Islam, Democracy and Freedom-Blog post 3


Absolutely unbelievable, nowadays you can see best as an example of what democracy is for something. Once upon a time, Julian Assange was a hero when it suited political opinion and now, he is no longer. No matter what political edge you have been bitten by it does not matter. If it’s left, center, or right, they only care about us on the surface, while below the surface they use censors to murder us and our children. Politicians use our emotions as a weapon against ourselves. They say some encouraging farting words to us with lots of lies and empty promises and we become completely apart from ourselves of joy, as if we have met our media TV idol, where the admirers behave like hysterical idiots, they lie to us, mislead us, exploit us and then they fool us, when we are no longer needed. When we see that the state, no matter what state on this planet commits massacres of innocent civilians, then everyone reacts with dismay. If nothing else, the state will be criticized in the media. But when a state, regardless of the countries of the world, secretly stamp their war crimes on men, women, and children, then suddenly all the attention is focused on Julian Assange because he has revealed documentaries and videos where there is great evidence of their own crimes. Now suddenly it seems that massacres are not even a crime. But it is a crime to spread evidence of war crimes secretly stamped documents. Then they say we should kill that bastard. Why do I think he has served his sentence in the worst possible way already just like I have here in Sweden, where now at the end there is nothing left of me anymore? Now suddenly people should feel sorry for politicians and the power that has been revealed as if they have been insulted in some way. No one is above the law, nor are you Julian Assange, they say. Of course, it does. It is you politicians who are above the law where you kill ordinary people as it suits you as this country has done to me. He has revealed that the state monitors every single citizen in America. Sweden also monitors every single citizen in its country. The fact that they are monitoring us all is only half the truth. What I have written about in this blog is finished chapter of my life, is the way they monitor an individual with full force. This is how it is to be monitored. In addition to monitoring, they also kill us with words. You can kill with words. They are constantly lying in the media about everything. Half of all the news is the truth and half are pure lies and it is the state itself that lies to its people. Even now I hear about shootings in Stockholm. Criminals do not go on this. Sometimes when they say that there has been a shooting then in one case it is true, in another it is a lie that may not have even happened. As I said it is an advertising propaganda that will stimulate you to be on guard against each other where you should nicely take weapons in your hands and where you should kill each other. I do not carry a weapon even though I am in danger of a lifetime, so you should not do that either. It is the Swedish state that murders people and journalists just keep quiet about it no matter what happens while, they at the same time spread state propaganda where the power fights for all of us against undemocratic values ​​where we live in security and equality and freedom. We should only follow government guidelines so we are safe and if we feel bad, we should seek help where we should go to the overeaters Psychiatric care, where we can get drugs that we will be cured of, though we must take them for the rest of our lives. Sweden has Auschwitz in its country, many billions of industry lethal products and they just keep quiet about it. They want Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden after it is alleged that he has sexually assaulted two Swedish women. First of all, he is not a friend of those women. Friends are those you know for many years while they have gotten to know him as a famous person through the media. The police have acquitted him from allegations of sexual exploitation. Then it was the CIA who wanted him extradited to America, then Sweden wants to resume his case in court so that he is extradited to Sweden for accusations of rape of the two


women, so that they can extradite him to America. On the radio I have listened to it and a man has described that event in such a fantastic way where he calls it an event, his overnight stay with the two women, for a whore house. The radio presenter was lightning fast in taking the Swedish populism propaganda rubbish by saying that in Sweden it is freedom that prevails where it is common for women to give friends a place and a bed to sleep on. What he wants to emphasize and tenacious is that because the listener who has called it with the right word for a whore house, comes from the Middle East, I think it was, so this is civilized behavior here in Sweden, while it is claimed it is not in Muslim world. So he feels sorry for the two women while it is perfectly OK that this country has violated all possible human rights in my case, where I have lost half my body, where I have gone through a psychological torture, from day one when I came to this country. It is a good question if it was not a political trap for him and even though he has made it so that they have been sexually exploited by him, it is a worse crime in the eyes of the state than the crime I have been subjected to where I experience death. anxiety that only the terminally ill experience when they die. They experience it once in their lives while I experience it every day and night, rather around the clock. To be so injured? Such damage you get Swedish power and rich elite, when you go in the shower room in Auschwitz and when you come in contact with a military weapon