Everyone on this planet up there in the affluent elite is aware of the genocide that has been going on throughout human history. Everyone from top politicians in all states to every single state institution and to all the people who have media influence on crowds. All of them knew all along about the genocide that has been going on for all time. Even everyone in the film industry knows about the genocide where we ordinary people and our children go to death but even, they keep quiet about the most sadistic execution way where crimes committed by ordinary people cannot even be compared to the horrible electric butcher knives. In many films I see how the main character gives electric shock to each other with Taser power of 500 to a thousand volts and they make it look like something harmless fun that makes us laugh, then they continue with heroic death throughout the film completely unharmed and happy. Look at the old fantasy classic Frankenstein, where he revives the dead body with millions of volts. Why has it been shown all the time back in human history? Therefore, for states have realized the harmful effects of electric current on the human body. The state sees the film industry as a platform where they can get into the subconscious of the entire population and the film industry provides advertising to many billions of industries that the state uses as a mass slaughter tool on its population. Children see how their heroes give each other electric shocks of hundreds or thousands of volts and they are not harmed. Because of such lying and untrue state propaganda advertising everyone who does not know the truth has put it in their subconscious where when they see all the devices on the internet they will believe in the state advertising propaganda, that it is not dangerous and when the latter in life come in contact with any of the all 9 volt appliances, then they will test it to death and due to the conviction of state criminal advertising propaganda, they will be injured to death. The governments of the world are lying because it is genocide. It is the state’s goal to harm to death certain ethnic groups who are the poor, of a different race and ethnicity, or if they are criminals then the police can, through twenty years of torture, trick them into any of the electrical appliances. Information to poor and vulnerable groups is censored so that they never in their lives come to that warning. However, all those in the upper echelons of society know about it. They warn each other and their own children of the electric death, while giving us ordinary people the advertisement of death, which will force us to commit suicide. Even Film actors and film industry literally deceive everyone who watches their Film through the criminal lethal advertising, where they are allegedly not harmed by electric shock of a thousand volts, and thus, they deceive the entire world population right into death. It would have been fitting for them to write at the beginning of the film that all this is a fictional fantasy world and that no one would try to test it at home, because the electric shock device damages the body to death. The electrical appliances are lethal where a single shock of a thousand volts, will drive a human being in a
path without return, where they will commit suicide because of it. We should like our actors’ heroes, because of their actor’s talent where they entertain us and make our everyday life a little more beautiful but some heroes in reality they are not. They are people who lack all morals because they have caused endless millions of ordinary people’s deaths worldwide in the last 100 years. None of the famous personalities with the power of the media have come out in the media and warned of the worst death trap that gives people suffering worse than the one that people have suffered in extermination camps. All superstars dance according to state instructions, and they commit the genocide lie Film propaganda with their own will. For example, they like to show how women who have been sexually abused cry crocodile tears because of their suffering, and it uses the state as a way to access the devils, who usually happen to be men, so that the state can put them in jail. In this way, thanks to the vulnerability of women, states can with the slightest hint put their rotten state teeth in rich families where actors of another race or religion affiliation with their talents have earned their wealth. It is the state that is the source of all evil and rot. It is the rich elite that rules over the lives of ordinary people where they sweep us into the death of the masses. The garbage in Sweden where they hand out the Nobel Prize for humanity’s achievement and well-being where we see the greats dressed in fine gentleman clothes, how they eat fine and wholesome food and where they hand out the peace prize as a reward, they are all a scam that should make us that we see them as greats that we should never question, while neither those who award the prize nor the scientists who have received the prize of peace have ever mentioned a single word about the genocide that has taken place in all times throughout human history. Everything and every greatness we have seen is all a gigantic deception. All of them are false because it is not possible that none of them have ever heard of the electrical appliances being harmful to the human body and that to death. They protect their own children with a warning while keeping their mouths