric Holocaust and other Holocaust systems, by never uttering a single word about the genocide committed by Muslim political power and rich elite their population through the electric Holocaust and other Holocaust systems implemented in state systems, by just their Muslims. RT commits the same genocide first on its ethnic blonde Russian population adults, young people and children by never uttering a single word that Russian ordinary civilian population adults, young people and children, are murdered by the electric Holocaust and other Holocaust systems implemented in state systems, China commit the same thing on their own population adults, young people and children and so on country after country they all participate together in this genocide on each their own civilian population adults, young people and children. The same thing is being done to Africa’s population of power and rich elites throughout Africa and that genocide will never end. All those who are public figures all
over the planet that we see and that we have seen through our lives on TV, heard on the Radio and read through all the available information sources on the internet, just keep quiet about the ongoing massacres, while there are just those who babbling and talking shit, where they play morality as if they had been Mother Teresa herself. Do not talk about morality. There is not a single person on this planet from the power of the world and the rich elite who has any morals. Here in Sweden, I have voted for Stefan Löfven while in Bosnia in the beginning I have been politically positive in the beginning for Haris Silajdzic and later for Fahrudin Radoncic. There it is the same thing. They are all identical with Sweden Democrats here in Sweden and as individuals in their pure soul, they are as good as Jimmie Åkesson. I can also say one thing to you voters of Sweden Democrats. In addition to that he wants to stop immigration and possibly expel all immigrants, what does he give you more than this? You walk in the minefield of death traps in society, which I have stepped on and about this you will never hear a word about from Sweden Democrats and Jimmie Åkesson. Jimmie Åkesson, together with every single existing political party in the Swedish Parliament, also kills all of you Swedes and all of us immigrants through electric annihilation and other annihilation systems implemented in state systems, as something harmless. You will benefit more from my testimony than you will ever have from his political program. I just want to say that all politicians together are cold-blooded killers and that there is no us and them. It is about power and the rich elite who murder us ordinary people on the whole planet and they also murder our children. There is no We as People. The power of the world and the rich elite are and always have been humanity, without us ordinary people, no matter what race and religion we ordinary people may belong to. The world power and the rich elite are constantly talking about criminals, right-wing extremists, and terrorists, who pose a threat to the security of us all ordinary people. Ordinary people, criminals, right-wing extremists, and terrorists can be a danger to world power and the rich elite. Muslim terrorists. How can you call them Muslim terrorists, while you have bombed the whole of the Middle East and leveled it to the ground? Every war in the Middle East you have started through lies, that they are supposed to have weapons of mass destruction and now that they have come as refugees because you have leveled their lands, they are a burden to you now. I have said in previous blog posts that Anders Behring Breivik is a hero to me and he is and will always remain a hero to me. At first, I hated him because of the terrible crime he committed, until I was subjected to even worse crimes by the governments of the world and the rich elite. Before I was hurt, I believed in the false image of the world, but now as a victim I have realized the truth that the world power and rich elite is the greatest evil on this planet from the first day civil society was created and until now and they will continue to be the greatest evil on this planet in the future as well. It took me a number of years before I realized the whole truth but now, I see the truth clearly. He is a hero who has beaten exactly the middle of the snake nest on power and the rich elite. If what he has committed are massacres, while the massacres I have been subjected to are not even crimes, what is it then that someone expects me to think again? The world power and rich elite massacre civilian population so openly. What would you ordinary people do to me, if I had sold over the internet a food product that I top with radioactive waste and sell to you claiming that your health will be improved, that you will be cured of diseases. When you have bought and taken my product in your body, then you immediately experience damage to your body. After that your body dies and you suffer in agony to death. You police report me, but the police tell you that there is no evidence. You go to the care to get evidence and the care sends you to the pain and nerve clinic where they give you more of my radioactive product under false claims, so that injuries to your body can be proven. If you contact the media, then they tell you that they unfortunately can not help you with this, because it is not appropriate to publish in the media. If you start accusing the care that they are committing the crime together with me, then they report you to the police and psychiatric care claiming that you have been restless, confused, delusional, psychotic and that you are a danger to yourself and your surroundings. Then they say that you are in great need of closed psychiatric care. When they have locked you in a mental hospital, if you had still
trusted the government in this matter, then they would first have tried to convince you that you should take my product in a dose of a thousand times stronger radioactive waste, or they will impose it on you , claiming that you are not clear in your mental senses so that you can make your own decisions, which means according to the power of the world and the rich elite that you have suddenly become mentally handicapped and that it is they who make decisions for you and their decisions are that you should receive the radioactive waste in a thousand times stronger dose over and over again, until there is no life in your body. That your body has been damaged infinitely many times over again in psychiatry with the radioactive waste, they explain away by saying that it is about transient side effects, so that the rest of the population who have not yet fallen into that death trap, will be calmed down, so that they do not should see it as massacres of civilians under the claim of care for depression. Then you die locked up in there and the murder of you explains them away, claiming that the government has given you care for acute depression. I just want to explain to you ordinary people on this planet about the unimaginable irony of the world’s power and rich elite killing us all ordinary people and they have murdered us in this way for the last 80 to 100 years and maybe even longer. The world power and the rich elite want us to follow their laws, while they themselves do not follow the same laws. They are literally abusing us ordinary people around the clock, year after year and when they commit the crime that is massacring civilians, genocide then it is not even a crime. The power of the world and the rich elite together have exposed me personally to that crime and that is what ordinary people laugh at as it has not happened to them yet. I have believed that the governments of the world are fair, but here you see that they are mass murderers who have absolutely no morals. The governments of the world give us weapons so that we can defend them in the first place, when they have started a war, while we ordinary people must not even utter a negative word against them in peacetime when they have injured us to death. They have closed all doors so that every sign of our resistance will be classified as a crime. We will follow government laws as long as they do not harm us, but when we have been injured to death and when we are dying, then it is time for us to take up arms in our hands so that we can defend ourselves. To be murdered in war and to be murdered in peacetime by the governments of the world through state systems, happiness hurts a lot. To be murdered by the government of another country and to be murdered by one’s own government in the same way, also hurts just as much. So, how can massacres like Anders Behring Breivik has committed a terrorist attack, while massacres of hundreds of millions of people worldwide in the last 80 years by