nerve agent, and you just pretend that this does not even exist in reality while I am going crazy because of damaged nerves and much more than that. My body dies as if I have real cancer that is spreading in my body more and more. Why have those women been in his company at all? How is it that they spent the night together in the same room from the beginning if they did not want anything to do with him. I think it is a crime to sexually exploit someone, but it is not even possible to compare with the crime I have been exposed to, not even to be sexually exploited as a child can be compared to the crime that I and hundreds of millions of other people on this planet, which has been subjected to the genocide electric destruction. It may not be about a hundred million in the world, instead it may be about half a billion worldwide in the last 100 years, injured people to death. Most of them have died because everyone dies if they have the slightest electrical damage. It depends on how many of the all appliances are sold to people on 9-volt electrical voltage. It does not matter what purpose the devices are intended for now if it is about six toys, pain relief or muscle training so in the end it’s just about where on the body you will get fatal injuries that will rot the body and erase the brain through years where you rush towards the cemetery into the grave. I have reported to the police about the worst of the worst crime on this planet but it seems like all of them are preventing me so I cannot even prove that I have been injured and that it can even injure a human while they are hurting, and those medications drain me of my life. I suffer like hell where not even Jesus Christ has suffered this much. But death is sold to people while in the media it is kept quiet. The rulers, the rich elite and all public figures instead of uttering a few words about the mass murder that is going on in front of 7 billion people if that is the right number now so none of them have the slightest hint of morality for them to utter an end word about it the power and the rich elite, genocide and abuse on the entire world population. Instead, they all send some kind of pathetic, subtle, pantomime and gesture signals of their alleged support for human rights to be spread to primitive indigenous society ranging from communist and post-communist states to the Muslim world in the Middle East and even Africa. I talk about my death and at the same time I get blocked by the police, as if I am spreading hatred and threatening lies and as if I have committed a crime against democracy where I violate human rights that do not even exist in this Swedish society. I’m writing about pure truth that’s going on in reality right now. They’re blocking and they’ve been blocking me for 16 years now. I have posted my mobile phone number completely open on my Facebook profile and my blog. But no one has ever sent me at least hate and threatening comment considering what I have written about so far. I have


left my Hotmail completely open, not even there have I received a single message from foreign haters. I have written a blog in my desperation due to the crime I have been exposed to and even there, hardly anyone reads it. Scandal where a person talks about his private life, where you reveal embarrassments about yourself, where you pamper yourself is the most requested topic to read about. People enjoy most seeing someone’s suffering, misfortune, doom, and the end of one’s life. I’m not looking for followers for fun. I’m looking for followers, so I know for sure that my blog is read by people. I am looking for the truth that I have realized about the reality we live in, to come out, so that ordinary people get to know that the state commits crimes against people that they investigate for crimes. They keep me isolated, and they have kept me isolated all the time. It is an extension of their punishment where they press me and where they silence me because in this way, they have done so to me from the first day I came to this land. This Swedish state boasts of human rights. What the fucking human rights, human rights do not exist in this country. They have harmed me mentally and indirectly physically so that I have to admit crime. I did, I confessed my crime 16 years ago and there they did not give me human right to serve my sentence in prison, so I deserve my freedom. I have never been free in my life in this country Sweden. I have been trapped and isolated in inhuman conditions, as if I were not even a human being. All this pales in comparison to what this state has done to me so far. I have no free will. By injuring myself to death, they have made me take this path that I have taken, as it is the most expected choice of me that I can make, under such suffering. If they hurt me to death, I can no longer like this country. I have been grateful to this country like no other but now there is nothing to be grateful for. This country has killed me through the police and psychiatric care. General care is also a question mark because from the day I went into the deadly Estim trap and the day I had surgery; I dive right into the grave. My body dies while I’m still alive and they do not stop the sale of the deadly electric Rubbish death trap. For years, they imprison small criminals while allowing a Sinful sex purchase to commit massacres on the population and why. Therefore, because it is the state that has intended it for individuals that they want to execute and that they simply lead into this electric death. I now see that their goal was never to end the police investigation. The electrical damage that the estim device has caused to my body starts an automatic process of destruction of my body, soul, and psyche over which I have absolutely no control. Because in the beginning I was vulnerable so they have built