shut so that ordinary people never get to know the truth and therefore, we and our children go straight into death. Greatness does not exist it is we who make the great ones with our blind obedience and loyalty, and they reward us with a smile that they use to lure us into death. Before I got injured, I enjoyed playing the guitar or learning to play the guitar and I played for many years. When I was injured or rather when pain came, the hobby died out. That interest has died forever. When I look at those guitars, I do not feel anything. It does not exist in my head anymore. Before, I trained 5 days a week and after each workout, I ran half an hour on a treadmill. I was full of strength, endurance and I felt great. Now I cannot even train, but I run half an hour and even it is very difficult and sluggish. I can ‘t even do that. Those medications poison me, they make me overweight, and I am constantly tired, but I have to take them due to injuries. They have taken from me my training which was the main interest of my life. For me, it was my lifestyle. When I see women, the first thought that comes to my mind is that I am an invalid disabled cripple who has been mutilated and massacred, and in such a condition I am not fit for any woman. They have turned me into a cripple. I’m not even a man anymore. I look at people and I know that they are all whole and normal while I myself fall apart in so many different ways at the same time. I feel like I’m not even a human being. They have lured me into a trap, where they tricked me into believing that a very special woman wants to be with me and all that just to, I will keep myself isolated with my own will, so that it may happen that has happened to me. Now they have taken my body away from me so I can never be with a woman. The Swedish state has taken all that away from me while they talk shit about some democracy and human rights. Do I have any human rights when I have been deprived of my body? It feels like those injuries have cut not only my body but also my mind. In addition to the damaged body parts torturing my brain to death, so now it is the case that the damaged part of the body tortures me to death physically and mentally in the same way as the police have done for 16 years. Now it is the case that the police torture me with voices in
my head and my own body tortures me to death, both physically and mentally. Now injuries give a suffering effect that is 100 times stronger. They have hurt me in words in such a way that they have first evoked social phobia later PTS, panic attack and nervous breakdown. All this together now at the end has kidnapped my intellect and now I am split where their words along with the suffering that the injuries cause have destroyed and split my personality into two parts where my intellect tortures myself, it feels like that. I have never in my life wanted to do a prank on another human being where you lure a person into a trap to injure that person to death, never. But now after over 20 years of police torture by me and after over 2 years of suffering in the electrical damage now it feels like even my brain has sometimes started to make fun of myself. My intelligence if there is such a thing now in my head? hurting myself now. Half of my soul is dead, and I exist half way in the living world. Do you now understand what’s happening to me? Do you now see how the state kills us ordinary people in the worst possible way? Everyone pretends I do not exist while dying in torment in this world. The state kills us ordinary people then they do not utter a word while we write about the mass murder crime. They pretend we do not exist while we die because of their death trap. We’re supposed to die. Therefore, they have built the system of mass slaughter of the population. Swedish state kills me in front of the eyes of all humanity and they make me invisible. They punish crimes that ordinary people commit while they themselves commit the most sadistic crime that ends in one’s death in the end. States have murdered people in all ages and even now they are killing us. They talk about ECT where people lose memory and claim that it is the only side effect that is a pure state propaganda bullshit lie. States pretend it is nothing serious, while it is death itself. See what has happened to me due to the E-stim 9-volt device. The state engages Authoritarian people who confuse crowds even more like Peter Breggin who only talks about ECT as something that hurts. Everyone knows that this hurts but no one knows that a 9-volt battery kills, and he never mentions it. To me that man is a deceiver who deceives and misleads people into death. He is state advertising propaganda and even the Swedish no to ECT are the same similar fraudsters who may have been recruited directly by the Swedish state. All the psychologists who are employed in psychiatric care are fraudsters who lie and deceive people into death for the service of the state. All those psychiatrists are lying to people right in the eyes. They lie to people about their medicines, where they do not tell the truth to patients about what their medicine is for, just so that they can distribute those drugs to the multibillion-dollar industry’s drug cartels. They have told me that Zyprexa will make me tired so that I think less, while in reality it is the medicine for electrical injuries that psychiatry injures people with through ECT to death. They have told me that it is modern medicine, the latest. The