A Story from My Life: Memoirs and Biography – Blog Post 21

1 To begin with, I can say that I have come to my final stage in my life because my moment of death has arrived. My body, my mental health, my personal identity as an individual no longer exist. I am only aware that I exist without anything human in me, because the Swedish government […]
How Psychiatry, Pandemics, Morgellons, Religion, and Politics Are Weaponized- Against Civil Society-Blog post 20

Blog post 20 1 I believe I have realized the whole truth about the world, and I have realized all the lies that the world power and rich elite use to murder us ordinary people with, on this planet. This is the most important and maybe the last blog post I will write, or maybe […]
Mind control and advanced surveillance society-Blog post 19

1 Books written by Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. John Hall are the first books I have found on the internet in my search for the cause of my ruined and ended lives through voice of God weapons technology V2K injected voices into my head. I have read Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and […]
The cause of death of Bruce Lee and Nikola Tesla-Blog post 18

1 Europe boasts about how humanism and democracy are nurtured and respected in Europe. Europe brags about how the death penalty has been abolished in Europe, when in reality it is not true at all. Europe has camouflaged the death penalty into something hidden and harmless. What can give a person the death penalty? It […]
Global Governments’ Role in the Oppression and torture of Citizens – Blog Post 17

1 Assange Update: Fashion Designer Vivienne Westwood stages Protest & Psychological Torture Exposed (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aSJCI-ik7Q&list=PLfA2-vx4mSXWUJERk71ZxWlH0xztjJJaD&index=2&t=0s) Torture and suffering by Julian Assange. Torture is a psychological process. It is an instrument or tool to cause pain and suffering on state target to influence him in such a way as to force him to admit crime, to punish […]
George Floyd protests: Police officers fired for excessive force in Atlanta-Blog post 16

1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kye0JquJ5A4&list=WL&index=76&t=0s) Do you know why the police use violence completely unprovoked? They provoke people so that they have the right to intervene by force. It’s not about violence where they beat people with batons and it’s not about police harassment. It’s about what no one says a word about. It’s about Taser. When they […]
Neuralink Dangers Exposed: The Risks of Elon Musk’s Brain Tech – Blog Post 15

1 Peter Breggin is right when he says that Neuralink will have negative consequences for the person who connects it to his brain. If I understand correctly, he claims that there will be some kind of chaos in the brain that is not really true. What he does not state is that the weak electrical […]
Anders Behring Breivik and terrorism-Blog post 14

1 When I think back on my life and if I have to describe it one last time in this blog, then it has gone in this order. I was born healthy and whole in body and soul, but from the beginning I was short, anorexic anemic and sickly. As a kid, I used to […]
My Visit to a Mental Hospital in Trollhättan-Clarification about on 2020-07-13 – Blog Post 13

1 In addition to everything I have told you about how bad I feel now, I can add that I generally feel physically chronically ill, in the same way as when you have a high fever and severe flu. I also feel chronically mentally ill because electrical damage destroys the psychological mental ability to think […]
Exploring the Dynamics of Revolutions – Blog Post 12

20 June, 2020 1 You can live as long as you are healthy, but when a deadly disease occurs then it is time to die, and people die in suffering like the terminally ill with cancer. That is what states talk about in the media. Humanity shares that information with the people, and everyone knows […]
Exposing Government Crime: A Must-Read Analysis – Blog Post 11

12 October 2019 1 Psychiatric care is not healthcare. Psychiatric care is the government’s annihilation system institution of civilian population adults, young people, and children, where they murder people completely legally. Psychiatric care is a death trap, ending people’s lives by throwing their lives in the dark for the rest of their lives. They lie […]
The Chernobyl accident, curator visits and lots more-Blog post 10

1 When you have injured yourself with one of the dozens of electric death devices, then the state acknowledges your injuries by giving all available, in fact ineffective pain relief medications, but when you say that you want the public health service to certify the injuries so that you can sue them in court, then […]
Beyond Criminals: Unveiling Government Influence on Society – Blog Post 9

1 The electrical damage I have is eating up my body. It also eats up my brain and mind. Every day I feel like I’m at the end of dying. It constantly feels like my time as a living has expired. There is and has never been a single human being or any living organism […]
Facing a Lethal Threat: My Personal Story – Blog Post 8

1 Everyone on this planet up there in the affluent elite is aware of the genocide that has been going on throughout human history. Everyone from top politicians in all states to every single state institution and to all the people who have media influence on crowds. All of them knew all along about the […]
Ordinary People vs. The Divine Power of the Rich Elite – Blog Post 7

1 There is nothing more dangerous than large crowds that have realized that those in power are depriving them of basic human rights and their freedom. People easily realize the truth when the government violates their human rights by enacting laws where the government clearly violates the human rights of the people and their freedom, […]
My Health: Injury has worsened-Blog Post 6

1 This Swedish state harms an individual unnoticed in the same way as when you are eaten by Piranha. Getting bitten by a Piranha, that attack you can survive, but not when you are eaten by 100 Piranhas at the same time. Getting mortal blows from the state in a dozen different ways, one can […]
Must-Read Revelations: My Essential Insights – Blog Post 5

1 What has happened to me, I have not even in my wildest imagination imagined that Sweden is such an evil society. I was not prepared for such evil. I cannot get it in my head that I have been exposed to crime, that I have been injured to 100% disability and that by no […]
Government-Caused Deaths: Our Painful Reality- Blog Post 4

1 My deathbed obedience continues with more and more pain, more and more nerve collapse, more and more tissue death, and more and more mental suffering due to electrical damage. Before I was injured, I experienced the care as something positive. For the most part, they have met me in a respectful and normal way. […]
Islam, Democracy and Freedom-Blog post 3

1 Absolutely unbelievable, nowadays you can see best as an example of what democracy is for something. Once upon a time, Julian Assange was a hero when it suited political opinion and now, he is no longer. No matter what political edge you have been bitten by it does not matter. If it’s left, center, […]
My visit to the emergency room-Blog post 2

1 Everything is connected. They keep talking to me no matter how close to death I am, no matter how bad I feel and no matter what happens. All they do is just to mislead me so that I get confused, while the injuries and the medications I have to take now have had time […]
Story of My Life from the Bosnian War Until Now – Blog Post 1

1 Hi, it’s so I want my voice to be heard, before I die because of the life I live in suffering, living hell and all the misery that has happened to me here in Sweden. My life has absolutely no meaning anymore, it’s just pure raw suffering in a torn body. I come from […]
Berättelse från mitt liv: memoarer och biografi – blogginlägg 21

1 Att börja med så kan jag säga att jag har kommit till min slutskedet i mitt liv för min stund då jag dör har kommit in. Min kropp, min psykiska hälsa, min personliga identitet som individ existerar inte mer. Jag är bara medveten om att jag existerar utan något mänskligt i mig, för svensk […]
Hur psykiatri, pandemier, morgellons, religion och politik beväpnas – mot det civila samhället – blogginlägg 20

World power and rich elite – An Industry of Death 1 Jag tror att jag har insett hela sanningen om världen och jag har insett alla lögner som världens makt och rika eliten använder för att mörda oss vanligt folk med, på den här planet. Det här är det mest viktiga och kanske den sista […]