the electric Holocaust, are not even crimes. Anders Behring Breivik has committed massacres by firing, while the world power and rich elite commit and have constantly committed massacres on their own civilian populations hidden through state systems, with results that remain the same. World power and rich elite induces death on civilians who are even worse than shooting because torture and suffering to death are also included in the world power and rich elite’s massacre. The power of the world and the rich elite have committed, and they will continue to commit the massacres of their own ordinary people all the time and they commit the massacres without any conscience and without any guilt. The power of the world and the rich elite thus murder us ordinary people and our children by default, completely legally and when we are dying, then we get shock after shock at the brutality and evil intent that they commit the mass murder of us ordinary people. He has murdered his own ethnic people along with immigrants who would become future politicians. You immigrants must understand one thing, that the immigrants who belong to your people who are employed in the state system, will kill you and your children, if you are deceived in any of the deadly government scams of the Holocaust system. The governments of the world want people to believe that the world power and the rich elite care about their own people, so that people do not expect the death of their government. Thanks to this belief, people believe that all the different Holocaust systems are harmless. When you have been injured to death, it is when the world’s governments turn on turntable discs full of media propaganda lies and false image of reality, that the world power and rich elite have tricked us all ordinary people into
believing throughout our lives, where they want people to realize the truth that everything in society is just lies and that is when a new psychological torture arises, as we ordinary people never knew such a thing existed. To die, while censoring you as dying and pretending not to exist, is psychological torture and the continued destruction of your mental health and personal identity as an individual. In addition, they use your verbal outbursts as a weapon against yourself, to make your voice unbelievable and this is continued discernibility of your voice, where you demonize yourself due to physical and mental suffering in your ongoing death. Here you see that they have thought of everything, when they have been looking for ways to harm people to death, so that it will only create new ways that people are murdered and at the same time demonized at the same time. In addition, one makes oneself guilty according to the law, because of the outbreak of anger that torture suffering in one’s ongoing death provokes around the clock and the crime that the governments of the world have subjected people to through its electric destruction in the end drives out of people and creates of injured people in electrical damage the worst vengeful violent individuals. Through electric destruction, the governments of the world create violent people who are driven to the breaking point where people really want revenge, even though people before injuries were the most peaceful people on the planet. If you were not a maniac, then they make you a maniac by force, by deceiving adults, young people, and children in outright fraud in society as something harmless, while electric destruction is death itself. While you die in electrical damage, world governments through state systems do not even admit that you have been the victim of crime, and if you try to take it to court, then they just want to hurt you more and more. If you believe in government, then they will kill you by exposing you to crime over and over again under various false claims of medical examination and due to electrical damage, you will eventually be deprived of all your sanity completely, where it ends up in constant ongoing anger. outbursts full of hatred. Who are the world governments locking up in prisons and mental hospitals? They lock in violent individuals with outbursts of anger and violent behavior. Here you see that they are the ones who drive people to the violent behavior of anger by exposing people to crime. It is 9 volt electric destruction, which creates violent individuals from people and when all possible hatred and threats have been expressed, due to suffering until death by force, then they lock people in mental hospitals where they simply impose ECT shocks on over 400 volts and then they have murdered you, under the allegation of care for acute depression and under the allegation that you are in a psychotic state full of delusions, that you are alleged to have imagined that the government murders ordinary people. You are already dead due to 9-volt electrical damage. Even from the injuries, the body will begin to rot up to 8 years. Electrical damage is the limited time that people live before dying due to electrical damage. The more you are injured, the faster you die. So, while you are dying slowly, the world governments are only hurting you more and more through complete health care and government systems, while you as an injured person cannot use the laws of society to defend yourself, to take the crime you have been subjected to in court. One is literally deprived of all human rights and that is why people should realize that human rights have never existed in real life. The word human rights and freedom has been invented by the world power and rich elite out of their imagination so that the ordinary people of the world can be deceived into having it. When people think that they have been given all human rights, then they automatically have no reason to make a revolution and rebel against the power of the world and the rich elite. Here you see that when you have been deceived by the governments of the world and the rich elite in any of the Holocaust systems, then you are only on your way to your grave, while you can do nothing against the government and the rich elite. The world power and the rich elite have closed all gaps, so that we ordinary people will not be able to defend ourselves and that we will not be able to use laws to protect ourselves and that we will not be able to accuse the world governments of crimes they have exposed us to. State laws do not protect the civilian population. Laws are used by the world power and the rich elite to murder the world’s civilian ordinary population and thanks to those laws, the world governments are not guilty of murders they have committed through
state systems together with the rich elite. They have legalized massacres and massacres of the world’s civilian population. They have legalized genocide, crimes against humanity. What I want to say to all the Muslim people in the Middle East, both Sunni and Shia Muslims and to terrorists of all kinds, is that, even your own governments in your country of birth, are killing your common people in the same way. Even there you will be murdered in the same way. So, there is no us and them. Breivik has committed the massacre because of his right-wing extremist convictions, but what he does not know is that he is an ordinary person, who is murdered in the same way by various Holocaust systems implemented in the state system and through society. What right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, criminals, terrorists, and ordinary people should realize is that we are all together ordinary people, who are murdered by our own and the whole world’s power and rich elite together with our children and in the same way. All of us ordinary people on this planet, are a constant target for the power of the world and the rich elite, from the day we were born until now and we will continue to be murdered by them in the same way in the future. They kill us slowly but surely, completely unnoticed, without us ever even realizing that we are being murdered. Therefore, they can continue to murder us through government systems such as cattle slaughtering animals. Let us unite, so that you realize who the real enemy of you and all of us is, who is infinitely many times more advanced, more evil, more brutal, and more deadly than you can ever be. To me, Anders Behring Breivik, Oklahoma bombers and all other similar warriors, are the greatest heroes of the world’s common people. When it’s OK for us ordinary people to be murdered, why should it be wrong for the world’s power and rich elite to taste their own medicine, so that they can feel about how it feels to lose their loved ones. You Muslim terrorists of all kinds are also my heroes. Now you know who the real enemy is to you, your children and all of us ordinary people on this planet regardless of the race and religion we