Do you know why the police use violence completely unprovoked? They provoke people so that they have the right to intervene by force. It’s not about violence where they beat people with batons and it’s not about police harassment. It’s about what no one says a word about. It’s about Taser. When they have shot a person with Taser, then they have executed the death penalty on that person, and they know it’s exactly that. Everyone reacts to the murder of George Floyd, where they are seen executing him in such an obvious way, while no one reacts to people being shocked by electric current, Taser. For more than 12 seconds he has shocked that guy and now I know how many seconds it takes for electric current to cause fatal injuries with the Electric Shock Taser. Every single one who has been shot by the police with Taser is dying in agony. Everyone loses the body, soul, his life, his workplace due to being handicapped over time and eventually paralyzed due to complete death of all nerves in the body and body collapse where the body collapses in pain and madness. Every single one who dies due to electrical damage is pissed off to anger bordered on insanity. Imagine a man who has had his whole family murdered. It’s the kind of anger I’m talking about. Electrical damage always leads the injured person to death. What the police do against the black population but also against whites and all other races, with excessive violence is just about having a possible opportunity to harm people with electric current and after that, electric damage by its nature is, time-determined ongoing death that ends even in physical death or confinement in prison or mental hospital due to electrical injury, before one has died physically due to suffering in agony. Government through the police transforms minority ethnic groups, all other groups, and white ordinary people, with Taser into mentally ill masses, where people in their deathbed suffering can no longer be normal ever again. So provoked by bodily harm, people make mistakes much more easily and that is the intention of the government, because that is why the government has introduced the deadly electric destruction as something completely harmless, precisely so that people can be legally murdered by governments around the world, not just in America. Then the police can shoot them with a pistol bullet in the end. If they try to prove their injuries, then they will be blocked by the police, by the health service, both the public health service and the psychiatric health service, by the media and the entire other state system. If they try to prove their injuries through healthcare, then they will only be further injured and healthcare will only lie that they see no injuries, while they have been injured again through Electro Neurography EMG on nerve and pain clinic. The police do not just shoot blacks. The police also shoot whites, Latinos, Asians, criminals, and law-abiding people where police provoke a person just so that they will have the opportunity to shoot a person with a Taser. When they do not get the opportunity to harm one with Taser, then the state has put out Trojans of all the other 9-volt neurotoxin electrical devices with alleged all possible uses, just so that people will be tricked into testing it once and it is everything needed to die in the end, one way or another. Anyone who gets injured by Taser, ECT or the all infinite 9-volt alleged electrical stimulation devices and even with less current, will have their nerves die after a few years throughout their body. After a year when the deathbed pain comes, then at the same time there is a nervous breakdown, where one’s personality one’s soul ceases to exist. Then you become half-alive mentally broken and driven to the brink of life and death, on the verge of madness. You are tortured by injuries to insanity and that is when you start talking about the suffering of death in agony. All the suffering has been
provoked by the state hand police. When one is so injured and destroyed, it is no longer possible to function normally due to the constant pain, discomfort, and lost sensation in the body. The only choice you have is to look for your pain relief and that is what you look for in general care. There you get help from the state and a referral to a nerve clinic or pain clinic if you have started looking for medication for pain depending on how you start applying for care and depending on the mental condition you are in. The state has built it in such a way that you should have a choice so that you constantly have the false image where you are convinced that you are receiving medical care. It’s just an illusion. If you go on the state fraud, electro Neurography EMG then the injured person will be injured for a second time and then you will only get closer to the grave where even your time as a living has completely ticked out. Ask this man and woman if they have lost sensation in the body in the area where they have been shot with Taser. They have lost sensation due to damaged burnt nerves and this is only the beginning of the end of their lives. For those hell have just begun. Sooner or later when pain comes after a year then they will seek care due to pain in general care. General care will send them to psychiatric care where they will receive medication to be able to sleep which is in fact pain relief for electrical injuries to which the state has subjected them. It is Seroquel and Ziprexa that they will get as pain relief. They are sentenced to death, and they will die due to the Taser electric shock for 12 seconds. The police officer who murdered George Floyd deserves to be shot with Taser for 12 seconds and he cannot get a worse punishment than this. Imprisonment is not a punishment if you compare it to the injuries that Taser causes to the body. If he had been shot with Taser, then they might as well release him, given that getting electric damage due to Taser means the death penalty and it is the secret that power and the rich elite keep quiet, so that ordinary people never get to know this. Do not go on the media propaganda, where some police officers symbolically, kneel in some alleged fantasy support for people. It is Stockholm syndrome that you have in your mental senses towards police uniforms that represents authority, and it is the brainwashing that power and the rich elite have over people’s mental senses through the lifelong media propaganda brainwashing. They deserve to be spit in the face because they are all murderers. They kneel because they may have realized that they are not gods and that crowds can be life-threatening for them and their families. They look at protesters as at clay pigeons that they hunt, how it suits them and now Clay pigeons have become potentially dangerous to them. They are murderers and they have murdered many people