Elektronischen Akupunktur-Stift – APunktur.de
This is another Trojan horse that is hidden under the importance of care through acupuncture, which in turn is a fantasy drawn directly from the human intelligence imagination to come up with a way to kill a person in the service of government and at the same time make money from that murder. But in this case, it is many times more evil because it takes the lives of people. This electric acupuncture pen will cause damage to every place on the body you press it. If you stimulate the face, then you should get nerves that die more and more. After a year, you will have pain in the skin and a lost feeling that never stops but only gets worse. Here in advertising, the test persons put the pen a little
everywhere on the body. These are suggestive advertising guidelines for people where they point out where to stimulate or rather amputate the body so that people injure themselves everywhere on the body. After the damage that the pen will cause to the body, those who are exposed to that deception will go through the same hellish ongoing death process, which I have gone through so far. If you test it or if your child tests the electric acupuncture pen, then I guarantee you that your child will commit suicide due to the suffering and also may die due to the electrical damage. This death trojan horse electric acupuncture is interpreted by all the world’s existing governments as a death trap that will end in people’s guaranteed death. It will turn people into a slave who relies on pain relief Seroquel and Zyprexa, just so people can sleep through the night. Seroquel and Zyprexa will cause obesity out of control which in turn will cause diabetes, stroke, blood cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, knocked out metabolism due to obesity and so on. Due to the delayed illnesses that come later in life, you will have to take medication for high blood pressure, medication for diabetes, medication for disturbed metabolism. All medications damage the kidneys, so you will have to take medication for kidney damage. You will eventually have to amputate body parts due to diabetes. Transplant a kidney by a donor, due to all the medication that has damaged one’s own kidneys. In addition, even with all the injuries, you must continue to medicate with Seroquel, as it is the only thing that can give a pain relief overnight and an opportunity to fall asleep at least by force. Even if you have diabetes, you must continue to take Seroquel or Zyprexa as pain relief, which in fact will further damage the body. Here you see that the electric acupuncture pen, or any of the other 9-volt devices, is a source that causes a total body to decay. The problem is that it causes mental suffering and mental illness at the same time, including with all conceivable different diagnoses of mental disorders and illnesses. In the beginning, you go to psychiatric care due to problems in your life and they give it Zyprexa or Seroquel as care for anxiety. Of the medications literally, one gets the same body transformation that pregnant women get. The body’s transformation happens in 8 or 9 months. From small to overweight in a year and it does not stay there but continues. It is a spiral that leads one into the grave and it is classified as death caused due to disease diabetes. Therefore, it will not end up in any statistics that could enlighten people and get people’s attention focused on the fact that in society there is a danger to their and their children’s lives. Instead, people will become completely unaware that they and their children are walking on minefields that states have outsourced to all of us. People will become passive with the guard lowered, as people have always been. It is states that made it so, by lying to us ordinary people. They are powerful because they use the media and censorship to trick us into believing that we live our lives in safety. They use people’s curiosity; body needs just as they use our emotions as a weapon against ourselves. It’s all about tricking us into falling into the death trap ourselves without returning and then they blame us for being adults and thus we are responsible for that decision. They have by law allowed the deadly devices to be manufactured and sold to people as something completely harmless, but they have ruled out telling the truth or any warning of what damage will occur if you have received that current through your body. This is a crime, but it is not a crime when the state kills and tricks one into death. It should be said that it is our own fault that we are dying, due to a product that is protected from exposure in the media by the media censor and eternal silence. We must accept and reconcile that we will die, because it is said to be just an accident. There are other things that are dangerous where people have been hurt by. The state, through healthcare, saves lives. Take, for example, Swine flu vaccine. The intention was to save people’s lives, but even there were cases where people got narcolepsy because of that vaccine. It is the same with the stimulation devices. There is nothing to talk about. It is not alleged crime. The state allegedly saves lives on people through Psychiatric care through ECT. The intention is to bring life to the allegedly terrible disease Depression, in which people commit suicide for no reason.
Claiming that some are injured, and some helped by ECT is an acceptable 100% government lie calculation by the state on human life loss. But swine flu vaccine and electric current in the human body are not the same thing. Swine flu vaccine is said to save lives, while ECT is based on pure lies. ECT is execution directly on the spot and it is such an obvious crime. There is only talk of ECT, due to the emphasis on care. It is a valid reason for the existence of ECT that should not be questioned by people. If it is legal to give ECT of 450 to 700 volts that is allegedly harmless care to people, including women with postpartum depression, then 9-volt devices are no danger to human health. But since the treatment with electrical stimulation of 700 volts is also given to children into their brains during development, then the devices of 9 volts are nothing to complain about. In my case, I have been injured by a device that is supposed to be a sex toy, and therefore it has nothing to do with emphasis on care. When I have the police report the crime then the police should warn people and stop the sale so that more people are not harmed like me. Instead of stopping that sale, they have stopped me by treating me as if I were stupid in my head, so that I will not be able to take it to court. They want me to expose myself to further electrical current review at the nerve clinic where they will scan my nerve damage at the same low current as with the device that I was injured by. The consequences of this body’s decay that I have received from 9-volts and the great extent and severity of the damage, just show me that it is a weapon that will make people’s lives end in one way or another. It is murder, a pure execution in a legal way by the world’s civilian population. I have contacted many different media over the phone, and they are careful not to utter words that 9-volt electrical stimulation causes nerves to die. They just tell me, we’re sorry but we cannot help you with this. Electro-stimulation devices 9-volts kill and are crimes about which not a word is said. That there is a crime on top that the electrical appliances have caused me, it does not say anywhere. Now you understand that states kill us ordinary people through the electrical stimulation devices and medicines that are tailored to the state that will relieve the pain that states have caused us. You should know that the monkeys up there in the power and rich elite commit and have committed together at all times a disinformation war against the population through media, radio, TV, news, internet and entertainment, just to be able to murder ordinary people, without it even comes to court, legally. Instead of justly judging people that the state investigates through the police for their crimes committed, the state executes the death penalty on them, by using whole state systems to convince and trick people into the deadly electrical appliances that states do not even classify as crimes. All of them together boast about humanism, humanity about women’s and children’s rights. It is the only thing we see and hear over all the different media sources where we hear nothing but about how women have become young and children abused, insulted, harassed. They want us to follow them, to idolize them as something higher, as if they were not human. That we should look up to them and their moral values, as guidance and guideline that we should follow. And all this just so that we do not realize that the state with the rich layer that is above us, hides from us the truth that the state lays out to us ordinary people endless life-threatening death traps that drag ordinary people all the way into the grave where one becomes beyond all salvation. You die around the clock. You cannot live life. Everything you feel is a deathbed suffering in agony around the clock, because you die physically and mentally. If you use the electric pen, then I guarantee you that your life is over, and you will die a protracted death process in the suffering of hell in agony.