belong to. Never aim at ordinary people who are already being murdered by their power and rich elite. Our biggest enemy is our own governments and our rich elite, who commit the massacres together with the power of the whole world and the rich elite and they all together are one and the same. They commit massacres together in the same way. It is the power of the world and the rich elite that kills us legally through state systems and it is on them that we should all strike together until we have annihilated them all together. The deadliest weapons we can have been death trojan electro-stimulation devices at 9 volts or Stun Gun at 150 volts, which is more suitable because it involves 10 seconds of electric shock to induce nerve damage. After that, the enemy is dead in advance. Let’s unite together and let us give them the death that they have given us and our children through its electric destruction in the last 80 years. If you want to access your real enemy that you do not even see as your enemy, then you should start from your own country. Go to any healthcare center in your country or in the world and this is where you have your real enemy, which sends you to the place of execution that is whole complete any major hospital in your country or in the world. No matter what type of hospital care it may be, so if you have been tricked into electrical injuries by devices on 9 volts, all of them will send you on to psychiatry, nerve, and pain clinic, where you will be further executed by government criminal and genocide electric destruction. The whole care together kills ordinary people together with the police, who make people seriously mentally ill through Psychotronic weapons and who lead people in the deadly electric destruction of 9 volts. After that, you are driven to psychiatry, pain, and nerve clinic, where they execute you like an animal by fraudulent electric destruction under false claims of examination which is death itself. That is, what state systems are for something. Do not forget all the existing world media journalists, who stun you and our all ordinary people on this planet mental minds, by their government instruction which is nothing but complete lies, that all that massacre of us all ordinary people around the world, is alleged in fact, healthcare, research, technological advances, harmless products that have led us in the execution of the death penalty on us, in all the hospitals of the world where we are murdered in the end quite legally without us even being convicted in court. I have not explained the claims of care, research, technological advances. As you can see the world power and rich
elite murder ordinary people under the claim of care through Neurography, Myography which is one and the same, through ECT shocks under the claim of care against depression, through annual dental x-ray examination that induces cancer, through annual Mammography where they causes cancer on our mothers, sisters and daughters which I cannot prove but if they kill people by electric destruction then they kill people by everything else. They kill people under the pretense of care through the biologically produced weapon Coronavirus. They kill people through Covid-19 pandemic through biologically produced weapons Coronavirus, gene vaccines and Morgellons on PCR test stick, which only infects people who are to be liquidated with Morgellons parasite, which they also deny that it even exists. They kill people under the guise of care through much more than just this, but I’ve already explained it all. All that is created under the assertion of research and all that is asserted is technological progress. The production of biological weapons such as smallpox and anthrax has also been created through research and technological advances, so it is also research. They kill us through psychotronic weapons which are technological advances, they murder us through new technological advances which are 5 G mobile tower infra structure, which is nothing but surveillance infra structure, where they install psychotronic weapons on. With 5 G mobile towers, they can choose which people are to be irradiated with microwave radiation and also radioactive radiation because they also have the type of psychotronic weapon that has a single task and that is to cause cancer. They force mobile masts next to people’s homes. Such families around the world, protest on social media because they feel bad physically and mentally. Some of their family members have already got cancer and that is just the power of the world and the rich elite media silence going on, while ordinary people around the world go to the grave. In addition, all media propaganda of all existing kinds, manipulates and misleads people to love the world power and the rich elite, that people should love their own religions that are said to unite people, while in fact they lead people to death along with politicians and the rich the elite. In order for the ordinary people of the world to be able to defend themselves, ordinary people must first know who is killing all the ordinary people on this planet and I say is who is killing you and all of us together. It is the power of the world and the rich elite that murder us all. When ordinary people commit crimes, then they are judged in court, while when the world power and rich elite harm people to death, then they murder people more and more until people have died and then there will be no court when government kills ordinary people. Then it’s not even a crime. There you have your biggest killers who will come later in your life to perhaps execute your children under the claim of care. Politicians have legalized all the massacres of civilians and it is they who commit the annihilation of ordinary people. It is on politicians you should aim at and that at all who exist, because they commit genocide together by default and after the massacre they present their lies of their political program, which deceives people into believing that they have given people something. But they have given people nothing. They claim that they have given people human rights, freedom, religious and national identity, but in reality, they are killing us in secret, and they do not say a word about this. So, the only thing that all existing politicians on this planet throughout the history of mankind have given us ordinary people, is only death and nothing else. The media kills you and your children with lies. The police murder you and your children through torture with psychotronic weapons and pure executions on the street. Schools kill your children, through deprived information about electric destruction, so that your children can be tricked into certain death later in life. The Turkish president also introduces himself to his people as a religious holy man, while in the first video about psychiatry they say that the Turkish government has punished a girl with ECT shock. This is not a punishment. It is the execution of the death penalty on a child. That child will die in just a few years because her body is in the process of decaying, and this applies to all of us who have been injured by the electric destruction on this planet. There you see how much life of a child from the common people, means for power and rich elite. If you are here in Sweden, well I have already mentioned your killers and where to find them. The same applies to Sweden and to the whole world. That political
coup in the United States, where white civilians have stormed the US Congress, is a historic event for America. It is important and historic for the whole world. In this way, the power of the world and the rich elite should not only be overthrown, but they should be lynched to death by the electric destruction of their own people and the revolt of that people should explode in an epidemic all over the world, ending in revolt of the people all over the planet. because they all together still murder their own civilian population and moreover, they together murder the entire civilian population of the world in the same way, while at the same time lying to each their civilian population, that they care about their own people and their children. You white Americans who have stormed Congress, have been right all the way up to 50%. What I think you’re wrong about is that you think Donald Trump cares about you. You are incited by racism and the delusion that you have greater human rights than other races in America. But you do not have that. You and your children are also murdered through the electric Holocaust and other Holocaust methods that are well hidden in the state system. I’m sorry to say, but Donald Trump and Joe Biden are killing the entire American people, regardless of race or religion, by default. After the mass murder of White Americans and Other