on my self-confidence so that I will see the light of the future while in fact it was a honey trap that will recruit me to stay alone with my attention locked on a fantasy of light and hope for the future. That time in celibacy isolation has damaged my personality which has led me into the electric death trap that they have laid out for all of us. They have attracted me with their support. They encouraged me and warned me about things that I know are already a danger to me, such as alcohol. They told me all the time that I would end up in court in the end, but they told me” It will not be as you think it will be”. I wondered how it could be in some way that is unknown to me after which according to the state it is about crime and termination in court and if I have confessed to crime and they have not wanted to sentence me to prison then how can it then be on another way then. I now understand that it will not be as I think it will be, after as now I see that they took me in legalized death penalty. The state literally executes people with camouflage discreetly in complete media silence, where the state operates and protects the mass murder tool. Now injuries have rotted my body and psyche. Now there is no light because I have lost my body and I am losing more of my body. Life for me is impossible to live. They say that psychiatric care investigates whether people are a danger to themselves or others? But it is injuries that abuse you around the clock and because of the suffering you eventually go crazy. They make one a danger by injuring people with the electric death trap. It exists to drive people to madness. The more injuries spread in the body, the more you are violent and crazy because it hurts so much in the body that you


want to commit suicide. With all the realization that I’m dying when I hear the disgusting presenters on the radio while I work how they talk around the clock about insignificant nonsense and where they warn of trivial dangers, while I have written about genocide and my ended life, then I realize how they participate in that massacre by misleading people, they brainwash and fool one into ignorance that there is a genocide going on under the surface there it’s just ordinary people who fall for it after they are not aware of it. Like I said, I now see that the goal of the police was never to end the police investigation against me. It’s me they were looking to annihilate, harm where I, because of harm, I now demonize and devalue myself now, while we see the politicians in the media how they boast that they have invented all the human fine democracy freedom and humanism that they would like to spread around the world as the Swedish example of how the world should be. These injuries completely destroy my consciousness and my personal existence from my body. There is a body left that is emptied of soul, I am just a wound that burns alive, I am now a dead that wanders among all living people. I should not even exist with such injuries. This should not be possible anyway, that’s my reality. The all electrically deadly devices are the greatest secret in human history protected by the state as the foremost and most important weapon on the planet that enables the state to totally wipe out a human being mentally, where they change a person from normal to a disabled one where they destroy one’s body and at the same time they change the damaged part of one’s body into a factory that produces obedience from hell that destroys a consciousness from this body and the reality we live in. My consciousness hovers between life and death around the clock without interruption, it does not subside even for a second. If a human falls into the deadly Estim trap of being an artist, musician no matter what, that talent will be wiped out with the damages including one’s personality and all human qualities. You cease to be a human being. You can never engage in this art again, but instead you want to scream in pain straight out. Society does not even allow you to prove that you have been harmed by this and they do not allow it to be classified as a crime so that it becomes impossible for ordinary people to take it to court, or that it can harm even a human being at all. The state protects it so that they can destroy even more people that they have chosen for some reason just as they know. They are not looking to solve crimes; they are looking to harm the person they are investigating for crime. Every step that power takes is well thought out. For each step they take, they create several different shortcuts for themselves where they can withdraw from all responsibility as if they have nothing to do with it. I read somewhere that healthcare through brain scans can see if a person is a psychopath or not even if that person has not exhibited psychopathic traits and they claim that it is scientific research. I think it is another path that the state has added to its arsenal of various tools where they can attack and diminish ordinary people through their extension arm, psychiatric care where they can demonize and call us mentally inadequate psychopaths if we say something against them, while every step the state takes is fair, just, and flawless. To me, psychopaths are the ones who inflict injuries and suffering on people, and no one has ever mentioned that the state can commit psychopathic crimes. I think that state psychopathy can rightly be called Fascism and crimes against humanity. All the state propaganda in the media about human rights, all equal value, all the nice and beautiful words that they know we want to hear about, all this fraud I have gone on, just as the majority of Swedes and immigrants have done. I have voted and have also recruited my child to vote on the left wing. I’m not saying that our two voices are important, they do just as well without us, but check out how they while talking about fairy tale world where there is harmony with all equal values, where everyone is protected so that their lives do not end badly while hurting people to death in a black denial silence. When it comes to the crime ECT and electrical stimulation of 9 volts where you spread it to the population, where you commit the crime while at the same time keeping quiet about it, so your actions are equivalent to war crimes