idiot first told me when he was going to prescribe the prescription to me that I should not try to sell that medicine to people on the street. I was amazed at what scum said to me. I said to him, what are you taking me for? The governments of the world have invented various diagnoses of mental illness out of their imagination so that they can expose ordinary people to crime, that they can murder people and that they can lock people in mental hospitals completely legally, while locking people in mental hospitals, are crimes that they commit on us ordinary people, while they publicly call it psychiatric care. They are the source of the genocide that states have created to simply kill people that states choose. As you can see, the state kills us ordinary people of foreign descent through the police, psychiatric care, through general care and all conceivable state institutions. Exactly the same thing they do to ethnic Swedes and also to them they do it in the same way. so, there is nothing we and them. It seems that my name has cut off my head. If you come to Sweden with a Muslim name, then a Muslim is only good as a dead Muslim. Sweden is a fascist state. In Sweden, fascism flourishes and in Sweden, fascism has flourished at all times. I have a terrible pain in my legs that I have never had in my life ever. It feels like I had knives sticking inside my leg muscles. It’s so scary in what damaged condition
my body is in. It scares the life out of me day and night. I’m talking about all the crime I’ve been exposed to for your ordinary people on this planet so that you can understand that states are killing us. They do all that to you and your children. This fate awaits you out there and it awaits your children to lead them to the cemetery if they happen to be tricked into testing any of the various electrical death devices. And by the way, in the end, the fact that I have been injured so badly where I can be counted as one in 6 million shows how much my life is worth and it is worth nothing. As I said, my life has been sacrificed by the Swedish state, after which, it costs no one anything. Give me back my body that you, Swedish state has taken from me. Repair my bond to my country and to my family which you, Swedish state has broken. Once you have fixed that stuff, I will immediately move from your country forever and you will never see me again. It is better for me that I work in my own country for people with the low-paid jobs and with a whole and healthy body, than to die in pain from hell in your fascist country. When I injured myself when I fell into a death trap that you all states have laid out to us ordinary people, so injuries were about an inch in diameter, almost imperceptible. Then it was not such a big problem. Now the injuries have spread all the way down to the knees and it has spread all the way almost up to the breasts around the whole body. So, to survive the day is for me a struggle of life and death. Committing suicide is the only thing I think about now. I can no longer suffer while false humanity lies to ordinary people and paints a picture of justice. The truth is that the state can kill anyone. They put people in prison who have committed crimes. If you do not commit a crime, then they kill you. It’s reality we live in. I do not understand how it is possible that I am murdered while everyone is watching and pretending that what has happened to me is fun. For the most part, we all believe in the media while we are not even aware of the extent to which they are involved in service to the state. They are 100% on the side of the state. They mislead, brainwash, and lie to us so that we remain ignorant of all the ways in which the state kills us and our children. There you have a real journalist Julian Assange who has revealed the truth and seen how bad it has ended for him, and not to mention how it will end for him. He is destroyed by the state in an equally advanced way, just as I have been destroyed myself by the Swedish state. They have scared him to go to that embassy to create his own prison. It was their plan from the beginning. Now all those years of isolation from hell, do not count as served punishment and that was the intention as well. The state has for us all a plan, which is 100 times worse for us, where we ourselves are manipulated by the government in such a way that we have a single choice and that choice is the choice that the government has opened for us as the only possible one, where we lose our freedom, where we will harm our body, our soul, our life, and our future. I too have lived for 13 years of isolation where they have tricked me so that I myself decided to stay in isolation in that prison for 13 years and in the end they have made me that thanks to my blind belief that the state would never hurt ordinary people to death so I was just hurt by the state to death and now they silence me while I die in pain that ordinary people cannot even imagine. I’m an ordinary person, who is worth nothing and who means nothing to anyone and thus, I have no significance for Julian Assange, but I see that he is the only one on the planet who can be called a journalist who reveals the truth. All the other journalists and media that you see and that you have seen, they are all mass murderers who are serving the state. All of them are state propaganda that keeps us unconscious in our ignorance. They frighten us, by using our emotions as a weapon against us. He has revealed that states execute civilians in war zones. All that he has revealed is nothing and it is not even possible to compare with what I have told. States execute us in peacetime through state institutions. General practitioner stops me so I cannot prove that I am injured. As you can see, they are involved in that genocide. They are directly involved in the murder of the population while keeping quiet about it. Here you see that they are directly involved in the murder of orgies with the electrical appliances,