Races, they come out with their political programs, in which they deceive the entire American people into believing that they have given something to the people and all the other existing world governments each deceive their own people into believing that they have given something to his people. No matter who you vote for, you have lost in advance. This applies to the entire planet. You protesters have stormed Congress and they at the forefront of the demonstration colon have been accused by Republicans that they are supposed to be infiltrators, who are not even Republicans, that they are supposed to be violent street hooligans, criminals and so on. Thus, they have been sacrificed by Republican politicians and now they are awaiting a long prison sentence. Donald Trump does not care about you, while Joe Biden does not care about democratic voters in real life. What are you going to do with Donald Trump, when you are murdered on an industrial scale through state systems with various Holocaust methods, which are nothing but genocide and crimes against humanity, where people have never had human rights, democracy, and freedom in their lives? All that is a lie in real life. You should storm Congress and the White House because they all together kill you all and, in this way, the entire civilian population of the world should overthrow, lynch and annihilate each their power and rich elite, because they too are murdered by all the different political parties in each their own parliament. In addition, they should all together also be lynched to death through Stun Gun, out on the street. We should hunt them all as rabbits one by one, both male monkeys from the power and rich elite and women with sticky vaginas, from the power and rich elite because they kill us all together and they also murder our children, and it is perfectly legal. The fact that you have given electric shock to police officers and that you have shot police officers in Congress, is something wonderful and very good and beautiful. This is exactly what the police deserve because they have murdered people all the time with Tasers, no matter what race or religion people may belong to. While politicians fled, they have been filmed and it has been shown to the whole world through the media, so that everyone can see how they were in danger of death. First of all, I think it was filmed long before and I think they were not even in Congress when protesters approached Congress. There we saw all the Democrats along with Republicans how they escape with nuclear codes. So, all the politicians in the world should flee from their own people, when people have realized the real truth that ordinary people are murdered together with their children quite legally by the same own politicians. All of them together should flee from people’s bullying and lynching. But there should not be a rat hole, where they can hide from people’s anger, rebellion, and the people’s revolution, which we ordinary people can start on just and justified grounds, because they kill us all. They all together should also be lynched, so that they get the punishment they have deserved in the last 100 years, because of the genocide they have committed on all of us ordinary people. The fact that the Republican and Democratic politicians together have fled from the mob with nuclear weapons codes, is a wonderfully suggestive message that they can go to hell with their nuclear weapons codes,
because those codes will still have the whole of humanity annihilated in the end. Nuclear war will be mass destruction and mass self-destruction. If they kill people legally on an industrial scale through government systems, then they are all together stupid enough in their heads that they should also start a nuclear war and it is only a question of when they will start it. So, you are absolutely right that you have stormed Congress, but you do not see the whole truth and the truth is that even Donald Trump, kills you ordinary white Americans on an industrial scale through state systems. He does not care about you. He only cares about your ballot papers so that he will rule over you. The same applies to all existing politicians on this planet because all of them are one and the same Thing. I feel sorry for the protesters who will go to jail. This I’m saying is extreme, but if you were to just feel the agony I feel while I’m dying and then you would understand that many millions of innocent white Americans are murdered every year, because of the electric annihilation, thanks only to the power and rich elite who have tricked them into death. Everything I have told you, I also say to innocent Russian ordinary people, because they too are murdered in the same way and even worse, because there they do not even have the right to speak freely. I say the same thing to Chinese innocent people. I say the same thing to the innocent people of Saudi Arabia and Iran. I say the same thing to the innocent people of the whole world. I also have something to say to you all criminals on this planet regardless of race and religion and regardless of which country you live in. All the world’s existing killers who are ordinary people, all the world’s existing drug cartels who are ordinary people, all the world’s existing rapists who are ordinary people, all the world’s less criminal, more criminal, all the world’s existing terrorists who are ordinary people, all the world’s existing right-wing extremists who are ordinary people, I love you all with all my heart, because now I also choose to become a criminal. I’m not judging you for anything. I will never stand in your way. I’m not your enemy, I’m your best friend you’ve ever had in your life. Instead of shooting at each other and instead of aiming at ordinary people who are just walking down the street next to you, here I have explained who your real enemy is and who is going to kill your children and that is perfectly legal. It is the world power and the rich elite and the biggest killers are politicians, journalists who lie to you and all of us, the police with their Psychotronic weapons who lead people to commit murder or suicide and also carry out the death penalty on people with Taser. In addition to this, they shoot people to death out on the street with a gun, with explanation that people have given violent resistance that can be a pure lie, for the power of the whole world and the rich elite are lying to the civilian population of the world by default. But the biggest factory or industry of death is the whole complete public care which together with psychiatric care massacres the whole world civilians’ ordinary people on an industrial scale and all that massacre they call care, so that they themselves, government, and the rich elite, should not be guilty of mass murder. psychiatrists and psychologists together with all care kill you and your children and all of us together no matter what race and religion we may belong to completely legally. They will murder your children at a later time through deadly scams that involve tricking your children into death. Aim for them instead and always choose one of them instead of ordinary people and each other. That way, you will not become a monster in the eyes of ordinary people. Instead, you will become heroes for all ordinary people around the world. I think all the criminals in the world, right-wing extremists, Muslim terrorists, and all similar heroes, should be united in the ordinary peoples of a giant world army. I too want to do the same now, considering that the power of the world and the rich elite have executed the death penalty on me. You should keep your identity as a gang, but it would be good for you to realize that you are not an enemy of each other. If someone does not like what I have written, and who may have misunderstood everything I have written, then you can kill me. I’m easy to kill. I’m dying no matter what. In addition, the entire police force on this planet, manipulates and influences criminals to kill each other, through psychology’s unnoticed manipulation by Psychotronic weapons, while me, the police have manipulated by Psychotronic weapons in death by electric destruction. Because they have driven me insane and that through psychological torture, they have driven me into electrical damage, now electrical damage has