and any of the decision makers responsible for this fraud with a fatal outcome is legal should be convicted in a tribunal in The Hague, because it is such a serious crime. It is said that Sweden Democrats are a fascist party. I think all of you from left to right are fascist parties when it comes to my case. I understand that now. I have not carried a weapon and I have not shot anyone. Some have died and been killed, while I came out of death alive from this war in the former Yugoslavia. It is perhaps because of this that the Swedish police have punished me with the death penalty to prove to me that even the same fate has befallen me here in Sweden and in peacetime. Or is it that it will be a beautiful and sweet music of contentment in the ears of the superpower. Sweden automatically becomes a country of example of how Sweden treats a Muslim from Bosnia up to 100 times worse than it has been treated in the war in Bosnia itself, given that I have received more human rights in Keraterm than I have ever had Here in Sweden. I went through war in the former Yugoslavia without firing a single shot at another human being. I was so unlucky that I was a bit in all sorts of different places where you want to avoid being. The Swedish state has known this from the first day I came to this country, so it can be problematic as for Sweden, no matter what I am deep down as an individual, it is my name that has condemned me to my downfall. For you, I am a simple Muslim from Bosnia and to allow it to end well for me can be problematic as it then becomes an advertisement for immigrants to come to Sweden for a better life. Sweden has sent, once upon a time Jews and others back where they came from into mass graves, so I think they must have had Nazi agents in Sweden who monitored it all. I was at war, and I was just a spectator, keeping quiet and just watching, because I could not do anything else, then to save my own life with silence and hope that I will come out of it alive. I know how it goes in war. I doubt that in World War II they have apologized to the refugees we are sorry, but we cannot receive you, but they may have executed some of the women men and children to impress the Nazis so that they show their loyalty to Nazi Germany. I have nothing against Germany and the German people just as I have nothing against the Serbian people, I want peace with them and all the other peoples on this planet. I come from a Muslim family, and it is natural that I love the Muslim world that I see as my own. I love all people regardless of race and religion it may be because I am an Atheist and instead of seeing the religious boundaries, they do not exist for me, but it is so obvious that we are still judged by what we are called by first name. In the end, Sweden sees a Muslim in me who does not deserve to live, and they do not care about what I think and what I want. Therefore, they want to be neutral in the sense that since they have almost killed me, they now prove that on one side, they want Julian Assange extradited to Sweden where they in turn want to extradite him to America and there have, they bought their support from their ally NATO country America. On the other hand, they have harmed me to extinction and annihilation to death, where in my suffering not only have, but I also suffered badly in the Yugoslav war, they have committed against me such an epic gigantic crime where they calm the Russian destruction torch, which burns a thousand times brighter than the Second World War Nazi torch. All the terrible things that have happened to me here in Sweden are just a foretaste of what will happen to all people who carry a Muslim name if war breaks out. Under the surface, they treat immigrants with Muslim names in the same way as me. Had I not been a Muslim this would never have happened to me in this way. Had I been Russian then Sweden would never in its wildest imagination have dared to do such a thing where they violate all conceivable human rights towards me. If I had been a Russian, in that case they would have condemned me 16 years ago according to human rights. If you are shocked by what I have written about then you should ask yourself instead what kind of crime is it that the state commits on us ordinary people through the overeating psychiatric care because that is where it starts and has started with the ECT and then on with all the dozens of different electrical appliances. I would never in my wildest imagination talk like this if it were not for the realization that