who are so holy that no one on this planet has mentioned them, not even once in the media or anywhere as something harmful to the human body, instead the state protects the genocide. Before, I blindly believed in the state and all state institutions and thus also in healthcare. As soon as I felt bad, I became like a hypochondriac where, with my blind trust in care, I went straight to them to investigate so that I did not get cancer, or any serious illness. That was then, but now I realize that we are in danger of death when we go to the doctor because, as you can see, they are involved in murdering people. They stop us so we cannot sue in court the mass murderers who sell it the death of electrical products. In the media, they write that breast cancer in women has doubled many times and they recommend that women go for mammography every year. Keep in mind that women receive regular radiation doses, which may cause breast cancer. What if regular mammography is also such a killer shortcut as the electrical appliances. It is precisely a system of annihilation for the government to be able to massacre ordinary people legally under the claim of care, but this time it is women who are to be murdered. When they take a picture with an X-ray of a person, they may be able to increase the radiation dose to many times stronger X-ray dose. They have hurt me and now I am dying in the pain of death. When they send me who is injured by electric current to further destruction of my body with electric current and also, they lie to me right in the face that I will not be injured, then they also kill women and only the women that the government has chosen for hid slow killing, euthanizing just as they have chosen me. They murder both immigrants and Swedes. For example, women that the government does not intend to kill, will receive a normal mammography radiation dose while women that the government has chosen to kill, will receive a 20 times higher radiation dose and so this is repeated every year, over and over again and then the woman eventually gets cancer. The magnetic resonance imaging, or CT where they inject contrast into the bloodstream that allows them to see in detail inside the body is an even worse example. If they want, they can inject radioactive substance where cancer occurs later in life, just like the electrical damage in me that has exploded after two years. I’m sure they do this, because I have evidence that the state is already killing us, where I am the best example. They give their helping hand through radiation therapy and cytotoxic drugs for breast cancer. That’s how the state kills us just like me. If the police have investigated a family with such a cancer case where a sister or mother has died of cancer. Now it is much easier for the police to split up and destroy the rest of the family that is left. On the surface the state cares for those children while the same children in some cases take their own lives in the adaptive families and state homes for children without parents. State institution, so-called Social Services, is an additional state extension arm that the state uses to divide and destroy families. Believe me, the state is killing us and our children. Why then would they not kill women too? When the Swedish state puts its mark on a family through the police then there is chaos in the family where all family members behave violently and illogically where everyone is mentally hurt and in such a state parents make hasty devastating decisions where they lose their children forever. They are not aware that Swedish police have changed their habits and behavior. And finally, to come to the reason why I have written this blog are the people in this picture that I have pasted. Here are mass murderers who have led me into the cemetery. These men and women must be the owners of the Sinful company that sells electric death to all of us. I have reported their company Sinful to the police and the police have been lightning fast, with closing down my police report. The police ended quickly, my prosecution against the killers at www.sinful.se. When I have wanted to prove the terrible crime that these people have subjected me to, then the state has phonetically tried to send me on to further destruction to death of my body by electric current at the nerve clinic and the pain clinic, moreover, they lie to me right in the eyes that I will not be harmed because they scan my nerves at low current. Even these mass murderers have sold me the electric death that goes on low