driven them all words out of me by force. Swedish government through the police for over 20 years through torture in all possible ways, has forced me to possibly be murdered now because of this blog post, which they have forced out of me due to suffering in my ongoing death. There are always people who will misunderstand my words and who may instead mistakenly see in me an enemy, which I am not and have never been. I’m an ordinary person and I’m just talking to ordinary people on this planet and I’m just telling the truth and nothing but the truth. It is as it is. I cannot change that truth about the power of the world and the rich elite to suit people. That is what the power of the world and the rich elite do to us ordinary people and it is they who have shaped it in such a way. Swedish government has made me a walking target that will be shot to death. This is how world governments murder ordinary civilians. They drive people through torture and psychological warfare that people should kill someone, that people should be murdered, that people should commit suicide and that people should die due to bodily injuries, as the government has tricked people through deadly frauds in state systems and society as a whole. All this has the world power and rich elite together with the Swedish government caused to me through its media propaganda, through the police, through health care, through media propaganda deception, lies and genocide through the electric destruction. If you want to kill me, then kill me, but I am your best friend you have ever had and I am the one who saves the lives of you and your children, by telling you the truth. The power of the world and the rich elite lower the world’s population and that population is we ordinary people. In targeted individuals around the world, I see one and the same thing that is repeated over and over again. When targeted individuals say something against the government, regardless of which state institution it may be, they are sent to psychiatry and there they are diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Then they talk about the diagnosis they have received on their Facebook profile, where they fight like hell to explain to people that they have no Schizophrenia and that it was a false diagnosis. Of course, it is a false diagnosis. Worldwide Psychiatry is a fraud care institution. It seems that there is not a single person on this planet who has realized this truth, as I have written through this blog. Regardless of which annihilation system of government you as an ordinary person are exposed to, by each one of your governments and the rich elite, psychiatry exists precisely for that reason to classify you as mentally ill. Psychiatry is created by the world power and the rich elite, so that crimes committed by the world power and the rich elite on their civilian population can be explained away by claiming that people are mentally ill and then the government will not be guilty of murdering its civilian population. Then crimes committed by the government on the civilian population do not become a crime, thanks to false explanations of their crimes committed while claiming care for depression. People are also murdered under the guise of healthcare, research, technological advances and so on. But when people accuse the government of state abuse, then people are sent by public care to psychiatry, so that psychiatry will give people a diagnosis of mental illness. Government attack on civilian population and demonization of ordinary people, is the best defense. You should not even go to psychiatry. You should not even try to prove that the government has subjected you to abuse and deadly violence, because it is impossible to prove. Government is a criminal system, which is built in such a way that they murder ordinary people, and they are always right, while ordinary people cannot prove that murder of them is even a crime. That’s why psychiatry exists and that’s why people are diagnosed with Schizophrenia, so that people cannot prove that they have been subjected to government lethal abuse after abuse, which ends in their death at the end. This is why ordinary people are always wrong. Even if people are murdered, ordinary people will always be wrong. Instead, tell the psychiatrist and psychologist who diagnosed you with Schizophrenia that you will wipe your ass with their diagnosis. When you get home, then you should nicely wipe your ass with the diagnosis that power and the rich elite have given you through Psychiatry and then you should pack the diagnosis in a registered letter, which you should send back to the psychiatrist or psychologist who has given you that diagnosis, so that he sees that you know who and what they are for something. Show them that you have realized their real reason for their existence as a state
fraud care institution. Show them that you have realized the truth that psychiatry is a modern extermination camp for the annihilation and massacre of the world’s civilian population worldwide, under the guise of care, so that psychiatry and the world’s power and rich elite will never be guilty of mass murder of their own civilians. We all ordinary people on this planet must be united, but in a different way, than the one the world’s civilian population is brainwashed to believe in. If you have gone to psychiatry, then you will also receive lethal medications that will destroy your mental and physical health in the long run. All that government’s theatrical performance is just a continuation of the destruction of you as individuals. World governments do not intend to torture you with psychotronic weapons. Their intention is that you will eventually kill someone so that they can lock you permanently in captivity, that you will commit suicide due to that torture and that you will die due to artificially induced bodily injuries and bodily defects later in life. So, there is a beginning, when you realize that you are exposed to Psychotronic weapons, and the end of that path is your death. Depending on how many people are destroyed, people write on social media statements about their suffering that reflect the physical and mental mood they are in at the moment. In the beginning people write such positive phrases as for example, you can never destroy me so much how much God can bless me and then when people are completely destroyed, then they write that they are dying, just like me. Then there are no positive phrases anymore. People believe that God will help them against torture through psychotronic weapons. God exists only for people who are healthy and who are not injured to death. Only as healthy and unharmed can people believe in God, and that people’s faith is just a deception that tricks them into giving a false sense of security, so that they do not see the danger to life that the world power and rich elite pose for their lives, which will lead them slowly in death through any of the all annihilation systems in state systems that are the real worst hidden massacres of the world’s civilian population that the world’s power and rich elite keep quiet about. Their faith in God, serves only the purpose that they should have their defense guard lowered, so that they do not expect death from the fictional positive false image of power and the rich elite. Purpose is to deceive people into death. All those who talk about God and religion on Facebook among targeted individuals, in fact, are government employee’s internet troll. Religion and God have no place among people who are murdered by psychotronic weapons. Those who come in among targeted individuals with religion phrases and belief in God, only mislead the same people and they deceive people who are tortured to death in that they should divert their attention to religion and the faith of God, that they may think of God but that they should not explore if there are more deadly traps, which the world government has laid out in society for people. All kinds of media propaganda of all kinds as people have seen throughout their lives, mislead people so that people around the world will not know about this that I have written about, so that even they can be deceived in electrical damage and other Holocaust systems, that they should not see new death traps in state systems that are infinitely many times more deadly than psychotronic weapons. Even people who are brainwashed by religion say the same thing. Who the hell cares if you believe in your God? You believe that you hold in your mind the most valuable knowledge on the entire planet. But you do not have that. You are just a brainwashed individual, and your religiosity will never help you, if you have been murdered and sentenced to death by the power of the world and the rich elite through any of the Holocaust systems implemented in state systems. Listening to religious people who belong to different religions is like listening to one and the same individual. I will never enter into a discussion with you about religion, but I want you to know that your religion will take the lives of you and perhaps even your children later in life. We ordinary people can only save each other’s lives, by telling the truth and sharing that information with each other and the best place is Facebook. That Julian Assange has exposed war crimes by power and the rich elite in the United States is just a good thing and all war crimes by the world power and the rich elite should be exposed. Remember that that war crime has not been committed by American common people, Russian common people, Sunni Muslim common people, Shia Muslim