I see that I will die from this, and this is such a serious crime that you die around the clock. It is the state that abuses its people and I think it’s time for someone to tell the truth so that everyone knows how the state with lies misleads people into the grave and they go on night after night without ever stopping while at the same time not wanting to judge one. Everything I have said is true. Whether you like it or not, that’s the way they handle crime. They use technology surveillance equipment and come unnoticed in our dreams where the way is open for them to access our most intimate secrets. It seems that with that technology, they can reach us no matter where we are on this planet, and it seems that it goes through walls just like when the US Embassy staff who have been injured by mysterious sounds where they belong it and sees no source for that sound. I have read about a woman who has described that her daughter has had some problems with the law where she has committed minor crimes, where she ended up a bit in drug abuse and in the end, she hears disturbing noise that no one else hears. Believing in the state and psychiatric care, she voluntarily went to a closed care psychiatric clinic where one morning they found her dead in poisoning. Even in her case, it may be technology that is the cause, just as in the case of injured US embassy employees. In her case, there is crime involved and then she hears disturbing noise and voices. This is what I say the police kill people with technology where they disrupt our sleep. There is nothing honest and fair in either the police, the state or in psychiatric care. The image they serve us in the media is the fairytale world that they want us to see and believe in. This is the true reality beneath the surface that they are not talking about. They get to know everything about us where they use all government agencies to crack and crush us, such as me personally. This state boasts that they are so human that they do not even allow animals to be subjected to obedience when they are slaughtered while at the same time, they have led me into their deadly harmful trap electrical stimulation I have been slaughtered by, where I scream now in my despair and obedience. Every single person who has always gone into this trap electrical stimulation with 9-volts or far superior worse ECT 700-volts, they have all been driven by the terrible pain that one cannot even explain in words to commit an extreme act just like I now where I write and pronounce words that I had never wanted to pronounce before. All of them are met by the state and the media with total silence because this is the trap of state death and all the media that brag about Swedish humanism just keep quiet, not a word about this. I do not know what has happened to those people because the powers of the world keep us isolated from each other through the media that does not say a word about it and through the Google search engine that censors the truth for all of us, it does not come out, but what comes out is just advertising on the deadly products but no truth. Google decides what may be seen so that anyone who has been harmed by this and who wants to share that information with other ordinary people is blocked in every way possible by Google and the whole state, where their testimonies in blogs become invisible to other people so they can never find each other. That way ordinary people can never share that experience with each other and because of this reason, crime becomes invisible to people forever. There you see what democracy is for something where we all have the right to know the truth. On the news I have read about where they say that everyone who writes a blog is also responsible for what they write about but not a single word about this electrical many billions of industries, where they lure us into death and then they keep quiet no matter what happens while I have reported it, they prevent me from proving the crime I have been the victim of. I write all that and everyone pretends I do not even exist. Now I understand why they’ve been driving me crazy for 16 years now. It was because I was going to hit someone in the face so that they have a good reason to lock me in jail or even worse in a mental hospital and there they end a criminal investigation where a Muslim from Bosnia is involved. Throughout my life, I have heard of people who have had some end to their lives because of the state where they have been injured to near death in one way


or another due to various state reprisals and state abuses. I was healthy and completely unharmed then and I thought that something like this will never happen to me as I am not out to hurt people. Besides, I’m not even a criminal. My only mole was that I should be law-abiding and that I should be happy and have a life like all ordinary people, no exaggerated dreams. The people and their ruined lives in my eyes looked like something terrible. It only aroused anxiety for me where I do not want to believe that such abuse is possible while states pretend to be justice. Now I realize that the Swedish state has done the same thing to me, while they pretend to be the ones who punish criminals, people who commit crimes while their state actions lead people into death. This time it is not about a complete stranger unknown to me that it is about, but this time it is I myself who have had a life ended because it is the question of how long I can live with these injuries from death. Now for all of you who read the words I am writing now. Am I the person who has been massacred by the state? and you are the spectators who witness the state abuse of an individual and that individual is me. It is you, who are healthy, whole in body and unharmed, where you cannot even imagine the obedience that I go through around the clock. I guess you, just like me once upon a time, just want to forget this as something completely impossible and that it can happen right now, so it cannot be true. But that is exactly true, and it is going on in reality under state permission and total media silence. All states are the same where they use propaganda and where they have built an image full of prejudice against someone who has mental health problems. Everyone gets the impression that the patient comes to events from his fantasy while the psychiatric care providers always tell the truth. Who is committing the crime now? Is it me who speaks the truth about my ended life or is it the power that speaks the truth by keeping quiet about the fraud in the multi-billion dollar industry of the deadly electrical appliances that when you have come in contact with once you have received a one-way ticket to a another multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company that does not help people to recover but they stun one and gives a lethal excess that one cannot get rid of as long as one takes the junk medicine. They have done “science fiction” of the human psyche where they claim that it is so complicated that they are fighting for life in the best interests of humanity to get medicines that will help people who feel bad while they have tailored their medicine Lyrica which goes perfectly in an interplay with the damage that one gets from the electrical appliances at a single time directly. They silence a person who is injured by this and there you see how the police and the state use all this to lead a person to death and madness. The only thing we can do as ordinary people is to tell each other so that state lying scams are exposed. Recovering is really very easy. Fix the problem that is consuming you. Feelings of guilt, fear and shame that are even worst of all, are the worst that can kill one and that can drive one completely crazy. Stop using alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, so that the brain can recover, and the last thing is, walk or run, run and you will be cured both physically and mentally. It is not more complicated than that. Everything I have written should open your eyes, to what awaits you and what you will receive from psychiatric care and the allegedly just state, if you put all your trust in them to cure you. They are the state, and they make money to give us all the alleged care, the medicines and finally, if it does not help you because of the secret that you keep quiet about and that eats you from within, then they have the final help, which is death itself and which is called for ECT and when you have received this, then your life is over. Cognitive therapy is a cure. Talking to a psychologist will not help you except when you have admitted your mistakes that you have made in your life and when you have fixed the problem and when you have freed yourself from that guilt then you will recover. You never become who you once were, but it is still far more the right way to go than to take the junk medicines that pharmaceutical companies have tailored to the state, to destroy people to death. The police take you away from the social environment so that you become isolated just as they have done to me if there are crimes involved in your life. They do


this to everyone without us being aware of it because they can come completely unnoticed while their words are put as subconscious suggestions thought that can stimulate people in the direction they want. They can lead a person’s dreams in a direction where that person dreams about what they are talking to him for example about money, sex, power glory celebrity and so on. It is this way; they lure people forward and they lure people into the trap and people blame everything on themselves as they think they have only dreamed about it in case they come unnoticed in people’s dreams. Of course you can do all this without them and even that happens but they have the power to lead one even further to hell, just like they have done to me although I can never prove it but I can prove the damage and it is that’s why I’m talking about all this now. When they are conducting their police investigation and when they have hit an area in your life, it does not matter because after that you fall apart in all areas and all the human qualities. I forgot to say before I started writing about all this, I have had Seroquel from psychiatric care, so I had to go to them to get a prescription for this rubbish which is necessary for me to be able to sleep at all due to the injuries that I got at once by the Electro Stimulation Apparatus from Sinful. So, I have moved that prescription from psychiatric care to my general care, regular doctors because I have realized that psychiatric care is a scam and fraud. They are not even doctors and any care, but they are medicine dealers for big drug companies state drug cartels and nothing else. They are almost like the police because mental illness is directly linked to severe traumatic experiences such as crime, for example, although this does not apply to everyone, of course, and psychiatric care is a madhouse and nothing else. We all believe in those because of the state who have convinced us to believe in them, through constant media propaganda bombings and media state lies, until one day we realize the truth when they have hurt us to death and there is enough evidence for us that they do not speak the truth and that the whole system is a gigantic advertising propaganda and fraud of power, where in the end it is all about money and nothing else. That I am writing now means that I have stopped taking the lobotomy rubbish Lyrica so that my thoughts can be cleared a little so that I can think reasonably clearly and normally but I feel that they hurt me mentally and that I disappear as a person. After a time without Lyrica, anxiety becomes unbearable so then I have to take Lyrica again where the pain does not subside but it numbs my psyche so I am almost unaware that I am dying in pain and then I cannot think of a single word where I is simply drugged and lobotomized. After a time with Lyrica, my life becomes unbearable due to just Lyrica after which then comes the feeling of unreality with death anxiety where I die, and my psyche disappears and then I have to stop taking Lyrica so that I come back into reality again. I am in such a state where I cannot stay anywhere but I float back and forth between life and death. All this gives the state to us as its state commitment and care towards us citizens. It’s easy to make fun of me because anyone can do that to me. They just need to take my luggage from my life, but that’s not it. It is about my life is