current, and they do not mention anywhere that it damages the body to death. That they continue to sell that death to people without any warning, regardless of whether I’m talking about them for 2 years now shows how arrogant they are. They have the state behind them. They sell it dead to the state. They sell the electric slaughter knives from the age of 18 and with that they have protected themselves from being responsible for murder. If you have turned 18, then they will sell it to you with excluded information of the truth that you will commit suicide with their deadly Trojan horse. You only see their smile; they are not threatening but they look convincing with the peace of mind that you are safe while buying their products. This is what politicians look like, they are fair while in fact they are mass murderers who inherit mass murder systems from the previous political mass murderers, and they never question it. This makes them liars and mythomaniacs. This is what media journalists look like who mislead people into a false sense of security. They brainwash ordinary people all over the planet while never revealing a single word about the mass murder of millions of people where everyone commits suicide due to destroyed body with electric current. This is what cops look like where they radiate a sense of state justice while killing adults and children through words when people sleep, and they will not admit it, I think. In addition, the electric death devices are a tool that is directly involved in their torture with words where it causes damage that makes a whole along with their constant talking to a person while sleeping. It, along with the electrical damage, blows a person to death physically and mentally. This is what Psychiatric care employees look like. They radiate a sense of care where they meet us with a smile and thanks to our vulnerability, we believe in everything they tell us. They lie and lie, and they give drugs to us ordinary people in the service of the state to many billions of industries that produces all these drugs, and they are nothing but government drug cartels. But it is not the worst, they have the guillotine ECT, and it is the basis of the genocide that the world governments through state systems, commit on hundreds of millions of people around the world in the last 100 years. It’s a cat and rat game where states use this ECT as an excuse for the existence of the Taser, and all the 9-volt devices of various kinds. In fact, it is all a mass murder that the state uses to kill certain individuals and entire ethnic groups that the state has chosen to eradicate from society. They punish ordinary people severely for small crimes while they themselves execute people in the most sadistic way and they protect all that with denial and silence. What power does not talk about is what does not exist either. They meet us with a smile, and they trick us with a smile into our death. You can be a big and strong MMA fighter who can chew and spit them out without them being able to defend themselves. With a smile, they disarm us. All the politicians, cops, psychiatric care, media house journalists with smiles and calm voices, these on Sinful and all the like they disarm us with lies and media propaganda just to give us a fatal blow, so we can never ever recover from, and these are all electrical appliances that are never mentioned anywhere. They do not use force and violence to lead one to death. They use smiles to deceive one and put to death with a lie. These people have killed me. They sell it dead to the entire Danish population and to the entire Swedish population, that is, to millions of people. No one stops them and even though they know it kills people, they continue to sell it. They themselves can say that they have used it for years without being harmed. They may even say that they have never tried it and that they would never want to try it. These men and women are mass murderers who murder the population in the service of the Swedish state. I want laws, according to Western values and all equal values between men and women, to apply to all of us in real life. Not like this, where laws do not apply to me. I wish that these men and women, should be electrically stimulated with any of their 9-volt electro-stimulation devices, which means that they should be injured to death so that they can burn alive for the rest of their lives; just like me and millions of others do now. I want to kill these people and I will kill them all sooner or later, if I get power in my hands. I wish they would get it
from an independent assassin source, that they get it dead once in real life and that’s all that is needed. They should get what they sell to us, and it would be -double up to the highest electrical current 30 minutes x 2. It would be an honest harmless Electro stimulation. This is what the mass murderers are selling to us, and this is what those mass murderers deserve, and should get. I would start with the insect, Mathilde Mackowski after such an insect has gone around me when I had surgery. Then it would be the other men’s and women’s turn to get that death in their body in the picture I show here, to be Electro stimulated. There will be no mercy for you, just as there was no mercy for me. All of you, ordinary people on this planet should know that it is better to have your leg amputated, to be stabbed or shot with a weapon under the condition that you have not died from injuries, than to have electric current in your body. I actually have nothing more to say, although the suffering will drive me insane, and I will probably continue to write before I die. I want humanity ordinary people on this planet to realize the truth about what criminal organization states really are. Now you know the truth about the mass murder of us all ordinary people. Now you know about that genocide. Protect you and your children, for the state has no mercy for you or your children.