common people and the same goes for all countries on this planet. Ordinary people all over the planet have no power in their hands. Instead, ordinary people are murdered by the same power and rich elite without people becoming aware of this. For Julian Assange, there are people who care, while when we ordinary people end up in such prisons, then I promise you that no one will lift a finger for us. None of the media and journalists on this planet care about us ordinary people because our lives have no value. We have been murdered by the power of the world and the rich elite throughout the history of all mankind by default. We are branded by the world power and the rich elite with demonizing words criminal or mentally ill and then our voice is no longer credible. In this way, the governments of the world convince the rest of the population that government and the rich elite are just Mother Teresa, while people locked up in prison and mental hospitals are the evil itself. But no one sees the influence of the media throughout their people’s lives and on something infinitely more harmful, which is unnoticed police psychological warfare against civilians at miles away in people’s homes by psychotronic weapons. We ordinary people who are locked up are murdered in there through continued psychological torture, which involves stressing people to the point that people hurt themselves. In order for people’s mental psyche to be destroyed, the body must first be damaged to death, and this evokes the power of the world and the rich elite always on people who believe they are living in freedom and on people who are locked up in prison and mental hospitals. When people have injured themselves and when people have tried to commit suicide, then the government has managed to drive people from prison to their modern executioner, which is the place of execution psychiatry. Then psychiatry explains people as a danger to themselves and that they are not clear in their mental minds so that they can make their own decisions and then psychiatry decides in the name of these people. Psychiatry imposes on people the execution of the death penalty through ECT shocks and then the death penalty is executed on them. In the same way, the power of the world and the rich elite drive people who commit no crime who allegedly live-in freedom with alleged human rights. It is all the physical and mental care that the governments of the world give to people through care. People are murdered in captivity and people are murdered in allegedly free society and when we ordinary people die, no media on this planet will utter our names in the media. Even Mike Yeadon and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi talks about coronavirus gene vaccines harming people, but they do not say a single word that Morgellon’s parasitic disease exists, that the whole of general public care, together with psychiatric care, kills the world’s civilian population by electric destruction, even though they know it is so. Even for them, it is OK that people who are allegedly criminals and people who have committed crimes should be punished with the death penalty. They talk about deadly Corona vaccines because their own family is a target of world power and the rich elite now. But anyway, at least they’re talking about something at all, while I’m telling you the whole truth, which they are not talking about. Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. John Hall also speak out and expose government torture of the American people through psychotronic weapons. Robert Duncan presents himself to the American people as whistleblowers who allegedly expose the US government’s abuse and torture of targeted individuals in the US through psychotronic weapons, claiming that it is about government tests psychotronic weapons on American common people against people’s will. It’s torture to death. Both Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. John Hall lie to targeted individuals and they both lie to the entire American people and the rest of the world. Robert Duncan is lying when he says that it is about thousands of people who are being tortured by psychotronic weapons around the world. The ordinary people of the whole world are targeted individuals, because the governments of the world are able to affect and influence people unnoticed with Psychotronic weapons, without people becoming aware of it. It is the police of the world who raise all the children of the ordinary people of the world. Rather, they poison the mental senses of children and adolescents with suggestive toxic and harmful messages for twenty years, from the day the child is born until adulthood, so that children will make wrong decisions in life that will lead them to disaster decisions in life which in the end leads them to death. It is only about children that the government wants to liquidate. Dr. Robert Duncan
says that (HA, HA, HA, HA) when people tell psychiatrists that they hear voices that government injects into their heads with V2K Psychotropic Weapons, then Psychiatry knows nothing about Psychotronic Weapons and therefore gives psychiatrists to such people diagnoses Schizophrenia. In addition, he says that psychiatry should be trained in the knowledge of psychotronic weapons and that is what reveals him as a liar and as a government-employed internet troll, who will further mislead the American people and other peoples on this planet in the false image of reality. The police make people mentally ill with psychotronic weapons and it is the police who drive people to psychiatry, where psychiatry even carries out the death penalty on the same people. Robert Duncan protects this information that I’m talking to you all about, so that people will not know that the governments of the world are killing people by electric destruction. This is what he protects. He does not reveal the existence of Psychotronic weapons. He advertises Psychotronic weapons to the world governments, so that the world’s civilian population will know that those weapons exist, while at the same time the world governments do not acknowledge the existence of Psychotronic weapons in mainstream media. People should know that those weapons exist for a single reason and that reason is to instill fear in people, so that people themselves are not exposed to those weapons, which in turn means that people should not dare to resist the power of the world and the rich elite. Majority of the world’s civilian ordinary people are deeply brainwashed, because they are healthy and not physically injured yet and they only watch mainstream media brainwashing media propaganda, and they believe in every single word that media lies about everything in society to 100%. When people have been injured to death, it is only then that people begin to question everything that they have been misled by the media in their entire lives. This is when people get to know about Psychotronic Weapons and then the US government has given people such alleged whistleblowers as DR Robert Duncan, Dr John Hall and the army of other similar government employees internet trolls, who talk to people about their research on Psychotronic Weapons. All of them together are the psychological weapons of the world governments that are part of the world power and rich elite. All of them together mislead people and direct people’s attention only to Psychotronic weapons, while they trick people into seeing the execution of the death penalty ECT shocks such as (Electro Compulsive Therapy) which are suggestively linked to care. World governments are killing babies from 0 to 5 through ECT shocks in psychiatry, so we ordinary people adults and young people cannot expect anything better. Dr. John Hall also lies and at the same time presents the execution of the death penalty in psychiatry as something harmless when he says in a video that I have seen that, Psychiatry splits people’s personality with (Electro compulsive therapy). Just listen to the idiot what the idiot is saying! With that, he camouflages the real reason of psychiatry for the existence of psychiatry. He explains the execution of the death penalty by lethal ECT shock for harmless therapy. Again, Therapy is suggestively linked to care and then it means that it does not harm people, while in real life, it is the execution of the death penalty. Both of them are employed government internet trolls and it is I who tell you the whole truth and no one else. Psychotronic weapons lead the world’s civilian population adults, young people, and children in death, but children are extremely vulnerable because they have absolutely no knowledge of society and life. Here is an example of how white American families are led into lives that end in disaster due to the power of the world and the rich elite who manipulate entire families with Psychotronic weapons. An example I have seen is this documentary video (Beware the Slenderman). It’s about three girls. One of them has begun to believe that Slenderman exists and who wants to kill her family if she does not kill or sacrifice a girl’s life. She persuaded her friend to kill the third girl together, which she eventually did by stabbing the girl with a knife. But thankfully, that girl has survived. American Mother Teresa’s court has locked her up in captivity and as far as I can remember they want to sentence her as an adult, even though she committed the crime as a minor. What she has done is, of course, horrible, but no one sees that government crime is behind the assassination attempt, which of course cannot be proven because psychotronic weapons do not exist in public in the world