through their work as police officers with Taser. They are kneeling now but the very next day they will injure someone to death with Taser. The man they shoot is dead in advance. Politicians claim that they are fighting for us ordinary people. Left-wing politicians and right-wing politicians use their typical propaganda to convince their supporters that they are allegedly fighting for the good of the people. But they are all lying to us right in our eyes. This is the secret that no one sees until it is too late. States have always murdered people on purpose throughout human history. They murder guilty and innocent. It does not matter if you like them if you adore them or if you strictly adhere to laws. If the state, through the police, has you in sight, then there is nothing you can do to be able to save your life there. They murder adults and young people, men, and women, even children. All existing world politicians together and in the same way, participate in it crimes against humanity murder by electric current. There is no one you can say he is not involved in that genocide. It’s so incredibly difficult to understand that it can be true, but it’s exactly true. Politicians around the world appear in the media and condemn the assassination of George Floyd. Politicians say, we see racism. We condemn the actions of the police. We have no words for this murder. We need to do more to recognize such racist acts. Ooooooouuuuuuu. But they do not say a word that the police are killing people with Taser. They do not say a word that all the different electric Trojans exist only to inflict fatal injuries on people. It is
not about racism, and it has never been just about racism. Politicians have deliberately accepted the killing of people by electric current. Politicians, no matter what party they belong to, have historically murdered people by tricking people with the electric Trojans. Some of the politicians who are classified in the allegedly left-wing humane political wing blame it on racism, but that is not true. They use the word racism as a weapon against the entire population of the world, by using it as an escape where they mislead people by creating psychological conflict between different races, so that they can separate people from each other and in this way, they create conflict between the different groups, in order to different ethnic groups should hate each other and it ends in street riots and even murders. In this way, they direct the anger of the people and the weapons of the people against each other, while the power and the rich elite live their lives in security with their children and that only because of media censorship and the eternal media silence so that we ordinary people on this planet should never realize that it is not about the left political edge , about the center or about the right political edge, where they all post that they are fighting for their voters who have voted for them. That’s what they want us to believe. Instead, what they are hiding is that together they are killing us all ordinary people on this planet completely legally through the whole state system, where the word democracy in real life is a lie, so that we ordinary people have our eternal trust in politicians, where the word freedom is a lie, to deceive us ordinary people in a false sense of security, so that they retain our obedience, while they kill us and our children, where the word human rights is the foremost deception that has never existed in the history of mankind. The word human rights deceive us ordinary people from realizing that it is only about the power of the world and the rich elite who stand on one side together united against us ordinary people, where they kill us ordinary people and our children through state systems. If they kill us, how can there be any human rights? The purpose of the media propaganda is that people should never realize what I have realized and that is that they all assassinate us ordinary people and our children, completely legally. States deliberately kill people legally and they hide it by lying to people where they promise one thing and in reality, they do another thing where they kill people. Racism exists and people are murdered because of racism, xenophobia because of religions and so on. But it’s not just racism. Power and the rich elite explain murders that police commit on blacks as racism, but they also murder whites and then it is not racism. In fact, it is about power and the rich elite who murder ordinary people. Racism in America is about the same as hunting clay pigeons. They hunt people for fun. They also murder whites. I saw a program about life in an American prison, where a black woman has insulted the American flag and she has said that to a younger white girl. The white girl has fallen into ecstasy in trance in front of cameras. She criticized the black woman as hell and the black woman has apologized before the white woman has started talking in front of the TV camera. So, there we have it. The white girl is totally brainwashed by the American television media propaganda that mixes it even in our brains here in Sweden and all over the planet. But I understand her for media propaganda is powerful and deadly. I have been manipulated and deceived, but no more. The white woman is locked up in the prison like an animal and she wants all the American people to see her patriotism while that country harms her with long prison sentences for a useless crime while the state kills people with electric nerve agent and it is not even a crime. The state kills her, and the state has power over her mind through media propaganda, since her birth and until her imprisonment. I can tell you white woman that you should pee on that flag, and you should pee on the patriotism that takes your life because it is the evil that will keep you on the floor. We all ordinary people look at state authority as if they be our good. Some states have state systems such as government authority, some have religion, flag and so on. In fact, we should all shit on our authority. It is politicians who manipulate us in such a way. As you can see, not only are they stealing money from the state coffers, but they are also killing
us. It is not about racism and police violence. It is about the power and rich elite that we ordinary people have against us. They have entire state systems as their weapon against us, while we have nothing for us to be able to defend ourselves against them. Therefore, we ordinary people should talk to each other, and we should listen to what we have to say. Do not go for politicians who talk beautifully and nicely because they withhold information about genocide committed on us and our children. Do not hug police officers because they are murderers, and they exercise power over us and our children for the state.