extinguished. It is not enough that this country has made me a Clown, they have massacred my body. I feel good mentally as I have no reason to feel bad mentally, but I feel terrible mentally ill, due to injuries that produce mental suffering around the clock. Think of the pleasure it gives to a xenophobic racist, the possibility that he can get into people’s dreams and the knowledge that he has stolen 16 years of my life where, in addition, I have fallen into the same state death trap that the same state has laid out to all of us. I am aware that they destroy us while they are investigating us, but I am 100% sure that they have made disturbing noise even to my child when he was little, which caused concentration difficulties which in turn was a brake in my son’s development and schooling. I’m almost sure they whisper to him unnoticed even now and there’s nothing I can do to save him. They can drive a child into suicide in a few days or they can last for over 20 years where they corrupt the boys’ minds with foreign opinions that the boys experience as their own. That is the reality we live in. I can tell you who are under police


investigation and even worse hear voices disturbing noise or whatever now it may be. If you have suffered in your life so the Swedish system in the media will automatically call you a victim but, beneath the surface all the obedient will the Police will use against you to destroy you and crush you until there is nothing left of you at the end. So, they have done to me, and they continue to destroy me further. I guess that they’re out for me to die. That you have suffered in your life does not matter to them. The suffering they will use against you by misleading you with the alleged support of their side towards you, they will fool you into false security and they are looking to drag you into the trap of death which is one of the all different 9-volt devices for it is the end of your life. They’re out to kill you just like they did to me. But since I have said this and if you have read my words then you have much greater happiness and luck than I have had. I’ll give you a warning that will save your life. Unlike your case, no one has warned me of the death trap and the truth was well censored for me. I have saved you at least from the worst of the worst crimes in human history that no one utters a single word about. They are police parasites that affect your judgment when you make everyday decisions where they bite a little at a time everywhere and they slowly take over your life from you where they always have one last word that should always make you doubt your decisions and on yourself. No one wants anyone’s opinion on how it should be, but they force their opinion into your mental psyche so that you start to doubt yourself. And, then you slowly start to get questioned all the time. Because of this, your self-esteem and self-confidence are damaged for life. Add to this that through such intruders they even make you angry. It’s their next system of annihilation of your soul and personality after which now you’re a neurosis nerve wreck who’s damn angry and it’s harmful. Outwardly on the surface you have no reason to be angry while you are angry under the surface because of those. It is not your surroundings that have made you pissed off and angry, but it’s voices that have made you like that. It sounds very crazy when you think about it, but it is the power that the police have towards us ordinary people through the damn fucking technology surveillance equipment and if you were to start now pulling this anger through verbal conflict on someone else you will appear and behave like a maniac and you know it’s so. It’s even worse if you drag that anger over your own child then your bond to your family will be damaged. Therefore, I have always had it clear to me who is it that makes me angry, and I have always been kind to my surroundings and especially to my child because I know they want to crush everything I have including my bond to my child. They evoke hatred against them, and it is a well-proven method so that you should hate them while you do not even know what they look like. They reach you; they can shit on you if they want in your dreams while you yourself are completely helpless. This is what my life looks like. You can only imagine how much I hate them with this electrical damage from hell. I think about them all the time and I hate them like no other. Everything is OK if you are not injured but when you get injured by the 9-volt stimulation device death trap it is only then their words go into perfect interplay in the destruction of your soul and that is when the state death trap is completed. They want to kill you and they kill with words and if you think the state would not do that, we can see that as soon as war breaks out, children will also have their heads cut off. Sweden does not want to do it openly but in words they have the power to lead, and they lead our children for petty crimes, or for no reason at all, where it may be because they have such names or that they are just our children. They can lead them into decay where they cause anxiety and our children become anxious where they in turn give themselves up in their social environment, for example their partner or family, and in this way, they isolate themselves in exactly the same way. as they have done to me. They can get them to commit crimes and make wrong decisions. Children will blame everything on themselves as it comes out of their minds, and they will think that it is they themselves who have made mistakes. Their lives are ruined while the children of the police or any of the devoted and wealthy elite sleep peacefully in


safety while our especially our immigrant children with Muslim names end up in hell. There is no place for us in this country, I see it now.