governments’ mainstream media propaganda. American mainstream media presents the stabbed girl as a victim as she is, while the other two girls as criminal perpetrators. In reality, all three girls are victims of a criminal executioner called a government. The girl who will be convicted as an adult has a father who is alleged to have Schizophrenia. When I look at that family, I feel the fear in that family of government as authority. I’m sure her father is exposed to V2K injected voices in the head for many years. This is what I mean when I say that when a parent is abused by the government, then they also kill parents’ children. The girl’s life is over if she is to be locked up for most of her life. In addition, the whole family’s life is ended due to grief and loss of their imprisoned family member. The governments of the world do not care about adults, young people, or children. They kill everyone without mercy. Look at how the Swedish government through the police with V2K injected voices in my head has led me to death now for over 20 years. If Swedish police can regularly come every night in my dreams for over 20 years, then even the US government can come in that girl’s dreams. The US government cannot convince her father that Slenderman exists, but they can convince that girl. The governments of the world go in a whole family, and they search like parasites for vulnerable targets. To me Swedish police only talk normally and that is the least kind of psychological torture. But even this has led me to death. When you hear normal words, then it does not arouse fear. I’m convinced that they have let that girl hear the sounds of that movie Slenderman in that girl’s dreams and in that way that girl has started to believe that Slenderman really does exist in real life. In addition, they have probably injected suggestive messages with Slenderman’s demon Film voice. If you hear sounds injected through V2K Psychotronic Weapons, then it’s happening in reality. Those words mix with one’s own thoughts. They have injected Slenderman sounds into the girl’s mental senses a little at a time over a long period of time. The US government has witnessed plans by the girl to commit murder and it is they who have provoked the attempted murder. They do not care about any of the three girls, and such are all the governments of the world. This is how they all together manipulate the entire world’s civilian population for people to commit murder, suicide, for people to harm themselves and so on, but the ultimate goal is for people to die and for people to disappear from society and the living world. In addition, it was a white judge who has convicted the girl so that it should not be perceived as racism. But there is no white or black, no Muslim or Christian. It’s about the power of the world and the rich elite who murder us ordinary people from the beginning of civil society until now and it will continue in all future in this way, until we ordinary people realize the truth that the power of the world and the rich elite together with our religions our religious leaders and army of our religious priests no matter what religion we may belong to, we ordinary people murder and they do it together and in the same way. Everything that is given to the world’s civilian population is a tool for the world’s power and rich elite for people to be deceived and convinced in the belief that their own government cares about their people and people’s children, so that people do not realize the truth that their own government together with their own rich elite, murder the same own people and the whole families together with children by default. The governments of the world are only looking to inflict fatal injuries on people and all that they achieve through manipulation with Psychotronic weapons and laid out extermination systems in the state system. Throughout our lives, we ordinary people have been brainwashed into believing that the world power and rich elite care about ordinary people and when we have been mortally damaged by any of the Holocaust systems implemented in all the world’s state systems, where the world’s Governments are blocking us all ordinary people on this planet, from taking the crime we have been subjected to court, to not being allowed to speak in the media about the crime we have been subjected to and that they classify that crime as something that is harmless and beneficial to human body, while people always die, because of this crime. It is then that we realize how evil the power of the world and the rich elite are. While I am tortured with suffering in physical and mental pain in my ongoing death day and night, it is worst while I am awake. For each new day, I feel that one part of my body and my mental health and personal identity has died. For each new day,
I am increasingly vulnerable, abandoned, decayed, and crushed to death. There is less and less of life left in my body. I feel like I’m dying because I’m dying really slowly but surely. The new ultimate psychological torture is a realization that government has hurt me to death and government protects itself and everyone involved in the genocide of the world civilian population with the police and the country’s military forces if we ordinary people try to rebel against world power and rich elite. I can no longer watch all the lies that the world’s mainstream media brainwashes the world’s civilian population with through the so-called news of all existing countries, with criminal individuals, so-called journalists’ men and women, who are deliberate murderers who know they are leading their own people to death. All this is the crime of the world’s governments that conceals the truth that the world’s civilian population is being murdered by electric destruction that is guaranteed death itself. I tried to spread my words through Facebook because what I see is that I am blocked by the Swedish government for every step I take from telling the truth that I have been the victim of crime. In the beginning, I believed in all these American so-called whistleblowers who talk about Psychotronic weapons, and I see that all targeted individuals believe in them even now but not me. I have listened and watched most of the videos that were over an hour long and it did not take long for me to realize that there is no human being on this planet, who is truly a whistleblower who reveals the whole truth about what this alleged world civil society is really about. All of them are alleged whistleblowers who talk about Psychotronic weapons in fact hides electric destruction, which is the main tool used by the world’s governments to massacre the world’s civilian population on an industrial scale, both adults, young people, and children. While I still believed in the alleged heroes who fight government abuses against civilians through psychotronic weapons, I have seen on YouTube video of Amy Rayboun who even has lawyers who are alleged to help targeted individuals and that worldwide. I see that no one utters a single word about electric destruction while I am dying. So, I thought maybe she could make this massacre of the world’s civilian population come to the surface so that ordinary people around the world know that they will die if they come in contact with any of the electric death trojans. I sent her Facebook friend request, and she accepted my friend request for less than a minute. I do not want to write to her directly before I have written the latest blog post for what I want to say to her I write in the blog. When I finished blogging, it’s this conversation we’ve had. I assumed she was really fighting for targeted individuals.
Hi Amy Rayboun, my name is Vahid Redzic, and I am a targeted individual. You say you help targeted individuals around the world, and I can say that I need the help of anyone. You can help me by mentioning my name publicly and telling about my case in public where I have been murdered by advanced state annihilation systems. From what I see there is talk of psychotronic weapons that harm people mentally and physically from a distance, but no one utters a single word about something a hundred times worse, which causes the body’s nervous system to die. Read my blog” Vahid” and there I have described how my life now at the end has ended in death. I’m dying and I die every day more and more, physically, and mentally. Why is no one talking about electric destruction that ends in certain death. I am prevented by the Swedish state from being allowed to speak publicly in the media, about crimes to which I have been exposed. It is not only the Swedish state that commits genocide against the civilian population, but it is every single state on this planet that commits massacres of its own population.
Tue 03:14
Amy sent January 12 at 03:15
hello Vahid. how are you? yes it is TRUTH that i have helped and continue to help true TIs across the world
Amy sent January 12 at 03:15
i will be happy to help in any ways i can
Wed 20:03
You have sent Yesterday at 20:03
I am a really targeted individual. Targeted individuals are physically and mentally tortured at a distance by psynotronic weapons. Through V2K technology by the Swedish police, I have been mentally tortured, manipulated and deceived in electrical damage through electrical devices that are sold as something harmless while damage they cause to the body leads me straight to death. My whole body’s nervous system dies, and the injuries give me torture that is infinitely many times worse than what targeted individuals experience through psychotronic weapons. I am blocked by the Swedish state that I should take it to court, that I should state it in the media and that in order to prove injuries, the public health service sends me to further destruction of my body through electric current and what the investigation calls the care neurography. I know, I will be harmed while the state protects the genocide through state lies and claims that it is care. We ordinary people are injured to death by electric death trojans, while when we try to prove injuries, we are injured even more. The media only notifies us with comments, that they can unfortunately not help us with this. The only way the Swedish state allows me to talk about injuries I have received is psychiatric care and that just to lock me in. States injure people to death by electric destruction and when people complain then they lock people in mental hospitals. If you compare the suffering that targeted individuals experience with psychotronic weapons and my suffering that I have described in my blog, you see that damage that I have received from the electrical device is fatal. All states on this planet protect the electric Holocaust by never uttering a word about it. The only ones who do not participate in the genocide are ordinary people who are the target of the state criminal crime. That’s how you can help me. Talk about electric destruction of civilians, worldwide. This which I reveal is infinitely greater revealing than what Ramola reveals. Can you tell me, do you think that the crime I have been subjected to is serious or not serious enough that it should be mentioned in the media? I write a blog while I am dying and the whole world pretends that I do not exist, and it is a continuation of psychological torture through electric destruction. What do you think of all this? But read my blog first so you know what it’s about. What you can help me with is to tell people about my case or at least that there is a danger to life in all the electrical appliances that are sold just to kill people. Why does Ramola not talk about the electric destruction if she is allegedly an independent journalist as she claims she is. If you keep quiet as an alleged independent journalist after everything I have written about, then that silence reveals the real intentions of that journalist. People who begin to distrust the state are looking for alternative independent media and what such journalists do not talk about is what does not exist. Thanks that was all I had to say.
Wed 23:10
Amy has sent Yesterday at 23:10
Vahid please do only speak in reference for yourself as the” we” speaks for more than one individual. my investigative research and advocate work is based on the individual. hence if it is that your targeting encompasses to include” psynotronic” weapons then please state such plainly.
Amy has sent Yesterday at 23:16
furthermore, why do you address Ramola within your above statement? i am not investigating researching and advocating for Ramola here. in this box it is you seeking help from myself. i will reiterate i intend to help if possible.
Amy has sent Yesterday at 23:16
furthermore, it was exposed some time ago by true TIs that they utilize one’s devices appliances and vehicles to covertly murder one. this has NOT been kept silent by myself nor by any true TIs i help.
(I’ve been looking for that video and I cannot find it anywhere. How can torture of people by Psychotronic weapons be worthy of talking about, while electric trojan which has caused alleged only a single human death, which in real life is instead about at least 100 million murdered ordinary people on this planet through the world state system in the last 80 years and it is not worthy to talk about. How can she have lawyers for allegedly helping people who are being tortured with voices in their heads, while a human being has died due to electric shock and for some strange reason, the death of a human being goes so unnoticed as if it is not even important enough, while voices in the head are the end of the world).
Amy has sent Yesterday at 23:16
do you imply Ramola has kept quiet? that she has kept silent on the warfare and atrocities being committed against innocent individuals?
(I have sent friend request to the government employee internet troll Ramola D reports and she has not accepted my Facebook friend request even to this day. This is how world governments work. Ramola D reports allegedly allow people to talk about their abuse through Psychotronic Weapons and the governments of the world want such people to have somewhere the opportunity to make themselves known in public and in this way the people have made themselves publicly known and they just draw people’s attention to themselves. Then that celebrity harms the same people socially because then everyone knows that they are exposed to probably a police investigation. The world’s civilian population is brainwashed into believing that if the police investigate people for crime, then people are the worst criminals on this planet. But the world governments murder babies from 0 to 5 years through psychiatry and it is not even a crime for the world’s brainwashed civilian population. These targeted individuals may just as well be completely innocent because I suspect that murdered babies from 0 to 5 years through psychiatry, may be innocent. People who are exposed to Psychotronsika weapons are allowed to speak out in allegedly independent journalist government employee’s internet troll Ramola D reports, while when I want to tell in her program that the world’s civilian population is murdered by another Holocaust system completely legal which is electric destruction, then she does not even want to accept me as a friend. I also wrote to her a long time ago with the same explanation as to this Amy Rayboun and she has never even answered me back and I did not understand why, but now I know why. I must not reveal publicly that the world’s civilian population adults, young people and children are being murdered on an industrial scale by the world governments completely legally and this is how the world governments block people who are injured to death through the electric annihilation, from bein